The Spaniard's Kiss

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The Spaniard's Kiss Page 9

by Nina Croft

  “You asked Rafael Sanchez for a baby?”

  “Hmm. At first he was shocked, then he said he would, but only after we’d spent some time together and I was sure it was what I wanted. And I thought we’d be…you know.”

  “Shagging like rabbits?”

  “Yes. But there’s been nothing.” Well, nothing much apart from that one hot make-out session at the hotel, but she didn’t want to get into that.

  “Except the kiss.”

  “It was an amazing kiss.”

  “It must have been.” Amy sounded skeptical. “So now you want to seduce him?”

  “We signed this contract, mainly about what happens if I have Rafe’s baby, and I thought we were there. Then over lunch afterward he said…” She gritted her teeth. She still couldn’t get her head around it. “He said…artificial insemination.”

  Amy choked on her wine and then cleared her throat. “And what did you say?”

  “I was cool. Well, okay, I lost it for a minute, but then I was cool, or at least coolish.”

  Amy chuckled.

  “But really—the only way I felt I could ask him for the baby was because I thought he wanted me. And now it seems he doesn’t, that he can’t bear to even touch me. How can I have his baby—and take his money—which he totally insists on—if he gets nothing in return?”

  “Maybe he doesn’t feel right using you for sex.”

  Bella scowled. “Jesus. If anyone is using anyone, it’s me using him. And anyway, it’s different now. He wouldn’t be using me, because I want him. Really want him.”

  “Did you tell him that?”

  “He refuses to discuss it. All he said was we would talk about it when I was sure the baby was what I wanted.”

  “That’s very civilized. And you’ve been together since?”



  “And nothing. We’re friends. We did ‘friends stuff.’” Bella sighed. “In some ways it was great. We had fun, talked about Gary. He misses him.”

  Amy patted her knee, and the gesture nearly brought tears to Bella’s eyes. She took a deep breath and continued. “And at the end of the day, he drops me off at the hotel and kisses me chastely on the forehead.”

  “Maybe he’s realized he can’t see past the whole married-to-my-best-friend scenario.”

  “Don’t think it hasn’t occurred to me.” Bella forced herself to think about it for the umpteenth time and finally shook her head. “No. He does want me. Sometimes he gets this look in his eyes. And that kiss…” Not to mention that amazingly impressive erection. She swallowed the last of her wine and held out her glass for more, then noticed the bottle was empty.

  “But you did say they were like brothers. Maybe he thinks it would be some weird sort of incest.”

  “Ugh.” But Bella couldn’t believe Rafe thought of her as a sister anymore. “I wish it were that simple.”

  Amy’s concerned expression warned Bella she wouldn’t like what was coming next.

  “As long as I’ve known you, you’ve had a dream,” Amy said. “A little thatched cottage in the country with a big garden and a husband and a whole load of babies.”

  “I know. That’s not changed. I’m just going to manage it without the husband. I can do this on my own.”

  “Not entirely on your own. Why couldn’t you have picked someone a little…easier?”

  “Maybe because I couldn’t see myself doing it with anyone else. Actually, I couldn’t see myself doing it with Rafe. Not until the kiss.”

  “Hmm, well, at least his reputation is good. Despite the fact that he appears to change his women more often than I change my hair color, there’s no scandal I’ve ever heard.”

  “How do you know all this?” Bella asked.

  “The paper has a file on him.”

  “Really? Why?”

  Amy shook her head in exasperation. “Do you know nothing? He’s one of the richest men in the country. He had family money, but he’s made billions since he took over Santini’s.”

  “I’ve never really thought about his money before.” Bella tugged on the end of her plait. All that money made her uncomfortable, but at least she understood his lawyer’s reaction a little better now. Why couldn’t Rafe be more…ordinary?

  Amy patted her knee again. “Strange child. Anyway, in business he has a reputation as being totally ruthless.”

