Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3)

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Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3) Page 31

by Siobhan Davis

  “Faye!” Brad’s urgent tone reverberates around the forest, and I lift my head, squinting to see what direction the sound came from. “Faye, are you okay?” he asks, running toward me with some difficulty. A myriad of blacked-out SUVs, three ambulances, and one fire crew with flashing lights are parked in front of the cabin. Various men and women in official uniforms float around me, some talking into cells and others conversing among themselves.

  Brad grabs me out of Agent Cooper’s arms, hugging me close. “Thank God, you’re okay. Is Ky …?”

  “He got shot in the shoulder, and the agent said he should be okay, but I’m scared, Brad.” I gulp. “What if he’s not?” Fresh tears prick my eyes, and I start quaking in his arms.

  Brad brushes tangled strands of my hair back off my face. “He’s one of the most stubborn people I know, and he’s also madly in love with you. He’s not going anywhere, beautiful. He won’t leave you. I’d stake my life on it.”

  I cling to Brad, sobbing profusely as a buzzing, whopping sound grows more insistent in the background.

  “Faye. It’s time to go,” Agent Cooper says, landing a gentle hand on my shoulder. “The chopper is here.” He reaches out for me.

  “I’ll carry her,” Brad says, holding me tight to his chest.

  “Son, you look beat.”

  “I’m fine.” Brad shakes off his concern. “I’ve got her.”

  Agent Cooper nods, walking silently alongside us as Brad limps toward the chopper. I lift my head up, wiping my tears with the sleeve of my hoodie. A mix of blood and grime streaks across the cotton, and I shudder to think of the state of my face. My body aches like a bitch, but it doesn’t feel like anything’s broken. Up ahead, Ky is being loaded into the chopper. As we approach, I urge Brad to let me down. “Can he come with us?” I implore Agent Cooper.

  “Afraid not. There isn’t room, and his injuries are minor. The ambulance will take him to the hospital, and he’ll only be a couple of hours behind you.”

  “Where are we?” I ask, as a kind woman with soft hazel eyes helps me into the chopper.

  “We’re in Philadelphia,” Brad confirms. “This land belongs to Addison’s father’s family, but it’s mostly abandoned.”

  Before the medic straps me into my chair, I lean out and kiss Brad on the cheek. “Thanks for coming to rescue me.”

  “There was no way we weren’t coming,” he replies, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I’m so glad you’re okay. We were both absolutely terrified the whole trip here.”

  “Miss. We need to take off now.” The medic nods at me.

  “I’ll see you in the hospital, Brad.”

  He blows me a kiss, as Agent Cooper hauls ass into the helicopter. The medic helps strap me into my harness, and I reach out, resting my hand on top of Ky’s. They have cut off his shirt, and a makeshift bandage covers the place where the bullet entered his body. Dried blood is caked over his chest and he looks deathly pale. A tube flows into a vein in his hand, pumping intravenous fluids into his body. I squeeze his hand, hating how cool his touch is. The female medic places a blanket over his body just as the chopper starts to elevate off the ground. Keeping my hand securely fixed in Ky’s, I lean my head back against the headrest and pray like I’ve never prayed before.

  Despite my protests, we are separated the minute we arrive at the hospital. I’m taken to an examination room, while Ky is brought straight through to surgery. A couple of hours later, I’m back in a hospital bed, wearing a yucky hospital gown, with a thick beige dressing around my torso. At least this time most of my injuries are superficial except for the two cracked ribs I have courtesy of the swift kick Courtney delivered earlier.

  Every doctor or nurse who walks through the door is subjected to my volley of questions, but the answer is always the same. “Mr. Kennedy is still in surgery, and his condition is described as stable.”

  My head jerks up when the door to my room swings open again. I breathe a sigh of relief as Alex, James, and all my cousins pile into the room, crowding the small space. Kal is on top of me instantly, cradling my head gently as he kisses my temple. “You’re getting way too fond of this place,” he teases.

  “Kalvin!” Alex chastises. “This is no laughing matter.” She rounds the bed on the other side, leaning down to kiss my cheek. “Sweetheart, you scared the life out of us. The three of you did.”

