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Cowboy Edition EBook

Page 91

by Maree, Kay

  “Morning, Katy,” Eli grinned, winking at her.

  Katherine stopped in her tracks, blinking, heat rising in her cheeks. It was as if, just by winking at her, Eli fried her brain.

  “Oh, umm. Good morning, Eli. Walker, do you mind if I borrow Danica for a moment?”

  “Only if you give her back,” I chuckled.

  “Excellent Dad-Joke,” Katherine remarked deadpan, rolling her eyes.

  “Let’s go.” Danica linked arms with her, laughing as she led her back to the office.

  Danica has been stressed out the last few weeks waiting to find out if she was going crazy, or if her hunch was right.

  Billy heard about the leaky pipe and all but jumped on the first flight home to fix it himself. It took some convincing, but he finally agreed to stay in the city and let Danica handle it. She felt guilty for lying to him and telling him that the business is hers now and what message did it send if her Grandpa rushed in to save her.

  “What’s with you and Katherine?” I asked, helping Eli pack his tools away.

  “There’s nothing with us. I just like seeing sweet little Katy Pie knocked off kilter. She’s wound so tight and is so straight up and down, I enjoy making her bend.”

  “You know her brother carries a gun and so do I,” I replied, noting the mischievous gleam in his eye.

  “Hey, Sheriff,” Danica called, holding one of the saloon doors open.

  “Yes, Darlin.”

  “When you have a sec, I have something you need to see.”

  “Yeah, she does,” Eli muttered under his breath.

  My fist shot out, slugging him in the shoulder.

  “Be right there, Darlin’,” I replied.

  “Yeah, you will,” he sniggered.

  “Watch it,” I growled, punching him again.

  “Ouch, I think a bee stung me,” Eli whined. “You hit like a toddler.”

  “I didn’t want to hurt your feeble arm.”

  “Feeble my ass.” Eli grinned, flexing his considerable arms. “You’re so gone. Walker, I have something you need to see.” He repeated in a high-pitched voice, batting his eyes at me. “Be right there, Darlin.” He drawled, mimicking me.

  “What are you looking at?” I asked, wanting to punch the stupid look off Eli’s face, who was grinning from ear to ear.

  “You two are freaking adorable. Normally I would give you shit for letting a girl lead you around by the dick but in this case, I’m not going to.” He said acting very mature, too bad I know him better than that.

  “Then why are you grinning like a kid who just saw his first set of boobs?”

  “Oh shit, you don’t see it, do you? Mr Observant doesn’t see it.” He started patting himself down, looking for his phone. “I have to call the boys and let them know.”

  “Know what, asshole? Why are you being such a dick?”

  “It’s Danica.”

  “What about her?” He was really starting to piss me off with his cryptic bullshit.

  “You’re in love with her.” It wasn’t a question, it wasn’t an accusation, it was a statement of fact.

  “I don’t…”

  “I’m not even going to let you deny it, brother. You love that woman. And before you even ask, I’m going to tell you how I know. You drive her home every night. You know her favourite drink, you know how she has her coffee. You drove her to see an obscure Indy-band you’d never heard of that was playing two hours away. Your eyes track her every move. Your so in-tune to her she doesn’t have to ask for you to lift something heavy or reach the top shelf for her. You just do it, it’s instinct. You stand giving her your seat or pull her into you knee keeping things well-an-truly PG-13 when you’re in public so people think nothing is going on. News flash: big guy, everybody knows. But the number one reason I know you love her is you called me. You don’t call me to de-bug and upgrade your girl's security system unless you love her. You could have called any old security company to rig up a few cameras if you were just trying to get in her pants.”

  “Watch it, Eli,” I growled.

  “Let me ask you this,” he said, securing his tools in his truck. “When you kiss her, are you thinking of someone else?”


  “Are you seeing anyone else?”


  “Is she?”

  “No, but if she is, I’ll rip is fucking arms off and beat him to death with them, Sheriffs badge be damned,” I snapped.