  “He told me that when he took over, he had to prove himself.”

  “And boy, did he do that.” She took a sip of wine. “So you want to go ahead with this?”

  Bella nodded.

  “And you don’t want to go down the artificial insemination route? You know, it could save you a whole lot of heartache.”

  “Rafe won’t break my heart. He’s my friend.”

  Amy had a doubtful frown, but then she clapped her hands. “Okay, so…seduction. The first thing you’ve got to realize is that men think with their dicks.”

  “Then why won’t he touch me?”

  “Well, probably because he’s trying very hard not to.”

  “He won’t even see me alone. He gets this slightly panicked look on his face when I suggest he come up to my room.”

  “Poor Rafe. I could almost feel sorry for him. Almost, but not quite. So as I said, his natural tendency is to think with his dick. You’ve got to use that.”


  “You have to make him aware of you as a woman all the time. But be subtle. You’re beautiful—”

  “I am? I—”

  Bella was interrupted by her cell. She nearly ignored it. It could only be Rafe, and she’d told him last night that she was spending the evening with Amy.

  It rang again. She couldn’t resist hearing his voice.


  “That’s me.”

  “I have to leave.”

  “Oh.” She couldn’t believe the disappointment that washed through her. She crushed the phone to her ear waiting for him to continue.

  “There’s a problem with the Hong Kong deal.”

  “And only you can sort it out?”

  He was silent for a second. “It’s the way I live.”

  She gnawed on her lower lip. “Thanks for letting me know. When do you have to go?”

  “Now. I thought you might come to the airport with me. My driver can bring you back.”

  She glanced across at Amy. “I’m with Amy, I…” Amy was making frantic hand signals in her direction.

  Go, she mouthed.

  Bella frowned but nodded. “Can you pick me up here?”

  “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

  “Now’s your chance,” Amy said when she ended the call. “He’ll be alone with you in the car. Not that much can happen while he’s driving.”

  “He’s not. He has a driver.”

  “Even better.” She rubbed her hands together. “He’ll never expect it. Not in the back of the car.”

  “He’ll never expect it, because it’s never going to happen.”

  “Come on, I’m not suggesting you go all the way or anything. Just a little bit of foreplay. You’ve got a chance. Then all the time he’s away, he’ll be thinking of you. Now, how long have we got?”

  “Fifteen minutes.”

  “Well, let’s get going. We have a lot to do…”


  “The fastest one ever. So strip,” she said, her words muffled as she rummaged in the wardrobe.

  After that, things moved too fast for Bella to have much say in the transformation taking place. She viewed herself in the mirror as her friend set up her equipment and tried to absorb the constant stream of Amy’s seduction tips.

  “Is this what he wants?” Bella asked ten minutes later.

  “I’m just bringing out your best qualities.”

  “These are my best qualities?” She glanced down at her breasts, prominently displayed in a black lace half-cup bra. She’d never considered herself well-endowed before, but pushed up and stick
ing out like this, they were impossible to ignore. “You don’t think I’m being too obvious?”

  A look of mock alarm crossed Amy’s face. “There’s no such thing—believe me, men like obvious.”

  Bella shut up after that and just did what she was told.


  Why was he here? The thought crossed Rafe’s mind as he stood on the doorstep and waited for someone to answer. Why wasn’t he on his way to the airport instead of interrupting her evening?

  But he didn’t know how long he would be away. And he wanted to see her. That bothered him.

  But it was too late now. Footsteps approached down the hall inside, followed by a feminine giggle. But no one was laughing when the door opened. He recognized Amy, though they’d only met once at Bella and Gary’s wedding, and that day he hadn’t taken notice of much. Too busy fighting his private demons.

  “Hi, Rafe.”

  “Hi.” But he was looking beyond her for Bella.

  Bella came to stand beside her friend and his eyes narrowed. Something about her looked different, but he couldn’t pinpoint what. For once, her hair was loose, tousled, framing her face, but it was more than that. The night was warm, but she had some sort of shawl wrapped around her. What was she hiding?

