Roc Hard

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Roc Hard Page 2

by KB Winters

  “Still handsome?”

  I rolled my eyes at her eyebrow wiggle, but my lips curled up in amusement. “Yes dammit. Even more than before. Luckily, he’s also a gigantic ass.”

  I tried to remember that as I sat at my desk, resolved to do my job and remain detached from my emotions about Roc. He didn’t deserve it. Wasn’t worth it. My first task of the day? Removing all the personal belongings from my office. The family photos, the photos of me with notable guests over the years, knickknacks and diplomas all went into a small box beside my desk.

  I couldn’t stick my head in the gorgeous sand just outside my office and pretend things would be fine. They wouldn’t and I needed to remember that.

  Putting a little extra steel in my spine, I smoothed the new royal-blue Azurel Resorts blazer and straightened my skirt, changing into ballet flats before meeting Roc for a tour of the grounds. I hopped in my golf cart, took several deep breaths and went to meet him.

  He still took my breath away. He had rugged good looks that made him the perfect candidate for the cover of Rugged Outdoorsman magazine, especially on days like today when he skipped the suit in favor of a pair of well-worn jeans and a plain white tee that hugged his muscles like a long-lost lover. I bit the inside of my cheek just to remind myself that those thoughts were unwelcome. He was unwelcome. So were his muscles. “Good morning, Mr. Mahoney. Where would you like to begin the tour?”

  He turned slowly as though he had no place of importance to be. He’d always been that way and I’d been drawn to him because of it. “The bungalows are nice,” he nodded his head in the direction of the cluster of one and two bedroom bungalows.

  With a crisp nod, I told him everything I knew about capacity, bookings and renovations. “They are always at least eighty percent full.” When he said nothing, I gave a few more facts and waited.

  “They should always be fully booked.”

  “I agree,” I told him and clasped my hands together in front of me. “But Maury didn’t want to put any money into the place. I wanted to hire a wedding and events planner on staff to make use of the ballrooms and the leftover bungalows. Weddings are big business and we don’t get nearly enough of it.”

  His gaze lingered on my mouth, but I refused to respond despite the way my heart raced and my belly clenched. “Women seem to think so at least.”

  “And their men are more than willing to make them happy. Regardless how you feel about the institution or commitment, we could get a lot of that business.” Arguing would be pointless so I didn’t say anything more about it, instead I drove over to the outdoor event areas located on the sprawling property. “These provide steady income for all kinds of celebrations even from the locals.”

  “How did you end up in Puerto Rico?”

  Small talk, really? “I sent out my resume and this is where I landed.”


  I couldn’t believe he had the audacity to even ask me that. “I don’t see how that’s relevant.” Especially since I’d be on the roster of former employees soon.

  “Just making conversation,” he answered but his eyes held deep curiosity and I knew this wouldn’t be the end of his questioning. “Isn’t that what old friends do?”

  I thought at one time, he and I were friends—more than friends. But now I knew different. “I wouldn’t know. I’m not in touch with any of my old friends.” His chuckle sounded beside me and I did my best to appear unaffected but dammit he really had a great laugh. It should be illegal for a man to have his looks, his wealth and a wonderfully contagious laugh.

  “You’re different. Harder. But still as beautiful as ever.”

  “Yeah, well, life has a way of doing that to a girl.” Luckily, Cecilia chose that moment to pull me away for a kitchen emergency.



  After the tour with Abby, I got the feeling she was holding something back from me. I didn’t expect her to be thrilled to see me considering the way she’d left, but her determination to keep a professional distance intrigued me. Made me wonder what the spicy little minx was hiding.

  I had a little determination of my own to get to the bottom of it which is why I’d given her no choice but to meet me for dinner. Her reluctant agreement and insistence on meeting at the restaurant gave me another hint that she was hiding something, and I planned to find out what before the night ended. I knew the moment she arrived well before I spotted her, because the air changed, became charged the way it only did with the cool blonde walking my way.

