Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3)

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Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3) Page 8

by Siobhan Davis

  Kal and Ky are lounging against the wall outside, talking in hushed tones, when I step outside the salon. “Hey.” I walk into Ky’s welcoming arms. “You okay?”

  He nods, offering me a small smile. “Kal knows.” I flip my head in his direction.

  “I can’t believe he hid that for so long. It puts a lot of things in perspective.” Kal kicks at the dirt under his boot. “I’m glad that bastard is dead.” His fists clench at his sides. “Otherwise I’d probably be finding myself back in a courtroom.”

  “You and me both.” I rest my head on Ky’s chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

  “You’re going to be okay.” Kal places his hand on Ky’s shoulder. “And I think you two need some time alone. You’ve both had the mother of all bombs dropped, and you need each other. I’m going to head back. I don’t want to miss any more of school.”

  “When did you become so conscientious?” Ky half teases.

  “Since I had to contemplate the very real possibility of a life behind bars. It’s changed my outlook on certain things.”

  Reaching out, I give him a brief hug. “I’m so proud of the person you’re becoming. Drive safely.”

  He hugs me tight, leaning in to whisper in my ear. “Please help my brother heal.”

  We both set out on the road at the same time. Ky has already called ahead and made hotel reservations in Cleveland, Ohio. It’s a city about halfway between here and home. We’re planning on spending the next few days there, and although it’s hardly a vacation, the prospect of spending so much alone time with Ky has me pumped full of nervous excitement.

  While I have plenty to update him on, we don’t talk much on the journey, preferring to listen to music instead. We trail Kal for a few hundred miles before turning off and heading for Cleveland.

  Ky locates the hotel easily, and in next to no time, we are checked in and making our way in the lift to the penthouse suite. I still can’t get over how flippant all my cousins are in relation to money. While I never felt deprived growing up, my parents had to budget for everything, and they would never have had the money to splurge on the best suite in the hotel. Ky just whipped out some black credit card and casually handed it over, like it was no big deal.

  “Wow!” I gasp the instant we step into the suite. It’s almost as big as an apartment with two separate bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a massive living space resplendent with plush leather sofas and the largest wall-mounted TV screen I’ve ever seen. Marble, mirror, and glass reflect the clean lines of the interior decoration, emitting a contrasting sense of minimalism and decadence. On the top floor of the hotel, the tall, wide glass windows offer a breathtaking view of the city below.

  Opening the sliding doors, I step out onto the expansive terrace and soak up the view.

  Ky’s warm arms slither around my waist. “Is it really selfish of me to be extremely happy you are here?” He rests his chin on my shoulder as I lean back into him.

  “It’s not selfish at all. Which reminds me …” I spin around in his embrace. “I have a bone to pick with you for running off like you did.” I rest my hands on his chest, tilting my head up to look him straight in the eye. “We’re a team and you took off without me. That is not going to happen again.” I send him my best stinky-eyed look.

  His expression softens. “You’re too good for this, Faye. And you’ve had your fair share of crap to deal with. I didn’t want to add to that.”

  My arms creep around his neck. “What if I had run off without you when I discovered the man who raised me wasn’t my father? How would that have made you feel?”

  He tightens his arms around me. “Mad and worried,” he immediately replies.

  “Exactly. I could barely sleep Sunday night because I was so worried you’d wrap your bike around a tree.”

  “But I was in the truck.”

  I prod him in the chest with a finger. “And how was I to know that when you wouldn’t even respond to my texts? You freaked me out, Ky. You can’t do that to me again. And you have got to stop pushing me away. Either we’re a team or we’re not. You can’t keep saying it and then not following through. That’s not how this works.”

  He runs his hand up and down my spine. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I was only trying to protect you.”

  I sigh, trying to put a leash on my anger and frustration. “You’ve shown me you’re the protective type time and time again, and I understand more clearly where that’s coming from now, but you’ve got to let me protect you sometimes. I”—I press a kiss to his right cheek—“want”—I press another kiss to the tip of his nose—“to protect”—I kiss his left cheek—“you.” I join my lips to his in a sweet, soft kiss. “And you’re going to let me.” My tone brokers no argument.

