Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3)

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Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3) Page 26

by Siobhan Davis

  “I have something that’ll make you feel better.” I perk up at that. Ky removes a rectangular blue box adorned with a tied white ribbon from his inside jacket pocket, and my heart starts skipping again. He hands it to me, looking remarkably nervous which only adds to his appeal.

  “What is it?” I fumble over my words, my eyes bugging out of my head as I read the Tiffany & Co. label. No boy has ever bought me jewelry before, let alone something from such a renowned jeweler.

  He opens the box and my mouth hangs open. Nestled inside is a double heart pendant and matching bracelet. Warmth cascades over my body, and my lower lip trembles as emotion gets the better of me.

  “Don’t you like it?” he whispers, and I hear the anxiety behind his tone.

  “I love it.” Tears threaten to spill, but I bite the inside of my lip, hard, and tell myself to get a grip.

  “I bought it when we were in Cleveland, and I intended to give it to you the next morning, but then the cops showed up, and everything turned to shit,” he explains, removing the pendant from the box. “I’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to give it to you.” He slides the two hearts aside to reveal a pink enamel finish.

  Our initials are engraved, and I’m quickly losing the battle of the tears. It’s like a classier, more sophisticated depiction of my window drawing. “Oh my God, Ky. It’s beautiful. It’s too much. You shouldn’t have.”

  He pushes my hair to one side and fixes the pendant around my neck. “You’re worth it. And I wanted you to have something real, something solid to remind you of my promise. I wanted to put “forever” on it, but they couldn’t fit it in.”

  I trace my fingers over the silver, adoring how it looks resting against that dip in my collarbone. He fixes the bracelet around my wrist and I tilt my chin up, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I love them, I truly do, and I’m not ever going to take them off, but you know I don’t need any physical proof of your love. I have you. That’s enough.”

  His smile falters a little, and I get it instantly. I cup his face fiercely. “You listen here, and you listen good. You are not going down for something you didn’t do. And if you only bought me this because you think you won’t be around to promise me forever, then I’m giving it back.”

  I move to unclasp the pendant, but he grasps my wrist. “Don’t take it off, please. I love how it looks on you. And that’s not the only reason I bought it. I wanted to buy something precious for the person who’s most precious to me.” He chuckles. “Fuck. I sound like a pansy-ass.” He laughs again, and then his expression turns solemn. “I’m scared, Faye. Scared that there’s more going on with Addison than I know. Scared she’s not going to be happy until I’m rotting in a jail cell.”

  I grip his shoulders firmly. It’s oh so tempting to tell him what I’ve gleaned, but I can’t breathe a word because he’ll only insist that I back off, and there’s no way I’m doing that.

  Ky has hurt himself time and time again to protect the ones he loves.

  To protect me.

  Now it’s my turn to do the same for him.

  “That’s not going to happen. I’m not going to let it happen.” I kiss him quickly. “And that’s my promise to you.”

  Chapter Thirty


  It pains me to leave the warmth of my bed and Ky behind the next morning, but I need to get up early if I’m to bake some stuff for later today. I want to do something for Adam, something for my new brothers and sister, as a gesture. Adam mentioned he hoped I’d get to cook for him sometime, so I figure there’s no better opportunity.

  Alex has caterers coming in later to prepare an indoor buffet-slash-barbeque, so now is the only time I’ll have the kitchen to myself.

  I have my signature chocolate orange cheesecake chilling in the fridge, and I’ve only just removed a batch of scones from the oven when Keaton and Kal mosey into the kitchen. They gravitate toward the scones like moths to a flame. While Keaton is doing his best puppy dog impression, imploring me with his eyes, Kal has no such manners, snatching a scone and biting off a corner before I can protest. It’s just as well I know my cousins by now and that I’ve already stashed the second batch in the press. Kal moans at the base of his throat. “Damn, that’s good.” His arm snakes around my waist, and he drops his chin on my shoulder. “Ditch my brother, and marry me.”

  “You only want me slaving away in the kitchen,” I tease.

  “I’m happy for you to be my plaything in the bedroom, too,” he throws back.

