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Fanny Hill Got Old

Page 2

by Sally Hollister

  "Let's do it together, Molly, both of us in the tub. It's more than big enough for two."

  "Me get into a bath with a fine lady such as yourself?"

  "I come from humble beginnings not unlike yours, Molly. We're not so different. Come, child, off with that dress and into the tub with me."

  She hesitantly shrugged her thin dress off to reveal a pair of shabby, worn, drawers which might once have been white but were now more grey, and then even more slowly eased them down her skinny thighs.

  "Why, you have so little hair down there, girl. What age did you say you were?"

  "Seventeen, ma'am, and all my sisters is like me down below even though they're older. I got quite a shock when I seen your lovely big bush."

  "You've seen your sisters' honey-pots then. Tell me, have you ever touched them."

  "There's three of us sleeps in the same bed together," she said, as if that explained all.

  "And I'll bet you've fingered them both as they've been doing to you.

  "Oh, ma'am, how can you talk so?"

  "Because I intend to finger you, Molly. Taking one's pleasure with a partner is far superior to taking it alone."

  I took her hand and ushered her into the tub between my legs. She was truly skinny, her ribs protruded and she had no bosom to speak of. Even the mound at the base of her flat belly was visible as it was only covered in extremely sparse, fair, pubic hair. But I pulled her towards me and kissed her on the lips, no stranger to Sapphic delights as I'd often frolicked with my fellow strumpets when business was slow.

  "Have you ever had your cunny licked, Molly?"

  "No, ma'am, me and my sisters only use our fingers."

  "Then there is a delight in store for you. Turn around and go upon your hands and knees and I shall lick your cunny and your arse-hole."

  "Me bum? But that's right dirty, I poo from there."

  "In which case I shall wash it first and not stick my tongue in it till it is as fresh as a rose."

  "Ooh, you're ever so quirky, ma'am. Imagine sticking your tongue up someone's bum."

  "It is a common practice and you'll find it quite delicious."

  Her buttocks were so scrawny that the pink star of her anus was quite visible and so I soaped it and rinsed it before approach it with my tongue and stabbing into the tight aperture.

  "Ooh, it's right ticklish, ma'am."

  "But nice too."

  "Have you had it done to you then?"

  "Many times, by both men and women."

  I guessed that any confidences I shared with her would go no further, though I had no intention of revealing the entire truth of my previous life.

  I then took to licking the thin lips of her cunny while inserting finger into her anus.

  "Oh, ma'am, you shall make me spend!" she screeched.

  "And that is a good thing," I told her, finding the tiny nub of her button with my lips and nibbling on it.

  "I aint never had anything stuck up my bum before and it makes me want to pee."

  "Go right ahead."

  "Into the bathwater?"

  "No, into my mouth. I shall drink your piss with relish."

  The moment I spoke a meagre stream of piss erupted from her hole and entered my mouth. I swallowed it down and found it quite palatable. But by now Molly was shaking like a leaf and that was causing the water to slosh onto the rug below.

  It seemed that the bathtub was not the ideal venue for the shenanigans I had planned and so I suggested that we dry ourselves and get upon the bed.

  Having towelled ourselves we climbed onto the mattress and I immediately assumed the position the French call the soixante neuf, with the girl atop me. Then I lapped at the girl's practically hairless slit while she buried her face in my dark foliage. She had no experience of licking a cunny, of course, and so I expected little pleasure from her till she gained some experience, but she seemed remarkably adept in knowing precisely what to do so that I soon spent on her thin little face. She too seemed to be enjoying herself greatly and screwed her skinny little bottom squarely on my face.

  When we were done with that we lay together side by side, though facing each other and shared embraces and kisses.

  "We must put some meat on your bones, Molly, and throw those old drawers away. I shall take you shopping later and buy you some new ones. And perhaps some new dresses too, that one you were wearing was practically threadbare."

  "Oh, ma'am, you're ever so kind."

