The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists Page 33

by Ardor

  “Uh, yeah, I guess I'd better.” He said as he walked towards the doorway. Just before he walked out he turned back to us and, with a smile, said, “Thanks for the, um, education, ladies.”

  “You're welcome.” Kayla said with a laugh.

  “Um, sure.” I said trying to sound cool.

  The moment he was gone from sight I covered my face with my hands and said, “Oh my God, I can't believe that just happened.”

  Kayla gently pulled one of my hands away, looked me in the eye and said, “You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. That was the hottest thing I've ever seen and I guarantee you he jerks off for a month thinking about it.”

  “You think so?” I asked unsure of myself.

  “I bet you he's headed to the bathroom right now to take care of that lump in his pants.”

  I couldn't help but smile at that. The idea that he was jerking off thinking about me was kind of weird but sort of flattering at the same time. Especially considering that I just came in his face. It somehow made me feel a little less vulnerable.

  Kayla cleaned me up with the towel and asked, “Can we go back to cuddling now?”

  I leaned over and grabbed my backpack, which was on the floor near the bed, and got out my phone. I hit the button on the top and said, “Not only can't we go back to cuddling but I'm not going to get to wash my hair before class. If I leave now I'll just have time to rinse off quickly on my way.”

  “That sucks.” Kayla said with a disappointed look.

  “I suppose it's just as well. My first class is Body Movement. I'll need a shower after that anyway.”

  “No, I meant it sucks that you have to go. My first class today isn't until ten.”

  “Oh, well, feel free to nap in my bed if you want but I've gotta go.” I said kissing her quickly. “I can't even imagine what Ms. Astemendi would do to me if I was late.”

  “It all depends on your reasons, from what I hear, but, yeah, I wouldn't push her. It doesn't seem wise. Still that leaves me all alone.” Kayla said laying on the drama.

  “Well, give me your cell number. Maybe I can make it up to you later tonight.” I said with a smile.

  “Oh, OK.” She smiled.

  We exchanged numbers and then another quick kiss. I stuffed as many towels as I could in my pack, said goodbye to Kayla and went on my way with a bounce in my step. I don't know if an orgasm really is the breakfast of champions or not but I was feeling ready to take on not only the world but maybe even Ms. Astemendi.

  I was going to hit the showers outside on my way to class. Then I thought about what I must smell like and that if I didn't want to waste towels on a quick rinse I was going to have to air dry on my way to class. So instead I used the first shower I saw in the dorm.

  It was a little weird at first, there were students all around me, but they didn't pay much attention to me and I was in a rush. I tried not to think about the fact that I was about to shower in public. I just grabbed a pencil out of my backpack, put up my hair real quick, so that it wouldn't get wet, rinsed, squeegeed myself as best I could and then I was off to class. After I took the pencil out of my hair the only evidence that I had just showered was the little bit of water that clung to my skin and a few wet foot prints leading out of the bathroom.

  I walked up to the elevator and there were already a few girls standing there waiting for it. They were talking amongst themselves. When I approached one of them looked at me and said, “How you doing? I'm Tina. This is Randy and Nancy.” She said pointing too the other girls one at a time.

  “Hey, I'm Joan.” I said with a smile.

  “Are you visiting a family member or something?” She asked.

  “No, I'm a student here. I started yesterday.”

  “Yesterday?” She asked with a thoughtful look. “Oh, you must be the girl Stacy was talking about. You're rooming with her right?”

  “Yeah that's me.” I said awkwardly.

  “Oh, don't worry she only had good things to say about you. In fact, I hear you're an over achiever.”

  “Over achiever?” I asked wondering what she could be talking about.

  “Stacy said that not only did you poop last night but that you helped out a girl who was having trouble with it?”

  “Well, yeah, but what was I supposed to do? The poor girl was a wreck. I couldn't just leave her there could I?”

  “Of course not. You were absolutely perfect and Blanke Schande is all down hill for you now.” Tina said.

  “Oh yeah, when you can poop in public the rest is all easy street.” Randy said with a wave of her hand.

  Just then the elevator dinged and the doors opened. We all got on and it wasn't two-seconds after the door closed when Nancy asked, “OK, you gotta tell me, what the heck happened to Brad?”

  “Brad?” I asked not sure who she was asking about.

  “The guy who came out of your room five minutes ago.” Randy said.

  “Oh, Mr. Lumpy Pants.” I said without thinking.

  All three girls cracked up and then Tina said, “Well, I don't have to ask how he got that name.”

  “Yeah,” Randy said, “that boy is always stiff as a board.”

  “But what the heck happened to him?” Nancy asked. “It looked like something exploded right in his face.”

  “I, kinda did.” I said in a quiet voice.

  The three of them looked confused for a second and then Tina got all wide eyed and said, “Oh my God! You can squirt? Please tell me you can and that you did it right in his face.”