  “That right there, my friend. That right there. You wouldn’t have reacted that way if you didn’t love her.”

  Well, shit. I’m in love with Danica McCaffrey.

  “By Jove, I think he’s got it,” Eli laughed.

  “Shut up, asshole.”

  “You know you love me,” Eli grinned. “Right, what time is it?”

  “Just after eleven,” I replied, looking at my watch. “Why?”

  “I have to go flirt with the lovey, Miss Clare. My belly is lacking bacon.”


  “Katherine, you are a godsend,” I praised, pulling her into a bone crushing gratitude filled hug.

  “It’s nothing, really,” she laughed, hugging me back. We squeezed each other so hard I thought one of us would pop.

  “It’s not nothing. You figured out the issue with the ordering systems, programmed the automated wages, fixed the billing and sorted my taxes for, like, the next five years.”

  Katherine has spent the last two weeks with her sleeves rolled up, elbow deep in the mess that was the Rusty Wagon’s bookkeeping. I am embarrassed to say I didn’t review the books when I took over. For one, I trusted Grandpa and two, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

  I should have looked. It was broken. Really freaking broken.

  I can't believe the Rusty Wagon was still going. There were debits owing, bills unpaid, credits due.

  There was so much work that needed to be done and yes, I would need to sink some money into the place, but you had to spend money to make money. After Katherine had worked her magic, there was now a solid plan to get the Rusty Wagon back into making money.

  “Danie, it’s what I do,” she grinned, blowing on her knuckles, polishing them on her shirt.

  “If this is what you do, demand more money for you services! Not only did you sort out the money side of things, but you helped me make sense of the paper mountain. Scanned all the records, plus you found and restored by grandparents' wedding photo.”

  “It’s been my pleasure Danie; besides, it gave me a chance to see by brother.”

  “I love Sunny,” I said, entering the last accounts for the day. “He’s like the little brother I never had and never wanted.”

  “He’s like a wort,” she sighed.

  “Because he grows on you,” I laughed.

  “Exactly,” she smiled. Her phone buzzed in her pocket. “Excuse me, I have to take this.”

  Katherine stepped out into the corridor to take the call. I could hear arguing and the frustration in her tone but not what was being said.

  “Is everything ok?” I asked when she walked back into the office.

  “Sure, if you call getting fired because you are too good at your job, ok.” She looked angry and embarrassed as she flopped into her chair.

  “Are you serious? What happened?”

  “I found an error in their system which allowed money to be syphoned off from client's accounts. They just accused me of creating the fault. It’s fucking ridiculous just because no one else could see it. It was very freaking obvious what the problem was if they just looked.” She dropped herself back into her chair. “Well, I guess I can finish doing your inventory then. It’s not like I have much else to do.”

  “Katherine, I’m so sorry for what happened.” I walked around the desk, taking her hands in mine. “But if I’m honest, I can’t say I’m sad that it did. I’ve loved spending time with you and getting to know you. It means you can stay for a while longe
r and if you like you have a job here as long as you need it. Besides, I’m sure Sunny would love to have you around a while longer.”

  “Thanks, Danie. Well, I guess we have plenty of time for more crazy commune stories,” she grinned.

  “Darlin’, Eli is sweet talking Clare into making egg and bacon rolls. Thought you girls might be hungry.” Walker leaned against the door frame.

  “I’ll go help Clare, and try to keep Eli’s appetite under control, otherwise none of us will get any food,” Katherine stated, leaving us alone.

  “You two seem to be having fun.” He pulled me into his arms.

  “She is amazing,” I replied, going up on my tiptoes to kiss him. “I think I found another puzzle piece.”

  “You what?” he chuckled.

  “Coming to Venom Ridge, click, the Rusty Wagon, click, Katherine, click. All the pieces of my puzzle clicking into place.”

  “What about me?” He asked, looking deep into my eyes.



  I had a meeting with the girls and give them a month to decide if they wanted to continue working or change employment. I gave them the freedom to decide their own fate for the first time since Cecilia entered their lives.

