A Wicked Swingers Weekend Box Set: All Three Episodes! (First Time Bisexual Swinger Contemporary Romance ): All Three Episodes Value Priced

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A Wicked Swingers Weekend Box Set: All Three Episodes! (First Time Bisexual Swinger Contemporary Romance ): All Three Episodes Value Priced Page 5

by Mia Moore

  “Terrible. Thanks.” I turned and looked into his eyes. There was only pity in them, no anger. Somehow that made it worse.


  I turned my head and looked into Gus’s eyes; saw the wide, sadness in them. His hand had stopped, the spatula resting on the lip of the pan, regarding me.

  “Maggie. This is all my fault. I’m sorry.” He turned back to the pan and started to stir the onions again. “I’ll clear out in the morning.”

  I noticed the slope of his head and shoulders, mouth pulled to the side as if he’d lost his best friend. This was a side of him that was totally foreign to me. No teasing or smart ass comments?

  I sighed and leaned back against the countertop. He had every right to make some comment after the fool I’d been at the pool. My God, he’d even covered my body up to spare me this embarrassment. Shit.

  I took a few steps towards him and patted his back softly. “No need to rush off. Just promise me that you’ll forget this afternoon. I think we got off on the wrong foot.”

  He stopped and once more turned to look into my eyes. The corners of his mouth curled slowly up and his eyes became brighter, as if seeing me for the first time. That was what it was like for me. I could actually see the good side of him, the one that Phil liked so much. He was being kind, HAD been kind and the icicles frosting my heart began to melt.

  “Thanks Maggie. I promise I’ll never tease you again. Hell! I’m even making you dinner! With Phil’s help of course.” His eyes flitted to Phil. “Better flip the steaks and check the spuds, Bro.”

  “What can I do to help?” I looked up into his face and noticed the lines at the corners of his eyes, the strong jaw and small hump on the bridge of his nose. There was just a shadow of dark beard on his cheeks and above his lips. This was why he attracted women like moths to a flame.

  Warmth settled in my chest and spread through my body as I watched him turn his attention back to the stove. Why had he never found a woman who could take the rough edges off, bring this gentleness out more often?

  “Maggie, have a little hair of the dog that bit ya’. Make yourself a drink and sit down at the table. Phil and I got this covered.” He threw a smile my way and it was then, that I decided he was okay. The week may even turn out to be fun.

  Chapter 9: Phil

  Try as I might, I couldn’t get the ‘threesome thing’ out of my head. As we ate dinner, it kept rearing its head, well actually, more like swelling the head of my dick. I watched Gus relay some silly story from our college days, about me of course, and the way she seemed to hang on every word, her laughter like soft chimes in my ears.

  At one point, he leaned over and touched her hand, underscoring some point and I couldn’t help but note how close to her breast it was. If he were any closer, or if she moved forward, that hand could slip inside the opening of her robe, could hold her warm flesh in that grizzly paw, fingers toying with the nipple…Oh God. I shifted in my chair, glad that my pants were back on, holding me securely in place.

  For the first time, I noticed his lips as he talked. They were full but not overly so—probably what women would call kissable. A scene of his lips dragging over the hollow of her throat, lowering to her chest until finally settling on that button-like nipple, drawing it into his mouth...

  “Phil? Are you all right?”

  I startled, eyes focusing to meet hers. “Fine.” I cleared my throat to lower my voice from the squeak it had become. “I’m fine. Probably too much sun, and for sure, too many beers.” The meal was half over and I couldn’t wait to get out of there, take her into the bedroom.

  “Why don’t you go to bed early? I’ll clean up out here.” Her hand dropped onto mine softly and for a few minutes, I couldn’t speak. That same hand had held my cock earlier…and Gus had envisioned it gripping his.

  “Yeah, little buddy. I’ll help Maggie. It’s the least I can do…” He grinned, flashing a set of perfect white teeth, like some kind of vampire or something.

  Oh sure, she’d be rinsing dishes at the sink and Gus’d come up behind her, cup her breasts in his hands, nibble at her neck with those teeth, while rubbing his thick cock against the cheeks of her ass.

  Fuck. I felt a drizzle of pre-cum staining my pants! What the hell!

