A Wicked Swingers Weekend Box Set: All Three Episodes! (First Time Bisexual Swinger Contemporary Romance ): All Three Episodes Value Priced

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A Wicked Swingers Weekend Box Set: All Three Episodes! (First Time Bisexual Swinger Contemporary Romance ): All Three Episodes Value Priced Page 9

by Mia Moore

  Her hand rose and gestured for us to continue to the pool. “We’re just a little giddy from the sun and the wine. Go on. Dive in.” Her eyes shifted to Phil, eyebrow lifting for a second above an impish smile. She leaned closer to him and put her hand on his thigh, HIGH on his thigh.

  There was no mistaking the look she’d given him or the seduction of her hand drifting up, almost on his crotch. This wasn’t cocaine; it was that date rape drug. It HAD to be. In all the times I’d visited Maggie and Phil, they’d never acted like this, giggling like teenage girls, flirting with each other and they couldn’t keep their hands off one another. Oh my. It would sure explain why Phil had been ogling my tits earlier.

  My neck became hot and my eyes flew open wide as I turned to Gus. Oh my God. THAT was why they’d been so long getting the cheese and crackers! They’d been off fucking in the house somewhere!

  I thought of the box of crackers and the cheese cut up in bite sized pieces. Did they wash their hands?

  “You look like you could use the cold water. You’re as red as a strawberry.”Gus stopped at the edge of the pool regarding me, standing still beside him. His smile, which before had seemed so kind now looked like the leer of the big, bad wolf. He had to KNOW what Maggie and Phil had been up to in the house. He’d gone in.

  My head jerked back for a second as the realization hit. THAT was why he’d changed his bathing suit to this loose plaid one. It looked more like shorts than a bathing suit. He’d seen them and gotten turned on. I risked a sideways glance at his crotch. Was he still turned on?

  There was a bulge. A thrill shot through my core thinking of him excited, standing so close that the hem of his shorts brushed my thigh.

  I glanced behind me one more time, to check on Maggie and Phil. They were sitting almost as one; their cheeks touching, speaking softly to each other, smiling, their eyes watching us. Why did the image of two vultures flash into my mind? Were they waiting for Gus to make a pass at me? Hoping for it? Crazed in the lust of the drug, all they could think about was sex?

  My eyes flashed up to Gus, standing patiently waiting, still smiling across at me. I pulled away from his hand and dove into the pool. I needed to clear my head and cool the part of me that pulsed from all this…this sex, going on all around me.

  I felt the splash of Gus, the water shuffling me to the side when he dove in. Near the bottom, the water was cooler and that’s where I’d stay as long as my breath held out. My body twirled and I saw Gus in front of me, his arms waving slowly in the water before his hand reached out for me. I almost gasped when his fingers slipped inside the cup of my bikini top. But no. He tugged the fabric up to cover me. This damned swim suit! Note to self, never dive into a pool wearing this top. You’d think I would have remembered from the first time. Once more, Gus had covered for me.

  Oh God. The cold water did nothing to lower the temperature of my face. I swam to the surface, propelled by my legs, scissoring. I had to escape this while I still could. His finger had grazed my nipple and I had wanted it to stay there. This couldn’t be happening with a man I’d just met. I wasn’t THAT kind of girl.

  I inhaled deeply, my eyes blinking water droplets away, hands reaching to brush my hair back. Who was I kidding? How often had I watched porn, naked but safe in the security of my apartment, thrusting my rabbit vibrator deep inside, fantasizing that it was a real man’s cock, my clit being burred by a woman’s tongue? Had Gus sensed that? Was I giving off pheromones, like a bitch in heat?

  Chapter 10: Phil

  “Oooo. There she is.” Maggie’s voice purred in my ear. Her hand rubbed my cock through the fabric of the swim suit.

  Sophie had just surfaced with her back to us. When she turned to face us, there was a sinking feeling in my gut. I didn’t need to hear Maggie’s next words, “Oh, too bad.” She felt the same way. The halter tops cups were securely in place, covering all of her boobs.

  I took a large swallow of the wine, still gazing at Sophie. Who would ever have guessed I’d find her this sexy? Sure she was pretty, but sexy? Of course, it was Maggie’s doing. If she hadn’t admitted her lesbian fantasy I probably never would have seen it. And why had the thought of Sophie hitting on Maggie bugged me so much before today?

