The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists Page 14

by Ardor

  "That's a vaginal piercing. It would go in a ring either though the hood, the clit itself or through one or both of your lips."

  "No way!" I said as my hand flew between my legs to protect myself.

  He smiled and said, "I take it you're not pierced there either?"

  "I didn't even know you could get that stuff pierced." I said shaking my head no slowly.

  "Most of the BSC girls don't get that exotic with their piercings but some of the long time employees do. I think a belly ring would look really cute on you though."

  "Really?" I asked feeling myself blush.

  "Oh yeah." He said as he reached over to a little business card holder, plucked a card out and handed it to me. "This is a tattoo and piercing place in Cedarcrest. They do good work and if you bring two other BSC girls with you they'll give you all half off on one piercing. If you go with five girls they'll give each of you seventy-five percent off on one piercing each."

  "Wow, that's a good deal, I guess, why are they so generous?" I asked taking the card.

  "Having a group of BSC girls hanging around their shop isn't exactly bad for business." He said with a smile.

  I rolled my eyes to the right and felt like the dumbest kid in class.

  "Yeah, I guess that can't hurt to much. Maybe after I make a few friends I'll think about it." I said putting the card in my purse.

  "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. You'll make tons of friends here." He said like that was a foregone conclusion.

  "What, because I'm naked?" I said with a laugh.

  "In a weird way, yeah. Listen, I did my undergraduate work in a regular college," he said making air quotes around the word regular college, "and coming from that to Blanke Shande? I can tell you from experience it's a whole different world here. The atmosphere here is just so much better. The students, faculty, hell, everyone on campus is so nice, friendly and they all want to work together. I've never seen anything like it in my life, and yes, it all starts with you ladies getting naked."

  The weird thing was as he was talking I looked him right in the eye and I've never seen someone so sincere. Whether it was true or not he really believed what he was saying and since I agreed to give up my clothes for the next four years I hoped it was true.

  "Um, yeah, I'm starting to get that." I said really starting to feeling it.

  "There's a fascinating paper that one of the psychology professors wrote that you should check out if you have any doubt what so ever about the school’s nudity policy. Really interesting stuff. Of course seeing it first hand is believing it but the psychological analysis of how it all works? Fascinating stuff." He said with a wave of his hand. Then he leaned closer putting his forearms on the counter before he continued. "Through the use of diaries that the first naked students were asked to keep and interviews with other early students, both male and female, she was actually able to show how the unusual circumstances changed group dynamics and forced the population of the school to adapt and work out an unconscious system of checks and balances in order to not only survive but thrive."

  "Wow, sounds like some heavy reading." I said feeling like maybe I had bitten off a little more then I could chew.

  "Yeah," he said with an understanding look, "I had to read some of it a few times and really think about what she had to say before it made sense to me and even then parts of her paper confused me. Not to mention that some of her theories on male sexuality are, um, hard to take. The funny thing was, when I went to ask her if she could explain it to me? There I was, standing completely dressed in front of a naked woman almost twice my age, but when she explained her theory to me and I realized she was right? I was the one who felt totally exposed. When she saw me blush she smiled at me and asked if I wanted her to present."

  "A Professor offered to present to a student?" I asked with wide eyes.

  "She was trying to make a point and believe me she did it." He said with an uncomfortable look.

  I had to admit that there was part of me that was enjoying seeing this guy, who was slightly older then me, being the uncomfortable one for a change.

  "So what's this theory of hers?" I asked with the tiniest smile.

  "Oh, um, you should probably read the paper for yourself and maybe talk with the professor. It's better to get it straight from the source." He said standing up and rubbing the back of his neck obviously trying to get out of explaining it.

  "Aw come on, don't be like that, what did she tell you?" I asked looking him right in the eye and giving him my sweetest smile.

  "Well, basically, she believes that once the women banded together, not out of dominance over the males but, out of true sisterhood and compassion for each other and what they were going through things changed dramatically. The women protected each other and became more confident. The men confronted with this and the true sexual freedom of the women would do almost anything to become a part of this new sexuality. This includes being willing to modify their behavior in order to become more attractive to these women." He said awkwardly. "Then she showed how this worked in a slightly different way amongst the swinging community. A much more sexually charged atmosphere, of course, but some aspects of the two worlds are comparable."

  "So what she's saying is, basically, you guys will do anything to be around naked women," I said no longer trying to hide my smile, "including behave yourselves?"

  "Yeah, pretty much." He said with an embarrassed smile.

  "Well, that's good to know. So, what's in this new student's kit?" I asked purposely changing the subject.

  I have to admit I was enjoying watching him squirm but he seemed like a nice enough guy and I didn't want to push him to far.

