Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3)

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Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3) Page 15

by Siobhan Davis

  We make our way inside, and a good-looking guy with a blond buzz cut approaches us. He’s wearing dark jeans and a navy and red polo shirt that stretches in sinful yumminess across his broad chest. Rachel’s eyes light up, and I attempt to smother my giggle.

  “Dude. Glad you could make it,” the unfamiliar boy says to Ky.

  “Thanks for inviting us.” Ky gestures with his hand. “Girls, this is Trent.” We smile at him as Ky continues the introductions. “This is Faye, Jill, and Rachel. You know my brothers, and Brad.”

  Trent high-fives the guys before kissing each of our hands in turn. He pins his stunning ocher-colored eyes on me, not even attempting to disguise his slow perusal of my body. Ky encircles my waist from behind, brushing my hair to one side and planting a territorial kiss to my neck. “You’re every bit as beautiful as Ky said,” Trent tells me.

  “Thank you,” I coolly reply.

  “Now I get it,” he says to Ky. “Good for you.” Someone catches his attention from the other side of the room. “I’ve got to make rounds. Have a good time. Help yourself to drinks. We’ve a full selection in the kitchen, and there’s beer and shit in buckets around the place.”

  “What was all that about?” I ask Ky as we venture into the main living area that’s been cleared to accommodate a makeshift dance floor. A DJ pumps out beats from his station in the corner of the room.

  “Some of the guys can’t understand why I let Addison go.”

  “After what she did? Are they idiots?”

  “They think with their dicks half the time.”

  “You’ve just proven my point.”

  We locate Keaton and Melissa in a corner of the room, joining them, while Ky, Brad, and Kal wander to the kitchen to get us drinks. “I have never seen so much male hotness in one place in my entire life,” Rach rasps. “I fucking love America.”

  Melissa giggles, and Kent sends her a scathing look that has her almost withering on the spot. Keaton pulls her into his protective chest, glaring at his brother.

  “What about Trent?” Jill asks. “I’d do him if I was single.”

  “I’m happy to offer my studly services,” Kent interjects, sending Rach an overtly suggestive look.

  “Sorry,” she says, not sounding in the least bit apologetic. “But I’m not into kids.”

  Kent’s pride looks wounded.

  “Bro, your game needs serious work,” Kal supplies, distributing wine coolers to my friends.

  Ky gives me my drink before circling his arm around my shoulders. “What’d I miss?”

  “Rachel is crushing on that sleaze Trent,” Kent huffs.

  “I said no such thing,” Rach replies tartly. “With this much hotness in the room, I’d be a fool to limit my options so early in the night.”

  “Spoken like a true lady,” Brad snarls before downing his beer.

  “Oh, whatever.” Rach sighs, showing him her middle finger. “Come on, girls. Let’s dance.”

  I press a quick kiss to Ky’s mouth, but he has other plans. Wrapping his arms firmly around my waist, he hauls me into his body as his lips claim my mouth. His tongue swirls around mine, and I’m dizzy with lust. Leaning me right back, my spine arches as he kisses the heck out of me. I dig my fingers into his shoulders, pulling him even closer. His arms hold me firmly around the waist, ensuring I don’t lose my balance. Heat from his body mingles with the spicy masculine scent that is pure Ky, and I’m lost in an alternate realm. One where it’s only him and me, and the way he’s holding me, kissing me, is the entire center of my world. When we finally come up for air, I’m struggling to breathe.

  Kal slaps him on the back. “Marking your territory?” he quizzes with a grin.

  “You forget I know most of these horn dogs. Just protecting my girl.” His dark stare is shamelessly domineering, and I stare back at him through dazed eyes. I’m still trying to return to earth after that incredible make-out session.

  Rach loops her arm in mine while she peers up at Ky. “Which of those horn dogs would know how to kiss a girl like that?”

  “I’m one of a kind,” he quips, with a smirk.

  Her face drops. “Was afraid you were going to say that.”

  I finally snap out of it. “Come on. Let’s get out there before he does that again and sends me into a coma.”

  “You love it!” he calls out after me.