  Gus’s head popped up, shaking from side to side, getting the water from his eyes and ears. It was Gus who’d done it. He’d opened this whole Pandora’s box, telling me about his sex life, letting me know he’d considered a threesome with Maggie and me. Now all I could think of was sex.

  My hand toyed with the clasp on the back of Maggie’s bathing suit top. If I could be more sure of Sophie’s reaction I would undo it. I’m sure she would like it, seeing Maggie’s tits, but it was probably too soon.

  I finished the glass of wine and reached for Gus and Sophie’s, to top them up. I’d only had four glasses of wine but I could feel it. Was it the sun or Maggie’s hand on my dick? Maybe, if Sophie had a few more glasses she’d loosen up. I glanced across at her but as usual she was looking to the side. Were they going to stay in the pool all day?

  I could walk over and hand the wine to them if not for this raging hard-on that Maggie’d given me. Oh, what the fuck! I stood up, scooped the glasses in my hands and stepped away from the table. Oh my. I didn’t need to look down to see that my bathing suit looked like a snake had taken refuge there—a large python, reared and ready to strike.

  “Here, you two. You’re a bit behind Maggie and me. Have a drink and relax.” I smiled at Gus and saw the look of surprise in his eyes. That’s right. YOU started this little buddy.

  “I’m not sure I should. Actually I should get going soon.” Sophie walked to the edge of the pool, still looking off to the side.

  She looked up at me, and her eyes became marbles, her hand reaching up, stopping in mid air. She looked away quickly, towards Maggie at the table. Was she wondering if Maggie had seen? If Maggie knew I was waltzing around with a polish sausage in my pants? I smiled down at her, willing her to look at me. Damned right Maggie knew. She’d put it there, along with thoughts of you, my dear.

  She took the glass and set it on the concrete bordering the pool, looking at the contents for a few moments before she turned and popped up, rested her backside on the edge of the hard, grey surface.

  Gus moved slowly through the water and grabbed the glass from my hand, sloshing a bit into the water. His blue eyes scowled up at me before he took a seat next to her.

  My face flushed and it wasn’t the sun causing it. Oh no. I had pushed the envelope too far, parading around with my cock leading the way like a band master. Gus was usually the wild one and it was ME corralling him. At the thought, that the tables had turned so quickly, I spun around and walked back to Maggie.

  As I sat down next to her, I saw Gus say something to Sophie and laugh. She joined him and then took a long sip of the drink. Whatever he’d said, he’d smoothed the water from my faux pas. Imagine, Gus cleaning up my mess.

  Maggie seemed to catch my mood and moved her chair a little to the side. She excused herself and went into the house. Oh God, we’d acted like silly kids. How would I ever be able to face Sophie again after the hard-on incident?

  Sophie stood up and carried her empty wine glass to the table. Her face was flushed but she looked straight into my eyes. I gulped, surprised to have her look at me head on, no averting of her gaze this time.

  “Things under control here, Phil?” Her eyes glinted above the smirk on her lips.

  My chin dipped to my chest. “Ah…I…ah…I’m sorry—”

  “Don’t be. It’s okay. Maybe you should—“

  “Sophie! It’s work calling on your cell phone. They need to speak to you.” Maggie appeared holding a small black cell phone, holding it out to Sophie.

  She grabbed it out of Maggie’s hand and walked a few paces away, speaking quietly, ‘uh huh, yes.” The look on her face was sour, pissed off even, from the set of her grim lips.

  Maggie and I exchanged a glance, both of us feeling a bit sheep
ish now. Gus didn’t take his eyes off Sophie.

  She turned and looking past Gus to Maggie, “I’ve gotta go. There’s an incident with a German Sheppard on Glenforth Avenue. The neighbor called it in.” She spun around and raced back into the house, taking the distance in long strides.

  Gus turned to us, an excited look in his face, eyebrows high. “I’m going with her. Who knows it might be fun?” He started to race to the house but then stopped and turned once more, his grin wider than ever. “Don’t hold dinner if I’m not back.” He glanced at the house and back to us. “Actually, don’t wait up.” With that he was off and running into the kitchen.

