Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3)

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Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3) Page 20

by Siobhan Davis

  Ky scratches his stubbly jawline. “I’ll try talk to him tonight.”

  “Don’t. You have enough going on, let me.”

  A sheepish look crosses over his face. “Babe.” He caresses my cheek. “I know you only want to help but—”

  “I’m part of the problem,” I guess, cutting in.

  Ky looks apologetic. “I see the way he still looks at you, Faye. He wants you.”

  I lean my head back and close my eyes. “I never should have agreed to the fake boyfriend deal.” I adore Brad and his friendship means a lot to me, so I hate this.

  Ky gently grips my chin, pulling my face toward his. I open my eyes. “I don’t think it would’ve made any difference. You’re too easy to fall in love with, and we have always gravitated toward the same type of girl. I think it was destined to happen.”

  “We need to find him a girl,” I muse out loud.

  Ky swallows hard. “I’d like that a hell of a lot, but he’ll find someone in his own time. We can’t interfere. He’ll go crazy if he thinks we’re trying to fix this, fix him.”

  He’s right.

  Leaning in, he kisses me long and hard. His body presses against mine, and I clutch him to me, wishing we didn’t have to separate for the next several hours. He leans his forehead against mine. “I hate leaving you.”

  “I hate it too. I miss you when you’re not here.” I pout, and his answering smile lights a fuse inside me. Sheer happiness invades every nook and cranny of my being. I used to think I was in love with Luke, but it isn’t a patch on the strength of my feelings for Ky. My entire world starts and ends with him. When he isn’t with me, he’s all I think about to the point of obsession.

  “I love being in love with you.” His fingers dance in and out of my hair, and I lose myself in his pale blue eyes, swimming in the depths of his love and adoration.

  “I never imagined I could feel this way. That true love would feel so unbelievably amazing. You make me so happy, Ky.” I thread my fingers in his. “I never want to stop feeling this way.”

  He pulls me into his chest, hugging me tight. “Me either, and we won’t. You’re my forever girl, Faye. There will never be anyone for me but you.”

  He kisses the top of my head, and a happy sigh escapes my lips. “Are you doing okay?” I ask when we eventually break apart. He’s dead late for school now, so what does another few minutes matter?

  “I’m okay,” he answers quickly. “Trying not to think about it.”

  “James says Dan hasn’t heard anything more from the cops, so that’s got to be a good sign. You didn’t kill him, and they must know that by now.”

  Ky flips his keycard over and over in his hand. “Hopefully, but I won’t properly relax until they tell me I’m in the clear.” He opens his car door. “I better go and face the music.”

  I lean in and kiss him on the lips. “Drive safe, and don’t forget about tonight.” I’m determined to show Brad how much he means to us, so, tonight I’m preparing dinner myself. I’ve already squared it off with Alex and the housekeeper, and all the ingredients for our Mexican feast are bought and waiting for me in the kitchen. I hope this won’t anger him further, but I’m not going to let that stop me from showing him how much he matters. He will never admit it, but he needs to know that. To feel part of the family.

  “I won’t. Have a good day. Love you.” He blows me a kiss before maneuvering the car out of the garage and out of my line of vision. I practically skip back to my room, forgoing study so I can research recipes on the internet.

  It’s early evening and everyone is home from school. Predictably, Brad came in and went straight to his room, avoiding contact with all of us. Spicy, sweet aromas waft through the air as I navigate the myriad of different pots and dishes I have on the go. “This smells amazing,” Ky says, stepping into the kitchen. He’s wearing my favorite dark-washed jeans and a form-fitting white T-shirt. Clean, classic, and oh so hot. His hair is still damp from the shower, and tiny beads of water drip slowly down his neck in silent invitation. Fire burns in my eyes.

  Reading my horny expression, he chuckles as he saunters toward me. Drawing me into his arms, he presses his mouth close to my ear. “I like where your mind has gone, and if we were alone, I’d take you right here, right now, bent over the counter.”

  The ache down below intensifies, and I squeeze my legs together. “You’re such a tease,” I whisper, lifting my head to kiss him as the singsong chime of the bell rings out.

