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Cowboy Edition EBook

Page 90

by Maree, Kay

  “Don’t discount a hunch, Darlin’ major crimes have been solved off of a hunch. Tell me more about this feeling you’ve been having, something changed, didn’t it?”

  “Yes,” she sighed. “Walker, you’re going to think I’m crazy. I got here around seven thirty this morning, to open up and receive the new industrial oven was being delivered. Terry asked me to have it placed in the pallet area of the kitchen, and then his nephew Tobias was coming next week to install it. I was waiting for the delivery, then I was going home to take Grandpa to the airport. I waited and waited, but the delivery never showed. I called when the supplier opened, to ask where the hell my oven was, they didn’t know what I was talking about. They had no delivery for the Rusty Wagon. Terry is going to be so mad. He’s been waiting for a new oven for years. Stubborn old goats,” she grouched, slamming a fist on the desk.


  “Both him and Grandpa. If only they had let me buy a new oven when I first got here, there wouldn’t be a problem. But, No! Couldn’t have me spending my money on things for the Wagon. I’m loaded, Walker, loaded. And I don’t mean getting money from Mummy and Daddy, I mean me personally. My father would be so proud and pissed if he knew the amount of money I made from investments. He thought maths and stocks were too complicated for my poor little confused girl brain. He would keel over if he saw the size of my portfolio. I have money I can afford to buy a new bloody oven, for shits-sake I could buy ten ovens and it wouldn’t even put a dent in my rainy-day fund! Men. Why are you all so dumb?” She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest, her breasts threatening to burst through the thin fabric of her tee, momentarily distracting me. Goddamn, she’s cute when she’s mad. “Walker, are you listening to me or staring at my boobs?”

  “I’m listening to you both, besides your boobs make a very interesting case.”

  “Which is?” She asked, going along with my change in conversation.

  “That we should send Davie and Mike home for the night, lock the door and get naked.”

  “Walker, I came to you with a serious concern over my business and all you can think about it sex!”

  “Three things Darlin’,” I started, walking around the desk, kneeling in front of her. “One: I’m a guy. Sex is always number one on my thought list, especially where you are concerned.” I placed my hands on her thighs pushing her knees apart making room for my body between them. “Two: If you don’t want me to think about sex when I’m around you, you have to stop being so damn sexy.” I grinned, leaning in to kiss her. “Three: I got you to stop thinking about your worries and smile, didn’t I.”

  “If is how you investigate a crime,” she grabbed the waistband of my jeans, pulling me closer. “I don’t know why more crimes aren’t reported.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because, if all I had to do was report a crime to get some time alone with you, I would be the number one caller.”

  She smiled against my lips, locking her legs around my hips. I was instantly hard as she bit my bottom lip, kissing me like she wanted to ride me in the next rodeo. I cursed and praised the makers of denim as my cock pressed painfully against the fly of my jeans. If not for the fact that our naughty bits were both covered in denim, I would have her legs over my shoulders and my tongue buried in her pussy, licking her until she came screaming my name, before I fucked her into oblivion chasing my own release.

  “Baby, unless you want me to lock the door and make good on my promise you have to stop kissing me like that.”

  “You’re right. You’re right. I have a report to make and you have a potential crime to investigate. But you’re such an excellent distraction,” she whined playfully.

  She pulled away from me, falling against the backrest of her chair. She was flushed, her lips red and swollen from our kisses, her nipples hard with desire called to me.

  “Oh, Baby, we are definitely finishing this conversation, but police work first.”

  “You’re right, you’re right,” she sighed as I retook my chair. “Work then fun.”

  “Ok, so where were we. Oh, right, so the oven didn’t arrive, and the company said there was no order. No offence Darlin’, I love Billy like he was my own Grandpa, but that man can’t to paperwork to save his life. Is there a chance the order wasn’t placed?”

  “That was my first thought.” She said pulling the elastic from her hair before refastening her high pony. I was lost in the beauty flowing from Danica, doing something as mundane as putting her hair up, but everything she does has me spellbound. “But then I remembered seeing the order form. I’ve searched high and low for it but can't find it. There has to be a record of it somewhere because the money has been taken from the business account. When I called back to question, the company said they had no record of the transaction. Now I have to wait until tomorrow for the bank to open to have them look into it. I’ve contacted a company in the city and paid through the nose to have an oven delivered here by tomorrow. I’m just going to tell Terry and Grandpa there was a shipping delay.”

  “Are you sure that’s wise? Lying to them, I mean. Why don’t you just tell them what happened?”

  “Because neither of them need the stress. Besides, they will both yell at me for spending my money, and I don’t need that stress. What? Don’t give me that look.”

  “What look?”

  “The disappointed-dad-look. Once I know what the hell went wrong, I’ll tell them. This way everyone stays stress free and Terry gets his new oven.”

  “Fine. Your secret is safe with me, but I don’t enjoy being your accomplice to lying. So, now you owe me.” I grinned at her indignation at being outfoxed. “Now, you said something felt off. What did you mean?”

