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Cowboy Edition EBook

Page 88

by Maree, Kay

  Taking the safer option, I kissed the top of her head and she went rigid.

  “Mmmm, that smells so good.” I watched entranced as she brought the spoon to her lips. Blowing across the surface a few times.

  “So, do you,” I mumbled.

  “I bet it tastes even better.” She looked me dead in the eye, slipping the spoon between her lips.

  “I bet so do you.”

  “Oh my God,” she moaned after the first spoonful of soup. “this is the best thing I have tasted in ages.” I growled. If I got this reaction from the damn soup I made, my imagination went while with the thoughts of the sounds she would make with my cock buried deep inside her. “Did you make this?” She asked, bringing another spoonful to her lips.

  “I did.”

  “Walker seriously, I would kiss you, but I am too busy enjoying this chickeny goodness.”

  My eyes locked on hers, I took the spoon from her hand, dropping it in the sink. I crowded her against the bench, giving her every opportunity to walk away, to tell me to stop.

  But she didn’t.

  I dipped my head, her breath caught just before I kissed her. She sighed against my lips, her hands sliding up my chest and into my hair, taking control, changing the angle to where she wanted. Her tongue pressed against my lips demanding entry and I lost all control.

  Now it was my turn.

  I pressed my hips against hers so she could feel what she was doing to me as my tongue tasted hers. Rock fucking hard, I wanted her to know it was all for her. I moaned in pleasure, her fingernails scraping against my scalp.

  “More,” she panted as I peppered her jaw with kisses. “Walker, please.”

  Our tongues fought, vying for control. She shifted, wrapping a leg around my hip. Growling, I thrust against her. My cock hitting her needy centre. Her heel digging into my back, trying to bring me closer. I ran my hand up the side of her thigh, goosebumps raising on her milky skin in their wake. Danica grabbed my tee, pulling it from the waistband of my jeans.

  “Oh, God, you’re so wet.”

  “Hey, that’s my line,” I chuckled.

  “No, Walker, stop. You’re saturated.”

  I was soaked from being out in the rain. When we got back to my place my mind was on getting Danica warmed up and fed. I completely forgot about the fact that I was so wet that a puddle had gathered at my feet.

  Danica unhooked her leg from around me, pushing me away from her.

  “Take your clothes off now.” She demanded.

  “Well, if you insist.”

  “NO!” She squealed, covering her eyes as I went to undress. “No,” she giggled again, peeking through her fingers. “Not here, go have a shower. You must be freezing.”

  “I know a way you can help heat me up,” I grinned, gathering her in my arms.

  “Walker, stop!” She was squirming, trying to get away, squealing and giggling. I couldn’t help tickling her. “You’re getting me all wet!”

  “Well, Baby, that is the plan,” I smirked, kissing her.

  “But your shirt,” she argued, kissing me back. “It’s getting wet.”

  “Fuck it.”

  “Walker, oh God. What are you doing to me?”

  “Trying to get you naked. Baby, come shower with me.”

  Danica stepped out of my arms, walking backwards. She bit her lip as she started undoing the buttons.

  “Oh, Baby you don’t fight fair.”

  My immediate plans for her can to a screaming halt when her tummy rumbled like an angry lion.

  “When was the last time you ate?”

  “Just before the dinner rush,” she said evasively.

  “When was the last time you ate an actual meal, Danica? One that wasn’t a muffin, or a few leftover fries?”

  “Breakfast,” she mumbled.

  “A little louder there, Baby.”

  “Breakfast ok,” she snapped, stomping her foot. It was adorable. And then, as if to emphasise the point, her tummy rumbled again. “Ignore that,” she blushed.

  “Nope, sorry, Darlin’. No fun until you sit there and eat.” I opened the cupboard fetching a bowl filling it to the brim with chicken noodle soup. “Sit,” I insisted, pulling out a chair.

  “But…. But don’t you want to see me naked?” She asked, batting her eyes, popping another button, the swell of her breast showing.