  “What the what?” Ky asks, walking into the kitchen at the wrong moment.

  “You’re dumped, dude,” Kal says, slapping his brother on the back. “I’m marrying the goddess.”

  I roll my eyes, swatting the back of his head. “Don’t wind him up. Be nice.”

  “Morning, babe.” I wrap myself around Ky. He presses a kiss to my forehead, closing his eyes and holding me tight.

  “For real?” Kent says, sauntering into the kitchen with a disgusted look on his face. “Because you two feeling each other up is exactly what I want to see first thing in the morning.”

  “I made scones.” I shuck out of Ky’s arms, dangling the plate under Kent’s nose like a peace offering.

  “I’ll take one,” he says, snapping one up. “But only ’cause I’d hate to see them go to waste.”

  Around here? As if. If there’s any left in the next twenty minutes, it’ll be a miracle.

  “And it in no way compensates for the nonstop slobbering and groping you’re subjecting us to. Enough already.”

  My cheeks flush. I’ve been floating around in my love bubble, oblivious to how it must look on the outside, and I’m embarrassed at the thought we’ve been overdoing the PDAs around the house. Kent is right—for once—and I vow to tone things down.

  At least outside of my bedroom.

  “Do you have to be such an ass all the time?” Ky inquires. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I’ve got a potential murder charge hanging over my head, and Faye is the only one keeping me sane.” He smacks the back of Kent’s head. “And now you’ve embarrassed my girl, and I’m not having that.”

  Kent looks down at the ground, and I count the seconds waiting for the snarky retort that never comes. “I’m sorry,” he mutters. “Thanks for the scone.” He jerks his head in my direction, before hightailing it out of the room. Kal moves to the window, staring outside.

  “What?” I ask with a puzzled frown.

  “Just looking for the flying pig, or maybe I need my ears checked.” He tosses a smirk my way. “Wonders will never cease.” He grabs another scone, stuffing half of it in his mouth before I can snatch it back. He starts backing out of the room, grinning like a right idiot.

  “I hope you get fat,” I yell out after him.

  “Bite me,” he replies in a muffled tone.

  I sigh, secretly loving it. “Never a dull moment.”

  It’s five minutes to two, and my nerve is quickly failing me. I’ve changed into a dress that Alex suggested. It’s a green-and-black-patterned skater-style dress that is more than casual but not quite formal.

  A bit of an in between.

  A lot like myself.

  My hair is freshly washed and dried and hanging in soft waves down my back. I kept my makeup light, as usual. Much to Alex’s disgust, I’m wearing my wedge platform shoe boots instead of the stilettos she preferred.

  Really, I couldn’t give a monkey’s what I’m wearing or what I look like. Nerves have twisted my stomach into knots, and I must have looked at my watch like about a million times in the last hour. I clasp my pendant, distractedly rubbing my fingers over the cool silver.

  “Don’t worry,” Ky says, for the umpteenth time. “It’s going to be fine.”

  Through the glass panel beside the front door, I spot Adam’s car pulling up outside. “Oh, God. I think I’m going to be sick.” />
  Ky bundles me up in his arms from behind. “Relax, babe. I got you.” I visibly tremble before forcing myself to get a grip. Reluctantly, I ease out of his embrace. Finding my boyfriend draped around me would no doubt only rile Adam up from the get-go. Ky places his hand against my lower back as Alex and James step into the lobby and open the door. Adam walks up to us, flanked by two cute boys who are impeccably dressed in designer clothing from head to toe. “Thank you for inviting us,” Adam says, handing Alex a massive bouquet of flowers and an expensive-looking bottle of red wine.

  “Thank you so much for coming, and thank you for these,” Alex says, nuzzling her nose in the fragrant flowers. “I can’t remember the last time someone bought me flowers.”

  Oh, for fuck’s sake.

  Even though I can tell it’s an off-the-cuff remark, she might as well have driven a stake right through James’s heart. James purses his lips as he thrusts out his hand. “Adam.” He nods curtly, and Adam gives him a grim smile as he shakes his hand. A new layer of tension settles over me.