  “I’m only a tease if I have no intention of following through.” He starts backing away, winking. “But we’ll definitely be taking a rain check later tonight, and that’s a promise.” I grin like a lovesick fool at him. “Go, get the door.” I turn, smiling to myself as I stir the pots and check on the burritos in the oven.

  Raised voices from the lobby claim my attention, and my body instantly seizes up. Call it intuition, but I have a sixth sense when it comes to Addison, and I just know it’s her at the door. Turning the temp down on the stove, I head toward the lobby, tiptoeing quietly so as not to be heard. I hover just inside the door, listening.

  “Please, Ky. I’m sorry I fucked up. I miss you so much. It was never meant to happen like this.”

  “I don’t care.” Ky’s harsh, impersonal growl pleases me no end. “I despise you and everything you stand for. I’m in love with Faye, and she’s the only one for me. Get that through your thick skull, and leave me and my family alone. This is your final warning. If you show up here again, I’ll report it to the cops. You know you’re not permitted to be here.”

  Her breath leaks out in exaggerated fashion. “Please, Ky,” she pants heavily. “I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I want it to end, but I don’t know how to get out of this mess.” Her breathing becomes more pronounced. “Please don’t shut me out,” she gasps, almost like she’s struggling for air. “I love you, and I can’t bear it.”

  There’s a loud thud, followed by Ky’s urgent footsteps. “Addy!” Her strangled breathing causes my feet to move of their own accord. I step around the door and into the lobby. “Where’s your inhaler?” Ky asks, crouched down over her prostrate form.

  She’s lying on her stomach, gasping for breath. “Don’t … have … it.”

  “Wait here.” He straightens up and turns around, startled to see me. Grabbing my hand as he passes, he pulls me with him back to the kitchen. “Don’t say it. This means nothing.”

  He yanks open a cupboard, pulling a large medical box out. Flipping the lid, he starts pulling items out, tossing them onto the counter.

  “Why should you even care?” I ask petulantly. “Can’t you just call someone to come get her?”

  He stops what he’s doing, placing his hands on my shoulders. “This is self-preservation, pure and simple. I don’t want her to die on my doorstep and add another suspicious death to the list.”

  I know it’s more than that. Despite the nasty things Addison has done, she was a big part of his life once, and he can’t erase their history. Doesn’t mean I’m not suspicious of her motives. That girl is capable of everything and anything. I scoff. “Please. Jill has severe asthma, and I’ve witnessed some asthmatic attacks over the years.” I thrust my arms in the air. “That act out there is all for show.”

  “I’m not taking that risk.” Ky begins rummaging in the box again. “Got it!” He snatches the inhaler and legs it out of the kitchen. I race after him, almost colliding with his back in the empty lobby. He throws the inhaler at the wall in a temper, roaring. “Addison! Where the fuck are you?” He storms down the corridor toward his room with me hot on his heels.

  Addison saunters toward us like she hasn’t a care in the world. “Calm down, Ky. I was just using the bathroom.”

  His eyes narrow, and his head dips as he stabs her with a venomous look. Icy chills whip up and down my spine, and the air is fraught with tension. Gripping he
r arm, he starts tugging her back the way we came.

  She slaps at his hand. “Stop it! You’re hurting me.”

  He flings her into the lobby, glaring at her. Hostility and rage emanate from him in waves. “What have you done? What are you up to this time?” His lips curl into a snarl, and his body is taut and tense as he stares her down.

  Addison plants her hands on her hips, faking confusion and hurt. “What do you mean?” She waves an inhaler in the air. “I had one in my bag after all, and I went to the bathroom to compose myself. There’s no big conspiracy theory.” She rolls her eyes. “Honestly, Ky. What the hell has gotten into you?”

  He stalks toward her with a menacing glint in his eye. I position myself in the gap between them, holding him back. He can’t afford to lose his cool around her. I don’t trust her an inch. “You happened.” I stare her down and her amused smug grin is taunting. I’d love nothing more than to wipe the smirk off her face, but then I’d be giving her exactly what she wants. I keep a cool head and an impassive face. Walking to the door, I open it with a flourish. “Get out and don’t come back.”