  “Yes, I do. More than you know, but I want to see you eat something more.”

  “Fine,” she harrumphed, dropping into the chair. “But if I have to eat, you have to shower.”

  “But Baby, don’t you want to see me naked,” I teased, removing my tee, backing towards the bathroom.

  “Yes, but I want this soup more.”


  Sometimes I really hate that my Mumma raised me right. I wanted nothing more than to go back out there and make Danica scream in pleasure as I made her come with my mouth, fingers, and cock. Instead, I sat her at the table to eat while I showered, my throbbing erection screaming at me for thinking with the wrong head.

  I showered, gathered up our wet clothes, putting them in the washer-dryer. As much as I love seeing her in my clothes, I don’t think she would appreciate going to work wearing nothing but my shirt.

  “I’ve put your clothes in the wash. I hope you don’t mind,” I said, walking back into the kitchen.

  Danica looked up from her soup. Her gaze took me in from head to toe.

  “Oh, come on. Now, why the hell would you do that?” She grouched, dropping her spoon into the empty bowl.

  Not the reaction I expected.

  “Well, to be honest, I thought you would like dry clothes.”

  Shit. All her stuff was fancy name brand shit, they probably had special wash instructions. I’ve probably just ruined them. No wonder she was mad.

  “No, not that. That I appreciate. Thanks for thinking of me,” she said sweetly.

  “Then what’s the problem? Why are you so cranky?”

  “Grey sweats and a white tee. Really Walker, Really,” she said, narrowing her eyes at me suspiciously.

  “So?” I was so fucking confused. I think hitting her head did some damage.

  “Walker, that get-up is like catnip.”

  “To who?!”

  “All womankind,” she replied, exasperated.

  “Not all women,” I grinned. She was crazy.

  “No, no, all womankind Walker. All womankind. I mean, look at you.” She huffed, going to the stove, refilling her bowl. “With the muscles and the smirky grin and the dimple.” She shook her head, reaching up into the cupboard for another bowl to fill. “Gah, even the Ladies who love the Ladies would knock over their fellow sisters to get a piece of you.”

  “Thanks, Baby,” I said, wrapping my arms around her, resting my chin on her shoulder, kissing her cheek.

  “Hey, you get that kryptonite out-fit away from me I have soup to eat.”

  “You’re insane.”

  I kissed her again, taking both bowls back to the table. I poured us both a drink while Danica made buttery toast, cutting it into soldiers.

  As we sat at my little kitchen table, I couldn’t help but think how domestic this all was, and for once I didn’t hate it. I’ve had plenty of dates before, even a few girlfriends, but there has never been anyone like Danica. Someone I enjoyed seeing in my kitchen, wearing my clothes, making themselves at home.

  “You never told me what you did to get sent here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “When we met, you told me you had been sent here as punishment. You never explained what you did.”

  “I.., well, I embarrassed my parents. I embarrassed them one too many times.”

  “I don’t get it. You’re an adult. Why are you still being punished by your parents?”

  “My parents still like to believe they have control over me. When it serves my purpose, I let them believe it. They felt sending me here to look af
ter my Grandpa would be a fitting punishment.”

  “Why do I feel that coming here is exactly what you wanted?”

  “It was,” she laughed again, this time with mischief in her eyes. “Truth be told, I wanted to get out of the city. I needed a change. If I stayed, I fear I would be engaged to Gerald Horwitz, a cardiologist with no personality.” A disgusted shiver racked her. “When they said I was coming here, internally I was cheering, but outwardly I looked despondent, because I knew that’s what they wanted to see. I love Grandpa Billy. I love it here; I love the bar. I feel at home here, so I graciously accepted their punishment like a good little girl.” She shrugged, smiling.

  I examined the long line of her neck as she lifted the glass to her lips. I watched the movement of her throat as she swallowed. My eyes were drawn to the freckle below her jaw. I had become obsessed with that freckle. I have, on more than one occasion, imagined myself kissing her there. Tonight, I had done it twice, and I plan on doing it a helluva lot more.