  “I’m not ‘little buddy’, never was and never will be.” It came out way sharper than I’d intended. I saw the surprise in Gus’s eyes and the scowl on Maggie’s face. “I’m sorry. I guess I AM pretty tired.” The steak in my stomach became heavy and suddenly my appetite vanished.

  “Go to bed, dear. You’re not yourself.” Maggie’s eyebrow was lowered, her dark eyes stern. “You don’t have to worry about Gus and I. We’ll make out okay, even without you.” She turned and graced Gus with a quick smile.

  I felt my heart leap into my throat, even as the heaviness, throbbing against my tummy increased. ‘Make out okay?’ Was it a flirty smile on her face? And why did I hope so? Shouldn’t I be jealous, ready to punch Gus’s lights out instead of feeling…Oh my God, the fullness of my cock was proof of how I felt about this. What kind of sick fuck was I, fantasizing about my wife and best friend?

  “I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t eat another bite. That was excellent, if I do say so myself.” Gus wiped his mouth with his napkin and pushed back from the table. “I need another glass of water. Anyone else want one?” He rose and seeing the shake of Maggie’s head and mine, he carried on to the sink.

  “I’m going to bed. You’re right.” My voice was just above a whisper and I took her hand and placed it on my turgid rod. “Don’t be long.”

  Her eyes opened wide and a smile spread over her lips before she gave my cock a gentle squeeze. From the looks of it, I wouldn’t have long to wait for her to finish in the kitchen.

  Quickly, before Gus turned from the sink and could notice the state of my cock, I rose and called over my shoulder, walking from the room, “See ya’ in the morning, buddy.”

  Chapter10: Maggie

  Holy! What was up with Phil—totally hard and even leaking pre-cum. I watched him walk from the room and down the hallway to our bedroom. It HAD to be from earlier today, when I’d touched him and told him I was horny. Of course he couldn’t do anything about it THEN, not with Gus around.

  My cheeks flushed and I glanced at Gus coming back to the table. He wore a small smile but didn’t seem too put out with Phil’s disappearance. I turned my gaze back to my plate, wondering if he’d noticed Phil making me grope him.

  “Poor Phil. He’s not used to drinking so much in the afternoon. Actually, neither am I…” I let the words trail off, hoping he’d get the hint that I wouldn’t be staying up much longer, either.

  “Yeah, we kind of overdid it a bit.” He sat down again and chuckled, gazing down at the table.

  My fingers tightened around the glass of wine spritzer I’d been nursing, feeling my neck grow hot. Oh God, was he remembering my antics at the pool earlier and laughing about that?

  “You and Phil have a nice place. You seem pretty happy.” He looked into my eyes, a smile still playing at his lips as he stood up. “How about you let me clear these dishes away? You must be tired too.”

  Without waiting for an answer he picked up his plate and Phil’s, already turning to go back into the kitchen area. For a few seconds I fought the urge to join Phil in the bedroom, have raucous sex and forget that this day had happened, but Gus was being so nice. I couldn’t just leave him out here alone, cleaning up the mess. I picked up my plate and glass and joined him at the sink where he was busy rinsing dishes.

  Standing elbow to elbow, a picture of him standing naked, in full view, flashed in my mind and once more I blushed. A small gasp left my lips at the jolt of pleasure that shot through my core. As if in a trance, I watched his muscular forearms, the covering of light brown hair and thickness of his wrists as he turned the plate over to rinse the underside.

  There was a warm tingle in my clit looking at his wrist, so tanned and firm…only a lit
tle bigger than what I’d seen hanging below his taut stomach. At the nudge on my arm, the spell was broken and my head jerked up to look into crinkled, laughing blue eyes. Oh God, could he tell what I was thinking?

  “Hey. Earth to Maggie.”

  I handed him the plate in my hand and turned to walk back to the table. As I did, I chanced a glance over my shoulder. There was a quick flicker as his eyes rose from where he’d been staring—at my ass. My heart skipped a beat, tummy fluttering for a moment. If I’d been remembering his nakedness earlier, maybe he was doing the same thing, picturing my body when I’d drunkenly appeared nude.

  Oh my God. I grabbed the rest of the things from the table and almost dumped them onto the counter. “Leave the rest of it, if you want Gus. I’ll get it in the morning.” I risked a casual pat onto his back, as I walked by, trying not to notice how hot my hand felt on his shirt. “I’m bushed. I think I’ll join Phil. See you tomorrow.”

