Tara Zenyora : and the Seven-Jeweled Lighthouse

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Tara Zenyora : and the Seven-Jeweled Lighthouse Page 16

by Samantha B. Adra

  “Yeah, it saves me tons of trouble travelling to the ocean and the dragon land for food purposes.”

  “I wish I had the same patience as you,” said Tara with a chuckle. “Other than knowing how to appreciate a good dish, cooking and gardening are out of my domain.”

  “I’m raising a piggy who only knows how to eat and sleep, it’s easy maintenance! I can cook for you too; if you don’t mind my simple dragon dishes.”

  “Tell me, who is the piggy?!” Tara approached Prince Chen, trying to overpower him by applying the martial arts she learned but Prince Chen swiftly subdued her.

  “Good piggy, there is an improvement, keep it up!” Prince Chen laughed as he grasped her torso and hands tightly.

  “Let go of me!” Tara was annoyed as she was yet to master the application of the Dragon Fists. He released her with a quick peck on her cheek. Tara stood there, touching her crimson hot face.

  “That’s an encouragement for your improvement. Don’t thank me for it, you know you deserve it,” Prince Chen chortled. “I know you are not a fan of kelp and scallop, so I brought you a bowl of Katong laksa today to tantalize your tastebuds. I’m happy with just two dishes which I fondly name Joy of Dharma (Braised mushroom, scallop, lotus seed, dragon flower seed, and abalone) and Delight of Meditation (Kelp and seaweed salad).

  “You know I love local dishes of Singapore. That’s so thoughtful of you,. Thank you, Prince Chen,” said Tara, taking a sheepish glance at him.

  “Don’t mention it. It’s my honor and pleasure to make you feel happy and at home.”

  “By the way, I’m just curious. How did Singha get hold of the laksa?” asked Tara, picking up the chopsticks and spoon ready to dig in.

  “Many of us dragon beings frequently travel to the human world, but we usually try to stay out of trouble by staying invisible and keeping our presence unknown to them. We have a network of reliable human intermediaries, called Dancing Children (Ji Tong or Tiao Tong), who work as spiritual mediums in the Taoist temples. They are spiritually connected with us and we speak to them through dreams or trances. That’s how Singha communicates with his trusted Taoist medium to get the requested items ready for collection.”

  “Wow, that’s fascinating!”

  “Technically, we are supposed to seek my father’s permission. But for menial things, we don’t want to trouble him. My father is aware of this, but he just turns a blind eye so long as we don’t deliberately create trouble and interfere with the human affairs. He is fine with us traveling to the human world when the need arises,” Prince Chen continued.

  “There are some people who perceive the mediums as some mumbo-jumbo charlatans mumbling some hocus pocus to deceive people, which I don’t agree,” Tara commented when she thought of how her haughty colleagues enjoyed disparaging certain local cultures of Singapore.

  “Suspending judgment of different cultures, traditions, and beliefs is the mark of a cultured person. There is always some modicum of truth and beauty in various cultures. Try to avoid jumping to conclusions, marginalizing or stereotyping others due to your own ignorance, prejudice, and arrogance. By respecting others and appreciating the beauty of diversity, the world will become the Xanadu of Peace.”

  “Yes, you are right. As the saying goes, ‘Live and let live.’ I always believe that giving people some space to be who they are and avoiding meddling in their private affairs is an expression of love in action,” said Tara. Prince Chen nodded in agreement.

  “Well, it’s time to dig in!” Tara started to savor the spicy soup noodles flavoured with coconut milk and dried shrimp, topped with eggs, prawns, cockles, and fishcake, sprinkled with daum kesum and sambal chili. “The laksa taste is just soooo delicious!”

  “But eating laksa also makes me feel even more homesick. I miss my friends and my life back in Singapore,” sighed Tara, gripped by an avalanche of homesickness. “How I wish I could go back home now.”

  Oh no. The food is meant to make Tara feel happy, not to make her feel homesick.

  Prince Chen was scrambling to think of something else to say or do to divert her attention. “I haven’t tasted the laksa before and I would like to try it. Mind sharing it with me?”

