The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists Page 23

by Ardor

  I moaned into her mouth softly and spread my legs a little wider as her fingers stroked my wet pussy. She slipped one, then two fingers gently inside me and pressed the base of her hand against my clit. I was very turned on but the sounds of the cafeteria kept reminding me I was in public. My eyes had been closed since Eve started kissing me but it was hard not to think about all the people around me.

  I opened my eyes to see Mark holding his computer pad up to us. Oh god there must be a camera in the computer pad! No one told me about the camera. Mark was taking pictures of me while his wife fingered me, in public!

  I pulled Eve to me, crushing her breasts up against mine, then I buried my face in her neck hoping to muffle the sounds of my orgasm.

  When time started up again I opened my eyes to see Eve looking down on me. She smiled, kissed me quickly, carefully took her fingers out of me and then sat back in her own chair licking them like lolly pops. I just laid there like a rag doll for a minute or two. Then I slowly sat up and hesitantly looked around the room.

  There were a few people who had a secret smile for me but other then that no one said a word. I looked over at Mark and felt myself blushing. Then I felt something wet between my legs and blushed even harder. I swallowed and then I just did what I had to do. I stood up and wiped off the chair I had been sitting on. Thankfully the towel had caught most of it. I didn't know what to do with it now though. I looked at Eve hoping she would realize I was stuck.

  "There's a hamper over there and a stack of clean towels." Eve said pointing a couple of rows over.


  I looked to the hamper and realized I had to walk past several tables full of people. The towel in my hand was, wet, and so were the insides of my thighs.

  "I have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of." I repeated to myself as I made the long walk to the hamper.

  Once I was there I tossed the used towel into the hamper and took out a clean one. Then I wiped down my vagina and the insides of my thighs. I tried to act cool about it but I couldn't bring myself to make eye contact with anyone. I tossed that towel in the hamper, took out a clean one and headed back to the table trying to pretend that nothing had just happened.

  I went to wipe down the seat again and Eve said, "Don't worry I took care of that."

  I looked over to see her cleaning her hands with a little wet wipe. There were a couple of open packages on her tray. I spread the towel out on my seat and sat down. I tried to act normal but I was having trouble pretending that Eve didn't just make me come like waterfall. I looked at Mark but had to look away after a second or two. Not knowing what else to say I looked at Eve and asked, "What are those?"

  My voice sort of broke in the middle of the sentence but Eve and Mark skillfully pretended not to notice.

  "These are just ordinary wet wipes but this," she said picking up the empty wrapper on her tray, "is a disinfecting wipe with a little bleach in it. I used it on the seat. We have to keep our sisters safe and our school clean."

  "Um, yeah, sure." I replied in a daze.

  She grabbed a couple more wipes out of her backpack, handed them to me and said, "You should keep a few with you. With gushers like that you'll need them."

  I took the wipes from her trying to get my brain to catch up with what was going on. Finally it all caught up with me. I hid my face in my hands and said, "How do you do it? How do you pretend like that didn't just happen?"

  "Aw, honey." Eve said putting her hand on my shoulder. "We're not pretending it didn't happen. We're just accepting that you had a basic human need and not making a big deal out of it that's all."

  I took my hands away and looked at both of them searching their faces for sincerity. They smiled at me warmly. Eve squeezed my hand and said, "Your sexuality, like your naked body, isn't anything to be ashamed of. Enjoy it, don't forget to have respect for yourself, but have some fun too."

  "Why wouldn't I respect myself?" I asked thinking that would be kind of stupid.

  "Well," Mark said, "some girls get a little lost in the naked freedom and become sort of..."

  "Come bunnies." Eve said bluntly. "They miss the real point of Blanke Schande and let their sexuality completely over take them. It's a small percentage of the girls who come here but it does happen."

  "You don't think? I mean, I just came all over your hand..."

  Eve smiled at me and said, "I don't think we have to worry about that with you."

  "Why not?" I asked.

  "I don't know. You just don't seem the type. If I had to make a prediction about you. I'd say..." Eve looked me over like she was appraising me and then said, "You're going to eventually find yourself a steady and do him at least twice a day."

  "Eve!" I exclaimed shocked that she would say something like that in public.

  "Who knows maybe more." She said almost laughing. "Then again you did enjoy my hand an awful lot. Maybe it'll be with a girlfriend not a boyfriend. Oh, or better yet a threesome! One of each! Or maybe a two boy, one girl threesome. Have you ever tried that?"

  I was to shocked to speak. It wasn't that I hadn't thought about that kind of stuff. I had just never talked about it so casually and open in a crowded public place before.

  "Ev honey, ease down, you're gonna give the girl a heart attack." Mark said smiling.

  "She knows I'm just joking around. Don't you Joan?"