  "I hope to be your friend as well as your mistress, Molly, but you must be discreet and the Captain must never discover what we get up to."

  "I quite understand, mistress Fanny."

  "And perhaps I can assist you in finding you a husband. There must be some rogue who'd find you appealing for you have a passionate nature."

  After that I played with Molly on many occasions when the fancy took us and we soon became so familiar with each other's bodies that spending was a foregone conclusion when we were in each other's arms.

  I had set my heart on bedding the mighty Julius but first I intended to establish if he truly had a large appendage. If not for that, there would be no point in taking the risk of playing with fire so close to home. Molly I had easily bent to my will and her lips were sealed with love and admiration for me, but the African would be a different matter. Being of savage descent he had no notion of gallantry or honour and he might well boast of having lain with his mistress. That I could not tolerate and guessed that some monies might be required to buy his silence. This was not a problem as Richard was generous to a fault and I had saved a great deal from my clothing allowance, men knowing nothing of what female attire cost.

  And so to the size of Julius's manhood. He had a privy next to his basement chambers and adjoining that was a small cupboard through which the occupant of the privy might be observed through an air vent. I gave him a gift of a crate of ale and secreted myself in the cupboard awaiting his inevitable need once he'd quaffed the beer.

  He took the longest time, which made me fear that he had decided not to drink the beer immediately, but eventually he appeared and, though the light was dim. I could see that he had unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a dark, muscular torso and when he unlaced he breeches he produced the most colossal piece of manhood I had ever seen. It was truly huge and seemed not to belong to any human man but some wild beast. And this was it at rest, for he hefted it in his hand and pointed it at the aperture before letting go of the most impressive stream of hot steaming piss. My thighs quivered at the sight of it and my heart raced, and I knew I could not rest till I had his enormous tool within me. But how to get it, for I had no idea of his moral principles or even if he was of the Christian faith. This required some thought for I'd never failed to get what I desired before. I must get him away from the house for even sweet Molly must not know what I intended, for it would shock her greatly. I must make a lengthy journey, with Julius as my coachman, and somewhere we must spend the night in an inn, where I might have my way with his enormous weapon. It was a design of sorts and I immediately began the planning of it.

  I informed Richard that I had a sister in Carlisle, who had fallen ill and that I must visit upon her. Might I borrow the coach and Julius to drive me there? My husband, of course, was all concern and readily agreed as he had no real need of Julius when he was at work. So, a few days later, with a bag packed I set off, trying to think of how to explain the lack of a sibling when we arrived in the border town. Then I remembered that I had a friend there who might pass as my sister and Julius would be none the wiser. Our first stop was to be in Lancaster and there I would dip my toe in the water and see if the black man might be interested in a tryst with his white mistress.

  It was hardly a comfortable ride on the rutted road so I was glad of the respite when we pulled in at the inn where we were to spend the night. I invited Julius to dine with me so that I might engage him in conversation and get to know him better.

  "Tell me, Julius, are you married?" I asked as we ate our
pork chops.

  "I have three wives in my native village."

  "Three wives? My, they must exhaust you."

  "No, I service them in turn each night and play no favourites. It is only fair."

  "You must miss them."

  "I miss only the food of my homeland."

  "And at night?"

  He smiled, displaying his gleaming white teeth. "Ah, that is not a problem. Many of you English women like to lie with a black man."

  "So, you are not deprived of sexual pleasure?"

  "Deprived? Hardly, I need only to walk into a tavern and some woman will invite me back to her chambers."

  "I have heard that you African men are extremely well endowed." I ventured.

  "We are generally larger than white men," he confessed in reply.

  I looked him directly in the eye. "I have never lain with a black man."

  "Would you wish it?"

  "Very much so."

  "I would be happy to oblige you, but you must know the ways of my people. As you are a married woman I can only take you in the back passage, so that I might not impregnate you."