  “I’ll try. I promise.”

  I smile up at him as I frame the next question carefully. “Have you ever considered talking to anyone about what happened? A professional?”

  His muscles bunch up. “You mean a shrink?” I nod. “Not really.”

  “I think you should. Consider it, I mean.”

  He purses his lips. “I thought you were anti-psychiatrist.”

  I vehemently shake my head. “No, I never said that. I said I hoped I never had to see one again because it feels like I’ve spent a lifetime in therapy already, but I didn’t mean to imply that it wasn’t beneficial or that I wouldn’t go to therapy again in future. I just meant I hoped I’d never need to. That I’d gotten through the difficult phase of my life.”

  “Do you think I should?”

  I cup his cheek. “Yes. Therapy helped me, and it was actually a relief to speak to someone who didn’t know me. I could speak my mind without fear. I could tell her every horrible dark thought in my head, and she didn’t judge me. What I liked most about therapy was how she guided me to a better path. Fiona didn’t tell me what to do. She helped me identify what I wanted to do. She helped me put it behind me and move on. She empowered me to make my own decisions, and I think you need that too.”

  He drags his lower lip between his teeth. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Good.” I kiss him again. “Now, how about we explore the town and find somewhere romantic to eat?”

  Chapter Ten


  We wander around the town holding hands and window shopping for a few hours. Ky disappears on his own for a half hour while I peruse the shelves in the bookstore. Finding a quaint little Italian restaurant up a side street, we head inside and secure a private table in a secluded corner of the room. The overhead lighting is dim, and the small tabletop candle casts magical shadows on the walls behind us. We order pasta and drinks, and Ky maneuvers his chair over beside mine, taking my hand in his. “I can’t believe we haven’t been on any real dates before now,” he says, bringing my fingers to his lips.

  I shrug. “I don’t need dates. I just need you.”

  He kisses me sweetly, easing back as the waitress places our drinks down. She smiles knowingly at me, and I can’t help smiling back. It’s contagious, and nothing could impair my good mood. Irrespective of all the heavy stuff we’ve got going on, I’m in my element right now. I know I just told Ky I don’t need dates, but what girl doesn’t love to spend cozy romantic nights with her boyfriend? And this is exactly what we need. A night to just be young and in love. A night to forget the pressures hanging over us. We keep our talk casual and teasing at the table, and the only time Ky lets go of my hand is when we eat.

  Nighttime has fallen when we emerge from the restaurant, and the air is distinctly cooler. Ky drapes his arm around my shoulders, and we stroll back to the hotel in quiet contemplation. Once we are back in our suite, Ky grabs a bottle of wine he had chilling in the fridge and two glasses and takes my hand, leading me out to the terrace.

  We snuggle up under a thick plaid blanket, sipping our wine and surveying the bustling nightlife below us
. “I could get used to this, you know,” he says a few minutes later. I twist my head around to look inquiringly at him. “Us, together like this. You’re the other piece of my heart, Faye. I can’t ever imagine my life without you in it.”

  My eyes light up. “Nor me.” I put my glass down on the coffee table and lean into him. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, Ky. It’s never felt so right with anyone else. We are meant for each other. You’re mine. I’m yours.”

  His lips crash onto mine, and he cups the back of my head, holding me close. His kiss is urgent and needy, and it works me into a frenzy in no time. We devour each other without apology, and I just can’t get enough of him. My hands are everywhere—winding in his hair, gripping his strong, broad shoulders, and exploring the ripped planes of his chest and abs. It’s as if God plucked all the thoughts of my dream boy straight from my head and created Ky especially for me.

  “There is one positive to come out of this mess,” he rasps against my lips, and I open my eyes. Raw desire glimmers in his eyes. “We’re not blood related. There is nothing to stop us being together now.”

  “I know. I was thinking the same thing on the journey here. We can be a normal couple.” Although, he’d have to come clean about his real dad for that to truly be the case, and I’m not sure he’ll want to go there. But, for now, I’m going to enjoy the fact there is no impediment to our relationship.