  My head dipped to one side turning to Maggie. “That’s the last we’ll see of him today. He’d definitely warm for her form.”

  Maggie took a step and eased her ass down into my lap. Her arms circled my neck and she grinned into my eyes. “Aren’t we all.”

  Chapter 11: Gus

  I banged on the bathroom door where she was changing. “I’m coming with you. Consider it a ride along. Don’t leave without me if you get dressed first.”

  “A what?” Her voice was slightly muffled by the wooden door.

  “Never mind. Just wait for me.” I crossed to the guest room and stripped the damp shorts off, to join the Speedo on the floor. I grabbed a T shirt from my bag and once more donned the stained jeans. I dug to the bottom of my bag and grabbed my ID and gun out of the false bottom. I slipped the small Beretta onto my ankle and pulled my pants cuff over it. If we were going to do something even close to official, I wasn’t going out there naked. I tucked my ID holder in my back pocket by my wallet.

  The door in the bathroom opened and I ran to catch up with her. Now that I’d met her, I wasn’t letting her slip through my fingers that easily. Besides, it’d be fun to see her in action.

  She sprinted down the hallway in front of me.

  “Wait up.” I just had time to scamper back into the bedroom and grab my sneakers before she answered.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good—”

  “Nonsense! I WANT to. I promise I won’t get in your way or anything.” I joined her at the door and put my arm over her shoulder, leaning in, close to her face. “What do I call you? Sergeant Sophie? Officer Sophie?”

  She pulled a face and poked me in the ribs, letting out a snort, totally un-ladylike and totally cute. It was hard to resist the urge to kiss her cheek. Her arm pushed mine away and she darted ahead, all business now.

  “Okay. But stay back. If this dog is rabid or anything I wouldn’t want you to get bit. It’s better to let a professional handle this.” She opened the door of her car, a sensible Subaru station wagon with the back end sealed off by wire mesh netting.

  Oh my God. If she only knew. A German Sheppard was chump change to some of the thugs I’d come across. Sure they could give you a nasty bite but what was that to staring down the barrel of a gun? I got in the passenger seat and slammed the door shut.

  At her quick look, the grimace on her face, I muttered an apology. “Sorry. Guess in the excitement, I got carried away. She smiled and gave her head a small shake before turning, arm on the back of my seat, watching as she backed the car out of the driveway.

  I gazed at her profile, the upturned nose, high cheekbones and deep set eyes with the droopy eyelids. God, she was beautiful and she had no idea of that fact.

  When we were on the main road, I asked her questions about her job. It was a subject she warmed up to, easily relating stories. I listened as we drove, enchanted by the throaty, huskiness of her voice. I could have driven all day, listening to her.


  She parked at the curb in front of a low bungalow, badly in need of a lick of paint. The neighborhood had also seen better days, originally working class but now the refuge of welfare recipients and drug dealers. The hackles on the back of my neck rose as I got out of the car and watched her lift the rear wagon door. When she reached in, I hoped it was for a gun, firing if not bullets, then tranquilizers at least.

  She slammed the lid and in her hand was a two foot metal pole with a wire loop hanging from the end. That was it? No gun?

  A middle aged woman came out of the house next door and ran along a cracked concrete walkway, stopping at the sidewalk, in front of us. “Hurry. I hate the dog but he doesn’t deserve this!”

  Sophie put her hand on the woman’s arm, her expression calm and serious. “What’s going on? The dog’s in the backyard, right? It’s alive?”

  The woman’s eyes bulged above puffy red cheeks. She pulled her arm away and pointed to her neighbor’s house. “He’s drunk and the poor brute’s been left out in the sun, tangled up so much in the chain that he can’t get up. Not there’s any water in its bowl, I’m sure.”

  Sophie sprinted to the alleyway between the two houses, her tanned, impossibly long legs moving fast, like a gazelle. I raced to catch up, in case the ‘he’ was hanging around and not wishing any company, especially of the official kind.

  She passed by the house and in the backyard was a large black and tan dog, on its side, tongue lolling out. Whatever energy it still had, it used to stagger to its feet and snarl at her. She held the stick out, approaching slow and cooing “There boy. It’s okay now. All okay.”