  That gave me pause, for though I'd been buggered a few times before I'd never taken a huge tool such as Julius's up my bum.

  "The back passage?" I said hesitantly.

  "Yes, the tighter portal. My people do not have your moral values and all have the sexual fun together, but when a man is lying with another man's wife he may only take her up the rear hole. My wives, for instance, have all slept with my brothers and cousins, but only their arses have been breeched."

  "That sounds like a strange custom."

  "But a wise one."

  "I do not know that I could take a man, as large as I imagine you to be, in my bum."

  "I cannot break our customs, it is your choice."

  "I shall make the attempt then. Come to my chamber after you have settled the horses for the night."

  "I shall be delighted to, my lady Fanny."

  "The Captain must never know of this."

  "Of course, no husband wishes to know his wife to have sex-fun with another man. The only way I am aware my wives have misbehaved is because their anuses are distended."

  "I am safe then, for Richard has no interest in that portal."

  The moment I got into my chamber I shed my clothes and fetched out my dildo from my bag. Having oiled it liberally I inserted it up my rectum in preparation for being buggered by the big black man. From what I'd seen of his member it was considerably larger than my dildo but any preparedness was better than none. Despite that I was nervous for, as I've said, I'd only been sodomised a few times and that only by small white cocks.

  Then came the knock at the door and my heart raced. Julius entered and immediately took me in his arms to attach his thick lips upon mine. His big strong hands gripped my buttocks and squeezed them tightly, while I felt his mighty tool hard against my belly.

  "Oh, you big brute," I gasped.

  "I would have you suck me, Fanny."

  "Gladly, get it out."

  He sat down on the bed and unlaced his breeches before pulling out his manhood which seemed to be almost a foot long.

  "Why, it is quite huge," I sighed, sinking to my knees between his legs. I took the great thing in my hands, astounded at how hot and black it was and already firming up considerably.

  "Put it in your mouth and suck it, Fanny."

  I lowered my head and parted my lips but it was with difficulty that I managed to encompass the great domed head within my mouth. The sphincter of my arse tightened nervously at the thought of accommodating such a beast within my anus and I thought that I might attempt to suck him to his conclusion if there was no prospect of taking him in my cunny. I therefore took to sucking him fervently, while taking his great hairy balls into my hand and massaging them in the hope of urging the seed from them. His cock grew stiffer and stiffer till it stood like an ebony ram-rod and I tell you, I sucked that damn thing until my jaw ached but Julius was made of stern stuff and emitted not a drop.

  He lifted me up now and lay me on the bed before lying beside me and sucking on my bare breasts.

  "Ah, the taste of your flesh is magnificent."

  I held onto his member as he suckled and it seemed to me that it grew even more in length and girth till my hand could hardly encompass it.

  Julius ran his hand down my belly and after briefly fiddling with my bush inserted a thick finger into me and fucked me with it till I was panting with desire. He made me spend upon his finger quite three times before withdrawing it and saying, "Upon your front then, lady, and let me put my member into you."

  The climaxes I'd enjoyed had served to relax me a little and so I rolled onto my front and presented him with my rear.

  "Ah, a fine bottom, a woman's bottom."

  I felt his big hands on the cheeks of my bottom as he massaged them and then he parted them and seemed to be gazing at my tight bum-hole.

  "A sweet passage, Fanny, I shall enjoy it greatly."

  "Go slowly and gently, Julius," I begged.

  He dribbled some spittle onto my anus and then I felt the great engine nudge at my rear portal. My flesh resisted this unnatural invasion for a long time but Julius kept pushing and pushing at it till at last it parted, though only a little.

  "I fear it will not go in, Julius."

  "It shall, Fanny, it only requires patience."

  He continued his endeavours and, sure enough, my arse surrendered to him so that I had the head inside me.

  "Stop! Stop!" I cried, "Let me get used to it, it feels most strange."

  "You have never been taken this way before?"