  His fingers drift in and out of my hair. “That’s what I’ve always dreamed of. It’s killed me knowing you and Brad were together in public, even if it was fake.” His brows knit together. “Well, on your side, at least.”

  “Ky.” I silently beg him not to go there. Not tonight.

  He palms my face. “We can’t ignore reality forever.”

  “I know, but we can have this one night. Tomorrow we can talk about my dad and yours and Brad and what we’re going to do, but right now, being with you like this is everything I’ve wished for. I just want to enjoy us. I want to hold you and kiss you knowing that we belong together and there’s no one or nothing to keep us apart anymore.”

  His answering kiss melts me into a puddle of goo. His lips worship mine with so much adoration that I can almost feel my heart swelling to bursting point. I will never get enough of this all-consuming feeling when I’m with him. Soon, I’m straddling him as we pump and grind against one another. His hands sneak under my sweater, roaming my curves, and I don’t care that I’m whimpering like a puppy in heat. My skin is on fire from his touch, and I want to shed my clothes, strip him of his, and do all kinds of naughty stuff.

  When his hand creeps into my bra and he runs his thumb over the hard peak of my nipple, I arch my back and cry out. I rock into his hips, and he groans as his lips crush mine with intense need. He pulls his mouth away a minute later, yanking my sweater up over my head and tugging my bra down. A welcome cool breeze coasts over my bare skin. I moan loudly when he sucks the sensitive tip of one nipple into his mouth while his hand plays with my other breast. I’m panting and writhing on top of him now, and he’s bucking his hips against mine, his arousal straining against his jeans.

  He stands up suddenly, holding me to him, and I wrap my legs around his waist as he starts walking back inside. I pepper his face with hot kisses as he walks toward the bedroom. We fall back on the bed, kissing feverishly as we pull at our clothes until we are flesh to flesh with no barrier between us. My hands wander greedily over his bare skin, gliding over the defined muscles of his back and down to his ass. I pull him against me, and we both groan.

  He repositions us on the bed so I’m underneath him with my head on the pillows. Holding my hands stretched over my head, he hovers over me, his impressive naked body brushing against mine as his eyes roam over every inch of me. I’m burning up from his gaze and the promise of what’s to come.

  Dipping his head, he worships my mouth, kissing along my jawline and down my neck. He presses the lightest of kisses to that delicate spot on my collarbone, and I shudder all over. My fingers tangle in his hair as he glides down my body, licking, nipping, sucking, and kissing as he goes. I’m gasping and moaning and squirming in need as his lips leave scorching imprints all over my body. Spreading my legs wide, he eases one finger inside me, and I almost come on the spot. When he adds a second finger, I scream, and he chuckles. “Oh, God, don’t stop. Just don’t stop.”

  He replaces his fingers with his mouth, and I nearly buck off the bed. My hands grip his head, holding him in place as blissful tremors start building inside me. I shatter, falling apart in exquisite waves of pleasure as he continues to worship me, wresting every last drop from my body. My skin is hot and sensitive as he crawls over me. Clasping my hands over my head again, he stares intensely into my eyes. My tongue darts out and I trace a line around his lush lips. His eyes burn with hunger, asking a silent question, and I convey my agreement with my lusty gaze and a determined nod.

  There will never be a more perfect moment, and I’m done waiting.

  I want him.

  I want him inside me right now.

  He grabs a condom from the pocket of his jeans and rolls it on. “Are you sure, Faye? Because it’s okay if you’re not.” My answering yes is breathy and needy, and the biggest smile spreads across his mouth.

  His eyes never leave mine as he aligns our bodies. My heart beats wildly in my chest, and I can’t believe the moment is upon us. I’ve wanted this so badly for months now, and, finally, he will truly be mine. Releasing my hands, his mouth caresses mine as he slowly inches inside me. I gasp as he fills me up, whimpering with my eyes closed. “Are you okay?” he asks, halting all movement.

