Tattoos and Cupcakes [Sunset Point] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Tattoos and Cupcakes [Sunset Point] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Hennessee Andrews

  Today, wow, he thought, he felt like some wild 80’s love song should have played when their eyes met. He’d been hoping to find a woman, a woman he could share with Bannock. He mentioned his idea a few months ago and Bannock gave him the cold shoulder for a couple of days afterwards. No doubt he felt odd, Dane could understand, but personally, the thought turned him on so much he stroked himself frequently thinking about it.

  With their friendship so close they were almost like brothers, Dane felt sharing a woman would be a way to stay close together. The idea of marrying and getting caught up in a separate life bothered him. Since he came here to the island, Bannock accepted him, and his parents did as well. Bannock also had become the brother Dane never had, but always wanted. Somehow he had to make this work. This is serenfuckingdipity.

  The cowbell on the front door clanked and Dane turned around, hoping to see Bannock. No such luck. “Hello, ladies. What can I do for you today?” He laid on his southern charm, because women eat that shit up and he knew it. These women were tourists. He’d been there ten years, so he knew right away.

  “Well, hello, gorgeous.” The blonde smiled. She was a princess, more than likely the daughter of one of the business tycoons that stayed on the island in a fancy vacation home, Dane guessed. They probably owned one of those big yachts, too. “I want to get a tattoo. I’ve tried talking my friend here into one, but she’s too chicken.”

  Dane leaned back, propping his foot against the wall and crossed his arms. “Do you have something in mind? I have a portfolio you can look through if you’d like.”

  “Oh, no need. I want a tattoo here.” She pulled her shorts down a little and pointed to the small of her back.

  Dane nodded and wanted to refer to it by its common name, tramp stamp, but refrained. “So, what kind of a tat would you like there?” He continued and tried to be professional.

  “I have my heart set on this princess logo, minus the sea part. Just princess.” She handed him a picture of guess what, a yacht. “My daddy named his boat after me. I had that logo made for it.” She giggled and her feet clicked her heels on the wooded floor.

  Dane studied the simplistic design. Princess was written in a cursive font with a large, sweeping P. Simple enough he thought and led her to a chair. The pair giggled and sat down their Gucci and Prada purses. He was already getting a headache. As he tilted the chair back so that she could lie on her stomach, he began to give instructions. “You’ll have to pull your shorts down a few inches lower than where the tat will be.” His statement earned another round of giggling.

  Dane sterilized the area and felt confident in his ability to freehand the design. Actually, it was very simple. He didn’t know how he could possibly screw it up. To be on the safe side though, he used a tracing pen to be sure he was on target. Bingo. Damn, I’m good at what I do.

  “So, have you ever had a tattoo before?” he asked before getting started. Some people can’t tolerate the pain. He just wanted her aware of what would be involved before he started.

  Malibu Barbie looked at him with a blissfully naïve appearance. “No, does it hurt as bad as people say?”

  He grinned. “Uh, depends on the person.”

  “Bree, are you sure you want to do this? Tattoos are so permanent.” Her friend popped her gum while talking.

  “She’s right, they are permanent.” Dane looked up at the clock and although he hated to lose a sale, Bannock may be there any minute for lunch. Plus, he didn’t like Barbies in his shop.

  “Like, as in forever?” the blonde asked and he wanted to thump her for being so ignorant.

  “Yes, sweetie, as in forever.” What in the hell was she thinking? Temporary? She can get that out of a gumball machine.

  Barbie shivered and rolled over. She had a look of terror on her face. “Um, I think I’ve changed my mind.” She slid off the chair and pulled her shorts up. Apparently the booze was wearing off. “I’m sorry.”

  “Not a problem. You two have a fun and safe time on the island.” Dane turned and exhaled a deep breath, glad to see them go. He doubted she could have handled the pain anyway. No money on her credit card would be painful enough, he supposed.

  Bannock came in immediately after with a sack from the Kraken’s Cave. “Hey, Barbie and her friend came in for a tattoo.” He teased, knowing Dane hated those types.

