Stanton Unconditional

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Stanton Unconditional Page 21

by T L Swan

  I shake my head and we get to the bottom of the stairs where I am greeted by the sight of Abbie kissing a guy to the side of the bar.

  Cameron smirks again as he turns back to me. “Figures,” he mouths at me and I raise a brow.

  My eyes instinctively search the space. I don’t see her anywhere. Bridget comes through the crowd.

  “Hi.” She kisses me on the cheek and I put my arm around her affectionately. She hasn’t taken sides; I really do love Didge. Abbie on the other hand is a bad influence. I haven’t forgotten the ‘Natasha needs to have a threesome’ remark from that tape that night. I can just imagine her constantly setting Tash up with guys, pushing her into it. It’s been haunting me for six fucking months. My eyes search for her again. I am still reeling from the info that Natasha hasn’t slept with anyone else.

  She’s still mine.

  “She’s dancing,” Bridget smiles.

  I frown at her. “Huh?”

  “You’re looking for Tash?” she questions.

  “No,” I answer. Actually if the girls are here, who is she dancing with?

  Then I see her, she’s laughing and talking up close to some guy in his ear. He has his arm around her and I find myself clenching my jaw in anger. I look away in a rush. I need a drink so I head straight to the bar as jealousy starts to pump through my veins. What am I doing? She shouldn’t affect me this way. I order three shots and drink them in succession. I need to loosen the hell up. I get the rest of the drinks for everybody and head back to the group and there she is … with Cyril? I put my head down so I don’t make a scene and strangle him on the spot. What’s his name again? I troll my brain. Fuck he’s so … geeky.

  Cameron leans over to talk in my ear. “Who’s the bozo?”

  I shrug in annoyance.

  Natasha walks over and grabs my arm affectionately. “Joshua, baby, you remember Simon?” She slurs into my ear.

  I nod and put my hand out to shake his. I really want to break this fucker’s fingers right now. Work friend, work friend, work friend, I remind myself. Cameron smirks as he goes up on his toes in cheek and puts his hand out to shake hands.


  “Cameron.” Cameron smiles. He and Adrian smile broadly at each other. Why do they love it when I sweat like this?

  “Adrian.” Adrian holds out his hand to shake the loser’s hand.

  “Simon.” He smiles.

  Natasha walks over to me and slips her hand under my suit jacket and around my waist. She kisses my shoulder.

  “Let’s dance, baby.” She grabs my hand and tries to pull me onto the dance floor.

  I shake my head. “I don’t want to dance.”

  She pulls a whiny face and I smile. She really is a very cute drunk.

  She turns to geek boy. “Simon, will you dance with me honey?” she slurs. She wouldn’t.

  He raises his eyebrows and smiles. “Of course, my lady.” He wraps his arm around her and they dance off through the crowd.

  My eyes flick to Cameron who is smiling into his drink. “Don’t look at me, she asked you first.”

  I swig my drink without tasting it. Bitch.

  Natasha doesn’t come back for over an hour and I find myself constantly looking for her. Where in the hell is she?

  “Hi, I’m Elsa,” a pretty brunette purrs. “And this is Carmen.” She points to a stunning blonde who beams at us.

  I smile as I turn to her. “Hello, I’m Joshua and this is Cameron and Adrian.” They both turn to her and smile. From the corner of my eye I see Natasha’s yellow dress on the other side of the dance floor. My eyes flick over. She’s in Simon’s arms and dirty dancing. My face drops and Adrian turns to see what I am looking at.

  He does a low whistle.

  I immediately turn to face the dance floor and put my hands in my pockets as fury heats my blood. I run my tongue over my teeth in contempt. He’s kidding himself. She’s blind drunk … nice friend he is. He slowly runs his hand down her back and pulls her into him by the waist. She leans in to listen to something he says and throws her head back in laughter.

  I stand rooted on the spot as fury courses through me. Turn around, turn around. Turn the fuck around. I can’t, I can’t make myself walk away. Natasha steps back, overbalances and nearly falls over. He helps her up and then leans in and kisses her neck. My eyes widen and I stand still as I watch. Her bodyguard walks over to them on the dance floor. He whispers something to her as he gently grabs her by the elbow. Thank god he’s finally doing his job. Natasha turns and talks to him and then turns away from him in annoyance, Simon grabs her again and she giggles loudly. That’s it—I snap. I storm over to them.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I snap to the geek.