  Several girls had children. I didn’t feel it was appropriate for the kids slept in the same rooms their mumma’s saw clients. Cecilia made the kids stay in the kitchen when their mum was working. I was unaware that Mary had given up the cook's office so the kids would have somewhere to go.

  It made me hate Cecilia even more.

  The girls wanted a place where the kids were safe and away from adult things. I mentioned it to Grandpa and Walker one day. The next thing I knew, a bunkhouse was built behind the bar, far enough back so the noise wouldn’t disturb the occupants.

  Angela, a former Army Nurse, came looking for work after her husband was killed building the railway extension. She had three little ones at home she needed to support. I didn’t have any work for her in the bar or kitchens, but on a hunch, I asked her if she had an issue with the working girls.

  “It’s not the work I’m looking for, but who am I to begrudge a woman wanting to provide for her family.”

  That day she became their nurse and manager.

  The rules were simple. The girls decided who and how many clients they saw and negotiated the price prior to taking them back to their rooms. Fifteen percent of their earnings went to the Rusty Wagon.

  Walker suggested a few trustworthy lads to hire as security to protect the girls, the bunkhouse, and the bar when things got too rowdy.

  Walker always seemed to be around when I needed him.

  As much as I appreciated his help, I needed to prove to everyone that I can do this. I want my parents to know that I am a smart businesswoman; I had things under control. I needed to prove to Grandpa he hadn’t made a mistake giving me the Rusty Wagon.

  Most of all, I wanted to prove to Walker that I can take care of myself and all the flirting and kissing wasn’t because I needed a man to look after me. I could stand on my own two feet. I needed him to know the flirting and kissing was because I was into him, not because I needed saving.

  Thinking like that circled right back to thinking about Walker.

  His roguishly handsome good looks – Dangerous.

  His deep, whisky smooth voice – Inviting.

  His piercing blue eyes – Intoxicating.

  His devilishly sinfully sexy smile – Incendiary.

  He’s perceptive, thoughtful, knows when I am in need but too damn stubborn to ask for help. I wanted Walker like I have never wanted another man in my life. I still haven’t given him an answer on moving in with him. Grandpa seemed off since coming back from visiting my parents. I don’t know what it was, but I didn’t want to leave him on his own until I knew what it was.

  “Darlin’, will you please let me take you to look for a car?” Walker asked for the third time. “As much as I love picking you up every night. I would feel better if you had a safe way of getting around.”

  Walker wrapped his arms around me from behind, as he liked to do. Kissing me under the jaw, his favourite spot. We were in my office, away from prying eyes. I sighed, leaning into him.

  “I have Grandpa’s truck. It’s just he’s using it today,” I explained.

  “He’s using it every day,” Walker countered. His deep rumbling voice whispered in my ear, making me shiver. “I suppose I should thank him though, driving you home is the best part of my day.”

  “I would hate to ruin your day.”

  I turned in his arms, capturing his lips. Our kisses had changed from sweet, exploring, and tender, to fierce, demanding, and passionate. His tongue probed my lips, demanding entry, and I was more than willing to oblige. Our tongues duelled as we fought for control. We clutched at each other, unable to get close enough.

  “Walker, we need to stop,” I panted.

  My mind was telling me it was a dumb idea to be doing this in my office. Especially considering I can't be certain I lock the door. My body was on fire. My body was telling me not to listen to my mind, to throw caution to the wind. Who cares if the door is locked or not? This is what I’ve been wanting for over a year.

  “I know,” Walker agreed, kissing me with such fierceness I saw stars.

  Walker’s hands slid to my ass, lifting me up, I locked my legs around him. We moaned as our bodies pressed together. Our hands busy, clutching, searching, feeling.

  Walker turned walking towards the wall, with each step his hardening cock sending lightning bolts of desire straight through me.

  “Walker, someone might see us.”

  “I don’t care.”