  “Good evening.” She gave a polite smile and took her seat, her back so straight and stiff she had to be uncomfortable.

  “You look beautiful.” I hadn’t meant to blurt that out, but she really did look stunning in a floral print dress that hugged her breasts and nipped in at the waist. Her blonde hair fell over sun-kissed shoulders and I knew—without a doubt—before I fired her, I’d have her in my bed again.

  Her smile came across tight and uncomfortable. “Thank you.”

  We both ordered mojitos when the waitress came but Abby hardly touched hers. “You seem nervous, Abby, why?”

  She shook her head and tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear. “Seriously? No, I’m not nervous, I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “Care to share?”

  Another shake told me she had no plans on sharing anything important with me tonight. “Nothing for you to worry about. I rarely let personal matters affect my work. Speaking of, I assume that’s why you wanted to meet this evening?”

  So prim and proper. So formal. “Actually, I thought we could catch up, talk about what’s been going on since we last saw one another.”

  Her lips pulled in clearly indicated that was the last thing she wanted. “I went home for a while and then I came here, where I’ve been ever since. You?”

  With a careless shrug I told her, “I’ve been here and there, mostly for business. You remember what my schedule was like.”

  Her nod had been so brief I couldn’t be sure if I’d imagined it or not but I knew she remembered. “Seems like business is good, as usual. Congratulations.”

  Ignoring the silly stutter of my heart at her words, I chugged down the rest of my drink, determined to remain unaffected by her. I wanted her, even worse now than I had years ago. And I planned to have her, but tonight wouldn’t be the night. I had to play my cards right with this one. “Thanks. Two years ago, I opened an adventure resort in Alaska.”

  She beamed at me and fuck all to hell if it didn’t make me feel like the king of the fucking world. She’d always been able to do that with her sweet smiles, make me feel as though I could move mountains, leap tall buildings, super hero shit. I’d grown addicted to that feeling—and to her. “That’s great. I’m really happy for you.”

  She seemed to mean those words, yet throughout dinner she hadn’t warmed to me at all. I couldn’t figure it out. “Dessert?”

  “No thanks, I need to get going. Early day tomorrow.” Then, unbelievably she plunked down money for the check.

  “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Big emerald eyes frowned at me and then double checked the money on the table. “I’m paying my part of the bill plus gratuity. Is there a problem?”

  “Hell yes, there’s a problem.” My voice pitched low, lethally so, and my eyes bore into her. “You’ve never paid for a meal with me and don’t think you can start now.”

  She winced as though my words slapped her. “Yes, well, that was as your lover or mistress, which I no longer am, so I pay my own way thanks. Have a good night.” She turned and stomped through the dining room and out into the warm starry night.

  Mistress? I didn’t know where that had come from but I couldn’t let her walk away with that on her mind. I laid down more than enough to cover the bill and followed her into the night. Halfway up the block I spotted her, and it took just a few steps to catch up with her. “Abby, what the fuck?” I grabbed her arm and spun her towards me.

; She yanked her arm from my grasp and stepped back. “What is your problem?”

  “You are! What the hell did you mean, mistress? You were never my mistress.”

  “Well, it doesn’t really matter now, that’s all in the past.” She took a step back. “Good night, Roc.”

  That did it. The breathless whisper on which she said my name hit me right in the chest and traveled lower until my whole body began to warm and respond to her nearness. I took a step closer and she gazed up at me warily but in that second, I wanted nothing more than to be with her. “Abby,” I whispered as my hands went to her waist, enjoying the feel of her full hips beneath my hands.

  “Roc,” she said on a groan, hands flying to my chest probably to push me away but they simply rested there. Then they moved, stroked over my chest and abs.