  My heart thudded in my chest as I scurried out of the room and down the hall. Ahead of me, the white wooden door promised sanctuary and…I smiled and moved faster. Phil would hopefully still be horny. It had been such a day and my nerves could use a release.

  I was no sooner in the door, than his hands were on the front of my robe, stripping it open and down my shoulders. Oh yes. His cock was still hard, the head of it drizzled across my thighs as he spun me around, pushed me back onto the surface of the bed.

  “Phil!” My voice was low and my finger went across my lips, gesturing quiet. I pointed to the door, mouthing ‘Gus’.

  A strange look appeared in his eyes for a moment before he dropped to his knees beside the bed. His hands gripped my knees hard and he yanked my legs open. Oh my…I’d never seen him like this, so rough and insistent. When his elbows dug into the soft flesh of my inner thighs holding them apart, his hands on my hips to pull my ass to the edge of the bed, I almost cried out. But Gus would hear.

  Oh God, I was spread like a banquet before his face, my pussy open, longing for his mouth. One fist went between my teeth biting down to prevent screaming with pleasure when his tongue touched my clit. He lapped it like a dog, driving me crazy, it felt so good.

  His fingers drove hard into the slippery wetness, deep inside, pumping fast…sucking, nibbling on my sensitive bud. It seemed he couldn’t get enough, almost devouring my pussy…fucking my cunt hard with his hand, groaning into me.

  I reached out to pull him away…longed for his hard cock deep inside but he thrust my hand to the side. Oh God, he was an animal, rutting in his need, insistent. I gasped, my head thrown back hard against the bed…the lust in my cunt…hips rocking into his mouth…there was only the glorious hotness of his tongue…the rapid licking and sucking….

  “Don’t stop. Oh fuck…suck it…fuck me fast…” Gutteral moans, rumbled in my throat. There was only the hotness of his mouth, licking…greedy for my cunt.

  “Oh fuckfuckfuckfuck.” It was a cry, a whimper in my chest, eyes squeezed shut…Waves of ecstasy cascaded through me…my hot, throbbing clit…cunt clenching down, filled.

  On and on it went…ohGod…ravishing my cunt…causing my flesh to quiver in ecstasy.

  My hand flew to his head, pushed him away as the sensation became too much. His eyes were half closed with pleasure, cheeks and lips glistening with my cum as he rose, smiling. He stood between my legs, cock in his fist…oh fuck, it was beautiful, so thick and long, gliding slowly through my furrow.

  “Uhhhh.” A grunt-groan when he thrust into me…stretching me…filling my cunt.

  His eyes were mere slits, staring down at his cock gliding in and out of my hole. I strained upward, to prop myself up on my elbows, wanting to watch as well. It was thick and dark, impossibly big, like Gus’s wrist…OH…I gasped. It was too naughty. My cunt throbbed, slick with wetness at the thought.

  In and out… thick and dark…oh fuck, it was building again. “Fuck me hard.” My hand flew to my clit, stroking it fast…gasping…muscles deep inside clutching the hard cock…milking it.

  “That’s it…right there.” Breath sucked fast through clenched teeth, words a low growl. He ground into me like a jackhammer.

  “Ohhhhh” The pleasure rocked through me once more, his cock deep, filling me with hot slipperiness.

  He jerked once, twice….deeper still and held it as the last spurt of lust shot out of him.

  My breath rushed from my mouth in rapid pants, watching his face, his groin where we were joined. Oh God, I needed that so much. My legs trembled and he fell over onto me, his mouth in my ear, on my neck.

  We stayed like that for a while; my hands skimmed the velvet surface of his back lovingly, till our bodies floated downward, soft as the flight of a feather falling to the ground. There was a soft wetness as he slipped from my opening.

  “Oh fuck, Maggie. That was hot.” He rose and stepped back and his hand pulled a few tissues from the box on my night table.

  I took one from him and wadded it between my legs before rising and then settling under the covers. When he lay next to me, I snuggled into his body, my fingers toying with the dark hair on his chest. “That was wild. What came over you? I’ve never seen you so…so rough…and demanding. I liked it.”