  One by one, my cousins come to my side, hugging and kissing me. Even Kent. And there’s no smartarse remark out of his mouth either. Wonders will never cease.

  “How is Ky?” I ask in a rush. “They won’t tell me anything.”

  “They haven’t told us much either,” James admits from the foot of my bed. “All we know is that his injury isn’t life threatening and he should make a full recovery.”

  I practically sink into the bed. “Thank God.” I clutch a hand to my chest. “That’s what Agent Cooper told me, but I couldn’t be sure he was telling me the truth.”

  The door creaks open, and Brad enters the room. My face lights up. He strides to my bed, bending down to kiss my cheek. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m a bit sore, but it’s not as bad as …”

  I trail off as Adam appears in the doorway, breathless and red-cheeked as if he’s just run a marathon. He eats up the gap between us, reaching my side in a second. Brad moves aside, allowing him to get closer. Tears shine in his eyes as he scans me from head to toe.

  “I’m alive!” I joke, my voice warbling as I put on a funny accent and wiggle my fingers in the air.

  He looks like he wants to tear strips off me but thinks better of it. “I thought we agreed you weren’t going to do this to me again?” He is deliberately keeping his tone lighthearted, and I know that’s purely for my benefit.

  “Sorry,” I whisper. “It wasn’t intentional. I was just trying to get Addison to admit to setting Ky up. I didn’t want him arrested for something he didn’t do.”

  “Sweetheart.” James sighs. “You should have waited like your cousins told you.” He gestures toward Keven and Kal. “Ky wasn’t arrested.”

  I frown. “He wasn’t?”

  James shakes his head. “No. The police wanted it to look like that so it would get back to Courtney and Addison. When we were at the station, they explained how they had been tracking the girls’ movements and they knew one or both of them were involved in Doug Grant’s murder. They wanted Ky to wear a wire and arrange to meet Addison. He was going to try and trick her into confessing.”

  “What?” I shout. “Why didn’t anyone tell me that?” I flop my head down on the pillow, frustrated that I put all our lives in danger for nothing.

  “We were going to when we got back home, but you’d already left.”

  “Did you know?” I ask Brad, and he shakes his head.

  “I was late coming back from my aunt’s and cell coverage was patchy. I only got your messages when I arrived in Wellesley. When you weren’t picking up, I went straight to your room and found your note. Then Ky came back, and I showed it to him, and we just took off. When we reached Addison’s house and neither of you were there, we knew you were in trouble. On the way Kev called and told us Courtney was Addison’s half-sister, and we figured it out. Then he tracked your cell, and we headed straight for you.”

  “And none of you thought to inform an adult?” That’s from Adam. His furious expression bounces from Keven to Kal to Brad.

  “As soon as I discovered the Courtney connection, and I realized the danger they were in, I called my parents,” Keven admits. “And for the record,” he adds, crossing his arms over his chest, “I’m an adult.”

  “That’s how the FBI came to be there?” I ask.

  Brad clears his throat. “Not quite. Turns out the FBI have been following me.”

  “That was who was in the black SUV all this time?” I ask, arriving at the obvious conclusion.

>   He nods. “Turns out they had bugged the house, my car, and my cell too. They were hoping Dad would reach out to me and they’d get some lock on his location. They were listening in as Ky and I headed to the cabin, and they sent out a team. I had my cell set to record while Courtney was spilling her guts, and they have her whole confession on tape.”

  “She’s never going to see the light of day again,” James confirms.

  “What about Addison?” I ask, feeling slightly guilty for only thinking of her now. “Is she dead?”

  “We don’t know,” Alex replies.

  “She tried to save me,” I tell them. “And I believed her when she said she didn’t know Courtney had escalated to murder. She seemed genuinely afraid of her.”

  “Pity she didn’t have an attack of conscience at an earlier stage,” James supplies. “Then all of this could’ve been avoided.”