  "Um, yeah, pretty much everything you need as a new student." He said as he reached down for something behind the counter.

  The first thing he put on the counter was one of the little transparent backpacks that I've seen several girls wearing since I've come on campus. Then he pulled out a thermos and a tube of that lotion that Belinda told me about.

  I picked up the lotion and looked closer at the tube. It had a very simple black and white label. In large letters printed in the middle of the tube towards the top it said, "Moisturizing Protective Lotion." Then underneath that in a smaller typeface was printed, "For the daily use and protection of any exposed skin. Moisturizes, protects and nourishes. Hypoallergenic and safe to use on all skin types and areas no matter how sensitive. Reapply every six hours to keep skin feeling soft, smooth and to protect from the sun. A product of Blanke Schande College." Finally on the back was a list of ingredients and a link to the web for more information on the product.

  "That stuff is great. You should probably put some on before you head out to class." He said as put the rest of my kit on the counter

  I opened up the tube and was about to squeeze out some of the lotion into my hand when I noticed the last thing he put on the counter.

  "What, is that?" I asked the breath catching in the back of my throat.

  There on the counter was a black rectangular, device. It looked to be about ten inches tall, eight inches wide and about half an inch thick.

  "This," he said putting his hand on top of the device, "is your computer pad. You'll use it to download any textbooks you'll need for your courses and for submitting your homework or any papers you need to write. It's an awesome piece of hardware. It’s got a touch screen and a pop up software keyboard. Once you get used to it you'll love it."

  "Touchscreen? Is it pressure sensitive? Can I load my own apps on it?" I asked trying to control my excitement.

  "Um, I'm not sure about pressure sensitive but there are tons of applications you can load on it. Why?" he asked like I was weird or something.

  "I've been dying to get my hands on a tablet PC so I can experiment with digital art but they're so expensive and here you just hand me one like it was a piece of paper!" I said not believing what I was seeing.

  "Well, we're very progressive here at BSC. These were introduced and tested
last year but starting this year all the students are being issued one. Pretty cool, huh?" He asked obviously proud of the school.

  "Are you kidding me? It’s freakin' awesome!" I said picking up the device and looking at it. "How do you turn it on?"

  "Here let me give you a quick run through on how to use it." He said holding out his hand.

  I handed the device over to him and he took it. Then he turned and leaned over the counter on his left elbow so that I could look over his shoulder. I moved in a little closer as he said, "OK, you turn it on by pushing this little button here at the top. Start up time is about thirty-seconds. It’s got a solid state hard drive." As it was loading he tilted the device up to show me a little port at the bottom. "This is where you'll plug in the charging cord which also doubles as a USB connector. Do you have a desktop or a laptop computer?"

  "I have a laptop." I said still drooling over this new toy.

  "Good because this isn't yours to keep. You turn it in at the end of the year and pick up a new one at the beginning of next year. You’ll want to back up any work you do on it just in case. A lot of students get one of those free web email accounts and email their work to themselves or use on-line storage as well as back it up to a local hard drive. You can never be to careful about back ups."

  "OK." I said shaking my head yes and moving in a little closer to get a better look at the pretty toy.

  "I'll need your student ID to assign it to you and then you'll put your name and ID number on this sticker on the back." He said flipping the device to show me the sticker on the back. "That's more then enough to get the device back to you if you loose it here on campus but be extra careful if you take it into town. The townies from Cedercrest and Lamberville are nice and honest enough but you can't always count on that and while I think of it, if you haven't been told already, stay away from Crossburn all together. They aren't fond of this school or you girls."

  "Um, OK." I said a little taken back by his warning.

  He looked at the screen again and saw that it had booted up.

  "OK, you can download the interface software for your laptop from the web. They have it for PC, Mac and Linux so you should be covered no matter what operating system you use. If you have a problem the IT department can usually help. Now, on the desktop you can see some icons that should be pretty self explanatory, web browser, bookstore and app store. There's also a word processor which is handy for taking notes during class. The first thing you want to do is start up the web browser." He said as he double tapped the web browser icon to start it up. "It'll open up to the Blanke Shande homepage. Go into student services and then into student accounts. Change the password on your account."

  "How do I know what my user name or password is?" I asked moving even closer.

  "Your user name is the first letter of your first name, a period, followed by the first eight letters of your last name. So your user name should be j dot harper and your password is the last six numbers of your social security number. If there was more then one Joan Harper registered your user name might be j o dot harper or even j dot harper23 but if that was the case you should also have gotten a letter from the IT department with your paperwork from the registrar when you got your class schedule. Make sense so far?"