  He’d miss his plane if they didn’t get a move on, so he didn’t take time to wonder. After saying his good-byes to Amy, he ushered Bella to the car and into the back.

  “So, you’re off to Hong Kong?” she said as she settled into the leather seat.

  He nodded.

  “Don’t you hate that?”

  “Hate what?”

  “Just getting up and going halfway around the world.”

  “I love it.”

  In the dim light, he could see her brows draw together as though she didn’t understand. But the truth was he did love the traveling, loved waking up in the morning in a new country, on a new continent.

  At the same time, he realized that this once, he didn’t want to go. He wanted to stay and spend more time with Bella. Keep an eye on her. He supposed there was an alternative.

  “You should come with me sometime,” he said.

  “What, to Hong Kong?” She sounded surprised.

  “Or New York. Or Sydney…wherever.”

  “I don’t know. I’m a stay-at-home kind of girl.” As she spoke, she ran a hand through her hair, tousling it even more.

  “You might enjoy it.”

  “Maybe. But I doubt I’ll be able to soon.” Her hand moved from her hair to rub her lower lip.

  Rafe tried not to stare. “Why?”

  “I’m starting job interviews tomorrow.” One finger stroked down her throat, and he had to force himself to concentrate.

  “I can give you a job.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want you to give me a job. I want to get one on my own.”

  “You won’t be able to work if you have a baby.”

  “I’ll worry about that if it happens.”

  “What sort of job?” He wasn’t happy about this job thing but didn’t understand why. It was what he wanted—some sign that she was taking control and moving on with her life.

  “You know I’ve been working at an online degree in modern languages since we moved to Spain. Well, I finished earlier this year and want something where I can use that. I’m seeing a career adviser, but I’m also signing on with a couple of temping agencies, so I should get something quite soon. That will keep me going while I look for something long term.”

  It made sense, but he still didn’t like it. Why not work for him? He’d think about it when he was alone. Come up with some options.

  He relaxed and studied her. Since she’d answered the door, he’d been trying to figure out what was different about her. Makeup. She was wearing makeup. Not a lot, and the effect was subtle, but even so, quite devastating. The black smudged under her eyes made them look huge and almost silver in the muted light. And lipstick. She nibbled her lips and then licked the lower one with the tip of her tongue. Heat shot through him, settling in his groin. He had a sudden mental image of that lush red mouth around his dick, and he shifted uncomfortably on the seat. He had to stop thinking like this.

  Bella waved a hand toward the tinted glass partition separating them from the driver. “Can he hear us?” she asked.

  “Not unless I press the intercom.”


  She was up to something, but what?

  Sitting in the corner, half facing him, she crossed and uncrossed her legs. She wore heels, black strappy sandals. And her legs were bare, and there was a lot of them. She crossed them again.

  Beneath that shawl thing, she wore a skirt or a dress, he couldn’t tell which. Whatever it was, it was short. He hadn’t seen her in a skirt since she’d arrived in London. She always wore jeans for him.

  He shifted again on the seat and decided he needed to get his mind off the skirt. One more thing to add to his list of things he shouldn’t think about. “So how was your friend?”

  “Amy? She’s good.”

  They lapsed into silence again.

  “It’s warm, isn’t it?” she said.

  Was it? Hot, more like it.

  She let out an exaggerated sigh and started to unwind the black shawl.


  At least he hadn’t said the word out loud. She was wearing a dress. Almost wearing a dress. It covered just about nothing. She inched a little closer to him and he fought the urge to back away. There was nowhere to go.

  “Actually,” she murmured, “I thought while we were together like this, we could discuss this artificial insemination idea of yours.”

  Not likely. Thinking of insemination at this point, artificial or otherwise, was not a good move.