  "Um, sure," I said with a funny half smile, "it's just a little weird talking about this stuff so openly."

  "You'll get used to it. All the women here talk pretty freely about everything. It's the guys who need to loosen up a little." Eve said with a smile at Mark.

  "Really?" I asked.

  "Sure, we're naked all the time and could be asked to spread at a moments notice. After a while you just lose your inhibitions. They disappear and you don't even notice they're gone. The guys though, they have it harder in a weird way."

  "How?" I asked like she was crazy.

  "Well, think about it. The society they grew up in tells them that nudity equals sex. Then they get here and they're surrounded by naked women constantly. They have to retrain their brains or they'll go nuts. It takes a lot of strength of mind and character to be a Blanke Schande man."

  Eve smiled at Mark and then slunk down in her seat a little. I wasn't sure what she was doing until Mark smiled back at her. A quick glance down and I could see that Eve's leg was extended. I didn't have to see her foot to realize that it was between his legs.

  "Of course they still like looking at us. You guys never get tired of looking at naked women do you honey?"

  "Hey, I never said I was a saint," Mark said with a shrug, "but you learn to deal with it. The nudity does kind of become a background thing. I notice it, appreciate it but don't see it as sexual until the girl gives me a reason to."

  "You mean something like this?" Eve said as she shifted positions slightly.

  Mark's eyes went wide and he inhaled deeply.

  "You keep that up and I'm going to need to change my shorts."

  Eve sat up straight and said, "Don't you dare! I have plans for you after lunch."

  They smiled at each other and then Eve turned to me and said, "Showing a guy you're interested isn't really all that much different here then it is anywhere else. Although, we can be a little more forward then the guys."

  "I can see that." I said with a laugh.

  "Yeah, well, once you have a steady boyfriend you'll probably find that you can't help toying with him a little now and then. It's fun and easy, besides, they enjoy it."

  "Well, yeah." Mark said with a sly smile at Eve.

  It was actually kind of sweet. I mean here we were in a giant room full of naked women but Mark only seemed to have eyes for Eve. It's not that I didn't catch him glancing at my breasts now and then and I'm sure he enjoyed watching Eve bring me off but he only looked at her in "that way." For some reason that made me feel good. It made me feel like I really made the right choice in coming to Blanke Schande college.

nbsp; Mark asked me if I was still interested in looking at their project. When I said yes he poked his pad a few times and handed it to me again. When I looked at the screen I saw what looked like the skeletal head and neck of a robot person. Only it had eyes and eyebrows.

  "Swipe to the left and there are more pictures." Mark said as I studied the picture.

  I put my finger on the screen and quickly dragged it to the left and another picture of the same robot from a different angle appeared. It was very impressive but their proportions were way off. I swiped again and a profile of the head appeared. In this picture I could clearly see that the proportions of the head were way out of wack.

  "Are you going for realism or a sort of cartoon look?" I asked carefully.

  Mark's face dropped a little and Eve asked, "Why what's wrong?"

  "Well, um..." I said looking at her nervously.

  "Just tell us, it's OK." Eve said with an understanding look.

  "You're proportions are way off if you're trying for realistic features." I said apologetically.

  "What do you mean?" Mark asked.

  "Well, a human skull is five eyes wide. The eyes are in the middle of the face and the bottom of the nose is halfway between the eyes and the bottom of the chin."

  When he looked at me lost I waved him over and said, "Come here."

  He got up and came around the table. Pulling up a chair he sat close on my right side while Eve leaned in on my left. I scrolled back to the first picture which was almost a straight on shot of their robot face. Using my thumb and forefinger I measured out the length of one of their robot eyes and said, "Your face should be five of these wide and look here in the side view..."

  I quickly swiped to the left a few times trying to get to the side view picture. I swiped one time to many though and went past the last robot picture. What I came up to was the pictures Mark had taken of Eve and I.

  "Oh." I gasped quietly as I looked at the picture of Eve with her hand between my widely spread legs.

  Mark must have stood up or something because you could see me almost down to my knees and there was no doubt what Eve was doing.

  When my brain switched into art mode I had forgotten about my nudity. Now confronted with a purely sexual image of myself I felt naked again. I swiped to the left again and there was a picture of Eve kissing me.

  "We can delete those if you want." Mark said.

  "Um, it's OK but, can you email me copies?" I asked quietly.

  "Sure." Mark replied.

  "Um, in fact, email me the robot pictures too. I can show you what I'm talking about easier in my drawing program." I said handing the pad to Mark.

  "We can still delete the pictures if you want." Eve said in a comforting tone.

  "Really, it's OK. It just kind of took me by surprise that's all."

  "If you change your mind you let me know and we'll trash them, all right?"