  "Not by one as large as you. You must give me a moment to adapt."

  "Surely, there is no need for haste."

  It was uncomfortable, of that there was no doubt, but I put that down to the strangeness of the sensation and there was little actual pain.

  "A little more now," I offered and the black man pushed again.

  It took a full fifteen minutes till the entire thing was embedded within me and my instinct was to tell him to take it out immediately. But I guessed that he might refuse to withdraw, determined to have his full measure of pleasure, and I had not the power to resist him.

  "How does it feel now, Fanny?"


  "Very well, I shall proceed but if it pains you, you must inform me and I will desist."

  It was a kind offer and I expected to take advantage of it, but the moment he began to fuck me all sense of discomfort vanished and was replaced with the sweetest of pleasures.

  "Oh yes, that is most pleasant, bugger my bum, you beast!"

  It was a most odd sensation, quite unlike being taken in the cunny but equally thrilling and soon I was spending, clutching at the bed sheets and burying my face in the pillow to muffle my screams. Being buggered by a white man had never been like this, they found the tightness of a woman's anus too much for them and spent speedily, whereas Julius buggered me for an age and with great gusto.

  But even he, giant of a man though he was, was only human and must spend eventually and that came with a great roar as pulses ran up and down his shaft and I felt an enormous amount of African semen fill my bottom.

  "Might we do this again when we return home, for I enjoyed it greatly?" Julius asked as he wiped his member on a towel.

  "Only if we are eminently discreet and there is no chance of discovery," I offered.

  "It is easily done if you send young Molly on some errand."

  "We shall see, for I would very much enjoy your cock in my bum again."

  I thought I had reached my nirvana with both of my servants available to pleasure me, but a surprise awaited when I returned home. Richard informed me that he wished to speak to me in private and so I joined him in his study.

  "There is no easy way to tell you this, Fanny, but I know you now and guess you are not easily shocked."

  "What on Earth is the matter, my love?"

wo of my fellow retired officers from the regiment and their wives are joining us for dinner."

  "Is that all, I shall be glad of the company."

  "No, you do not understand. It became the fashion among the married men to exchange their wives when we were posted abroad."

  "Exchange their wives? What a novelty!"

  "I, of course, did not participate for Mary-Anne would never have done it, with her prudish nature."

  "But we are not abroad now."

  "I fear they have continued with these practices now that they have returned to England and the two who are calling on us, were the worst of the rakes."

  "But we are under no obligation to behave as they do."

  "I just wanted to warn you in case they made some attempt on you."

  "Would you not exchange me for another man's wife, Richard?"

  "What a damnable question, it almost sounds as if you'd like to do it."

  "I am not Mary-Anne, my sweet."

  "Well, I don't know what to say."

  "Let us not make any decisions till we have seen the cut of their jib. If the men are to my taste and the ladies are to your liking, why, I do not see the harm in it."

  "You really are a marvel, Fanny, I'd no idea you'd be so amenable to debauchery."

  "Let us just say that I have an adventurous nature and am always eager for new experiences."

  In truth I guessed that Richard wished to have a wife who would participate in such games, and had invited these rascals for that purpose, but not knowing how I might take it, he had couched his words as a warning to me.

  Lieutenant Adam Cope was tall and handsome with a great mane of dark hair swept back over his head. The other officer, General Peter Harris, was older, a distinguished looking man with greying hair. I paid no great heed to their wives, Priscilla, who was fair, and Jennifer, a brunette, though I noted that I matched them for beauty if not surpassed them as they were older than I. To look at them one would never guess that they were in the habit of exchanging their wives with each other, for they seemed perfectly normal, but I had met many men who, beneath their respectable exteriors, hid dark secrets. The Reverend Charles Hailsham, for one, who wished only to wear my drawers in the pulpit. I charged him a pretty penny for the privilege, but that was in the days when I plied my trade and now I took my pleasures as an amateur.


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