The Christmas Bouquet

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The Christmas Bouquet Page 10

by Sherryl Woods

  When his cell phone rang with an unfamiliar number on the screen, he answered to hear Mick O’Brien’s booming voice.

  “When can you get down to Chesapeake Shores?” he asked.

  “My schedule’s pretty jammed up,” Noah told him.

  “Well, unjam it,” Mick ordered. “There are some people I want you to meet.”

  “Who?” Noah asked, immediately on high alert.

  “The mayor, a few others.”

  “Mick, what have you been up to?”

  “Just laying a little groundwork,” he insisted. “I think you’ll be pleased.”

  “I thought you were going to stay out of this.”

  “I’ve had a couple of conversations,” Mick protested. “No big deal. You don’t like what they have to say, you’re free to say no.”

  “And how do I explain to Caitlyn that I’m going to Chesapeake Shores without her?”

  “Bring her along,” Mick said without hesitation. “She might as well know what’s going on. Keeping it a secret doesn’t make a lot of sense since it’ll affect her life, too.”

  “Mick, this is a bad idea. It’s premature, for one thing.”

  “You finish your residency at the end of June. It’s already the middle of May. What was your timetable, to wait till July 1 and then wing it?”

  “I was hoping to let Cait come around to my way of thinking on her own. My taking a step like this is going to back her into a corner.”

  “If you ask me, the girl needs a push,” Mick grumbled.

  “She’s a woman, not a girl, and you of all people should know how she’ll react to being pushed. The same way you would. She’ll push back.”

  Mick heaved a sigh. “More than likely,” he conceded. “Okay, I’ll tell them you’re swamped at work. That kind of dedication will impress them, but don’t put this off too long, Noah. We need to get the ball rolling. There’s a house on the market that would be just right for your home. With a few modifications, you could set up your practice there, too. I can have a crew ready to go, as soon as you give me the go-ahead.”

  Noah began to see what Cait meant when she said her grandfather liked to take charge. “Now you really are getting ahead of things, Mick. I appreciate your wanting to help. I really do, but you have to give me a little credit for understanding Cait and you have to let me go at this at the pace that I think best.”

  “I’ve known her a lot longer than you have,” Mick reminded him. “Sometimes you have to take a firm stand.”

  Noah laughed at that. He could imagine that working when Cait was in preschool, but certainly not now that she was grown. “I wouldn’t even dare,” he said. “Not if I expect this to turn out the way I hope it will.”

  Mick sighed. “I knew my granddaughter was stubborn. I didn’t expect you to be, too.”

  “Can you imagine her with a man who isn’t?” Noah asked. “She’d run roughshod over him. And I do have the added benefit of being patient, especially when something’s worth waiting for.”

  “Not familiar with the concept,” Mick said. “We’ll talk again soon.”

  “I’m sure of it,” Noah responded wryly.

  He shook his head as he hung up. No one in his family had ever been a meddler, so this was a whole new experience. It remained to be seen whether the O’Brien gene for it was going to be a blessing or a curse.

  * * *

  Caitlyn listened in amazement as Naomi Davis described what her foundation had accomplished to see that doctors working in villages in third-world countries had the medical supplies they needed.

  “We’re barely scratching the surface, though,” Dr. Davis lamented. “Ask any of the organizations dedicated to helping and they’ll tell you that there will never be enough resources.”

  “That’s why I want to go back,” Caitlyn said. “Every pair of hands matters.”

  “So does having adequate medicine and supplies,” the pediatrician reminded her. “So does well-funded research.”

  “I know that,” Caitlyn said. “I’m certainly not diminishing the importance of what you’re doing. Frankly, I’m amazed at how much you’ve accomplished.”

  “Did you know that your grandfather is a major donor?”

  Caitlyn regarded her with shock. “He is?”

  “He made his first donation after you volunteered. He called me, said he understood I had a foundation doing work in that part of the world, and he wanted to know how he could help.”

  “I had no idea,” Caitlyn said. “He’s never said a word about it.” She was well aware of his work with Habitat for Humanity and had known how fervently he believed in giving back out of gratitude for all the blessings in his life, but that he’d chosen this particular project astounded her.

  “When I asked him how he’d found out about us, he said he’d done some homework after his granddaughter had volunteered on a medical mission,” Dr. Davis revealed. “He’d found that our foundation put the bulk of every dollar received into actual help. Very little goes to administrative costs. In fact, we operate on a shoestring, mostly with volunteers and a paid staff of two.” She smiled. “I’m not one of those two, by the way.”

  Caitlyn wasn’t really surprised by that. She’d come to realize the level of commitment Dr. Davis had made to this cause. She wouldn’t be using it for either recognition or personal gain.

  “May I share something with you?” the pediatrician asked. “An idea I’ve had? Perhaps you can help.”

  “Of course,” Caitlyn said eagerly.

  The doctor’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “Your grandfather’s not the only one who’s done his homework,” she confided. “I know a little bit about his background as an architect. I know he and his brothers created Chesapeake Shores from his vision, and that he’s built other communities around the country from scratch, as well.”

