The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists Page 11

by Ardor

  "Huh, I wish I had known about this it would have given me time to come up with something." I said trying to think quickly.

  "It's an ID so you can't go too crazy on the front but but you can have some fun on the back." Tammy suggested.

  "Do you have one? What did you do on yours?" I asked.

  "One? I have several." Tammy said practically boasting as she reached across her desk.

  She grabbed a little see through back pack that had a metal ring hanging from one side. Attached to that ring she had what looked like ten IDs.

  "How long did you say you've been here?" I asked with a little laugh.

  "If one of these was taken every four years I'd be about seventy-five by now." Tammy said flipping through her collection.

  "You look amazing for your age. What is your secret?" I asked jokingly.

  "This." Tammy said showing me the back of one of her IDs.

  The picture was of her kneeling with her knees spread. She was squeezing one of her breasts with her left hand while her right was between her legs.

  "This." She said smiling and showing me the back of another one which showed her passionately making out with another woman.

  "And without a doubt this!" She said showing me a third picture which was a close up of her face with a dick pressed up against her slightly parted lips.

  All you could see was the head. You could tell he was hard though. There was also a tiny bit of pre-come at the tip. The picture should have been pornographic but it wasn't somehow. Maybe it was the lighting or the look on her face but it was sweet, fun and naughty instead of raunchy and sleazy.

  "Damn." I said with a little smile.

  "Yeah, that one always gets me too." Tammy said flipping the picture so she could look at it. Then she squeezed the tip of her left breast between her fingers and her palm and said, "It's such a turn on knowing that it's hanging there out in the open but almost no one ever sees it."

  "You're a bad girl." I said laughing.

  "I can be," she said proudly, "but how about you?"

  "Oh, maybe something a little naughty could be fun." I said shyly.

  "You could do the angel devil thing." Tammy suggested.

  "What's that?" I asked.

  "That's where you do something sweet and innocent on the front and then something devilish on the back. I should warn you though, unless you want to spend the next four years presenting your brains out don't do a close up shot of your butt hole or cootchie. Every guy on campus is going to want to compare the photo to the original."

  "Wow, um, thanks for the warning." I said with the mental image of me on my back with my legs spread while a group of guys compared a photo of my pussy to the real thing. I have to admit the idea turned me on just a bit but it also scared me.

  "One like this should be kinda safe though." Tammy said holding out an ID for me to look at.

  It was a picture of her taken from behind at butt level. She was looking down at the camera over her shoulder and using both hands to spread her butt. Everything was clearly visible. From the round cheeks of her butt being firmly held in each hand, her pussy, her butt hole, the side of her right boob, right up to her smiling face were all in razor sharp focus.

  "Why is that safe?" I asked wondering what the difference was.

  "Because you can clearly see my face in the picture. That tells you who's pussy and asshole that is. Without the face in the picture they could belong to anyone and believe me the whole campus will make you prove it." Tammy said with a laugh.

  "That's too funny." I said smiling. "This is the only place I know where you want your face associated with your asshole."

  Tammy shrugged, making her boobs bounce, and said, "It's just a fact of life here at Blanke Schande. You get used to it after a while. So, what do you want to do for your photos?"

  Tammy lead me over to the other corner of the room where the little photo studio was.

  "Um, I'm not sure." I said as we walked.

  "Well, why don't you just get in front of the camera and pose around for a while. Maybe something will come to you." Tammy suggested as she flipped a switch on the photo light.

  There was a long roll of white paper that was tacked to the wall way up by the ceiling. The paper was unrolled so that it came down the wall and extended about five feet in front of it. Right in the middle of the paper, back by the wall, was a little stool and to the left and right of the paper were those silver umbrellas that reflected the light onto whoever sat at that stool. I looked to my left and saw the camera on a tripod pointed right at the little stool. Could I really step naked onto that paper in front of those bright lights and the waiting camera?

  Tammy stood behind the camera, smiled and said, "Go on, once you get used to it it's really kinda fun."

  I took a step onto the paper feeling like a scared little girl.

  "N-now what?" I asked.

  Tammy laughed, walked around the camera and came up to me. She took my hands in hers and said, "You look like you're about to face a firing squad or something. Relax, have some fun with it."

  "I'll try." I said nervously.

  She smiled at me and said, "That a girl. Now put your purse down and go over by the stool and just play around for a few minutes."

  "OK." I said giving her an uncertain smile.

  Tammy walked back behind the camera while I tossed my purse over by one of the lights and then went back by the stool. As I looked at the little stool I decided I was being childish. I came here for an experience and I should embraced that experience!

  With my back to the camera I bent over, put my left hand on the stool and my right hand on my hip. Then with my butt sticking right out at the camera I said, "How's this?"