  He pushed me back into the wall, deepening the kiss, grinding into me, both of us moaning with desire. At that point, I didn’t care if the entire town come in and found us.

  “Danie, are you in there?” Angela called, knocking on the door.

  I gasped in shock and embarrassment, pulling away from him. I wasn’t embarrassed about being with Walker; it was the fact that without knowing Walker had my t-shirt pushed above my bra and I had his belt undone. Being caught by Angela was worse than being caught by my mother.

  “Don’t answer her,” Walker pleaded, his lips capturing mine again.

  “Sorry Honey, but the bar register is acting up again…… Danie?”

  “One minute.”

  My lips collided with Walkers; our kiss frenzied. Our hands exploring, desperate to wring as much out of the time we had left before life outside my office took over.

  “Danie, please.” Angela called, then dropping her voice she added, “Walker, I’m sorry. I truly am, but I need Danie more than you, right now.”

  “I doubt it,” Walker replied, kissing me desperately.

  “I’m coming,” I called, unable to hide the disappointment from my voice.

  “Not yet, you’re not,” Walker growled. His tongue invading my mouth, fighting for control as he pushed his hard cock into my core.

  “Don’t take too long,” Angela begged, her footsteps fading from the door.

  “Walker, please,” I pleaded. “We need to stop, she’ll come back if I don’t go out there.

  “You want to stop?” He kissed me.

  “No, but we need to stop.” He kissed me.

  “Why are you hanging on so tight, then?”

  Whimpering, I squeezed my legs tighter around his waist. My hands locked in fists around his shirt collar, keeping him as close to me as possible with clothes on. I groaned in frustrated disappointment, unlocking my legs. Letting go of his collar, patting the fabric, attempting to flatten the wrinkles.

  “Baby, you’re still clinging to me.”

  “You still have hold of my ass,” I countered.

  “But it’s such a nice ass,” he chuckled. “Come on Darlin’, Angela needs you and I have to go back to work.” Reluctantly he stepped back, taking a deep calming breath as I walked
towards the door. Behind me, Walker cleared his throat. “Danie, Baby.”

  “Yeah,” I sighed dreamily, turning back to him.

  “You might want to set yourself to rights before you open that door. As much and I love the way you look right now; just saying I’d hate to shoot everyone in town for looking at you.”

  “Why?” I looked down. My t-shirt was still above my bra, the swell of my breasts on display. “Oh my God,” I gasped, pulling my shirt back into place.

  Running to the small bathroom attached to the office, I checked my appearance, fixing my hair, so I didn’t look like I’d just had an intense make-out session. I splashed cold water over my face, praising the inventers of colour-stay lip-gloss and waterproof mascara. Walked chucked, the deep rumble of his voice, sending zings of desire straight to my core.

  “You look beautiful. I’ll see you at closing.” He kissed me quickly, leaving me to pull myself together.

  Walking behind, I asked, “What seems to be the problem?” Refusing to make eye contact with Angela.

  “You two are so cute together,” Angela whispered, turning to serve a customer.


  “Baby, are you ever going to tell Billy that you’ve moved in with me?”

  “I haven’t moved in.”

  I was leaning against the doorframe watching her putting mascara on in the bathroom mirror.

  “Really, Baby. You want to play it that way? Alright then.” I walked to the wardrobe in the bedroom, throwing the doors open. Half the space was filled with her clothing. “These aren’t my clothes.” I pointed to the bed. “I used to be able to sleep anywhere I like. I could starfish if I wanted. But now this is yourself of the bed. You have a side Danica.” I stalked towards her. Her eyes sparkled with excitement while trying to remain unaffected. I put my hands on her hips, turning her to face the mirror. I opened the cabinet, pointing to her toiletries and makeup taking up a shelf. “Baby, you’ve moved in with me.” I kissed her cheek. “You just have to tell Billy.”

  “I will, Walker. I will. I promise.”

  “Do, it quick. Like a Band-Aid. Grandpa, Walker, and I live together. That’s it, job done.”


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