  “I do,” I shout over my shoulder, smiling like the biggest idiot on the planet. Ordinarily, if a guy blatantly branded me in the way Ky just did, I’d be hopping mad but not on this occasion. I love that he was bold enough to put an end to the speculation. Brave enough to stick the proverbial fingers up to those would-be detractors. This is all I’ve dreamed of for months, and now that it’s finally happening, I couldn’t be more delighted. I want everyone to know I’m his. That he’s mine, and if he has to kiss me like that to make a statement, I’m certainly not going to complain.

  Rach is tugging me toward the dance floor when a flash of red catches the corner of my eye. Jerking my head around, I stare Addison directly in the eye. She’s standing off to the side, wearing a bum-skimming hot red mini, with Jeremy her only companion. From the unhappy pout on her face, I can tell she saw us kissing, and it gives me an inordinate amount of pleasure. She makes a gagging gesture with her fingers and her mouth, and I just smile.

  A whopper smile.

  The kind that almost hurts.

  It’d be easy to flip her off or make an equally repulsive gesture in return, but why bother? Even though half the community incorrectly thinks I’m an inbred, I got my guy, and that’s all that matters. Nothing can take the sheen off my happiness in this moment. Especially not that conniving biatch.

  Rach plows into the crowd, moshing on the dance floor, and we quickly work up a sweat. If feels unreal to be dancing with my besties again, and I quickly lose track of time. Soon, we’re surrounded by a sea of hot guys, and Rach is on the verge of self-combustion, her eyes lighting up in obvious delight. We sway to the beat, and I feel footloose and carefree, and it feels incredible. A laugh bubbles up my throat as I check out my friends. Rach is dancing raunchily with a tall, dark-haired guy I’ve seen around, while Jill is doing her best to fend attacks from all angles. It’s almost comical to watch her. Ky’s demonstration has worked its magic, and though I feel plenty of admiring eyes on me, no one dares approach or come anywhere near me.

  Sturdy arms encircle my waist, and I lean back, stretching one arm up to cup the back of Ky’s head. “How did you know it was me?” he murmurs, his lips brushing against my neck.

  “I’d know your touch anywhere.” I shimmy my body up and down, grinding against him. He grips my hips, swaying with me as we start dancing in time to the beat. I lose track of our surroundings again as we dance like we’re the only two people on the floor. Ky’s hands are everywhere and I love it. Angling my head, I claim his lips in an open-mouthed kiss, writhing against him as we continue to dance to the rhythmic music. Flipping me around in his arms, he teases my legs apart, places his knee in between, and I shimmy my leg around his, allowing him to set the pace. Sliding my hands up and down his impressive chest, I rock against him as the throbbing between my legs pulses achingly. From the hungry look in his eyes, I can tell he’s as turned on as me. Arching my back, I let my hair tumble over my shoulders, granting him greater access to my neck. His tongue darts out, and he runs a line up and down my neck, sending waves of fiery tingles all over me. I smash my hips against his, emitting a needy moan as I pull his lips to mine and plunder his mouth. Our lips move urgently, frantically, our tongues crashing and tasting, our bodies fitting together like we were carved from the same mold. This feels so good, and I’m primed to explode, like I could practically orgasm on the spot.

  “You make me sick!” someone says beside us, voice dripping in venom. Ky stiffens against me, straightening us up and keeping his arm firmly around my
waist. We turn and face Addison and Jeremy, noting others have formed a loose circle around us. Everyone watches with bated breath and anticipation is almost palpable in the air. “You are making all of us sick,” Addison sneers, looking me up and down.

  “I can’t imagine why,” Ky calmly replies. “We aren’t related.” He shrugs. “There’s no reason why we can’t be together. You’re just pissed because your little plan to ruin my life failed. Because I would rather hump a dead body than hook up with you. Because Faye is worth ten million of you and I couldn’t be any happier. Look around, Addy. No one here even likes you. You’re a pathetic clinger, and we all know it.”

  “This isn’t over.” She jabs a finger in his chest.

  I thrust her hand away. “Keep your disease-ridden paws to yourself.”