  "Not bad keep going." Tammy said.

  I stood up and after thinking for a second put my right foot on the seat of the stool and turned my upper body to face the camera.

  "Oh, that's interesting can I take it?" Tammy asked.

  "Sure." I said.

  I held the pose while she adjusted the camera and then took the picture. When she did the flash went off and bathed every inch of me in light. It also did something to me on the inside. Tammy was right this is fun.

  After she took that picture I sat down on the stool with my butt all the way to the back of the seat. I put my feet up on the rungs of the stool and leaned forward putting my hands on the front of the seat between my legs. This hid my pussy but squeezed my boobs together really showed them off.

  "Nice," Tammy said snapping the picture, "but I don't think you should use that one for your ID."

  "Why not?" I asked.

  "Technically you're covering yourself and that's not allowed." Tammy said with an apologetic look between my legs.

  I frowned and then quickly moved forward and put my hands on the seat behind me. Then I lifted my butt off the stool and thrust my crotch right out at the camera.

  "This better?" I asked and then stuck my tongue out at her and made a silly face.

  Tammy took the picture laughing.

  "Hey, don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger," Tammy said, "but that was actually kind of cute."

  "Yeah, that's just what I want to carry around with me for the next four years." I said with a laugh.

  "How about this?"

  I sat down on the edge of the stool with my feet still on the rungs and my knees spread. Then I grabbed both my boobs and snarled at the camera.

  Tammy snapped the picture, laughed and said, "Don't move, I've got tits and I'm not afraid to use them!"

  I laughed at first but then realized that I was sitting there with my legs spread holding my boobs in front of this woman I hardly knew. I felt myself becoming shy and just as I did the camera and the lights went off.

  "Why did you do that?" I asked putting my hands down resisting the urge to cover my pussy.

  "It was the look on your face. Shy and innocent but, somehow, very sexy."

  "Really?" I asked surprised.

  "Yeah, it would be pe
rfect for the angel devil thing. Take a look." Tammy said as she turned to her left towards some computer equipment.

  I got off the stool and awkwardly walked towards her feeling my nudity more then I was a few minutes ago.

  I couldn't go to my right because there was equipment in the way so I walked around the camera to my left and came up behind Tammy. She was standing there with her legs slightly parted leaning over a little table. I had a perfect view of her ass and her pussy peeking out from under it. When she felt me come up behind her she moved to the side a bit to reveal a laptop that was connected to the camera.

  On the screen were naked pictures of, me! Unlike the dark little snap shot I let the guy at the gas station take these pictures were well lit and looked very professional. Tammy had the pictures open in a program that displayed them as little thumbnails.

  When you clicked on one of the thumbnails they expanded to show you the full image, fit to the size of the screen. Click on the full sized image and it shrunk back down letting you see the thumbnails again.

  Tammy clicked through the images one at a time. When she got to the image of me thrusting my crotch at the camera I gasped quietly. Everything was in razor sharp focus. Every delicate fold of my vagina, my belly up to my breasts and hard nipples right to the silly face I was making. My lips, the lower ones, were thick and slightly parted and you could see that I was a little moist. Not soaking wet by any means, but you could tell I was turned on.

  "OK, I can see why you wouldn't want to make this your ID picture but I think it's great." Tammy said turning her head towards me.

  "You do?" I asked.

  "Oh sure," she said turning back to the screen, "it's the contrast between your obviously aroused cootchie and that silly face you're making that does it.” Tammy laughed at her self and said, “Can you tell I've been auditing photography classes? It's sexy and it's silly, although, it makes me want to do this."

  She lifted her hand up to the screen with her index finger extended. Then she touched her finger tip, on the image, right between my legs and moved it up and down while saying, "Diddle diddle diddle."

  "Oh," I said in a breathy moan as my right hand flew between my legs.

  Once my hand touched my pussy I couldn't help myself anymore. At first I kind of just cupped it but then I started to rub myself slowly as I looked over Tammy's shoulder at her finger on the screen. Suddenly she stopped, looked at me and said, "Joan, honey, what are you doing?"

  I froze and looked at her out of the corner of my eye.

  "Does looking at naked pictures of yourself get you hot?" Tammy asked with a slowly growing smile.

  I wanted to say something but I couldn't get my voice to work. I opened my mouth but then just bit my lower lip and look scared.

  Tammy smiled at me widely and said, "Look at this."

  She looked back at the screen and then put her hand on the mouse. While I stood there biting my lip and holding myself she minimized the picture of me and then scrolled through groups of photos in a little window to the left of the thumbnails. When she finally got to what she was looking for she clicked on it and a new series of thumbnails appeared in the window on the right where mine used to be.