  “Walker, I have a question for you. When you saw me, that day at the station, what did you see?”

  “Darlin’ why do I feel like I am being led into a trap?”

  “When you saw me, you saw the perfectly styled hair, the ridiculously inappropriate outfit. The silk and white linen, that despite the travel and the dust, remained immaculate. You saw a stuck up, entitled city snob who would be chewed up and spat out by Venom Ridge in a matter of seconds. You saw a princess.”

  “So, you’re not a princess?” I teased.

  “I can when I want to be,” she smirked, her eyes flicking to my lips. The tip of her tongue slowly glazed her bottom lip, leaving it glistening and kissable. She sighed, looking away. “But it is not my default personality.”

  “There’s more to you isn’t there, Miss McCaffrey.”

  “Miss McCaffrey,” she laughed like her name is the funniest thing she’s ever heard.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “My name,” she sighed, resting her elbow on the table, propping her chin in her hand.

  “What’s your name got to do with anything?” I asked, clearing the table.

  “Walker, I’ve been here for months. Are you saying you haven’t looked me up on social media or the police database?”

  I leant in, getting close enough to see the gold flecks in her green eyes. She held her breath as I placed a beer bottle beside her.

  “You haven’t given me a reason to.” I gave her a quick kiss before adding. “Why should I look you up Danica?”

  “I’m not just Danica McCaffrey, Walker. I am A McCaffrey….”


  “I am a McCaffrey.” This time she put extra emphasis on her surname.

  Then it clicked.

  “As in…”

  “Yes. As in the whole bloody city is named after my father, grandfather and every grandfather throughout time.”

  Holy shit. She was part of the most influential family in the country if not the world. Her family was so rich they made the Kennedy’s look poor. Yet here she was, sitting in my kitchen in a worn-out flannel.

  “Don’t get too excited, it’s not as fun as it seems. As a McCaffrey I am expected to behave a certain way, think a certain way, feel a certain way.”

  “Which is?”

  “Not at all.” I raised a questioning eyebrow, seeking further explanation. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a woman.”

  “That fact had registered; yes,” I chuckled.

  Everything about her registered, from the glow of her green eyes when she’s up to mischief, to the way she chews her bottom lip when she’s concentrating.

  “Sheriff, my parents don’t live in the same world as the rest of us. In my parents' world, as a woman, I am expected to behave a certain way. I should look pretty, smile politely, get married and produce sons to carry on the family name.”

  “I reckon you’re not particularly keen on any of those things.”

  “You are correct, Sir.” She clinked her beer bottle against mine. “Someday if I meet the right guy and fall in love, I want it all, marriage and kids. I just don’t want it forced on me. And I don’t want the guy to marry me for my family's money. You do not understand how many guys have tried to get in my pants to access my family's money. My father already sees me as an embarrassment and a disappointment could you imagine what a divorce would do.”

  “How could that be? You are smart, with a double major. You’re beautiful inside and out. What about any of that is a disappointment?”

  “For starters, I have a criminal record.” She covered her mouth, feigning shock.

  “For what? Dirty linen gloves?” I laughed, teasing her.

  “Gambling, break and enter, failure to identify one’s self to law enforcement.” She replied, counting the offences off on her fingers. She rolled her eyes at my surprised look. There is more to Miss Danica McCaffrey than meets the eye. “Basically, I was arrested for being a girl.”

  “Ok, now that will need further explanation,” I insisted.

  “Most of my friends back home are male. Males of a certain social standing are allowed to get away with anything. We broke into the library. It was my idea,” she conceded. “The boys thought it was all for fun. I was bored. I wanted to see if I could do it. I recon’d the library knew exactly which entry point to use, where to walk to avoid the motion detectors and cameras. The plan was to break in, take a picture in the main hall and leave the way we came. But boys are stupid and can’t follow instructions. One of them triggered the alarm. The police caught us. Let the boys off with a warning. But me, I was escorted home by the police.”