  Dane tossed his rubber gloves into the trash. “I lucked out. She was too scared.”

  “Business has been a little slow hasn’t it?”

  “Eh, not too bad, but not great.” The business had slumped a little over the last few weeks. People don’t just get tattoos weekly.

  “Bout time for you to get another.” Bannock began unpacking lunch.

  “Yeah, because there are oodles of tattoo artists on the island. I only trust my skin to one man and he is probably retired by now.”

  “Maybe we should go to Texas and look him up. I have a tattoo in mind for you.”

  “Oh, yeah? And what would that be?”

  Bannock pointed to the box from Naughty Sprinkles. “Pillsbury Dough Boy if you don’t stop eating those cupcakes every day!”

  Dane leaned against the wood frame of the large front window and stared. “I’ll be having a lot more of them since Liz’s niece will be working next door.”

  Bannock shook his head. “Chase away my friend.” He sat down at the desk and pulled his lunch toward him. “There is something suspicious about her.”

  “You could find something wrong with any woman.” Dane continued to look out at the bright sunny sky.

  “No, I just know their nature. Liz’s niece, huh, she arrived at the island last night with an escort. At first I thought the guy was working with the pilot, maybe a friend or something.” He forked up a bite of food and put it in his mouth.

  Dane waited and turned his attention to him. “And?”

  Bannock swallowed and took a drink of his soda. “Well, the guy was wearing a black suit for starters. Secondly, he got back into the plane and sat in the back, not the front. If he was a friend or helping out, why wouldn’t he take the copilot seat?”

  “Maybe he didn’t want to.” Dane chuckled and sat down. He began to rummage through the sack for his meal.

  “Nah, the dude was escorting her here and the pilot was returning him to wherever they came from.”

  Dane rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Only you could read so much into a suit and seating preference.”

  * * * *

  “Damn it,” Lane cursed as she looked up. She had been learning how to ice a cupcake with a decorator’s bag when she noticed Bannock walk by the shop, carrying a sack. The man looked so hot in his uniform. The sight of him caught her by surprise, her eyes honed in on his round ass and the way the fabric molded over it. She lost her faculties and continued to squeeze frosting, getting lost in the moment.

  “Girl, what are you doing?” Sami asked and stood with her arms crossed watching her with an amused expression.

  Lane looked down and noticed she had squeezed every ounce of frosting from the bag on top of the cupcake, coating it with ribbons of frosting. It was now hidden under a canopy of pink. “Um, I, I, don’t know. I got distracted. I’m sorry. What a mess. I told Liz I sucked at anything having to do with baking.”

  Sami laughed and looked outside, noticing the police car. “Mmm, really. By chance were you watching Bannock Garrison walk by?”

  Lane played stupid and made an indignant noise. “Pfft, no. What? No.”

  Sami raised an eyebrow and snickered. “Yeah, whatever. Say what you will.”

  Busted. “Well, just for a moment.”

  “Honey, you may fool other people, but you’re not fooling me.” She giggled with her high pitched voice and grinned. “If those two men didn’t catch your attention, I don’t know who could.”

  “I’m not, I’m not—” Lane stuttered.

  “Save it. Most all single women on the island would love a piece of either of them.”

  “I’m sorry
for the mess.”

  “What?” Sami stopped and snorted. “Don’t worry about that. This is the best entertainment I’ve had all week.”

  A while later, Lane watched as Bannock left. She tried hard not to notice. A man put her in the position she was currently in. Why in the hell would she want to look at another? Who was she kidding? Sami was correct, they were both gorgeous.

  Sami periodically chuckled when she caught her staring out the window. Lane smiled in return, noting they seemed to be hitting it off pretty well. She could use a girlfriend or a friend at all. She had spent years trying to achieve her goals. Even visits home to see her mother and brothers had been nil recently. She wished she could rewind time and have a do-over, wishing she had another opportunity to do things differently. If she did, she would have never stepped foot inside The Sinful Seven that very first time. Instead, she would have used her down time to spend with the few people in her life that meant the world to her. She’d been selfish, chasing her dreams and ignoring those that loved her.