  “Yeah, that's sort of what happened.” I said an embarrassed grin.

  Tina threw her arms around me, hugged me and said, “You are totally awesome. I've always wanted to do that to a guy.” Then she pulled back and looked at me with an excited expression and asked, “Can you show me how to do it?”

  “Um, I'm not even really sure how I did it, actually. It just kinda happened.” I admitted hesitantly.

  “Oh,” Tina said disappointed. “Well, can we try to figure it out? Please? I'd love to be able to come all over a guy for a change.”

  “Sure, I guess.” I said with a laugh.

  The elevator dinged again and we all got off. We chatted as we walked out of the building. They were going in a different direction than me so we said our goodbyes and made plans to meet in the next few days. As I walked off I couldn't believe that I somehow wound up as the demonstration model for another masturbation session.

  I just hopped that I wasn't going to disappoint them. I mean I had no idea how Kayla made me squirt nevertheless how to make it happen again. Then I thought about me laying there spread open while three or four girls tried to make me squirt. A little tingle inside made me think it might not be that hard to get me to squirt again after all.

  After deciding to do some Internet research on the subject I put it out of my head. I didn't want to get turned on again. I wasn't sure what Ms. Astamendi would say about that and somehow not only was I sure she'd know but that she would say something too!

  A few minutes down the path and I came up to the big glass fishbowl where they held the Body Movement class. Ms. Astemendi was standing, naked of course, in the middle of the room all by herself. Then she slowly bent at the waist until her elbows touched the floor.

  She held that position for a few moments and then bent her knees a little and put her hands on the floor. On all fours with her back up high she centered herself and then put her knees on her elbows. Then, unbelievably, she leaned forward until her feet came off the floor. Balanced on just her hands it almost looked like she was levitating in mid air.

  If that wasn't enough she slowly lifted her right leg until it pointed straight up in the air. After a moment or two she slowly brought her right leg back down and then lifted her left leg up in the same way. It was an incredible display of strength, balance and control. Not to mention a total lack of modesty. Her naked body was completely on display.

  As she held the pose I walked around the classroom and studied
her from all angles. I was actually considering taking out my pad and sketching her when she brought her leg back down and then gently rolled into a crouching position and lifted her head up. When she did that she looked right at me and smiled. Leaning back so that she was sitting on her feet she motioned me to come into the classroom. I smiled back and headed for the door.

  I walked into the classroom and put my backpack by the wall. As I walked out onto the floor Ms. Astemendi met me half way. She held out her arms and pulled me into a warm hug. I have to admit that I was a little wary at first but I quickly gave in and hugged her back.

  Her warm naked body felt good against mine. She squeezed me tight and then rubbed my back. After that she pulled back just enough to look me in the eye and say, “So I see you've survived your first day at Blanke Schande. What did you think of it?”

  “Wow,” I said not really knowing where to begin, “it was an adventure. Sometimes it was easy, sometimes it was hard. It gave me a ton to think about. I mean I knew this was a different environment but I never dreamed my own naked body could change things so much.”

  “That's Blanke Schande for you. That's what we try to do here. Our goal, besides giving you a world class education, is to change the way people think about the female body and a woman's sexuality.”

  “Well, I certainly have started to think differently about mine that's for sure.”

  “That's great and we have a lot to talk about. Especially concerning a certain incident in your art history class.” She said looking at me a little more seriously. “But for right now we need to get to work. Class is going to start soon and before that I have a fitness test I need you to take. Then, if we have time, I want to run over some of the basic poses you’ll use when presenting. So let's get to work.”

  Ms. Astemendi went over to her bag and took out a stopwatch. Then she had me do some basic exercises, jumping jacks, running in place, pull ups, sit ups. All were timed. By the end of it I was panting and covered in sweat. Ms. Astemendi seemed happy though and said I was in pretty good shape.

  After that she started to show me some of the basic poses she had talked about. We had gone through a few of the poses when the rest of the girls from my class started to come into the room.

  I was bent over at the waist, my feet about shoulder width apart, my hands on both butt cheeks holding myself open. I was showing Ms. Astemendi, well, pretty much everything from behind.

  “Arch your back a little more, spread your feet wider and hold your head up. Much better.” Ms. Astemendi said when I held the corrected pose.

  When she let me stand up I asked, “Do the guys really care if we have perfect form or not?”

  “Perfect form isn't for them. It's for you. If you're gonna be presenting in public don't you want to be seen at your best?” Ms. Astemendi asked.

  “Well, yeah, I guess so.” I admitted.

  “Don't forget that just because the guy asking you to show is standing behind you doesn't mean that people walking in front of you can't see you as well. Good form makes you look good from every angle and to anyone who sees you. Good form is also different for different people. Donna, Linda come here and give me pose number 12.” Ms. Astemendi instructed two girls who had been chatting by the side of the room.