  “What does it look like?” he answers as he spins her around and she laughs out loud.

  “It looks like you are trying to get yourself murdered,” I spit.

  Natasha does an over-exaggerated point at me. “Hey, murder on the dance floor. That’s funny.” She bursts into laughter and starts running her hands over her eyes in a pulp fiction move. I glare at her in return.

  “Get lost, idiot. She’s here with me,” the loser replies as he twists her so she has her back to me.

  “I don’t think so.” I pull her from his grip.

  “Joshua,” she giggles as she falls onto my chest. I put my arm around her in a protective gesture.

  My eyes flick to Ben who is now standing with her bodyguard against the wall. He nods in approval.

  “We’re leaving,” I snap

  “No, we are not, we are leaving when I say, and I say not yet. I want another drink,” she replies as she pulls from my grip and then stumbles toward the bar.

  I narrow my eyes after her and follow her angrily to the bar.

  “What will it be?” the male bartender smiles to her.

  She leans forward onto her elbows on the bar and smiles cheekily at him. “What do you want it to be?” She giggles.

  I grab her angrily by the arm. “I tell you what it’s going to be. You’re going home immediately. You are out of control.” I jerk her toward me.

  She screws up her face. “Fun cop.”

  “Me,” I snap.

  “Yes, you.”

  I narrow my eyes at her again.

  “Shouldn’t you be talking dirty to me about now?” she whispers as she looks at my lips and smiles affectionately at me.

  Why does she have to have those perfect dimples when she smiles at me? How much can a man take? I need to find some resistance … and quickly. I can feel it slipping by the minute.

  “Something about me being creamy and wet,” she whispers. My eyes widen as she runs her hands down her perfect body and back up to settle on her hips. The way her neck is arched in the light I could just sink my teeth straight into it. I feel myself harden at the thought.

  Bridget walks over to us. “Hey.” I drop my eyes to somehow hide my devious thoughts.

  I talk into my drink as I take a sip. “Didge, control Natasha or I am taking her home, and she’s going to cop it.” My eyes drop back to Natasha’s perfect legs … they need to be around my ears, while I give her what she needs … hard.

  Bridget smiles broadly at me. “Take her home Joshua, in fact I dare you to take her home.”

  I look at her sarcastically and Adrian walks over to us.

  Natasha grabs him in an embrace. “Adrian, come and swim in the pool with me.”

  He pulls back immediately. “We are not going to the pool bar. No way in hell.” The pool bar located outside is massive and is a full marble bar all around a huge swimming pool. People are in and out of it all night … very drunk people. The toilets are unisex in that part of the club, if you know what I mean.

  “Natasha, you are not going swimming in that dress,” I snap. “It will be totally see through.”

  She smirks at Bridget. “He’s very whiny tonight, isn’t he? He really should just shut up and look pretty over there.” She points her wine glass a
t me as she stumbles to the side again, her wine sloshing over her glass.

  Bridget and Adrian laugh into their drinks as they both grab her arm to steady her.

  “How about I put that smart mouth of yours to good use.” My eyes hold hers.

  She giggles into her drink. “Maybe you should.”

  “What have you girls been doing today anyway?” Adrian asks.

  Natasha grabs his arm. “Oh my god Adrian, you won’t believe it. I hardly believe it myself.”

  Bridget waves at Natasha and shakes her head to signify silence—she puts her finger to her lips in a sshh signal. Natasha ignores her.

  “We had massages today … with happy endings.” She does nods to accentuate her point.

  I spit my drink out. “What?” I snap angrily

  Bridget and Adrian burst into laughter.

  Fury rips through me. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I yell.

  She giggles into her glass. “Abbie organised it. It was awesome by the way. His name was Antonio.”

  Fucking Abbie. “You had sex with a masseur?” I yell. I’m furious—some dirty masseur had his hands all over her. My skin bristles with jealousy.

  She screws up her face and pushes me in the chest. “No, just a massage silly … but I might on my next visit. Who knows what could happen? I’m mixing it up.” She wobbles her head at me and does a bicep curl. “It’s actually pretty fun being bad you know.” She giggles into her glass as she staggers sideways.

  My eyes flick to Adrian and Bridget who are killing themselves laughing.

