A Nightmare to Remember (Wicked Good Witches Book 5)

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A Nightmare to Remember (Wicked Good Witches Book 5) Page 5

by Starla Silver

  Yes, having control over Charlie Howard would have made everything easier. And faster. They’d have probably been done and gone by now. And the Howard Witches would be no more.

  But it hadn’t gone that way.

  “I don’t have time for this shit,” Eva bellowed, rushing to the shower. She let it run until the entire room filled with steam and then got in, scrubbing her skin and washing her hair, over and over until the water ran clear.

  She finished, drying off, glad that the mirrors were still coated in steam so she couldn’t see herself. She didn’t understand what was happening, but she had to leave her room and wasn’t about to get her father involved. She grabbed a shirt that covered the almost gone bite mark so he wouldn’t see or question. It was too easy to see her shoulders while her hair was still wet, stringy and drying.

  “Oh, there you are,” said her father. “Getting a late start today, aren’t we?”

  “Yes.” She shrugged, saying nothing further. Instead, she grabbed a mug of coffee and joined her father at the table.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her.

  “Fine,” she lied grumpily. “Just needed to sleep in a little.”

  “Not pushing, just concerned. You are my daughter. I do worry.”

  “Well, don’t. No reason to.”

  Anthony Jordan’s mouth twitched, as though wanting to press the issue but he let it go, sipping his coffee.

  “Is everything ready for today?” Eva asked him, changing the subject.

  “Yes. It’s already begun. The Howards will find themselves very preoccupied today.”

  “Okay,” she said, grateful she’d have something to keep herself busy with. A strange feeling puddled around her middle. Guilt? Worry? Regret? Need? Anger? She didn’t quite know and wanted it to go away. The job was set and she’d see it through, regardless of anything else.

  “Distractions will abound for the Howard family,” her father saying. “The house will be empty.”

  “And what about the vampire?”

  “It will be an all-hands-on-deck situation. I’ve made sure of it. Alas, timing also seems to be on our side. Have you watched the local news today?”


  “Well let’s just say the Isle’s abuzz and a certain news program is unknowingly helping us keep the Howards extra preoccupied.”

  “I’ll be sure to tune in,” she lied again, not giving a shit about the local news. “As long as they are busy so I can get what we need. Besides, that’s what my disguise is for. Just in case.”

  “We know they don’t have an alarm system, so it should be easy to access the mansion and perform your search.”

  “If they just happened to leave what we need lying around,” retorted Eva.

  “They feel safe there. If it’s anywhere to be found, it will be in the Howard’s personal abode.”

  “Okay. I’m going to get ready.”

  “Good luck. Be careful.”

  “Yeah, thanks Dad,” she said with fake enthusiasm. With the luck she was having, she’d need a lot of it.

  Anthony stopped her before she made it out of the room. “Eva, wait.”

  She stopped, spinning around, hands on her hips with an annoyed look on her face.

  “Are you up for this?”

  “Isn’t it kind of late to turn back, Dad?”

  “I just meant that we could try again another day if you weren’t up to it today.”

  “I’ve already said I’m fine.”

  He nodded. “Okay. I won’t ask again.”

  “Good. I’ll be back as soon as possible. Just keep the Howards busy.” She spun around, her damp white locks flying with her.


  Melinda and William stepped into the Wicked Muddy Cafe. Upon seeing them enter, Grace’s eyes widened and she grabbed a to-go cup, filled it, and came around the corner handing Melinda the cup. William nodded a hello and Grace returned it, casting her gaze across her cafe to see if there were any tourists within earshot.

  “Figure you ain’t plannin’ on stayin’ today,” she said in her gruff tone.

  “You would be correct,” said Melinda. “Thank you for the coffee.” She paid for it at the counter and proceeded to wander to the sugar and cream bar, adding additional sugar.

  “Did I not get it right?” asked Grace.

  “Oh, no. You did. But today I need extra sugar. A lot of extra sugar.”

  Grace winked, understanding. “Entire town’s a buzzin’. Is this thing that reporter lady’s been talkin’ about real, or just another hoax?”