  The images were small but I could see they were of a naked woman laying on her back masturbating. Tammy clicked on one of the images and when it expanded to fit the screen I could see that they were of Tammy herself. She was laying on her back with her legs spread squeezing both her breasts. She clicked on it to reduce it and then clicked on another picture. This picture was of her on her back again but her feet were on the ground and her butt was lifted high in the air. She had both hands between her legs and she looked like she was about to come.

  "I took these pictures for my husband but the fact of the matter is that looking at them always gets me horny." Tammy's hand left the mouse, disappeared between her legs and her body tilted towards me. Her back touched my breasts and my hard nipples pressed into, and rubbed up against, her soft skin. "It's not that I'm so beautiful or anything. It's that I did something so, naughty, and preserved it forever. Every time I look at it I... Oh..." She moaned softly.

  "I don't think I could do that." I said in a small shaky voice while my eyes devoured the image of Tammy on the screen and my finger slowly slipped between the lips of my pussy.

  "I bet you could. I bet some part of you even wants to." Tammy said turning towards me with a smile.

  I bit my lip and looked away from her trying not to think about the orgasm I had this morning and the fantasy that inspired it. Tammy gently took my chin in her hand and turned my head back towards her. She looked into my eyes and said, "I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do but if shame is all that's stopping you remember where you are and why you came here. Besides you're going to have to come before you leave this room or you'll be a wreck for the rest of the day. So you might as well have a keepsake of your first real BSC orgasm."

  "Oh god." I said under my breath.

  "So you want to try?" Tammy asked delicately.

  In the tiniest of motions I shook my head yes.

  Tammy exploded with happiness and actually bounced up and down before she said, "Excellent!"

  My eyes quickly looked down to watch her breasts bounce as she moved. She smiled at me, gave them an extra little shake and then quickly lead me by the hand back in front of the camera.

  My eyes went down to her behind as she walked in front of me. The way she was holding it my hand was so close to her naked behind. It wouldn't take much to grab it and squeeze it. Or slip my hand between her legs and...

  I've never touched another woman. I was curious and it's practically a requirement here at BSC. Right then I was horny enough to give it a try but there's no way I was brave enough to make the first move.

  Tammy let go of my hand and moved the stool off the paper back drop. I watched her body as she moved. The way her muscles flexed under that velvety soft skin. The way her breasts hung and swayed when she bent over to pick up the stool. My hand went back between my legs and my palm pressed against my exposed clitoris.

  Tammy turned to look at me and smiled. She turned me around gently so that I faced the camera and said, "Just lay down here and do what comes naturally. I don't want you to think about me or the camera. Focus on your clit and what it needs OK?"

  I shook my head yes through a dense fog of hormones. Tammy smiled at me and then turned to go back to the camera. I watched her walk away as I knelt down on the floor. My eyes were glued to her ass and as I lay down. I traced the bottom curve of it with my eyes. Sorry Tammy but I'll be thinking of you as I play with myself.

  I looked at Tammy hesitantly one last time before I got down to it. She was looking through the camera but when she saw me looking at her she said, "You look beautiful Joan. Go ahead enjoy yourself." Then she popped her head out from behind the camera, smiled at me and said, "I know I'll enjoy watching."

  "Oh god," I thought biting my lip, "she wants to watch me masturbate."

  That same question haunted me again. Why exactly does that turn me on so much? Is that why I wanted to come to BSC? Am I some sort of closet exhibitionist coming out of her shell? I laid my head back, closed my eyes and thought about Tammy watching me. I spread my legs knowing that she would be looking right up between them with her camera.

  I felt the flash go off.

  My hands went over my tummy, up the outsides of my rib cage and and then turned up to cup and squeeze both my breasts.

  I felt the flash go off.

  Each time the flash went off I breathed faster and deeper. My right hand shot down between my legs and I gently slipped two fingers inside my pussy. The base of my fingers pressed up against my clit and to my own shock I came quickly under the flashing lights.

  After the last spasm shot through my body I turned on my side and curled up with my hand still between my legs. I felt the flash go off one more time. A few seconds after that I felt Tammy kneeling beside me. She stroked my arm g
ently and said, "That was beautiful honey. Wait until you see the pictures."

  I turned my head and shoulders to look up at her and said, "Sorry I came so fast. I just couldn't help it."

  "Oh honey," Tammy said with a laugh, "one of the beautiful things about being a woman is that you never have to apologize for coming to fast. You were just perfect."

  "Really?" I said unsure of myself.

  "Absolutely," Tammy said leaving no room for doubt, "now come and see the pictures."

  Tammy held out a hand, I took it and she helped me get to my feet. Then there was an awkward few seconds while I just stood there so close to her but not knowing what to do. I get very cuddly after a good orgasm.


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