  She glances at Ky briefly before walking to the door. Turning piercing eyes on me, she smiles maliciously. “You’ll never be enough for him, and he’ll never forget his first.” Her eyes sparkle with superiority. “Enjoy it while it lasts, Ireland.”

  I slam the door shut and storm back to the kitchen. Turning up the heat on the cooker, I check the food in the oven, banging the pots down as I try not to let her words affect me.

  “She may have been my first, but you’ll be my last,” Ky says softly, moving stealthily behind me. I bang a few presses, slamming the utensils around as I take my rage out on the kitchen. Warmth seeps bone deep as he clasps my wrist. “Stop, baby. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  I whip around, hair flying in all directions. “Everything’s wrong!” I yell, thinking of how perfect everything was this morning and how one manipulation from Addison has everything turned upside down. “Why didn’t you tell me she was the first girl you slept with?” I demand.

  “Because I knew you’d go apeshit.” He sends me a knowing look, and my middle finger twitches impatiently. “But mainly because it doesn’t matter. She’s my past, babe.” He pulls me up against his chest, ignoring my feeble attempts at resistance. “And you’re my future. My only future.” He presses his forehead to mine as he holds me even tighter.

  Stress leaks out of my pores as he runs his hand up and down my spine. “She doesn’t matter, Faye. We are all that matters. You are all that matters.” He presses a kiss to my hair, and I sigh.

  “Why won’t she leave you alone? Leave us alone? I’m sick of her, Ky.”

  He tucks my hair behind my ears, sighing. “I know and we won’t see her again. I promise.”


  “I don’t know but I’ll figure it out. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.” He kisses me softly, and I melt into the touch and taste of him, but when he pulls away, that undercurrent of worry, of anxiety, resurfaces, attempting to drag me back into a dark mood.

  I know Ky believes Addison is behind him, and that we have nothing to fear from her, but my sixth sense is uncanny when it comes to that girl. I very much get the sense that she’s going nowhere. That this is far from over.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I lay everything out on the formal dining table before calling the others to dinner. Standing back, I wipe tiny beads of perspiration from my forehead as I survey the impressive spread, and I have to admit it looks pretty darn good, even if I do say so myself! Delicious aromas punctuate the air, and my mouth waters in anticipation. My cousins bound into the room with Ky and Brad at the rear, trailing behind James.

  “Wow, this looks and smells ah-mazing,” Keaton exclaims with a wide grin.

  “You didn’t have to go to so much trouble, Faye,” James says, taking a seat at the top of the table.

  I shrug. “I don’t mind. I love to cook, and I thought we could start a regular Tuesday tradition.” He quirks a brow. “Each week one of us gets to pick the theme and I’ll cook it. I know Mexican food is one of Brad’s favorites, so I thought we’d start with that.”

  I risk a look at him, and the expression on his face is priceless. “You didn’t have to do that,” he says, his voice a little strangled, “but thank you.”

  He seems pleased, and if it’s helped him to thaw out, then mission accomplished. “Should we wait for Alex?” I ask James, but he shakes his head.

  “She’s in another meeting.”

  “I’ll save her some. Everyone tuck in.”

  My cousins waste little time demolishing the meal, and it gives me an inordinate thrill to watch them enjoy it so much. If it wasn’t for the crappy hours and the foul-mouthed head chefs, I might actually consider a career in the restaurant business. Conversation is casual around the table, and for once the atmosphere is lighthearted. Ky squeezes my knee under the table, smiling at me.

  Brad helps me clear the table while the others stay chatting. In the kitchen, he pulls me aside. “Thank you so much for that, and for my room. I’m sorry for how I reacted yesterday.”

  I gulp. “It’s okay. I should’ve asked your permission first.”

  He shakes his head vigorously. “It was a lovely gesture, and I acted like a jerk. It’s just …”

  Tentatively, I reach out and take his arm. “What? You can tell me.”

  His chest heaves as he stares into my eyes. “Planting new roots is scary. Becoming attached to others is far too dangerous.” He averts his gaze, and I step closer.