  “I know this sounds Bat-Shit-Crazy, but when I came into my office, it felt like there was a ghost in here. I don’t know how else to describe it. It felt like someone had been in here. Someone that shouldn’t have been. Like my sacred space was violated or something. Everything looked the same, but slightly different at the same time. Like someone had tried too hard to make it look like nothing had been disturbed.”

  “Danica, do you hear that?” I asked, walking to the door, holding it open for her.

  “What? No. I don’t hear anything.” She looked at me like I was the crazy one.

  “Yep. No, I definitely hear something. It sounds like water dripping. I think you might have a leaky pipe in the ceiling.” I waved her towards me, mouthing act natural.

  “Oh, yeah. Now I hear it.” She gave me a quizzical look. “God, I hope it’s not serious.” She ducked passed me, whispering, “What’s going on?”

  “Mike, Davie, I’m taking Danica outside to get something out of the truck,” I called ushering her towards the door.

  “No worries Sheriff,” they replied.

  “Finish up and then head straight home. Stay out of the office. I think there is a bug problem.”

  “What’s going on? First it was a leaky pipe, now its bugs. Walker, what’s wrong?” Danie asked when we were out on the street.

  “Like I said, I think you have a bug problem. The way you said the office felt like it had a ghost, like someone unwanted had been there. Well, this has happened once before.”

  “What? When and with who?”

  “There used to be two real estate businesses in town. Then suddenly things started going wrong. Contracts went missing, bills weren’t getting paid, clients pulling out. Eventually they had no choice but to leave town.”

  “But that makes little sense. We’re the only bar in town and even if someone wanted to come in and open another one, competition is good for business. Putting all that aside, the Rusty Wagon has been here for hundreds of years, it’s part of the town. Hell, it is the town.”

  “It might be nothing, but it could be something. It just seems a little to familiar is all. Darlin’ I know you hate people telling you what to do, but in this I think we should keep telling everyone there is a leak in the p
ipes and it’s affecting your office. I’ll call a buddy of mine and get him to come and do a sweep, checking for anything out of the ordinary. Don’t worry, he’ll be discrete, everyone will think he’s a plumber. Then we get Sunny’s sister Katherine to have a look at your books. She’s a forensic accountant and can help us get all the office and bookkeeping stuff under control. She did the same thing for me when I became Sheriff. My predecessor left that place in shambles.”

  “Part of me wants to tell you what you are suggesting is crazy and unwarranted. But the other half, the bigger half, is saying it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

  I half expected for her to fight me on my suggestions, and I would have fought her until she agreed. I lied to her when I said it was only one business. When Katherine came to help me deal with the mess left behind by the previous Sheriff, we found more cases with similar circumstances.

  I won’t let what happened to them happen to her.


  In the city I felt adrift, not really having direction or a goal in life. Then I came to Venom Ridge. I figured I would stay for a few months to piss them both off. Then once my parents had calmed down, I would be back in the city, then I would decide what the hell I would do with my life.

  That was the plans, but plans change. Grandpa gave me the Rusty Wagon, I met Walker, and I didn’t want to go back to my old life.

  What I want is Venom Ridge, The Rusty Wagon, and Walker Scott.

  “Hey, Darlin’.” Walker reached over from the driver’s seat, taking hold of my hand resting it on his thigh.

  “Yeah,” I sighed contentedly. The whole thing felt right, being in his truck, holding his hand.

  “I just want you to know, I’m not seeing anyone else,” he said kissing my knuckles.

  “Good. Neither am I.”

  “Good.” He concentrated on the road, his thumb stroking the back of my hand. “Baby, can we stop hiding then? I’m fairly sure Sunny, Terry, Clare and the twins have cottoned on.”

  I wanted nothing more than to shout from the hills that Walker Scott was mine, all mine, but I had made a promise to Grandpa and I intended to keep it.

  I smiled. I was happy, genuinely happy. I didn’t think Walker was seeing anyone else, but my heart took flight hearing him confirm it.

  “Yes, OK. Let’s stop hiding. We’ll tell everyone that we are together. But I have to do something first. I promised Grandpa I would let him know if my relationship status changed.”

  “Darlin’ I think, for me, it changed the moment I laid eyes on you.”

  “Baby, I want you to consider something?”


  “When Billy gets back, I want you to think about moving in with me. We’ve been practically living together for the last month. Baby, the best part of my day is waking up with you in my bed, in my arms. I love having you in my home, in my life. I love you Danica. I want you to be with me always.”


  I was so nervous.

  I couldn’t think straight.

  I’d already put salt instead of sugar in the coffee. Every morning after breakfast Grandpa would go out on the back veranda, drink his morning coffee, and read the paper. I dumped the ruined coffee in the sink and started again.

  “Grandpa, I…. I have something to tell you.” The words rushed out.

  “Whatever it is, it must be important. You’re going to wear a path in the deck boards the way you’re pacing.”

  He was right; I was pacing, a death grip on the handle of the coffee mug.

  “Grandpa, I like Walker and he likes me.” I stopped pacing, handing him the mug. “I think there could be something special between us if we just tried. And I want to and so does he. I…. We want to see if this spark between us is something that could grow into something wonderful or if it’s going to fizzle out. I don’t think it will, by the way. At least I hope it doesn’t. I really like him Grandpa,” I finished, flopping down into Grandpa Lilly’s chair.