  “He’s retired now, though,” Caitlyn told her.

  “Except for supervising projects for Habitat for Humanity in this area,” Dr. Davis said, proving that her research on Mick O’Brien had, indeed, been extensive.

  “True,” she replied.

  “How do you think he’d feel about tackling a new challenge?”

  “What sort of challenge?”

  “Building medical facilities in some of these villages,” she explained.

  Caitlyn’s pulse picked up. What an incredible idea! She knew it would appeal to her grandfather on many different levels. She also knew, though, that her grandmother might hate the thought of him being gone for months at a time to oversee construction.

  “I don’t know,” she said, unable to keep a hint of regret from her voice.

  “You don’t think he’d be willing to consider it?” the pediatrician asked, her disappointment plain.

  “Oh, I think he’d love the challenge of it,” Caitlyn admitted. “It’s just that he made a commitment to my grandmother that he’d limit his travel. How can I ask him to break his word to her? That is what you’re suggesting, isn’t it? That I be the one to persuade him to do this?”

  “It did occur to me that you might be a more effective advocate for the idea than I would, but if you’re reluctant, I can speak to him myself. I’ve put together a proposal for him to consider. I even have some funding set aside. It’s far from enough, but I’d hoped he would have some thoughts about where we could go for contributions of building materials. I think we’d have all the labor we could ask for, albeit mostly unskilled. That’s why we’d need someone with experience not only at construction, but at working with volunteers to oversee it all.”

  “He certainly has the contacts and experience to do all of that,” Caitlyn agreed. She drew in a deep breath. “Let me talk to him. I’d like very much for him to take this on, but I need to lay the groundwork.”

  She thought of Grandma M
egan’s likely reaction and winced. Laying the groundwork wasn’t going to be easy. In fact, it could cause a rift between her grandparents just when things between them were better than ever.

  Still, if this was something she could do for the cause in which she believed with all her heart, she had to take the chance.

  “Give me a little time,” she told Dr. Davis. “I’ll get back to you as soon as I’ve had a chance to talk to him.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet,” Caitlyn said, then smiled ruefully. “You might actually be the one doing me a favor.”

  “How so?”

  She thought of how this request just might redirect all of the family’s attention to a new topic and away from her pregnancy. “Don’t ask me to explain,” she said. “Just know that I’m grateful on more levels than you can possibly imagine.”

  * * *

  “I was thinking I might run down to Chesapeake Shores on Saturday,” Caitlyn told Noah over a quick coffee break just a few hours after he’d seen her with Dr. Davis in the cafeteria for the second time in a few days.

  “I thought you were intent on staying as far away from your family as possible,” he said, surprised by her announcement.

  “There’s something I need to discuss with my grandmother,” she admitted, then added, “With Grandpa Mick, too.”

  “Want to fill me in?”

  “It’s an idea that Dr. Davis had,” she told him. “Did you know about her foundation?”

  He nodded. “I went to a fund-raising event a while back.”

  Cait frowned. “You never mentioned that.”

  “It was a few months before we met.”

  “Still, you know I’m interested in medicine in that part of the world. Why wouldn’t you tell me she’s actively involved in that cause?”

  “To be honest, I forgot about it,” he said. “She doesn’t make a big deal about the foundation. In fact, I think she was a little embarrassed that one of her donors insisted on throwing this big dinner and invited all the doctors from the hospital. She kept telling the residents they didn’t need to feel obligated to attend or to make a donation. Of course, we all went, out of respect for her, but also because it was such a good cause.”

  Cait’s expression was still disgruntled. “Were you afraid I’d jump on the bandwagon or something? Is that why you never mentioned it?”

  “Of course not,” he said, though he wasn’t able to keep a defensive note out of his voice. Had he remained silent because he’d feared that Cait would find an ally in Dr. Davis, someone who would only fuel the dream that could take her away from him? Was he that insecure or selfish? He didn’t like thinking he might be.

  In an attempt to divert her attention, he asked, “How does your grandfather fit in?”

  He listened in amazement as she explained the pediatrician’s idea for having Mick design and oversee construction of basic medical facilities. “And you’re going to take that suggestion to him?”

  She nodded. “First, though, I need to speak to my grandmother. When his work was taking him away all the time, it destroyed their marriage. This would require travel, I’m sure.”

  “And she might object,” Noah guessed.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if she hated the idea,” Cait admitted.

  “Then what?”

  “Then I’ll have my work cut out for me trying to win her over,” she said.

  “Maybe you should leave it to him to persuade her,” Noah suggested, then added, “If he’s actually interested in pursuing the idea in the first place.”

  “He’s going to be interested,” she said with certainty.

  “But do you really want to be caught in the middle? I thought you were sick of everyone being in your business. Now you want to get involved in a decision that should be between the two of them.”

  “But somebody needs to present the idea to him,” she argued. “Isn’t it better if it’s me? At least I’ll be sensitive to the possible fallout.”