  “Make me.” She plants her hands on her hips, deliberately taunting me.

  If she thinks I’m going to lower myself to her level, she can think again. I’ve already gone a couple rounds with Peyton this week and I’m determined to play it smarter from now on. I make a show of removing my phone from my bag in slo-mo. She pins me with a derisory look. “You’ve been officially cautioned to stay away from us. You too.” I jerk my head in Jeremy’s direction. “I wonder what the cops will say when I tell them you’re already violating the terms of the agreement and deliberately trying to provoke a fight.” I tap in a few numbers, and she attempts to snatch the phone from my hand, but I preempt the move, extending my arm up over my head, well out of her petite reach.

  She stomps her foot in frustration—a move I’ve seen her exercise before—and Jill and Rach burst out laughing. That sets the crowd off, and soon everyone is laughing and mimicking her. Her skin flares up and her body is trembling with rage.

  “Get lost, Addison,” Ky says, resting his chin on my shoulder. “No one wants you here.” The crowd starts up a chant, “Out, out, out,” and her lower lip wobbles.

  Sweeping past us like a tornado, she leaves the house, dragging Jeremy with her. “Fuck you, Kennedy,” Jeremy snipes, flipping his middle finger up as he passes.

  “What a bitch!” Rach exclaims, clasping her bottle of beer to her chest and slurring her words a little. She staggers against the guy propping her up.

  The crowd disperses now that the thrill of a potential fight has evaporated, and as they do, I spy Brad heading farther into the house, towing a cute brunette by his side.

  We decide to take a break from dancing, finding a semi-private spot in the front room to make out in peace. After a while, we wander back into the main room. Rach is kissing the face off some unsuspecting guy on the dance floor while Jill is chatting with Kal in the space where we left them. Melissa is snuggled into Keaton’s chest, and his arms are loose around her waist. Kent is M.I.A., as per usual, and there’s no sign of Brad.

  “How much longer do you want to stay?” Ky asks.

  I shrug. “Depends when Rach and Jill want to leave. Why?” I peer up into his gorgeous blue eyes. “You in a hurry or something?”

  “Or something.” He grins, pulling me in for another kiss. “I can’t wait to get you home,” he whispers in my ear, and I shudder uncontrollably at the seductive tone in his voice.

  Kal and Jill meander over. “I think we should check on Kent,” he suggests, and Ky nods.

  “Are you having a good time?” I ask Jill after the boys have headed out in search of their brother.

  “Yeah. This place is unreal.” She leans into my ear. “I’m so happy things have worked out with you and Ky. He’s very attentive, and you seem really happy. I’m glad because I was so worried about you after what happened in the diner. I even spoke to my parents to see if they’d agree to let you move in with us.”

  “You did?” I can’t disguise the surprise in my tone.

  “Of course! You’re my best friend, and you know my parents love you, but we just don’t have the room.” Jill comes from a traditionally large Irish family, and she’s telling no word of a lie. Their house is already crammed to the rafters.

  I give her a quick hug. “I know that and I’m chuffed you asked. That was really sweet of you, but you don’t need to worry about me. I’m happy here. I can’t say it’s been a walk in the park, but I’ve been made to feel like a part of the family, and while Ky and I still have stuff to work through, I know he’s a keeper. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. He makes me feel so alive. So cherished.”

  “Good. You deserve it.” Her eyes wander out to the dance floor. “At least I only have one bestie to worry about now.”

  My eyes follow hers. Rachel is kissing a different guy now, and she’s staggering all over the place. The dude has major grabby hands, but she’s too out of it to notice. “We need to stage an intervention.”

  Jill sighs. “Story of my life.” We walk toward the dance floor, but before we can reach Rachel, Brad does. He hauls her back against his chest as words let loose on his tongue. I can’t hear what he’s saying to the guy from here, but he’s unmistakably ripping him a new one. The guy mouths off at him before storming away. Rachel slumps against Brad, clawing at his shirt.

  “I think that’s our cue to leave.”

  “Agreed,” Jill says, while we watch Brad supporting Rachel.

  They walk toward us. “She’s smashed,” he says. Rachel mumbles incoherently.