  “Thanks for telling me, Sweet Pea.”

  “Well, I said if there was anything to report I would let you know. So… this is me letting you know.”

  “Thanks, my girl, but I already knew,” he chuckled.

  “Really? How? We only just decided; last night?”

  “Sweet Pea, I told you Walker was a good guy. He came by last week asking for permission to court you.”

  “What? He did?”

  If I’d been standing, I would have swooned. Walker sat down with my Grandpa and asked if it was ok to date me. It not only showed the respect he had for me, but the respect he had for my grandpa.

  He really is a good guy.

  “He did, and I told that boy, if he hurts you, I have a shotgun and I’m not afraid to use it.”

  “Thanks Grandpa,” I laughed, hugging him. “I don’t think threatening to shoot the Sheriff is a good idea, but I appreciate the gesture.”

  “He knows it’s not a threat,” Grandpa chuckled.

  “Thanks Grandpa, but if it’s all the same don’t shoot him.”

  “I’ll try. Well, my girl, I’m going to check the horses.” Grandpa groaned, and he hefted himself out of his rocking chair.

  “I’m going to get ready for work. I’ll come find you before I go.”

  “Is that boy of yours picking you up?”

  “He is,” I grinned, going inside to get ready for the day.


  “So, you and Walker, hey?”

  “Me and Walker, what?” I asked, looking up to find Marianne standing in front of my desk.

  Marianne was the unofficial spokesperson for the working girls. She was blonde, cutesy, and had the girl next-door thing that a lot of guys loved, down.

  “You and Walker, you know, are like together.”

  “Well, umm, yes, I guess we are.” I blinked. This is the first time I had confirmed to anyone other than Grandpa, that Walker and I are together.

  “I knew it,” she squealed, clapping her hands excitedly. “I think its wonderful.” She clasped her hands to her heart, a dreamy look in her eyes. “You’re so lucky. Walker is the sweetest guy in the world, and he is so hot!”

  “Yes, he is,” I giggled, her enthusiasm infectious.

  “Danie, I just want you to know, none of the girls know Walker. Well, I mean they know him, but they don’t know him, know him. In like, the biblical sense, you know?”

  “Umm, ok. Thanks for letting me know.” The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind. She was sitting there fidgeting. “Is there something you wanted, Marianne? I’m sorry, it’s just that I have a mountain of paperwork to get through.”

  “Well, yeah. Yes, I do. And I am sorry to take up your time. The girls and I have been talking. They wanted me to…. They wanted…. Danie, this is really awkward for me. I don’t know how to say this. I really don’t like speaking ill about people.”

  “Just spit it out, Marianne. This is a safe space.” I encouraged.

  “The girls and I have been talking and well…. It’s Cecilia.”

  “What about her?”

  “Well, we want her gone.”

  Ok, this confusing conversation just got interesting.


  “She’s bossy and not like in a she’s in-charge kind of way. She’s bossy in a she tells us who we can and can’t have as clients' way,” she explained, talking with her hands.

  “She, what?”

  “That’s not the half of it. The woman is a bitch. But the thing I wanted to tell you was that I found her coming out of your office the other day. I asked her what she was doing, but she was really rude and told me to mind my own business.”

  What the hell?

  “Thanks for letting me know.” I said, keeping my rage contained. “I want you all to know that my door is always open. If you have any issues, please come and see me.”

  Once the girls knew they could come tell me anything without repercussions, they started comi
ng to me, whispering in my office, dropping notes in my apron pocket. The working girls wanted to stay, but conditions were getting unbearable. I asked what I could do to make things better.

  They wanted Cecilia gone.

  Cecilia was a skilful manipulator and liar. She had the girls believing they would be out on the ear unless they shared their profits with her. She forced them to pay her more and more money. She kept squeezing them until the girls were in debt to her. Grandpa was heartbroken for them and angry at himself for not noticing how they were being treated.

  She had to go.


  “Thanks Eli, I don’t know how I can ever repay you,” Danica said giving him a hug.

  “By paying the invoice,” Eli Joked. “It’s all good, sweetheart. Thanks to you, I got to come out here and hang out with this bastard for a few days.” Eli cold cocked me in the arm. “I can see why he likes you, but I do not understand what you see in him. I’d go see the Doc and get checked for a head wound if I were you.”

  Eli is a buddy of mine from the academy. While I did my time as a beat cop and in the tactical unit until a position opened up allowing me to return home, they recruited Eli into every special branch available. Eli is a techspert amongst other things. He had his truck loaded up with all his gadgetry and was on the road before I finished telling him what was going on.

  As I suspected, Danica’s office was bugged, but so was the bar, the kitchens and a few of the working girls' rooms. Eli removed all the surveillance, but before doing so he tapped into their feeds so it could be back-traced, and hopefully allow us to figure out who was behind it.

  Danie asked Eli to upgrade the security and add extra cameras to the carpark. She told him to spare no expense. I told him to install a system he would want if it was his own sister asking for it.

  “Danica, you won’t believe what I found,” Katherine said, walking out from the office to the bar.


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