  A melancholy mood settled in her stomach. The urge to give them a call made her fingers tingle, but she knew she couldn’t. A move like that could jeopardize her safety or theirs. She just hoped Mr. Donaldson was telling the truth when he said they would be contacted. Lane couldn’t bear to think of them worrying over her, but knew they were accustomed to not hearing from her for a week or more at a time. It dawned on her that she really hadn’t been a good person. After leaving home, she became a shitty daughter and a terrible sister. Her brother and his wife had their first child two weeks ago and she couldn’t make it to the hospital to see the new baby. I’ve been too wrapped up in me.

  By five, Lane was beginning to get the hang of frosting and decorating the simple cakes for the shop. She fought with emotions and thoughts every step of the way. Would she have a second chance to make things right? She hoped so.

  “Well, it’s about time to close. We need to clean up and call it a day.” Sami called out while she retrieved the broom.

  Lane took the supplies to the sink and began to wash them. Sami had already cleaned the bulk of the kitchen area while Lane had been decorating, or trying to. They had a friendly chat along the way and Lane learned a lot, so the day wasn’t a total waste, she thought. The only part she hated was the revelations that crept into her mind.

  The bell chimed and Liz entered with a smile. “Good evening, ladies. Reece, how did it go today?”

  Sami snickered in the background and Liz drew a questioning brow.

  Lane came out of the kitchen area with a towel while drying her hands. “Good, well, except for my frosting accident.”

  “It was so funny, Liz. Reece was frosting a cupcake and got caught up watching Bannock. Frosting was everywhere!”

  “Oh, my.” Liz grinned. “I’ve done that a time or two.”

  Lane couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Really?”

  “Oh, honey yes.” Liz hugged her around the shoulders. “I’ve done it many, many times. I may be old, but I’m far from dead.”

  Lane smiled. Liz was so wonderful to be around with her open and honest personality. She was witty, fun, and exactly the type of aunt she’d love to have. Sadly, her only aunt was a person she hadn’t seen since she was a young girl. Her mother and her aunt had a falling out after their parents passed away. Her aunt moved away and didn’t bother to say where she was going. Lane’s mother hadn’t tried to find her either. Even with Lane’s world crashing down around her, she felt there was light, and her name was Liz Wyatt.

  “Are you up for a little fun tonight?” Liz pitched in to help clean up.

  “I’m up for anything.” Really, she wasn’t. The mental anguish that warred inside her head all day had her wiped out, but she wanted to keep her mind distracted and off all the things she couldn’t change at the moment.

  “Sami, are you and my sons going to the barbecue?”

  “Yes, for a while. Will and Jameson wouldn’t miss it.”

  After they finished up, Liz tugged Lane out the door. For a woman her age, Liz was as giddy and excitable as any teen Lane had ever seen. From their tour earlier, Lane knew the island wasn’t overly large, but what it contained blew her mind. She still couldn’t get over all the beauty surrounding her. Already she had fallen in love with the bright sunny sky, the warm air, and the smell of the ocean.

  Liz drove to a park and offered a smile. Lane knew what she was up to and loved her for it. The woman seemed to know her needs. She also thought Liz knew she was able to self destruct with worry, so Liz was filling her dance card so to speak, with plenty to keep her and her mind occupied.

  “Did you and Sami have lunch?” Liz parked as she asked the question.

  Lane thought a moment. Did I eat anything? They had got busy for a spell and she had worked really hard to learn. “Umm, we shared some cheese and crackers and a little fruit.”

  “I’m so sorry. I bet you’re starving.”

  “I wasn’t until you mentioned food.” Her stomach growled, making them both laugh.

  “Come on. We’ll eat first and then I’ll introduce you to some of the residents.”

  Lane couldn’t be sure, but believed she ate like a wild woman who had never been civilized. Her appetite returned with a vengeance. Liz said she felt terrible for not checking in on her throughout the remainder of the day, but was wrapped up with the planning of the annual town barbecue. From what Lane understood, this was a time for residents only to get together. Tourists were not allowed. They were a close group, a group that enjoyed each other’s company. They used the time to connect, talk about business and future plans for the island. Liz had also told her the council was made up of residents only. They met monthly to discuss potential residents that have applied and possibilities of new business to accommodate the rising tourism.