  Melinda shook her head. “Not sure yet. There haven’t been more sightings, have there?”

  “Just the one, but good golly, what about that Courtney Jessup? Isn’t she a bag a trouble just waiting to drop?”

  “Yeah, we’re not sure what to think about that yet either,” said Melinda.

  “Have you met Ms. Jessup?” asked William.

  “No. Saw her walkin’ by earlier. Almost fell twice catching her heels in the cobblestone. Don’t imagine she’ll wear those two days in a row,” Grace said with a hearty laugh. “Well, you two have a good one now. I won’t keep ya. Be safe out there.”

  “Thanks, Grace.”

  Melinda and William headed back out onto the sidewalk, making their way through the tourists. The only topic of conversation: the D.E.S.I. Report.

  “Are people really this starved for something to talk about?” pondered Melinda in a whisper.

  William smirked. “It would appear they are ravenous.”

  “I don’t get it. What’s so intriguing about it?”

  “Picture yourself unaware,” said William.


  “Not a Howard,” he intimated.

  “Oh. I don’t know a thing about… yeah okay.”

  “It’s new. Exciting. They want it to be real.”

  “God, they really don’t,” Melinda refuted.

  “They don’t see the danger. Only the mystery. They’re curious.”

  “I guess I can understand that. I hope it dies down soon though. Just imagine what this island would do with even more crazy tourists looking for the supernatural…” she muttered, just loud enough for William to hear.

  He lifted a brow in begrudged agreement.

  Before long, they had gotten through town leaving behind the crowds, starting the slow climb towards the center of the Isle where the Deane Manor was located.

  “Getting my workout in today,” bleated Melinda, sucking in a deep breath between sips of super sweet coffee. She slowed just a little as she didn’t want to show up at Riley’s door out of breath. Before arriving at the Wicked Muddy, she’d texted him to warn of their imminent arrival. Would it relieve the inevitable tension? Probably not.

  Melinda stopped at the end of the long driveway. “Wow! Lizzy’s been keeping those boys busy! You can actually see the brick driveway. It was so overgrown I didn’t know it was there.”

  “It’s a shame really, to see this place in such disrepair. It was once a crowning jewel of the Isle,” said William.

  “If Lizzy has anything to do with it, it will be again.”

  They reached the wooden wrap-around porch and climbed up the stairs, each step dipping and creaking just slightly under their feet. Melinda noticed a few dark shingles lying on the ground next to the steps, along with a few tools. Lucas must be replacing some of the shingles that fell off the house, she thought absentmindedly. The guy was a workhorse. Between him and Lizzy the manor would be good as new in no time.

  Riley met them at the front door. He was nothing like his brother, other than similarly colored hair and eyes. Repairing a dilapidated house was not his thing and he looked positively dark and broody about it. However, the mere sight of him sucked all the darkness off Melinda’s heart, brightening her own mood.

  Or it might have just been that the pile of sugar and caffeine she’d just finished was pulsing through her veins. Regardless, she flung her arms around him before he could ev
en say hello. She ignored the brief guilt that pinched her gut, over William watching her do this, but she couldn’t help herself.

  She felt heavy, burdened (with all the truth talk), and William was only adding to that heaviness right now.

  Riley returned her embrace. But cautiously, after catching the vampire’s fierce emerald gaze. He cleared his throat and invited them to come inside. Although William did not need inviting. It was a myth that vampires could not enter without being invited. A myth that could come in handy in the right situation.

  Melinda peeled herself off Riley, but kept one of his hands in hers. The way she squeezed it, he knew something was bothering her. He tossed her a quick gaze, which she understood at once and shrugged him a not now, later. This simple act warmed his insides. How easily they communicated, without the need for words even.

  He grinned, although in a tighter manner than normal… the vampire gave him the creeps, and pissed him off. He’d confronted Riley and hadn’t bothered him since, however he was almost certain the vamp didn’t trust him. And was probably spying on him, and his brother. Plus his little beauty queen was hurting and he didn’t know why.