  I tilt his head frontward. “Why? It’s only us. We’re your friends, your family.”

  “That’s the thing, Faye. Friends drift apart and family leaves. It’s happened with Ky once already, and, well, you know the score with my fam. I’m not sure my heart could withstand it a second time.”

  “Oh, Brad.” I don’t hesitate, moving in for a hug. His arms hang loose at his sides at first, but slowly he circles them around me, hugging me back. “Relationships don’t come with guarantees.” I look up at him. “That’s where trust and respect and loyalty come into play. Things you have here with us. I understand where you’re coming from, but you can’t live the rest of your life in fear, because you’ll miss out on too much of the good stuff.”

  “You make it sound so simple when the reality is way more complicated.” He smooths a hand over my hair, gazing adoringly at me. I take a step back as sirens blare in my head. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Ky hanging back by the door, a noticeable frown on his face. “And you’ve just proven my point.” Brads sighs, leaning against the counter.

  “I’m sorry. I’m trying to help, but I keep making things worse.” I shuffle awkwardly on my feet, shoving my hands into my pockets.

  “Please stop apologizing. You haven’t done anything wrong, and none of this is on you. I really do appreciate what you’ve done the last couple of days, but you have to stop trying so hard.”

  I tense up. “I can’t do nice things for a friend?”

  He puts his head down on the counter, groaning. “God, this is so fucked up.” Ky makes a move to step into the room, but I stall him with a shake of my head. Brad straightens up, piercing me with an honest look. “You should be able to do things for a friend, but that’s the issue. I don’t want you as just my friend, and the more you do stuff like that, the more I fall in love with you, and then I hate myself because I know you don’t feel the same way, and I despise myself for betraying Ky with my thoughts. Honestly, I don’t know if I can continue to live here with you both. It’s killing me.”

  My mouth hangs open. I haven’t a clue how to respond to that. I knew he had some feelings for me but not like that.

  “Get away from her,” Ky growls, approaching from behind.

  “Shit.” Brad swings around to face him. “You hea
rd that?”

  Ky’s face tenses up. “Yeah. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He shoves him, and butterflies erupt in my chest.

  Brad holds up his hands. “I don’t want to fight with you.”

  Ky rolls his sleeves up to his elbows. “Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you told my girlfriend you love her.”

  Brad squares up to him. “Look, man, you’re angry. I get that and you’ve every right to be, but would you rather I lied? I can’t help how I feel even if I know it’s wrong.” He looks Ky directly in the eye. “She loves you, everyone can see that, and you’re perfect together. I have no chance. I know that and I would never ever make any move on her. I meant what I said before. I won’t do that to you again, and I’m trying so damn hard.” He sighs, looking down at his feet. “It’s a shitty situation, and I don’t know what to do about it.”

  “Find someone else,” Ky grits out, but the murderous look is fading from his face.

  “It’s hardly fair to bring someone else into this,” Brad argues.

  “Maybe not but I can’t have you looking at her the way you do. Seriously, dude, I can’t handle this shit right now.” He locks eyes with me. “She’s mine, and I’m not ever letting her go.”

  “I know, Ky. I understand that. I’m sorry. Truly, I am.” Brad hangs his head, and a dead weight presses down on my chest. This is unbearable.

  Ky holds his head in his hands, exhaling loudly. “I need you to keep your distance from her.”

  I open my mouth to protest but think better of it and shut it again. Brad has been a great friend to me, to both of us, and he’s hurting too. Shutting him out doesn’t feel like the right solution. I hate this. I really do, but I won’t add to Ky’s stress. If this is what he needs, then I’ll comply whether I agree or not.

  The next morning, after the others leave for school, I spend over an hour in the pool, stretching my limbs until they ache deliciously. My thoughts turn to Brad, but they’re futile. There isn’t anything I can do to smooth things over, and as much as I hate that there’s no point getting depressed over it either. I wanted to help make things better for Brad, but I’ve only made things worse. I shouldn’t have meddled in the first place, but if it’s a choice between hurting Brad and protecting Ky, then there’s no decision to be made.


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