  The two girls couldn't have been more different if they tried. One girl was tall, sleek and a bit muscular with smaller breasts. The other girl was shorter, much curvier and had large breasts. Both of them had nice bodies but in completely different ways.

  They dropped to the floor, almost in unison, and spread their legs. Looking at them I could see that they did it in slightly different ways. It was more or less the same pose but each girl held it in a way that flattered her figure the best.

  “See how Linda holds herself? Her upper torso is stretched and her shoulders are held together. This flattens out her tummy and presses her large breasts together. If her shoulders were back and her torso was down it would flatten out her breasts. Donna, on the other hand, has much smaller breasts but look how nice they look in exactly the position that wouldn't work as well for Linda.”

  I had to admit there seemed to be a science to this.

  Ms. Astemendi let the girls break the pose and then asked me to take up the same one. Now all three women studied me as I laid out spread open on the floor. Ms. Astemendi had me try different positions for my legs, some wider then others, some bent at slightly different angles. She had me bring my shoulders back and then push them together up front. She even asked me to try tilting my torso slightly left and then right. After a few dozen minor adjustments she said, “That's it, right there.”

  “Oh yeah, definitely.” Linda said.

  “Without a doubt. You look really hot like that.” Donna said with a smile.

  “Really?” I asked not believing that they were serious.

  “Absolutely.” Ms. Astemendi said. “The guy who asks for this position will not only get to see your beautiful cunt, and look at the way those sexy lips just beg to be kissed girls,” Ms. Astemendi said to Linda and Donna. Then she looked back at me and as I blushed she went on to say, “But the whole package perfectly showcased.”

  “Um, OK.” I said still kind of doubtful.

  An annoyed look came over Ms. Astemendi's face and then asked where my cell phone was. When I told her it was in my backpack she told me to wait right where I was. She came back a second later with my phone, pointed it at me and took a few pictures. Then she helped me stand up and had me scroll through the pictures she just took.

  “Now is that chick hot or what?” She asked me as I looked at the pictures of myself.

  “Wow, I gotta admit I don't look bad.”

  “Don't look bad?” Ms. Astemendi said in disbelief. “You look fucking amazing and I wanna hear you say it. Say, I look amazing stark naked and spread wide open.”

  I just looked at her too stunned to say anything for a second. Then I slowly repeated her words.

  “That didn't sound very convincing.” Ms. Astemendi said looking at me unhappily.

  By now the rest of the class had shown up but they were just milling around talking quietly amongst themselves. Ms. Astemendi clapped her hands and loudly called for the classes attention.

  “Ladies, this is Joan. She's a new member of our class but she doesn't seem to have much confidence in herself. What can we do about that?”

  The whole class came towards us until it was Ms. Astemendi and me facing a room full of naked women with the glass walls of the classroom at our back. Someone from somewhere in the crowd said, “A tribute?”

  Then someone else said the word tribute and it was repeated again and again until the whole class was chanting it. Ms. Astemendi put her arm around my waist and the crowd parted as she led me into the middle of them.

  “OK, OK, it's tribute time. Everyone form a circle around Joan and take a seat.”

  The class quickly formed a circle around me and sat cross legged on the floor. Ms. Astemendi and I were the only ones standing. She took my phone from me and said, “The idea here is simple. You stand in the middle and slowly turn in place. Then each girl you face will give you a compliment. I'm gonna take some video for you so that if you ever feel even the slightest doubt in yourself you can watch it and remember how just hot you are.”

  As Ms. Astemendi walked outside the circle I couldn't help feeling more than a little concerned about this. Women are rarely kind to each other and I could easily imagine a room full of strangers just waiting to rip me to pieces.

  I looked out the glass walls of the classroom to see a fairly decent crowd watching me. Then I looked down at the naked women who surrounded me. I was starting to feel overwhelmed again like I did yesterday in the cafeteria.

  “She's shaking like a leaf.” A girl in front of me said.

  She suddenly jumped up, came over to me, held both my hands in hers and said, “It's gonna be OK. Your sisters are here for you.”

  Then she hugged me quickly and sat down. I wasn't sur
e exactly what to feel anymore but at least I stopped shaking.

  “OK let's get started. Cassandra look at Joan and tell her what you see.” Ms. Astemendi said.

  The girl who had just hugged me looked up at me, smiled and said, “A lovely naked woman with big beautiful eyes.”

  The girl next to her said, “She has such sexy full lips. No need for collagen there.”

  “You have great tits. Firm, round and I love your--”

  “One compliment per woman please. We don't have all day here.” Ms. Astemendi said.

  The girl who was cut off leaned over and whispered something in the ear of the girl next in line. She looked up at me and said, “Oh definitely, she has huge, beautiful nipples.”


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