  “Okay sure, go ahead. Just be careful; it might be a tad too spicy for you. Don’t be too ambitious in your first try.” Tara warned Prince Chen as she handed the bowl over to him.

  He gobbled down a spoonful of the noodles several times in an attempt to like the food Tara enjoyed and maybe impress her a little with his tolerance to spice.

  “It’s too spicy! My throat is burning!” cried Prince Chen, holding onto his throat and coughing.

  “Are you alright? Drink some water,” said Tara with concern as she passed him a glass of water.

  He drank it and he felt better. The next moment, he sensed something was amiss when his stomach started churning, and his tummy ached. “I am not feeling so well. Please excuse me for a while.”

  He stood up, trying to walk to his bedroom. Overwhelmed with giddiness, he passed out.

  Tara shrieked. She shook his body slightly to check if he was still conscious. “Prince Chen, can you hear me? Say something to me please?” When he didn’t respond, she realized he was unconscious.

  She dashed out of the abode to look for Singha. “Singha…Singha…where are you? Help! Prince Chen has fainted!”

  Fortunately, Singha was around to help Prince Chen. He secretly summoned the Imperial Physician to treat Prince Chen. He did not want to alarm the dragon communities, nor did he want the Dragon King to know that Prince Chen was ill due to an allergic reaction to laksa brought in from the human world. If an investigation was conducted, everybody, especially Tara, would be in deep water. The physician administered acupuncture to Prince Chen and the rashes had subsided. Yet, he remained in a coma after two days.

  “Imperial Physician, how is Prince Chen?” asked Tara anxiously.

  “His rashes had subsided, but he is still unconscious. If he doesn’t wake up by the third day, his life might be in danger. We will need to inform the Dragon King of his illness.”

  It pained her to see him suffer and lay unconscious on the bed. She was extremely regretful and remorseful for being such a glutton always asking for good food from the human world.

  Two days passed, but Prince Chen was still unconscious. She decided to accompany him at his humble abode on the third day. She sat by his bedside wishing for a speedy recovery.

  “Prince Chen, I am sorry. It’s all my fault. I should have stopped asking you to get me more food from the human world,” said Tara, reproaching herself.

  With a heavy heart, she suddenly realized something which she had refused to recognize all along: she had been completely swept off her feet by Prince Chen’s irresistible charm, sincerity, and persistence. She had unconsciously fallen head over heels in love with him; and it was not just mere infatuation.

  “I’m sorry for being so disrespectful to you at times. Please forgive me Prince Chen. I’m besotted with your sincerity, jauntiness, and persistence. I’m smitten by your perennial light-heartedness, carefree spirit, and frivolous charm. I’m touched by the fact that you always go the extra mile just to make me feel happy.”

  As Tara wondered if there was anything she could do to help Prince Chen recover. Suddenly, she was reminded of Bo and how she had liberated Bo from the imprisonment of an evil curse. Maybe Goddess of Mercy could help Prince Chen too.

  Sitting beside his bed, Tara held Prince Chen’s hands and prayed with her eyes closed. “Guan Yin, thank you for saving me and releasing Bo from his thousand years of imprisonment. I need your help again. Prince Chen is gravely ill, and it is beyond medicinal herbs to cure him. May your unconditional love, mercy, and compassion heal him. May your immeasurable power and grace purify him. I know your name is infused with boundless love, power, and the wisdom of Enlightenment. May I pray in your holy name to completely heal Prince Chen and restore him to wholeness, vitality, and health. Om Mani Padme Hum.”

  Tara’s sincere prayer for Prince Chen was answered. Soon, he was enveloped in the warm golden light overflowing with unconditional love and he regained consciousness.

  The next morning, Tara woke up and found herself covered with a cloak. She was surprised that Prince Chen was not on the bed. Worried about what might have happened to him, she bolted out of the bedroom and saw him in the living room. He sat in deep meditation on his daybed where a painting of the Dragon Flower Tree superimposed with the Qibaota of the Seven-jeweled Lighthouse was hung on the wall.

  Not wanting to disturb him, she planned to walk out silently. However, when she was about to step out of his humble abode, she felt her right hand being held by Prince Chen’s hand, stopping her from leaving. “Don't leave me, Tara.”