  His hand stroked my arm and he turned to kiss the top of my head. “It was Gus; what he told me this afternoon. Did you know, he thought you were trying to initiate a threesome?”

  My body jerked up and I stared into his face. His eyes were serious, his lips parted but not smiling. He was SERIOUS? “WHAT?” My breath was a still balloon in my chest.

  “Yeah. Apparently, he’s done that lots of times. He’s even done orgies.”

  I closed my eyes for a moment and shook my head a few times, still facing him. “WHAT? I don’t believe it.” Once more I did a double take. “You mean, like in a porn flick?”

  “Yes! He told me…”


  For the next twenty minutes, Phil relayed the conversation he’d had with Gus. Twice he had to repeat it.

  The first time I heard it, I was flabbergasted. The second time I heard it…well, let’s just say that we ended up having wild sex twice more, before morning.

  Chapter 11 Gus

  As I worked rinsing off the plates, setting them in the dishwasher and then getting it started, I thought about Maggie and Phil. She’d been so embarrassed; she could hardly look me in the face. But she seemed to come around, even laughed at some of my jokes—cleaned up ones since she really was a lady—despite the show she’d put on earlier.

  It was only when Phil went to bed that she seemed to get nervous again, clam up a bit.

  And Phil. Thought he could hold his booze better than that. He’d always done in college. I paused about to push the button on the dishwasher to start it. Maybe it was that little confession of mine…telling him about my adventures in the swinger lifestyle. Oh fuck. Was he thinking of asking me to leave in the morning? I sighed and pushed the button on the dishwasher, surprised a bit by my reaction to that.

  It had been fun seeing him, reliving some of the old times but it was also Maggie. Just when I was starting to get to know her, even LIKE her, I was going to have to leave.

  There was heaviness in my gut and I knew it wasn’t from the steak dinner. I turned the light in the kitchen out and walked down the hall. Maybe, in my line of work, it didn’t pay to get too close to people. So, just as well.

  My hand was on the doorknob of the guest bedroom when a sound made me stop dead in my tracks. Was there someone outside? What was that? My spidey sense went on red alert.

  “…fuck me harder” only a soft murmur but the words were clear enough in my ears.

  My cock stood straight at attention, almost thudding into my tummy. I smiled, turned the handle and stepped into the spare bedroom. Well, if Phil was getting his, have at it bro. It didn’t look like the conversation earlier had dampened his love-life any. Come to think of it, he was quiet at dinner and seemed to squirm a lot in his chair.

  A chuckle esca
ped my lips, glad that he was taking care of the blue balls. Lucky guy. Maggie was built like a brick shithouse. I unbuttoned the shirt and slid it off my shoulders, tossed it on the dresser.

  When she came out of the house, there was no way I couldn’t look, although I made a big pretense of looking the other way. Holy cow, the rack on her jiggling with every step she took…narrow waist and perfect hips. Not sure about the bush. Normally it turns me off but at least she’d trimmed it. Oh fuck, who am I kidding? It was hot.

  Once more I paused, about to pull the coverlet on the bed back. There it was again, only this time it sounded like Phil moaning. I flipped the cotton duvet back and my hands went to the waistband of my jeans. As soon as they were unbuttoned and the zipper open, my cock, hard as an English cucumber, sprang free.

  Another moan from the room next door…

  I slipped out of my jeans and grabbed my suitcase and tossed it on the bed. There was no way I’d get any sleep in this condition. My fingers flew, opening it, sliding the laptop from the pocket and setting the bag back onto the floor.

  I popped into bed and placed the laptop beside me. I knew just the video to watch while I took care of business. There was no point lying to myself; it was Maggie I’d be fantasizing about, fucking the ass off her…I flipped the laptop open and clicked the mouse-pad, searching for it, the video of the brunette with the humongous jugs.

  My hand drifted to my cock and I rubbed it, eyes focused on the screen, ears filled with the soft passionate murmurs from the room next door. Oh God, how I’d like to be Phil. She was probably sucking his cock, right now.

  There it was. I clicked and the dark haired woman, a Maggie look-alike filled the screen. My hand rolled slowly down my cock, just as the woman on the monitor, licked the knob of a blonde guy kneeling before her. She was on the bed, taking that massive cock into her mouth, her eyes watering as she looked up at his face.


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