  “I think Abbie actually had sex with her masseur,” Bridget leans in and whispers in a very loud voice and the girls laugh again.

  “Why am I not surprised?” Adrian says dryly.

  “Scrubber,” Natasha smirks.

  “Internal?” I snap. I can’t believe this shit.

  “Huh?” She questions.

  “Did he touch you internally?” I yell as my anger hits a new level.

  She smiles cheekily and rolls her eyes dramatically. “Not yet … but who knows what will happen on my next visit? As soon as I work out where a female VIP room is I’m going there too. Aren’t we Didge?” Bridget laughs and nods.

  Right, that’s it. I grab her arm. “We are going home now and you and your smartass mouth are going to fucking cop it.”

  She giggles as I start to drag her toward the door.

  “Joshua … I have to go and tell Simon I am leaving,” she stammers.

  I jerk her again. “The only person you need to worry about is me. Get that through that thick head of yours.”

  She giggles and goes to run away from me. I grab her and throw her over my shoulder and smack her hard on the ass.

  “Behave,” I snap.

  “Make me,” she squeals in laughter.

  My eyes flick to Ben as I storm toward the door. “Car,” I mouth.

  He nods and smirks as he takes out his phone.

  Chapter 15

  I’m hot, so hot I may vomit. Oh god, I feel bad. I blow out a deep breath and rub my face in disgust. I don’t even remember getting home last night … how in the hell did I get home? I put my head back down on the pillow and close my eyes as my head starts to thump. I’m not getting out of bed today. I just feel too sick. A hand slides up my leg and onto my behind, my eyes widen and I jump in shock. I roll over in a rush. I didn’t know I was in bed with someone. Who in the hell am I in bed with?

  To my utter relief it is my love.

  Joshua is fast asleep and naked next to me … holy shit. I look down in a rush. I’m naked too. Shit. We had sex and I was too bloody drunk to even know about it. What an idiot. I need to do some immediate repair work. I hop out of bed as quietly as I can and tiptoe to the bathroom. My eyes widen at the mirror. Holy crap, I look like total shit. I quickly jump in the shower and start to wash myself double time as I dry-retch. Why do I feel so sick? I don’t even feel like I’ve had sex, not that I would remember what that feels like. I wash my hair, brush my teeth, remove my makeup and exit the shower in three minutes flat. Please let him still be asleep. I head back to the bedroom and thankfully he is. I take off my towel and hop back into bed with him. He feels so warm, so hard. I nuzzle into his chest and cuddle him as I pull the blankets back over us. Being so warm and in his arms again I feel myself relax and doze back into slumber.

  I wake gently to the feeling of gentle kisses trailing down over my shoulder. I smile while my eyes still stay closed.

  “Morning,” I whisper.

  “Morning, Miss Marx,” he whispers as he bends and kisses my neck.

  Mmm, that feels good. His hand runs freely up and down my body as he leans on the other one for support.

  My eyes open slowly and I look at him. “How did we get home last night?”

  He smiles. “You were very drunk so I brought you home and ended up staying with you.”

  I smile shyly. “Oh.”

  “We didn’t have sex, don’t worry,” he whispers as he kisses my neck again.

  Why in the hell would I worry? That is the last thing I would ever worry about. My head drops back to give him better access to me.

  I frown. “We didn’t?”

  He shakes his head. “No, I didn’t want you to hate me and accuse me of taking advantage of you.”

  I look at him sadly. “I could never hate you Joshua, you know that.” I bring my hand up to rest on his cheek.

  His eyes meet mine and he nods and gives me a gentle kiss on the lips. “I could never hate you either,” he whispers.

  The close proximity of his body next to mine reminds me we are naked. “If we didn’t have sex, why are we both naked?”

  He smiles. “You undressed us both, did a dance for me, then fell asleep.”

  I bite my bottom lip in embarrassment. Why am I so ridiculous? “Dance, oh jeez, that must have been entertaining.”

  He smirks. “It was actually.”

  “Did you take me while I slept? I know you like that,” I whisper as I lean in and gently kiss his lips, my lips lingering over his.

  He pulls me closer to him and I feel his erection up against my stomach.

  He brushes my hair off my face. “I do love that but I didn’t,” he breathes.