  “And who are these handsome boys?” Alex asks, quickly sending apologetic eyes my way.

  “I’m Jake,” the slightly taller boy says, speaking assuredly. “And this is my twin, Josh.”

  Alex holds out her hand. “It’s very nice to meet you,” she says. “How old are you?” she asks Josh, turning her attention to him.

  “We’re eight,” Jake confirms on his behalf. Josh edges closer to his dad, averting his vibrant blue eyes and hanging his head. Jake stares at me unashamedly. “Are you my new sister?”

  I swallow my nerves and step forward. “Yes. I’m Faye. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.” He thrusts out his hand, startling me. I accept his handshake, surprised at how confident he is.

  “Dad said your mom is dead. Does that mean you want my mom to be yours now, too?”

  “Jacob!” Adam gasps, clearly mortified.

  “It’s okay,” I tell him, trying to ignore the ache in my gut. It still hurts so much to hear it said out loud. I switch my attention to Jake. “My mum will always be my mum, and no one could ever replace her, but it would be really nice to meet your mom one day.”

  “I don’t know if she’d like that,” he replies truthfully.

  “Oh my God, Jacob.” Adam pulls him aside. “Go and tell Whitney to get out of the car.” Jake runs back to the car without complaint. “I’m very sorry, Faye. He didn’t mean to be rude.”

  “It’s fine. I used to babysit the neighbor’s kids back home, and they were about the same age.” I shrug. “Kids speak their mind. It’s actually pretty refreshing.”

  “Tell him to screw off,” a shrill female voice rings out from the vicinity of the car.

  Jake comes back empty-handed. “She says she’s staying in the car and you can screw off,” he repeats verbatim.

  Adam looks like he wishes he was anywhere but here. I can’t help wondering if he rushed this through for my benefit, before his children were ready. “We can do this another time,” I rush to reassure him. “We shouldn’t force her if she isn’t ready.”

  “I’m really sorry about this. Maybe I was too eager for today to happen, but the boys were excited to meet you.” He looks down at the boy clinging to his side. “Josh is a little shy when he first meets someone new, but he hasn’t stopped asking about you all week.” He toys with Josh’s hair, and his voice turns soft. “I’ve known about you for two months, Faye, and I just want you to be a part of my family. To know you’re included. That you’re not alone.” Out of the corner of my eye, I spot James scowling, and I shoot him a quick warning look. “But I’m sorry if I rushed you after I promised I wouldn’t. We’ll leave if you want.”

  “No! Dad!” Jake cries out. “We only just got here.” His face turns sulky.

  “You don’t have to leave on my account,” I calmly reply, casting a surreptitious look at the stubborn girl refusing to get out of the car.

  A tormented look crosses Adam’s face, and he throws a quick glance over his shoulder. “I thought Whitney would come around once she got here.” Worry lines furrow his forehead, and he rubs the back of his neck. “Look, can you just give me a few minutes. Let me try talking to her again.”

  “Why don’t you let me?” Ky suggests stepping forward. Adam looks skeptical. “What harm can it do?”

  Adam rubs his jaw. “Okay. Be my guest.”

  “Daddy,” Josh says. “I need to use the bathroom.”

  “Why don’t I show you where it is?” I propose, holding out my hand. His response is to cling to his dad’s side. I hunch over so I’m more on his level. “Daddy can come too, if you like?”

  “Why don’t we all move inside,” James suggests.

  I take a quick look back. The passenger side car door is open now, and Ky is leaning one arm on the roof while he talks to Whitney. Her long hair is dyed a shocking pink color, and her gorgeous smile is seductive as she grins up at my boyfriend with obvious interest. All the tiny hairs on my arms lift, and a sour taste forms in my mouth. The extent of my jealousy surprises me. It’s not like I’ve got anything to worry about so why do I feel like running over there and gouging her eyes out with toothpicks?

  “Kyler has this handled,” James reassures me, nudging me into the house behind the others.