  Above it all, the council wanted to keep the atmosphere quaint with a hometown feel and not lose their heritage by becoming over-commercialized. Lane hadn’t noticed until now, but all the chain restaurants and stores she was accustomed to seeing in the States didn’t exist on the island. There were no tacky billboards hogging the scenery from the eye or power lines that obstructed the view. Come to think of it, she hadn’t noticed a single one. Everything was mainly underground cable. Liz said they never wanted to distract from nature and the magnificence that surrounded them, but at the same time, have the comfort electricity supplies.

  Luther and Jed walked over to the table, both stopping to kiss Liz. Lane could see the love in their eyes when they looked at her. Their relationship was anything but normal, but they’d made it work and she couldn’t imagine seeing one without the other already. Luther and Jed were not only brothers, but best friends as well. They were as different as night and day personality wise, but seemed to complement one another anyway.

  Everywhere Lane looked the more she noticed others just like Liz and her husbands. A couple of times she noticed three men and one woman, and even two women and one man. She was awed by the mechanics of such relationships. A new world she never would have believed existed did. Back in the states, laws had been passed keeping such relationships from flourishing. Lane knew it happened, it must, but knew only one man could actually marry one woman. Here, from what she understood, a marriage included all involved in the relationship and was treated as sacred as a marriage between a man and woman like back home.

  Jed and Luther left for a while but came back with dessert and a bottle of champagne. They sat on either side of Liz and poured them all a glass.

  “What’s the celebration about?” Lane asked.

  Luther smiled. “Life, love, you name it.”

  Jed coughed. “He just wants to get in our wife’s pants.”

  Liz covered her face with a beaming smile she tried to hide.

  “Am not.” Luther handed Lane a glass.

  “Are, too.” Jed snapped back. “By the way,” he looked at the label on the bottle. “Nice choice.”

  Lane began to giggle so
hard her stomach ached and her jaw hurt from the smile she couldn’t wipe away. Luther and Jed were just too cute.

  “To life, love and getting in Liz’s pants, Luther.” Jed grinned and the edges of their glasses clinked together.

  “Here, here!” Luther clanked his glass with Lane’s and Liz shook her head.

  “And to you, Reece. May you find the love you deserve and all the happiness in the world.”

  Liz got a little teary eyed and Lane did as well. Liz kissed Jed on the cheek and turned and gave Luther a kiss as well. “They can really be a pain in my ass, but I love em’, I truly love them.”

  Lane sipped her champagne and enjoyed the happiness and love that surrounded her. Jed urged her to try the dessert he brought, promising it was the best cherry pie she could ever hope to find. Lane figured out Liz made the pie, and it seemed Jed was hoping to get into his wife’s pants as well. Where Liz found time to be the mayor, run a business, keep both her men in check and bake a pie boggled Lane’s mind. She herself wasn’t much of a multitasker.

  * * * *

  “Look at her, Bannock.” Dane turned to Bannock and pointed toward Reece. “Isn’t she the most gorgeous creature you’ve ever laid eyes on?”

  “She’s nice looking,” Bannock responded and glanced away.

  Dane smacked Bannock’s arm. “Nice looking? Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “What do you want me to say, Dane?”

  Dane pointed in Reece’s direction. “I want you to acknowledge how hot she is.”

  Bannock shrugged. “So she’s hot. So what?” Why in the hell did it matter what he thought anyway?

  A faraway look glazed over Dane’s eyes. “I’ve dreamed of her before. I’ve seen her in my dreams a couple of times.”

  “What? You’re nuts.”

  “No, I’m not. We’ve talked about this before and you shut me down.” Dane leveled his eyes directly at him.

  Bannock shook his head. He hoped to never have this conversation again. “Dane, you know how I feel. I’ve never desired a polygamous relationship.”


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