  “Brad?” The brunette he was with tugs on his arm.

  “Not now.” He scoops a wobbly Rach up into his arms, before shooting a fleeting glance at the other girl. “I have to leave. I’ll see you around.” He brushes past me, and the girl’s mouth curls into a sneer. “I’ll wait in the limo while you round up the others,” he tells me.

  The brunette watches as he leaves with Rachel. “He didn’t mean to run out on you,” I supply, feeling the need to explain his actions.

  She snorts. “Please, get real.” She flicks her hair over her shoulder and smooths her hands down the front of her dress. “We fucked. It’s no biggie. I couldn’t care less.” I spot Kal entering the far side of the room as she saunters up to another guy, running her hands over his ass and smiling provocatively. Well, then.

  “Ky’ll be out in a minute,” Kal says, reaching my side. “He said to wait for him in the car.”

  “You go. I’ll wait here for him.” Jill stays with me while Keaton, Kal, and Melissa head outside.

  Ky marches toward me, half-dragging Kent with him. Kent is cursing at the top of his voice.

  “Oh, boy,” Jill exclaims. “What is his problem?”

  “He’s angry all the time, and so closed off.”

  “Out.” Ky gently pushes Kent ahead of him, before reaching out to take my hand. We are nearing the corner of the house when Ky’s name is called from behind.

  Ky sighs. “What now?”

  We turn around as Addison throws herself out the side of the hot tub almost tripping over the edge. She runs toward us, water dripping down her bikini-clad body, wobbling on her wet feet. Pushing damp strands of her blonde hair back off her face, she reaches for Ky. He steps in front of me, keeping one arm around my waist while he holds up the other in warning. “Don’t come any closer.”

  “I’m surry,” she slurs, looking up at him with pleading eyes. She sways on her feet, almost losing her balance.

  “You’re drunk, and I’m done with you.” He moves to turn around, but she grabs his elbow. He shucks her hand away. “Get your hands off me. I want nothing more to do with you. What part of that don’t you understand?”

  “You donzt mean it,” she slurs. “I only did it for you. Fur uzz.”

  She reaches for him again, and I slide out of his hold, positioning myself in between them. “What do you mean by that?”

  She growls at me. “I hate you.”

  “The feeling is mutual.”

  She moves to go around me but stumbles awkwardly on her ankle. Crying out, she cras
hes to the ground on her knees. I bend over to help her up, but she pushes me away. “Don’t tush me!” She glares at me before looking over my shoulder at Ky. “I love you. Please, baby.” She’s whimpering now, trying to climb to her feet. Her knees are gashed and bloody, and I reach out again to help her up. “Screw off!” she screams, lunging at me. I step back, and Ky circles his arm around my waist. “This is all your fault, you whore! I hate you.” A loud sob rips from her throat, and she sags dejectedly to one side. Ky starts backtracking, putting more distance between us as Jeremy stalks toward us in his swim shorts, nostrils flaring. “She … she said—”

  Jeremy clamps his hand over her mouth, muffling her words. Lifting her up, he cradles her against his chest. “Get lost, asshole,” he sneers at Ky.

  Instead of responding, Ky takes my hand and spins us around, nudging Jill forward with a soft hand on her back. Kent is shaking his head, laughing. “Man, your ex is a fucking crazy bitch. You sure know how to pick ’em!”

  “Shut. Up. Kent.” Ky’s jaw is tense as he steers us to the car.

  We scramble inside, and Brad is holding Rachel’s hair back while she pukes into the ice bucket. Melissa has a hand over her mouth, looking like she might spew herself. Keaton moves her head to his chest, running his hand up and down her back. Kal is watching Rach with a faraway look on his face.

  “I’ll do that.” I get up to move to Rach’s side as the limo glides out of the driveway.

  Brad waves me away with his hand. “I’ve got it.” After she’s finished puking, she accepts the tissue and bottle of water Brad holds out. Mascara is smudged under her eyes, and tendrils of hair are plastered to her forehead. Dropping her head, she rests it on Brad’s lap and promptly conks out.


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