  Since Tara was already his girlfriend, Prince Chen wanted to try his best to at least get her verbal acceptance of him. It was not his intention to keep her in the dark forever. While he was unsuccessful with his first try under the Bodhi tree, he asked her to become his girlfriend one more time.

  “I heard everything you said yesterday. Thank you for your earnest prayer to heal my illness. You know how much I love you, just like you love eating durian. I sincerely hope to walk together with you in this path of ever-present love. Tara, will you be happy to be my girlfriend?” said Prince Chen, holding both her hands tenderly.

  Tara was deeply moved by Prince Chen’s sincere proposal. She wanted to say ‘yes’ immediately but something was blocking her. She always thought it was next to impossible for a dragon and a human to be in a relationship. Moreover, she wanted to go back home to make up for the ‘lost years’ with her dad, fulfill the promise to her mom, and pursue her passion for dancing.

  Yet, she was also aware that she was very taken with Prince Chen, and the last thing she wanted to do was to break his heart. Thus, she found herself in a dilemma.

  "Prince Chen, I’m deeply touched by your sincerity. I must admit, I do love you, much more than I love eating durian. I’m grateful for everything you have done for me. Nevertheless, I’ve not wavered from my dream of going back home. I love my dad, I love my late mom, and I love myself too. If I don't live in alignment with my true self, I’ll regret it immensely in the future. Prince Chen, will you give me some time and space to heal my past so that when I’m ready, I’ll be able to love you wholeheartedly?” said Tara in a heartfelt manner.

  Upon hearing her reply, Prince Chen’s heart was crushed to the depths of the Mariana Trench and stabbed by a sharp knife piecing mercilessly into his tender heart. He knew Tara was a woman of steely determination. Once she had set her purpose, she would make sure she achieved her goal.

  “Thank you for loving me and having me in your heart. That is sufficient. I respect your decision and I’m fully supportive of your dream. There’s only one request: while you are here in the dragon world, will you continue to teach me dancing?”

  Tara nodded shyly. Prince Chen was so grateful and delighted that he could not restrain himself from embracing her tightly.



  Summer was met with the transformation of the Dragon Flower Tree from Sakura-like, cherry blossom tree into a luxuriant canopy full of heart-shaped, blue-green foliage just like the Bodhi tree.

  Prince Chen’s 30th birthday was around the corner. The Dragon Imperial Court was bustling with the necessary preparations for the celebration.

  “Tara, you’ve been in the dragon world for quite some time now. It’s about time you learn more about the etiquettes, customs, rites and rituals of the Imperial Crystal Palace,” said Prince Chen. “I have assigned Nai Nai to teach you. Your sessions will begin next week.”

  “Why do I have to learn about etiquettes and customs of the Imperial Crystal Palace? I thought these mundane rituals are supposed to be reserved for the immediate members of the imperial family?” Tara was flummoxed by the sudden need to learn the rules. It was bad enough that she was stuck in this world without being forced to comply with their customs.

  “Well, some festive occasions are around the corner. It’ll be good for you to get accustomed to the traditions so that you have a better understanding and appreciation of the dragon culture,” Prince Chen said as they were leaving Cloud Nine to arrive at Damsel Retreat.

  “Okay, I’ll try my best to learn all of them as soon as possible.” She had no interest in learning them, but she needed to be in everyone’s good books if she wanted to go back home without any hassles.

  “Awesome. I’m glad you’re game for it.” Prince Chen’s impertinent smirk was plastered on his face.

  Soon, she learned all the dragon etiquettes and customs under the guidance of Nai Nai.

  “Congratulations Tara, I’m delighted that you’ve finally become Prince Chen’s girlfriend,” said Nai Nai.

  Tara was confused and believed that Nai Nai misunderstood their friendship for something else. I’ve never agreed to be his girlfriend at all. Never. It’s best to clarify it right away before people start talking.

  “Sorry Nai Nai, I don’t quite get it. What makes you think I’m Prince Chen’s girlfriend?”

  “I saw a sliver of pink aura from your heart connecting to Prince Chen’s heart just now. It’s an indication that both of you are attached in a relationship.”