  I lead Adam and Josh to the nearest bathroom, and then I bring Jake down to the games room and show him around. His eyes are out on stilts when he spots the massive TV screen and the Xbox console. Keanu and Keaton are in the middle of a game, but I don’t care. They’re being rude. Standing in front of the screen, ignoring their screams and protests, I introduce Jake.

  “Is that NBA 2017?” Jake asks.

  Keanu nods. “You want a game?” He holds out his controller, and Jake practically combusts on the spot.

  “Yeah! But you have to promise you won’t tell my mom. We’re only allowed one hour of Xbox a day, and I already played before we left.”

  Keanu makes a zipping motion with his finger. “My lips are sealed. Sit down, little man. Let’s see what you’re made of.”

  Now that Jake’s happy out, I head back to the lobby, following the sound of voices. Ky and Whitney are just ahead of me, walking into the living area together, and I have a full view of her sliding her hand down over his back, down to his butt, and squeezing.

  “Get your hands off him.” The words have flown out of my mouth before I’ve had time to even think them. My bitch-o-meter is cranked to the max, and I don’t give a crap that she’s my sister. She can keep her grabby hands away from my man.

  She spins around on her knee-high boots, popping gum in and out of her mouth as her gaze rakes over me. She is wearing the tightest, shortest, black leather mini and a cropped, off-the-shoulder sweater that displays a strip of smooth, flat stomach, and the strap of her bra is visible. Her wide, blue eyes are a carbon copy of mine as she levels a loaded look my way.

  “Nice dress.” She snorts. “Did you borrow it from grandma?”

  I could kill Alex for making me wear this. “At least I don’t look like a cheap tart,” I retort without thinking, instantly feeling a little guilty. This girl is my sister, and I don’t want to get off on the wrong foot. This has got to be difficult for her too.

  She pops her gum, slowly, and it irritates the fuck out of me. “No, you just act like one.” She sends me a sly look. “Because there’s no way a plain Jane like you could hold onto a hottie like him any other way.”

  What a horrible thing to say. She’s pissed. I get it. But why the hell is she taking it out on me? I’m so not in the mood for this crap. “I’m not doing this with you, so just drop it.” I’m determined to keep to a certain minimum level of maturity.

  That clearly wasn’t the type of response she was after, so she tries a different approach. Looking sideways at Ky, she licks her lips, demolishing him with her gaze. “How about you and me
go to your room and I’ll show you a good time.” She opens her mouth wide and makes a disgusting gesture with her hand. “I give great head, or so I’ve been told.”

  “Oh my God. You are certifiable.” My claws are coming out, and my inner beast is waking from its slumber. So much for keeping a level head. Coming to loggerheads with my new sister is not how I saw this day panning out. I have to remind myself she’s at that awkward age and it’s up to me to rise above this. I start counting to ten in my head.

  “Faye.” Ky walks toward me, subtly shaking his head. “Let it go,” he mouths, and that only infuriates me further, even if he is probably right. Whitney has me wound up tight in less than five minutes in her company.

  “Yes, Faye,” she snickers. “Be a good little girl and do what you’re told.”

  Every muscle in Ky’s body locks up as he turns around and steps back toward Whitney, his eyes narrowing to slits. His lips curl into a sneer, and he pins her with a cold, stark gaze. The temp drops a few degrees as he stands there staring at her, waiting to pounce. His eyes drill into hers and she gulps nervously. He takes another step toward her and she instinctively rears back. His hands are curled into tight fists at his side as he puts himself right up in her face. She jerks back, undeniably petrified. I almost feel sorry for her. I’ve been on the receiving end of one of those looks before, and it ain’t pleasant. No one does dark and dangerous quite like Ky.

  When he starts speaking, his voice is guttural and low. “I thought I explained myself outside.” He glares at her, and she visibly shivers. “Faye is the love of my life, and her happiness is my sole mission in life. If you fuck with her, you fuck with me.” He tilts his head to the side. “I’m not very happy with you right now, Whitney. No one speaks to Faye like that and gets away with it. No. One.”

  He palms his hand against the wall overhead, and his impressive body hovers over her, caging her in on one side. She gulps, and her eyes dart around the room in a panic. “I didn’t mean it,” she whimpers.


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