  I couldn’t hold back and probably wouldn’t have if I could. I wanted a taste of her so bad, I couldn’t stop and reconsider my actions. One hand slid up from her waist to tangle in her sexy waves as I angled her head and slammed my mouth against hers. Tongue sliding against her bottom lip and then the top before teasing the seam until her sweet lips opened to me. I lost myself in her taste, her touch, her scent. All the things I’d tried to forget in the last four years came roaring back in vivid color as her hands fisted in my chest. I swallowed a moan and deepened the kiss until we both stood out on the street under the Puerto Rican moon, making out like teenagers. I couldn’t get enough, but then slowly, she pulled back.

  Her hand went to her mouth, touching her lips as though she wanted to feel what had just happened. She took a step back. Then another. And another until I could no longer reach out to her. “Good night,” she said on another breathy whisper and walked away from me.




  Kissing Roc like that, or rather letting him kiss me like that was a bad idea. The worst. But it felt so damn good. Like coming home and I hated it. He didn’t deserve me—or my kisses.

  As I made my way back to the car, my feelings were all over the place. Guilt. Anger. Love. Hate. Most of all? Arousal. The man still turned me on like he did the first time I’d ever laid eyes on him. Asshole. Why did it have to be Roc who affected me like this? Not that I’d given many other men a chance, but I’d been on a dozen or so dates since Lily came along and I never once felt with them what I’d just felt during that kiss.

  And I hated it. What’s worse, I hated myself for responding like I did. Because all that kiss did was bring back all those memories to the surface.

  I was dolled up for the end of summer party in a sexy silk turquoise dress that clung to my body in all the right places, and four inch stilettos sure to drive Roc wild. All I could think about was the way he’d look at me, wanting me, and he’d have to wait until the end of the gala. Losing my virginity to him had been the most wonderful experience of my life, and we’d spent our nights exploring each other’s bodies and pushing the boundaries of sexual pleasure.

  He’d asked me to the party as his date and I felt special. Important. All night he’d lavished me with attention in the form of small kisses behind my ear and on my bare shoulder, lingering touches and heated looks. I couldn’t wait to get him alone because tonight I’d finally tell him I’d fallen in love with him.

  The party was winding down and Roc wandered the room slapping backs and laughing with his guests while I watched him, with my heart in my eyes.

  “Excuse me have you seen, Roc?”

  I looked up at a stunning brunette with legs at least a mile long and a gleaming white smile. “He’s over there mingling. Can I help you with something?”

  She smiled with a twinkle in her dark, sultry eyes. “Nope. I’m his fiancée, Eve and I want to surprise him.” She winked and walked away and I stood there like an idiot while my heart shattered into a million pieces. He had a fiancée. A fucking fiancée. And apparently, it wasn’t me. With tears in my eyes, I turned around as fast as I could and left.

  A few days later, I left St. Lucia altogether and went back home to Aunt Melanie in Atlanta. Almost two months after that, I found out I was three months pregnant with Lily.

  I never looked back, certain that Roc wouldn’t want his life disrupted by a baby and a woman he didn’t want. I’d been certain he was happily married to the beautiful woman, and I rested easily knowing everything had worked out as it was supposed to.

  Now that he’d returned, obviously single, how could I tell him he was a father?

  Would he hate me?

  Would he want Lily?



  “All I can tell you is to keep doing the great job you’ve been doing, follow the rules—ask if you’re unsure—and your jobs should be safe. Honestly, I have no idea what Mr. Mahoney has planned.”

  Gorgeous. That’s the only thought that ran through my mind watching Abby address the concerns of the staff, who all worried about their jobs. I couldn’t blame them but I couldn’t focus on anything but Abby and the way those blonde waves blew in the breeze. Using the deck reserved for staff to hold the meeting had been smart, sunshine and fresh air would certainly make them calmer than a stuffy windowless break room. I knew the meeting had started to wind down when she gathered her hair in back and tied it into a knot at the back of her head.

  “What about your job,” a masculine voice asked from the crowd.

  In true Abby fashion, she didn’t sugarcoat a thing. “No one is safe. No one. Do your job and I’ll do mine. Any other questions?” With a patient sigh she answered personnel questions, scheduling issues and any other questions tossed her way.