  A lumbering mountain of a man appeared from the side of the house, following the expanse of his beer gut, staggering towards her. “Who the fuck are you? Get the fuck outta here, cunt.”

  When she ignored him, he made a lunge but it was too late. My arms were around that jelly belly, my legs still running, knocking both of us to the ground, amid a heap of litter. “Ooof.” A waft of arid beer filled my nostrils when I landed on him.

  His arms flailed on my back. “Get the fuck off me, ya fag. Get outta—” I grabbed his wrist and yanked it hard to meet the wing of his shoulder blade. I’d managed to roll him and now pinned him to the ground, my knee on the small of his back, his arm twisted up, almost hard enough to leave its socket.

  “Be quiet and you won’t get hurt.” The words were a low growl in my throat.

  I looked over to Sophie. She had the noose around the dog’s neck. Her arm jerked back and forth holding the dog which was making a half hearted attempt to be free. She squatted, bent at the waist and unhooked the chain from the post where it was secured. There WAS a silver water dish, but it was empty and yards away from where the dog could reach, even if it HAD any water. I didn’t need a vet’s certificate to know that the animal was dehydrated, probably close to death in this heat.

  She had the animal now, walking slowly, still cooing to it.

  For good measure I gave the drunk’s arm one extra push, and smiled when he yelped in pain.

  “I’m taking this dog away to get help for it. What’s its name?” She spoke through teeth gritted tightly together.

  “Bowzer.” It was the woman who had made the complaint, now standing with a satisfied smirk on her face.

  Two uniformed officers strode by her and walked up to Sophie. The younger one was tall and a little on the thin side. It was he who spoke to her, while the other one sauntered over to where I was.

  “Never fails, huh Soph? Fourth of July weekend and the animals come out. Think he’ll be okay?” He jerked his head to where the dog just stood, panting.

  She looked at the neighbor woman, ignoring the officer. “Can you fill the dish with some water? I don’t want to put him in the car until he’s had a little water.”

  I looked up into the older officer’s face, took in the stern, no nonsense expression. Meanwhile under me, the drunken dog owner began to flail. “Officer, help me. He and this bitch broke in and knocked me down. I think he broke my arm.”

  The policeman jerked his head, signaling for me to release him. “I’ve got this. Did you hurt him?”

  I got to my feet and brushed my shorts off. The skin on my kneecap was bloody where I’d hit the ground.

  “He was going for Sophie from behind. If I hadn’t been here, he may have tackled her. Where
the hell have YOU two been?” The muscles in my neck balled into a knot. “She could have been hurt.”

  The drunk lumbered to his feet, the cop glancing at him a few times before focusing his attention on me, giving me the evil eye. “And YOU are?” His voice held suspicion and a trace of menace. I guessed the heat was making all of us a little hot under the collar.

  I slipped my ID from the back pocket of my shorts and flipped it open. “Special Agent Gus Miller, FBI. I’m a friend of Sophie’s. From the corner of my eye I saw her head swivel towards me.

  “Gus?” Her voice was small.

  The woman had returned with the water bowl and the dog took a few feeble laps of it. The older officer next to me, muttered, “A little out of your jurisdiction, aren’t you?” He snorted and turned to the drunk.

  I took a few steps towards Sophie and took her free arm by the elbow. “C’mon. Let’s get this dog some help.”

  “You’re FBI?” Her eyes were as wide as her gaping mouth.

  I nodded.

  “FB freaking I?” She shook her head but smiled.

  She kept giving me sidelong glances on the way back to her car. I opened the rear door but the dog didn’t have the strength to hop in. It was pretty docile now, only a small curl of its lip when I moved to lift it. Together, Sophie and I got Bowzer into the car and sped away to the Emergency Vet.

  Chapter 12: Sophie

  It was almost six o’clock when we finished at the vet’s and I’d written my report. Gus was patient, even going so far as to get coffee while I sat in the office working. There weren’t many people around, with the holiday weekend and all.

  I shook my head, pen poised over the report form at what he’d said. An FBI agent? Oh my God, this was too good to be true. It made perfect sense—a lot more believable than him being an ACCOUNTANT. He’d been so brave, getting all HE-MAN with the drunk. True, I could have handled him and the boys in blue were on the scene before too long, but it might have been too late for Bowzer.


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