  "Sure, thanks Eve." I said feeling a little weird but OK with them having the pictures.

  They were nice and I really did like Mark and Eve but seeing those pictures like that really did take me by surprise. Especially when the three of us were huddled so close together.

  "What's your email address Joan?" Mark asked.

  "J dot Harper."

  He poked at his pad a few times and then I heard the whoosh sound that meant the email had been sent. I reached down for my backpack and fished out my pad and stylus. I turned it on and while it powered up I asked, "Do all the pads have cameras?"

  "No, this pad isn't a school loaner. Once I got my hands on one I liked it so much that I turned mine in and bought a top of the line model. It's got some extra features that the school loaners don't have." Mark said proudly.

  "Oh, that would explain it." I said a little disappointed.

  By then my pad had booted up. I opened my email, downloaded the files and then opened the drawing program. I loaded one of their pictures into the program so I could draw over it.

  "OK so this is the size of your eyes." I said drawing out the size of the right eye. "So your head should be five of these wide. The eyes are in the middle of the head and the nose halfway between the eyes and the chin."

  I drew a simple but realistic face over their picture that showed where their proportions were wrong. Then I switched to the side view and showed them what they needed to correct there.

  "Here, hang on a second..." I said closing out the drawing program and opening up the web browser.

  I surfed over to my own site and then opened up the gallery page.

  "What's this?" Eve asked.

  "It's my on line portfolio. I think I've got a few images that will help." I scrolled through the photos until I found one of a sculpture that showed what I wanted. "OK, this is a three quarter view but the same principles apply." I said pointing out the features and how they were spaced.

  "This is all your work?" Mark asked.

  "Yeah, I'm an art major remember?"

  "A really good one too." Eve said impressed.

  "Thanks, but do you see what I mean about the proportions?" I asked.

  "Yeah." Mark said as if he was think about something.

  "What's wrong?" I asked hoping I didn't offend him.

  "Well, I'm going to have to re-machine the entire robot now." He said looking at Eve.

  "Oh you've been dying for an excuse to do that anyway."

  "Maybe but I don't want there to be any mistakes this time. Joan would you be interested in helping out? We'd give you full credit for any help you'd provide." Mark said.

  "Me? You sure you don't want to find an upperclass student or something? I haven't even been a freshman for a whole day yet." I said flattered beyond belief.

  "If you're not interested we could look for another art major I suppose..." Mark said as if he was thinking about how to go about that.

  "Of course she's interested, aren't you Joan?" Eve asked with a hopeful look.

  "Well, sure," I shrugged, "but..."

  "Then it's settled. We won't need much of your time." Eve said.

  "No," Mark said, "just a few hours here and there. Do you know anything about computer modeling or CAD?"

  "You have access to that stuff?" I asked excitedly.

  "Wait until you see the lab and machine shop. It's got the best geek toys you've ever laid eyes on." Eve said proudly.

  "Wow, I can't wait." I said happily.

  "I'll email you sometime next week. I need to do some preliminary stuff then we can all get together and work out the details." Mark said as if he was still thinking.

  We talked for a little while longer and then I saw that it was getting time for me to head out to my next class. We cleaned up the table and walked out of the cafeteria. As we left the building and walked out onto the campus I saw the Matterhorn. It still astounded me that anyone would use it.

  "Eve, have you ever, um..." I said pointing to the Matterhorn with my head.

  "Yeah, I did once as a, sort of, right of passage, why?"

  "Just curious. Do you mind if I ask, did you go 1 or, um, 2?"

  "Oh, you have to poop on the Matterhorn or it doesn't count." She said with a smile.

  "Really? I just don't know if I could..." I said staring at it trying to imagine myself up there.

  "You don't have to. No one's going to force you. Hell, you could graduate without even trying and no one would say word one. I bet you do it though." She says looking at me. "I'd be willing to bet that within a few months you'll conquer the Matterhorn without a care or a worry in the world."

  "You're crazy." I said as we walked by it.

  "Maybe so but I still say you'll do it within the next six months at the latest."

  I laughed at her as we left it behind us but I couldn't get the mental image of me up there using the Matterhorn, for all the world to see, out of my head.

  Chapter 17

  Mark and Eve headed back to their lab which was in a different direction then I was headed. We exchanged phone numbers and Mark promised to em
ail me next week sometime when he was ready to start the redesign of their project. Eve wanted to meet me for lunch again so we made plans for that. Then she hugged me and I watched them walk away before I headed off to design class.

  I registered as a fine art major but the first year classes are all foundation stuff. I had a few general art classes that covered most of the art basics. Design was more of a main stream commercial art class but I figured it would be good to get some design experience under my belt. Well, if I was allowed to wear a belt that is.


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