  I knew the moment she spotted me because she froze, her words faltered for a brief second before she picked up where she left off. But I caught a flash of something—fear, maybe—in her eyes before she shuttered them. What was that about?

  “What do you know of Mahoney?”

  I had to hear this answer but my phone chose that moment to buzz in my pocket. “Yeah?”

  “It’s Noah. Meet me upstairs in fifteen minutes.”

  “Noah, I’m busy.”

  “Not too busy for this,” he replied and hung up. He’d never had patience for phone manners and it had only gotten worse with age.

  I lingered in the back until the meeting finished wishing I’d heard how Abby explained their previous relationship with her staff. “Abby, a word, please?”

  Mossy-green eyes went straight to mine, clear of any hint of emotion before giving me a crisp nod of acknowledgement. “For those of you that haven’t met Mr. Mahoney, be sure to introduce yourselves when you have a chance. Let’s have another great day in paradise, shall we?” She flashed the first genuine smile I’d seen when loud shouts of ‘Yeah’ rang back.

  I waited where I stood, accepting handshakes and introductions from the staff, all of whom were polite—yet distant—to the man who would decide if they could take care of their families for another month. Instead of making me wait though, Abby held a cloth beach bag and a stack of folders and headed my way.

  “Good morning.” Polite and cool, she stood emotionless before me.

  “Good morning, Abby, how are you?”

  “I’m fine. And you?”

  So we were going with icy civility. Okay. “Just great. I’ll be making some immediate changes and I want to go over them with you immediately. Meet me in your office in thirty minutes.”

  “Sure thing, Mr. Mahoney.”

  I cringed at that. I’d been deep inside this woman, had been her first lover and she acted as though I was a stranger. “Mr. Mahoney?”

  She blinked, but that was the only indication she’d heard me. “What else should I call you?”

  Right. “I’ll see you soon, Abby.”

  Another of those crisp nods and she was gone, walking away from me like she’d done once before. This time, she wouldn’t be the one walking away. I’d make sure of it.

  But first, I had to see what the hell had Noah’s panties in a bunch.

bsp; ***

  I couldn’t believe it. I absolutely refused to fucking believe the bomb Noah had just dropped on me. Instead of waiting for more information I reacted, charging down the hall and into Abby’s office where I froze at the now sterile office. “Going somewhere?”

  Again, she showed no signs of emotions or even surprise at my intrusion. “Not yet. Simply preparing.”

  “For what?”

  “The future,” she answered. Stoically. Cryptically.

  All her photos, along with pictures of her with high-profile guests were gone. The diplomas that hung on the wall in pride had also vanished. The knickknacks on her desk and the surrounding shelves were gone as well. She’d taken my words to heart it would seem. I took a seat ready to tear into her for keeping such a huge secret from me but she was already wary so I sat back looking a hell of a lot more relaxed than I felt. “We need to make better use of the empty facilities.”

  She nodded. “Does that mean you’re ready to move forward with the wedding suite and planner?”

  “If you have a proposal I am more than willing to look it over and take it under consideration.”

  Her lips pursed but she said nothing other than, “I’ll have that for you soon.”

  She listened with a blank expression as I outlined all the other things I wanted done, jotting down notes in her ever-present legal pad without a word of protest. It would have been impressive if it wasn’t so fucking maddening. “Do you have anything to add, Abby? This is your job, isn’t it?”

  “I wasn’t aware you wanted feedback. I’ll take a look at this and get back to you. Is there a particular order you want these addressed?”

  “I want it all done right away.” If she wanted to give me this robot version of herself, I would just keep pushing.

  She nodded, tucking her hair behind one ear. “And do you want to approve new contracts and new hires?”

  “Everything will go through me for the time being.” I would make it so she couldn’t ignore me.

  Abby finally set her pen down and folded her hands on the desk, casting a hazel gaze my way. “Have you been set up with an office or a phone line?” When I shook my head, she made another note. “I’ll have that done by the end of the day.”


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