  The dress was low cut, and her breasts were pushed up and out from the top in a way that was almost indecent. How come she dressed like that to visit a girlfriend? She’d never dressed like that for him. But then why should she? He was the man who’d suggested they never ever have sex.

  Had she said something else? “Sorry?”

  “Artificial insemination. You remember?”

  “What about it?”

  “Well, obviously there are some advantages, but—”

  “But?” He realized he was talking to her cleavage and dragged his eyes up to her face.

  “The thing is, I’m an old-fashioned girl. And I wanted this to be a fair exchange. You said you wanted me and…” She twisted further in her seat and leaned toward him, raised her hand, and rested it on his chest beneath his jacket. He could feel the warmth of her skin through the thin cotton of his shirt.

  “I totally get it if you’ve changed your mind and don’t want me like that. I’m not gorgeous and sophisticated like your normal women.”

  What the hell was she talking about?

  “Rafe, couldn’t you just…” She gave a helpless look. “Close your eyes and pretend I’m beautiful?”

  He didn’t know what to say. So he kept quiet.

  “Am I really so repugnant?” She blinked. Were her eyes glistening? Had he done this to her? Made her cry?

  “That’s not why… I thought you wouldn’t want… Shit, Bella.”

  He dragged her into his arms and onto his lap. He meant only to comfort her. But the feel of her, the sweet scent of warm woman so close, was too much. His hands slid beneath her hair, and his mouth slanted over hers.

  For a second, her lips remained clamped. His tongue slid along the line separating them, and she gave a soft sigh and parted for him.

  She twisted on his lap and just like that was straddling his hips with their mouths still fused. His dick was rock hard, and he couldn’t help himself. He pushed the straps down over her slender shoulders, then tugged the dress so it pooled around her waist. And sat back.

  Black lace.

  Half cup.

  Her breasts spilled over, her nipples peeking from behind the lace. For a moment, his eyes feasted on her. Then he lowered his head and kissed
the smooth golden skin.


  The touch of his lips sent darts of pleasure racing through her as he scattered kisses across her breasts. Bella glanced at the panel that separated them from the driver. The glass was tinted, she could only see him as a shadow, and she pushed him from her mind.

  She closed her eyes and gave herself up to the wonderful sensations coursing through her body. She’d never experienced anything like this, the cool whisper of his breath against her skin, the warmth of his mouth melting her insides.

  Rafe was hard beneath her, and she lowered herself to press his erection to her core. Pleasure coiled inside her, starting a deep ache low down in her belly. With his hands splayed across her back, he urged her forward. Then he bit down on her nipple through the lace of her bra, and her back arched, her sex flooding with heat. He bit down again and her lids flew open.

  Bright lights.

  Streetlights lined the road as they passed under a huge sign. Crap, they were almost there, and the car was slowing as they drove into the airport.

  She dug her fingers into Rafe’s silky hair and tugged.


  Finally he got the message and raised his head. His eyes were heavy-lidded and sleepy, filled with the desire she’d wanted from him.

  “Bella…” His hands tightened on her waist and she tried to push them away.

  “We’re there, Rafe.” She recognized the moment he came back to himself. Groaning, he ran a hand through his hair. At least he looked mussed now.

  They pulled up in front of the departures building, and he gave her breasts one last look before dragging the straps of her dress up over her arms. He slid his hands back to her waist, picked her up, and placed her beside him. Then he rested his head back against the seat.

  Chewing on her lower lip, she waited for him to say something. She couldn’t resist a quick glance down; the evidence of his arousal was still clear to see.

  “I’m sorry. That shouldn’t have happened.” He took a deep breath. “And I’m fed up with saying that.”

  “Maybe you’re wrong. Maybe it’s supposed to happen.”

  The driver was out and had stepped around the back. She followed his movements as he pulled Rafe’s bag from the trunk and then opened the car door. Rafe would be leaving any moment, and she wanted to say something, anything. She just didn’t know what.


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