  “Well if it isn’t the elusive William Wakefield,” a voice called out from behind them. “Still the hottest vampire on the Isle...” It was Lizzy, the newest member of the Deane family. Recent ghast, now human once again, after the Howard and Deane families had worked together to return Lizzy to her body a few weeks prior.

  “Lisbeth,” said William, struggling to maintain a pleasant greeting.

  Melinda swore the vampire was squirming to get away. Of course, she could not disagree with Lizzy’s sentiment, although besides the hottest, he was also the only vampire on the Isle. And here I am in Riley’s arms, and still jealous… she let out a long sigh that had Riley looking at her, concerned. She shook it off with another silent shrug.

  He so wished he could read her thoughts or see what was going on in her mind. She always seemed so busy in there…

  “Hello,” called out another voice. It was Lucas. Melinda cleared her throat when he strode in, shirtless and sweaty, wearing a pair of low cut jeans.

  Riley glowered at his brother.

  Melinda yanked her eyes away. What had she just called Lucas… right, a workhorse… the guy was built, she’d give him that.

  “Sorry for my appearance,” Lucas apologized. “I’ve been working in the gardens out back and on the house as well. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll return in a few minutes.” He nodded and disappeared.

  Melinda glanced at her boyfriend, wishing he’d been the one sauntering in shirtless and sweaty. Riley rolled his eyes, seeing the wish in hers.

  “I’ll be happy to oblige if we can ever get some time alone.”

  “I just love living in a testosterone filled house,” reproached Lizzy sarcastically. “So what brings you two here? I can probably guess.”

  “If you’re guessing Soul Hunter you’d be correct,” stated Melinda. “We are getting nowhere. Weeks are flying by.”

  “You’re hoping we might have some light to shine,” assumed Lizzy.

  “Yes,” Melinda replied.

  “If your brothers allowed you to come here,” said Riley, “you must be getting desperate.”

  “They trust you guys,” defended Melinda. Although her tone didn’t hold the belief in the words she spoke.

  “Whatever,” Lizzy said, with a shrug that indicated she cared less about their opinions. “We’ll do what we can of course. I’m actually surprised you didn’t come sooner.” She looked directly at William. “Oh, right. Mr. Sexy Pants is ignoring me.”

  Melinda sucked her lips to hold back a choked cough. William pretended not to hear Lizzy. Melinda tossed him a questioning gaze but he ignored her as well.

  “If you please,” William said instead, “we would sincerely appreciate any information you can provide. I have been through most of your library previously. However, I was hoping to look again.”

  “That must hurt you just a little,” Lizzy aimed specifically at William. “Asking for my help.”

  Melinda cast her gaze between the two wondering what she had missed while a familiar pang of jealousy kicked at her heart. A reaction she had no right to, but could not help.

  William held his tongue. Although, Melinda swore there was almost some color in his pasty cheeks. Embarrassment? Irritation? Impatience? She wasn’t quite sure.

  “I make you speechless,” Lizzy clamored. “Not an easy feat I’m sure.”

  “I do not wish to speak on personal matters at this time,” William said flatly. “I wish to look through your library. That is all.”

  Lizzy shook her head and laughed. “You are one messed up vampire… truly. Especially if you think that…” she was cut off by a low snarl and a glare. She pointed her finger at his chest about to continue her assault when Lucas walked back in, pulling a shirt over his freshly showered body.

  “You’re welcome to look through anything you need, William and Melinda.”

  Lizzy dropped her hand, a reproaching look on her face that warned William, we’re not done yet, but I’ll wait…

  “The way I see it,” Lucas continued, “Deanes created this problem, so consider our library at your disposal until it’s fixed.”

  “That is most kind of you,” said William.

  “I just wish we had more to offer. Something solid to help you find this thing. Truth is, my knowledge about magic is limited. I studied our family history, but I’ve never been one to practice magic. In fact, I prefer not to.”

  Riley let out a huff and an eye roll which his brother returned with a stern grimace. It was clear the two did not see eye to eye on this point.