  “Perfect,” I whisper, opening my eyes and latching onto his. “You feel so good. Don’t stop.”

  He moves gently. Our eyes are locked on one another, and I reach out, palming his face. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” He starts thrusting, slowly at first and then with more urgency as his movements grow harder, stronger, more intense. My legs go around his waist, and I lift my hips up to meet him, building a steady rhythm as liquid fire ignites every part of my body. My fingers dig into his back, and he moans into my mouth, capturing my lips in a searing kiss. His lips trail down my neck and over my collarbone before worshipping my breasts. My hands knead his ass, pulling him even closer to me, and our ragged breathing is growing more and more frantic.

  Heavenly tremors start building inside me again, and I’m floating on a sea of sensation. I’m writhing and moaning as Ky whips my body into a frenzy.

  My first time was absolutely nothing like this. There was no insatiable need. No unquenchable thirst. No waves of continuous pleasure. No sensual looks and caresses. No touching of souls. This is all that and more. Ky is all that and more, and I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of him.

  When he shatters, his body trembling and pulsing over me, I quickly follow him over the ledge, never once removing my eyes from his, and it’s everything.

  Everything I’ve dreamed of.

  Everything my first time wasn’t.

  Everything I want for the rest of my life.

  He gets up to dispose of the condom, returning with a warm cloth to clean me. Then he encloses me in his arms, and I snuggle into his chest. “You okay?” He kisses my forehead tenderly.

  “More than okay,” I reply. “That was amazing.” My hand glides over his stomach and lower. “I’m thinking we might have to do it again, just to make sure it wasn’t a fluke.” He chuckles, and I brace on one elbow, twisting to face him. “Was it … good for you?”

  He kisses the tips of my fingers. “It was incredible, Faye.” His eyes grow glassy. “Sometimes intimacy has been uncomfortable for me, but not with you. Never with you. With you, it’s always felt right, and all I’m thinking in the moment is how good it feels. How natural it feels.” He pulls me down on top of him, circling his arms around me. “We fit together perfectly in eve
ry conceivable way.”

  I press a slew of drugging kisses to his chest, grazing the column of his neck, and I’m thrilled when he hardens underneath me.

  Round two is even better than round one, and when we finally collapse atop one another, sweaty and sated, we grin at each other like lovesick fools.

  I fall asleep enveloped in his sturdy arms, and no place has ever felt more comfortable or more like home.

  I wake up first the next morning with Ky’s arm draped across my stomach and one of his legs covering mine. Warmth and happiness suffuses every inch of my body, and I nestle into him, inhaling the scent that is all male. My limbs feel deliciously sore, and I ache in places I never knew I could ache.

  “Morning, gorgeous,” he says before opening his eyes. He pulls me in flush to his body, and every part of me sparks to life. “Last night was amazing.” He buries his head in my shoulder, nuzzling my neck with his nose. “Waking up beside you is amazing as well, and something I plan to do for a very long time.”

  “Don’t I get a say?” I tease, running the tip of one finger up and down his arm.

  “And what exactly is your objection?” He sucks on my neck in the exact spot where my pulse throbs uncontrollably.

  “None,” I gasp in a breathy voice. “I could never complain about falling asleep and waking up in your arms. Never.”

  “Good answer,” he agrees, flipping me on my back and covering my body with his. His mouth meets mine in a hungry kiss, and I yank him down on top of me, wrapping my legs around his waist as I guide him closer. Expertly rolling on a condom, he situates himself exactly where I need him. His hands stroll up and down my body, caressing my curves as he thrusts into me in one fluid move. He makes love to me slowly and sweetly, and we rock gently against one another, kissing languorously, and I have no desire to ever get out of this bed.

  We eventually get up an hour later, when the need for food temporarily overrides our hunger for one another. Ky orders room service while I take a quick shower. We eat breakfast at the dining table, in our toweled dressing gowns, sharing secretive glances every couple of minutes. “It feels different now,” I say, pushing my plate away and rubbing one hand across my satisfied stomach. “Does it feel like that to you?”


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