  The door opens and a nurse sticks her head in. “Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy?” James and Alex whip around, sharing equally terrified expressions. The nurse smiles warmly. “I just wanted to let you know that your son is out of surgery. He’s awake and he’s fine.” She turns her focus my way. “He’s asking for you, Faye.” She comes into the room, pulling a wheelchair behind her. “If you’re up for a quick visit?”

  The covers are off and I have my legs halfway out of the bed before she even reaches me. “Are you kidding? Nothing would keep me from him. Take me to his room, please.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  A moan slips out of my mouth as I come to. Mom’s worried green eyes stare softly into my face. “Honey? How are you feeling?”

  My shoulder throbs and I ache pretty much everywhere, but I don’t care. We made it out alive. The first word out of my mouth when I woke earlier was “Faye.” The nurse reassured me she’s fine, and that hard knot in my gut loosened a little. I whip my head to the other side, and Dad smiles at me. The knot tightens again, and the monitor beside my bed starts beeping. “Where is she?” I ask. “Where’s Faye?”

  “Sweetheart, calm down, she’s fine.” Mom pats my hand. “She was here earlier, but you were asleep. We’ll send for her now.”

  “I need to see her.” I turn pleading eyes on Dad. “Please, Dad.”

  He squeezes my hand. “I’ll get her, son. She’s been worried about you as well.” He stands up.

  “Thank you.”

  He exits the room, and I turn toward Mom. Her eyes are bloodshot and swollen. “You gave us one hell of a scare, Kyler. I was terrified we’d lost you.” Tears stream down her face. “And all I could think was how your last memories of me were horrible ones. I don’t know if you can ever forgive me for the past, but I swear to you that I will never stop trying to make things right between us. I love you, Kyler. I love you so much, and if anything had happened to you today, a part of me would’ve died too.”

  A soulful pang hits me in the chest as thoughts of the last twenty-four hours invade my mind. It brings a sense of clarity, a form of peace. I thread my fingers through hers. “Mom, I love you too. It’s okay, you’re forgiven.”

  She can barely see over her tears. “Really, sweetheart?” I try to lift her hand to my lips, but the searing hot pain in my shoulder stops me in my tracks. I wince, gritting my teeth and forcing back the tears that automatically well in my eyes. “Honey, don’t try to move on that side. You’re going to be out of action for a few weeks, I’m afraid.” She leans in and kisses my forehead. “You’re still my baby. You’ll always be my baby. These last few months have been difficult for all of us, but it’s over now. I think this is the fresh start we all need.”

  “I like the sound of that.” I smile.

  She beams at me. “You’ve changed, Kyler. Grown up.”

  I contemplate her words. “Not really, Mom. I’ve just kept this side of me hidden. I was angry over what happened, and then with everything that transpired with Addison and Brad, I felt like I couldn’t trust anyone.”

  “Until Faye.” She smiles knowingly.

  “I love her, Mom.” I stare earnestly into her eyes. “This is not just some teenage crush, some fleeting relationship. When I’m with her, I feel like I’m free. Free to be myself without fear. Free to open up and tell her the things I’ve been hiding in my heart. Free to love with the whole of my heart. I feel like I’m breathing for the first time in years. Like I’ve found where I belong. She makes me feel alive, and so unbelievably happy. I know I’ll never feel this with anyone else. I’m going to marry her someday, Mom.”

  A loud cough from the doorway startles me. Dad grins as I jerk my head up. “You might want to keep that sentiment to yourself around Adam. At least for a little while.”

  Faye is sitting in a wheelchair in front of Dad, dressed in a hospital gown and sporting a multitude of bruises and cuts across her face. She is still the most stunningly beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. A smattering of tears glistens in her eyes. “That was beautiful,” she whispers. “And I feel the same. I want to share my life with you.” Mom and Dad exchange a wistful look.

  “Dad.” He chuckles at my impatient tone, wheeling Faye over to my side. I peel back the covers on my uninjured side.

  Dad opens his mouth to protest, but Mom jumps in there first. “Let them be. They’re in love. I can still remember what that feels like.” She walks around the bed and helps Faye get in beside me. “No sudden movements, either of you.” She pins us with a cautionary look. “You both need to let your injuries heal.”