  “I might be able to offer some information,” revealed Lizzy. Her eyes shot to William. “I could have told you sooner if you weren’t being such a…” William cut her off.

  “Please, Lisbeth. Anything you can share about the Soul Hunter I’m sure would be most helpful.”

  Lizzy shrugged with a wry smile. “You’re far too easy to rile, William.” She winked. “Anyway, I only saw the Hunter twice. Both times while in my ghastly condition of course. The first time was when I opened the door allowing it onto the Isle from the Deane house in Boston. The second time was when it tried to get off the Isle. I guess from what my brothers explained to me, this was after the Howards, your parents Melinda, accidentally freed it from whatever prison it had gotten itself stuck in, while searching for the Soul of the Isle.”

  “Yeah, it was just over four years ago,” Melinda replied softly. She had forgotten she’d told them about that while they were prepping the cave for Lizzy’s re-embodiment ceremony. Not that it mattered anyway. And Lizzy already knew the reason the Hunter was here since she’d let it into the island in the first place.

  “Yes. That fits the timing,” said Lizzy. “It tried to get through the door but I refused it. I assume after giving up in its attempt to leave, it went into hiding on the Isle. It cannot get off the Isle through any other manner. The magic used to cast that spell is very strong. Nearly unbreakable I’d wager. So it is still on the Isle, somewhere.”

  William nodded. “Did the Hunter ever speak to you?” His tone was even and businesslike.

  “Not to me. But I do believe it spoke with the Deane who sent it.”

  “Did it take a solid form?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “Never solid. I did hear strange sounds when it was near.”

  “What kind of sounds?” asked Melinda.

  “Not ones you want to remember hearing,” she replied honestly.

  “Oh,” said Melinda, her voice catching in her throat.

  “You wanna leave while they talk about this?” asked Riley.

  “No. I’m okay. I can handle it.” She hoped.

  Her father, Jack, was still a prisoner of the Soul Hunter. William glanced at Melinda as if needing additional confirmation. She nodded it was okay.

  “Please elaborate Lisbeth,” requested the vampi

  “If you insist. It’s not pleasant,” she warned again. “Even in my ghastly condition being close to the Hunter was… dreadful. Its presence made everything around it cold and dark. Like life being sucked away… I can’t imagine what it would feel like if you were living and close to it.” She shuddered. “It did not speak to me with a voice, but rather this sound. Sort of like an echo that emanated from inside it. The echo was mournful. Heart wrenching to listen to. And I guess if you’re living, its voice can also be painful.”

  Riley squeezed Melinda’s hand. This could not be easy for her to hear, seeing as her father was imprisoned inside this thing. She squeezed back, grateful for his presence and concern.

  “Didn’t Emily say that as well?” Melinda aimed at William, her voice wavering a bit. “When she spoke with Freddy Collier, about when he got lost and saw the thing. Didn’t he say it hurt to hear it?”

  “Yes.” He sighed. “So it has more than one voice. Or method of communicating.”

  “Actually, I’d bet that it uses the inner echo to frighten. Or threaten.” Lizzy frowned. “I think it uses its echo voice to try to collect your soul. I think the Hunter believed it could capture mine and free itself, or at least frighten me into thinking it could claim my soul. Once it realized it could not, because my soul was already under a spell, it gave up and retreated into hiding.”

  “Interesting,” mumbled William. “Had you been in a living body it could have collected your soul. But because your soul and your body had been separated, it could not.”

  “So it has to have a living host to take from?” said Melinda.

  “It would appear. I wonder…”

  “What?” Melinda asked.

  “If it would be able to collect anything from me?”

  “William!” she scolded. His gaze flitted over to her. “No way in hell. Even if you don’t believe it, I do think you have a soul. You’re not testing the theory by offering yourself to the Hunter. Not even in exchange for our father.”

  He pinched his eyes together. It wasn’t exactly what he’d been thinking, but her concern warmed him. In ways it should not. He’d actually been thinking perhaps the Hunter could confirm whether he did have a soul, or not. But still, it would be a dangerous endeavor, if it turned out he did.


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