  “Will you really?” Noah asked skeptically. “Or will you be pushing to get the answer you want because you’re personally invested in this cause?”

  He could see that Cait knew he was right. She just wasn’t quite ready to admit it yet. There was no mistaking that she was warring with herself, so he sat by silently, sipping his now-cold coffee.

  Eventually she frowned at him. “You know I hate it when you’re right,” she grumbled.

  He laughed. “I know, and it happens on such a regular basis, it must really be a trial for you.”

  “Not amusing,” she commented. “So, what do you suggest? That I leave it to Dr. Davis?”

  Since a trip to Chesapeake Shores fit in nicely with his own plans, he shook his head. “No. I think we can drive down for the day. You can fill your grandfather in, give him whatever proposal Dr. Davis has prepared, then leave it to him from then on.”

  “You want to go, too?”

  “I have the day off. Why not?” he said with an innocent shrug. “It’ll be good for everyone to see that I’m still in the game.”

  “Is that what our situation is to you, a game?”

  He backed off at once. “Sorry. A poor choice of words. I meant to say that they’ll see that my commitment to you is as solid as ever.”

  “Better,” she said, smiling. “But what will you do while I’m talking to my grandfather?”

  “I might wander around town for a bit,” he suggested. “Maybe Connor will be available for coffee.”

  “Boy, you two really must have bonded,” she said. “I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

  “Would you prefer it if the members of your family hated my guts?”

  “No, of course not. I just find it worrisome. Conspiracies among O’Briens are the norm.”

  “I’m not an O’Brien.”

  “But you might not be above conspiring with them, if you thought it would help your cause,” she said.

  “You’re the only O’Brien I want to conspire with,” he said with what he hoped was convincing sincerity.

  “Good answer,” she told him. “Not that I believe it for a minute.”

  Noah laughed, understanding her skepticism. “What time shall we leave?”

  “I’d like to be there by midmorning. I have a craving for one of Sally’s raspberry croissants and they’re almost always gone before lunchtime.”

  Noah nodded. “Then that will be the first stop.”

  Her expression turned thoughtful. “I wouldn’t mind some penny candy from Ethel’s, either. Trace used to buy that for Carrie and me. And Grandpa Mick always had some in his pocket, too.”

  Noah gave an exaggerated sigh of resignation. “I suppose there’s no hope that our child won’t be spoiled rotten by the two of them, too.”

  She regarded him with indignation. “I am not spoiled rotten.”

  “It’s okay,” he soothed.

  “I am not spoiled,” she repeated.

  “Tell me one single person who’s ever denied you anything you wanted,” he taunted.

  The request seemed to stump her, just as he’d anticipated. “Don’t fret. I love you, anyway.”

  “And I love you, despite this annoying tendency you have to gloat whenever you’re right.”

  Noah stood up. “See you at your place tonight?”

  She shook her head. “I’m on duty.”

  “Then I’ll see you here in the morning. Make sure you get some sleep.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  The second he was out of sight, he flipped open his cell phone and called Connor. “Your father said there’s a house that might be perfect for Cait and me and for my medical practice. Do you know the one?”

  “I do,�
�� Connor said.

  “Can you arrange for me to see it late Saturday morning? Cait and I are driving down. She’s going to be tied up with Mick for a while, so I thought I’d use the time to take a look.”

  “Can do,” Connor said eagerly. “What time?”


  “Perfect. I’ll make the arrangements. Does Caitlyn know anything about this?”

  Noah sighed. “No. And it might be better if your father didn’t know that I was checking the place out.”

  “Oh, boy,” Connor murmured. “Don’t you think Caitlyn ought to be in the loop?”

  “She will be,” Noah promised. “As soon as there’s anything to mention.”

  “A fait accompli?” Connor said. “Man, that’s just asking for trouble. I’ve been there, done that, and paid the price.”

  Noah had a hunch he might be right. Even so, he wanted to have a plan in mind before he filled Cait in. She needed to know he was serious, that this was something he really wanted and not just a means to an end.

  He sighed, suspecting he was delusional. No matter how he dressed up the idea and tried to sell it as his own, he doubted she’d buy it for a minute. Up until now neither one of them had ever included living in Chesapeake Shores as part of a dream for the future. But more and more, Noah believed it was the right answer for both of them.

  * * *

  Cait stood on the porch at her grandparents’ house on Saturday morning and watched Noah drive away. Something was up with him, no question about it. She pondered that as she popped the last bite of raspberry croissant into her mouth, then pushed her suspicions aside. She had her own mission for today. She’d worry about what Noah was doing later.

  Opening the unlocked front door, she walked inside shouting for her grandparents. To her shock, the only response came from the kitchen from her great-grandmother.

  “Caitlyn!” Nell said, stepping into the foyer and regarding her with surprise as she wiped her hands on a dish towel. “Where’d you come from?”

  “Noah dropped me off. I came to see Grandpa Mick and Grandma Megan.”


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