  “That still doesn’t explain why you were sent here.”

  “Why, Sheriff Scott, don’t you understand. That night I committed the biggest sin of all.”

  “Which was?”

  “I turned twenty-three.”


  “Walker, I’m a twenty-three-year-old woman…” She leant in whispering for dramatic effect. “… who is not married.”

  “Oh, my God. The scandal!”

  “I know, right,” I laughed.

  “So, being a katrillionaire, do you think you could buy me a pony?”

  “You think you’re funny, don’t you Walker Scott.”

  “A Little bit, yeah.”


  I felt the mattress behind me dip. I felt warm arms pull me against a hard body. I smelt sandalwood and smoke.


  “Morning Baby.” Walkers voice rumbled in my ear, his warm breath raising goose bumps on my skin.

  “What time is it?” I murmured.

  “It’s just after ten,” he replied, kissing behind my ear.

  Last night, not long after our ‘Yes that McCaffrey’ conversation, Walker got a call. The storm had gotten worse and had brought down power lines in several areas.

  He wanted me to stay behind, but I wouldn’t have it. I needed to check on the bar and the girls, make sure they were ok.

  “Baby, will you be ok? I need to check in with the fire chief.”

  “You go, I’ll be fine. Walker be safe ok. I kinda like you.”

  “I kinda like you too,” he smirked, pulling me in for a quick kiss. “Don’t leave the Wagon ok.”

  With that, he disappeared into the stormy night.

  I checked on the girls; they were all OK. Marianne was passing out candles to everyone. When I asked where all the torches had gone, she told me they had disappeared. There was an extensive amount of light coming from under Cecilia’s door. I suspected I knew where the torches had disappeared to. I bashed on the door, intending to demand them back.

  The door swung open.

  “Will you lot fuck off. It’s a goddamn storm, not the apocalypse. Go to bed. Some of us are trying to sleep.”

  The door slammed in my face.

  I wanted to kick her door in. I wanted to pull her out of her room by her cheap exten
sions and order her to help, but decided against it. Let’s face it, she would only get in the way and be more of a nuisance than a help.

  Everyone pitched in, boarding up the few windows that broke, mopping up the water and making sure the place was secure.

  The backup generator didn’t kick in. I couldn’t understand why, it had only just been serviced. Without power, we would lose everything in the cool room and freezer.

  “Walker, why won't it start? Is it the battery? It can’t be the battery, I just had that replaced.?” I asked, hugging myself against the cold with one hand, holding a lantern for him with the other.

  “No, it’s not the battery. It’s out of fuel.”


  “It’s bone dry. I don’t understand how because I filled it myself last week. I noticed it was low last time I changed the kegs. I’ve checked the lines, they’re intact, there’s no leak.” His brow was furrowed, and he inspected the machine.

  “I’ll ask Sunny to come by and fill it. So, we can at least get power to the fridges.”

  Having done all I could, Walker drove me back to his place. He had to go check on a few more properties before he could get some rest.

  Before he left, Walker ran out into the rain and made sure the generator was working. He came back in, made sure I had everything I needed, then tucked me into bed, promising he would be back as soon as possible.

  I fell asleep, cocooned in the warm comfort of his bed.

  Walker had been gone all night, and most of the morning, and I slept. I slept soundly all night. Normally, I toss and turn after taking hours to even settle my brain enough to sleep. The only difference being Walker. Sleeping in his bed, wearing his shirt, surrounded by his scent embedded in his sheets. He calms the chaos inside my mind. Because of him I don’t feel the need to think, figure things out, know all the answers.

  He placed his cheek on mine. I reached up, brushing my hand over the side of his face, the light scruff prickling my skin. He’d showered. He felt warm and smelt clean, the masculine notes of his bodywash invading my senses.


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