  Now Tara was even more puzzled. “A sliver of pink aura? How do I get that?”

  “Have you accepted a bouquet of dragon flowers from Prince Chen before?”

  It took her quite a while to remember that she did receive a bouquet of dragon flowers from him. “Oh yes! He did give me a bouquet of dragon flowers on the day of Spring Equinox.”

  “Yes, the moment you accepted the dragon flower bouquet, you became his girlfriend, that’s the custom in the dragon world. The dragon flower’s spiritual love energy seals the relationship bond between both of you and there is no way of reversing it. Besides, if you’re not his girlfriend, you’re prohibited from entering his private residence or participating in any of the occasions organized by the Imperial Crystal Palace,” Nai Nai explained.

  It was as if a bolt of lightning struck Tara. Why didn’t I realize it earlier? I should have known a long time ago! How foolish I am! I have fallen into an irreversible love trap!

  Initially, she felt cheated and annoyed. But then, she remembered that Prince Chen did express his love for her and he did ask her to become his girlfriend, not once but twice. Somehow, deep in her heart, her initial annoyance was transformed to secret elation. It was a feeling that could not be denied or brushed off easily.

  It took Tara three days to learn all of the customs and traditions of the Imperial Crystal Palace with Nai Nai. She learned how to greet, speak, eat, sit, and walk appropriately in accordance with the dragon customs especially so when she was present in the Imperial Crystal Palace.

  “Nai Nai told me you did well in learning the dragon customs and traditions. She was proud of you,” said Prince Chen, feeling delighted for her.

  “It’s my honor to learn more about the dragon culture and traditions as well.”

  “My 30th birthday is coming soon; it will be a once in a decade grand celebration. I wish to cordially invite you to join my birthday celebration at the Imperial Crystal Palace.”

  “Is that a Meet-the-Parents session for me?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nai Nai told me I’m already your girlfriend.”

  “Oh, yes, that’s right! Are you happy to be my girlfriend?” said Prince Chen, displaying his typical cheeky grin.

  For a moment, Tara was confused about how she felt. She could not deny that she did have some affectionate feelings toward him but at the same time, she thought it was below her personal benchmark to fall in love with such a frivolous man.

  I’m already his girlfriend. There’s no way I can go back to where I was, so what’s the point of rejecting him and making him feel upset again? It took her some time before she decided to nod her head in affirma

  Overjoyed, Prince Chen embraced her passionately. “Tara, you know how much I adore you. I’m thrilled that you’ve finally accepted me. I mentioned you to my parents and they’re looking forward to meeting you on my birthday.”

  "As much as I’m excited, I’m also apprehensive about meeting your parents. After all, they are the king and queen of the dragon world. I’m not sure they will accept me; a human, a captive, a nobody.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ll be there for you,” said Prince Chen. “In the past, dragon men and women did not have the freedom to choose their partner; their marriages were arranged for them. Times have changed in the dragon world. The younger generation has the freedom of choice, and this fits well with my carefree personality. I’m truly delighted to have chosen you as my future queen.”

  Time flew by so surreptitiously and yet, so quickly. Soon, Prince Chen’s birthday had finally arrived.

  Tara woke up early in the morning to take a fragrant bath. Nai Nai helped her get dressed in the most gorgeous peach-colored Hanfu decorated with intricate embroidery. A dragon with a palanquin on its back came over to fetch her to Prince Chen’s Sapphire Palace.

  Feeling a little intimidated and anxious, Tara’s hands were clammy with sweat.

  “Tara, just relax. Everything will be alright. My parents are not tigers and they won’t gobble you up,” teased Prince Chen with a chuckle, trying to ease her nerves.

  They arrived at the smaller reception room which was lavishly decorated with oriental interior décor. The Dragon King and the Dragon Queen were already well-seated on their lion thrones. Behind the wall was the image of a giant Dragon Flower Tree superimposed with the Seven-jeweled Lighthouse on a white lotus in the middle of the tree trunk.

  Tall and dignified, the Dragon King Sagara exuded a sense of authority. He wore a rectangular hat with suspended gems in front that resembled a veil. His right hand held a long, sandalwood scepter sculpted with a dragon head clutching a white pearl in its teeth.


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