  He kisses me, his tongue gently searching my mouth, his hand moving to the back of my head to hold me how he wants me.

  A throb starts to pulse between my legs as I start to swell in anticipation.

  “Did you want to?” I whisper.

  “Yes.” He kisses me gently again.

  “I’m glad you didn’t.”

  He pulls back and his eyes search mine. “You are.”

  I nod and bring both of my hands up to his face. “I’ve been waiting for you for six months, Joshua, I want to be conscious when it finally happens between us.”

  He kisses me again, harder, more urgent and I feel my legs fall to the bed in silent invitation.

  “You’ve been waiting for me,” he speaks into my neck as he kisses it.

  “Every day,” I murmur as arousal starts to steal my ability to speak.

  “Why?” He kisses down my body.

  “Because I am still yours,” I whisper nervously. “I still belong to you, baby.”

  He pulls back immediately and looks at me, his hand sliding down over his rippled abdomen to his thick length. He grips it and slowly starts to stroke himself while looking at me.

  This man is so hot. “You are still mine?” he whispers as he strokes himself.

  I nod as my eyes drop to his hard length in his hand up against his stomach. He’s got that look in his eye—the one where he doesn’t care, where he loses control. His jaw hangs slack as his strokes get stronger and I feel my arousal start to pump between my legs.

  He cracks his neck. “On your back,” he mouths.

  I immediately fall to my back and he grabs my legs and rips them apart. His eyes drop to the wet flesh between my legs, and with his fingers he pulls me open to his gaze. Very slowly he pulls
his two fingers through my wet sex and puts them in his mouth and sucks them, then he licks his lips as his gaze holds mine.

  “You taste so fucking perfect,” he whispers. Very slowly he kisses my inner thigh and runs his stubble up the inside of my two legs. I can’t breathe as I focus on the ceiling to keep myself from jumping off the bed. I run my hand over the top of his buzz- cut hair and over his strong shoulders. This man is divine.

  “Do you know how perfect you smell to me?” he smirks into my thigh. Oh jeez, that’s going too far, I don’t need to hear this shit. I put my hands over my face in embarrassment. Then he is on me, his tongue licking through my wet flesh, his strong arms lift my legs over his shoulders as I whimper. His hands hold my hips where he wants them. I lie in a daze somewhere between heaven and ecstasy as I watch his strong shoulders and head move between my legs. I have no control over this situation—he will take me how he wants. We both know that. He brings his fingers up and slowly inserts one into me, and we both groan in pleasure.

  “Oh my fucking god, you’re tight,” he whispers into me.

  I put my head back—he’s right, I am ridiculously tight. This is going to hurt, and I can’t wait.

  He inserts another finger and I whimper as his tongue unleashes its power over my clitoris, and as my arousal climbs my legs start to close by themselves.

  “Open,” he snaps as he grabs my legs and pushes them back to the bed. “Keep your fucking legs open,” he snaps. My heart rate escalates at his domination and I nod as I gasp for air.

  He pulls back to watch me and really starts to work me with his two fingers. My back arches in pleasure and I groan out loud. His eyes are locked onto mine. Pure predatory arousal fills his face. He is working me so hard that the bed is rocking and I am grabbing his forearm as if I am going to try and stop him, but we both know I have long passed that point.

  “Jo … Josh,” I pant

  “Come for me, beautiful girl, and then I will give you what you need.” My body starts to convulse and I shudder violently as an orgasm rips through me. He brings his face down into me and starts to lick me again. I jump as I try to get away from him. I’m just too sensitive.

  He grabs my legs and rips me back down the bed to him, where he pries my legs back open. “Stop it. I need to taste the cream you’re giving me, nothing tastes better … or more beautiful.” His tongue dives deep into me and I hold his perspiration-clad shoulders as I gasp for air. I smile goofily at the ceiling as my hands hold the back of his head. He shouldn’t be teaching technology to his students, he should be teaching them what to say and do in bed. Joshua Stanton is ridiculously hot in the sack. He kisses his way up to my stomach and breasts and then my lips where he kisses me deeply. I can taste my own arousal on his lips. My hand slides down over his rippled abdomen and gently take his engorged length in my hand. I can feel every hard vein pumping with blood. He pulls back as his eyes hold mine and his jaw goes slack as I stroke him up towards his chest and he groans in pleasure.


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