  I crank out a laugh. “I don’t know what you and Dad got up to when you first got together, but banging Faye in this hospital bed is not part of my agenda. I’ve way more respect for her than that.”

  “Wow. Delicately put, Kyler.” Dad smirks. “I notice you didn’t refer to your injuries.”

  I snort. “I’m injured, Dad. Not dead. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Now it’s my turn to smirk. Faye nestles into my side, giggling.

  Mom exhales loudly. “Well, on that note, I think we’ll leave you two to talk.”


  “Yes, Kyler.”

  “I want to say something. It’s something I should’ve said sooner.” I kiss the tip of Faye’s nose. Then I look at him and unburden my heart. “I love you, Dad. I know we fight and stuff, but it doesn’t mean I don’t love you. It doesn’t matter that you weren’t the one to conceive me because anyone can do that. But it takes someone special to be a dad—someone like you. You’re the only dad I’ll ever want.”

  Dad approaches the other side of my bed. When he leans down to rest his forehead on mine, his eyes are wet. “You have no idea how much it means to hear that, and it works both ways, kiddo. It doesn’t matter that my blood doesn’t flow in your veins. You are a part of me, and I’m a part of you, and that’s the natural order of things. You have always been my son. You will always be my son. I’m very proud of the man you’re becoming, Kyler. Never forget that.”

  A choked sob erupts from Faye, breaking the heaviness in the air. We all laugh. “I’m feeling so emotional. I think my heart could burst with joy.” She lands her hand delicately on my chest. “Isn’t he great?” Her gaze flits between Mom and Dad.

  “You’re both great,” Dad says, leaning over to kiss her on the forehead. “I’m so glad you came into our lives, Faye, and I’m very happy you have found each other. Treasure one another, and never forget that what you share is so special few people ever get to experience it.” Sadness creeps into his face, and I know he’s recalling happier times with Mom.

  “Come on.” Mom tugs on Dad’s elbow. “Let’s give them some space.”

  The door closes with a small snick, and I angle my face so I’m staring down into her eyes. “How much do you hurt?” My fingers sweep across her face, examining all the cuts and grazes and the bruising rising to the surface on her skin.

  “I’ve two broken ribs, and I’m achy all o
ver, but it’s not so bad.”

  I press my lips into her hair. “Always so brave,” I murmur.

  “I was so scared, Ky,” she whispers, and her warm breath leaks over my neck. I shiver and my body temp elevates. “When you threw yourself at Courtney and the gun went off, I was so terrified I could barely look. I thought you were dead!” Her voice trembles, and I wrap my good arm around her, holding her tight to my side.

  “Ssh, babe. I’m okay. We’re okay.” I press my lips to her forehead. “Although I do have a bone to pick with you. What were you thinking of? Running off to meet Addison on your own like that? It was far too dangerous!”

  Her features soften. “You are always protecting everyone, and I wanted to be that person for you this time. I wasn’t going to let you go down for this. Not without a fight.” She wets her lips, and I covet the motion. “No one protected you when you were ten, and I’m not going to let that happen ever again. I’ll always have your back, Ky.”

  Tears prick my eyes, but I blink them away. “You have no idea how incredible it feels to hear that, and how grateful I am that you want to be there for me, but you have to promise you won’t put yourself in harm’s way again. I can’t bear the thought of losing you.” I crush her to my chest, feeling instantly relaxed. She cannot fathom how much she means to me. “We’re lucky we got out of there alive,” I whisper a few minutes later.

  “Not all of us,” she mumbles. “Addison …”

  “Addison is alive, Faye.” I run my hand up and down her back.

  “What?” She blinks up at me.

  I nod. “Her parents stopped by to see me when I first woke up. She’s still in surgery, and they don’t know if she’s going to make it, but technically, she’s alive. The bullet hit her spine though, so if she survives, the likelihood is she’ll be paralyzed.”

  “How do you feel about that?”

  “She’s gone out of her way to hurt me and those I love, so it’s hard to find any compassion in my heart for her, but … she tried to help you escape, and I’d like to think she’d seen the error of her ways. She still deserves to be punished but not like that.”


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