  "Yeah." I said still hypnotized by the pretty device.

  "OK, once you have all that done you can close the web browser and add the information to your e-mail program here." He said closing the web browser and opening the e-mail program. "The bookstore app is here." He said closing the e-mail app and double tapping the bookstore icon. "Your first email should be a list of any required textbooks or reading materials that you'll need to download for the classes you signed up for. You can also get most major newspapers and magazines through the bookstore as well as most books you'd find in any brick and mortar bookstore." He closed the bookstore and opened the app store. "In here you'll find a wide range of applications that do anything from waste your time to help you organize your life."

  "Are there any drawing applications?" I asked hopefully.

  "Um, not sure, I've never looked. Let me see." He said as he typed drawing into a search feature.

  After he finished he hit the search button and a few seconds later it came back with a large handful of search results. I was so excited at the possibilities that I bounced up and down a little bit. It was then that I realized that I was so preoccupied with the pretty new toy that I didn't notice how close I'd moved to him. My right breast was pressing into his back and my left breast was rubbing up against his bare arm. I moved back quickly feeling myself blush again.

  "D-does it come with a stylus?" I asked trying to divert his attention away from how awkward I felt.

  "No, but you can buy one if you need it." He said pointing to a display of computer accessories.

  I turned around and walked towards the display. When I was about halfway there I looked back at him over my shoulder and caught him staring at my butt. After I got to the display and as I was looking through the different styluses I thought about dropping something and bending at the waist to pick it up.

  I chose a stylus off the display and as I held it in my hand I really thought about doing it. In the end I was just to nervous though. I turned around, in time to catch his eyes dart up to my face as he smiled at me sheepishly, and I walked back to the counter. I smiled at him awkwardly as I put the stylus on the counter next to the thermos and the lotion.

  "So, um, is there anything else I need?" I asked.

  He looked over the stuff on the counter and said, "Nope, you're all set. Although I should explain the backpack real quickly."

  I looked at him like he was nuts. It's a backpack. What's there to explain?

  "The cord and plug for your computer pad is in this little pocket here." He said opening a little snap that covered a pocket on the right side of the backpack. "This little ring under it is for a towel. You know, the one you girls sit on, so you don't have to carry it around in your hand all day. On top of that on the side is a spot to clip your school ID. That makes it easy to tell your pack from everyone else's plus you always have your ID with you. Over here on the other side is a place to carry your thermos. You know about the tea right?"

  "Yeah, I've heard about it." I said skeptically.

  "I know it sounds like hype but every girl I know drinks it and loves the stuff. Anyway, up front are more little pockets for your wallet, pens and whatever else you need to carry with you. The computer pad fits right inside and the pack has compartments so that the display won't get scratched if you stick something else in there with it."

  "Wow, you guys thought of everything huh?" I asked realizing that between the computer pad and the backpack not only wouldn't I need to carry much with me but that everything I did have would be neatly stowed away on my back leaving my naked body uncovered and on display.

  "Yeah, I guess so." He said with a bit of a smirk.

  "So what's the damage?" I asked as I reached for my purse

  He went over to the register and started pushing buttons. After a few seconds he turned back to me and said, "Twenty-seven fifty-three."

  "That's a lot less painful then I expected it to be." I said as I handed him my ATM card.

  "Student discounts. Just don't break or loose your computer pad and you'll won't find any surprises here at BSC." He said as he took my card and then ran it through the machine.

  "What happens if I loose or break it?" I asked a little worried.

  "Normal wear from daily use isn't a problem. That's why they take it back at the end of each year to recondition them. " He said handing me a receipt to sign. "If you loose or break it they'll add the cost of the repair or replacement to your tuition."

  "Do I want to know how much these things cost?" I asked as I handed him the signed receipt.

  "Somewhere around eight or nine hundred dollars I'd guess." He said as he put the signed receipt in the register and then handed me my copy. "Just take the same care of it that you do y
our laptop and you'll be fine."

  "I think I can do that." I said picking up the computer pad and looking at it longingly.

  "I just need your School ID and you can get to class." He said.

  "Oh, Sure." I said putting down the pad and reaching into my purse.

  I dug around for a second and then pulled out my ID and handed it to him. Then I realized that all the IDs Tammy made up for me were on that ring and I just handed them all to him! Which ID was on top? Oh God, oh God, oh God! He looked from the ID to me with an odd look on his face and then went over to a computer. He typed on it for a few seconds and then came back and said, "There you go it's all yours for the rest of the year."

  Then he opened the ring and threaded it through the loop at the top meant to hold the IDs.

  "Um, thanks." I said trying to see which ID was on top.


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