A Small Town Affair

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A Small Town Affair Page 16

by Chrissie Loveday

  ‘Oh Jay. It’s so good to see you.’

  ‘Really?’ he murmured. ‘I was so scared that you’d hate me forever. I can’t tell you how sorry I am. Come and sit in the van. You’re shivering.’ She allowed herself to be led to sit inside the little van. ‘Can I kiss you?’ he asked. She smiled and pulled him close. It was uncomfortable and there was little room.

  ‘You’d better begin your explanations.’ She needed to be rational before she was carried away and allowed her emotional responses to take over.

  ‘I should begin with my reaction to your saying you were pregnant. I had a girl friend for a couple of years who announced she was pregnant. I believed her and went along with what she said. When she was nearing the time, she told me it wasn’t mine. I was gutted. After the baby was born, it seemed the other man whose child it really was, disappeared and she was left alone to struggle. I have been supporting them since, as much as I could afford to. I gave up my college course and worked all hours, as you know, to keep making payments to Laurie for the baby. She kept calling me to ask for help and I had to go and see her. That’s why I kept disappearing on the bus. I hated lying to you about that but she threatened such awful things that she would do to herself or the baby. I finally decided that I couldn’t go on any longer, because of you, of course. I organised a DNA test and with that, I was absolved of all responsibility and she is now getting proper help from the state. It was absolutely a gut reaction because I couldn’t face another situation like it.’

  ‘Okay, I’m with you so far. Not liking it but I can accept it. Why did you say you couldn’t have children?’

  ‘What? Oh, nothing. I meant I couldn’t face it. Not to go through all that again.’

  ‘I see. But what about stealing my car?’

  ‘Laurie had got in with a bad crowd. I really mean a bad crowd. She had always been a bit clingy to me and said how grateful she was but these others told I should be paying her more money. They discovered I was with you and saw us together in your car. They threatened they would get to you unless I helped them steal your car. I had to go along with it as I daren’t risk them hurting you. I hated it. But I was so scared I did it. I left the keys somewhere they could find them and you know the rest. They sold it abroad and got well paid. Laurie didn’t see any of the money of course. I left you, coward that I am, because I didn’t dare risk being seen with you and you being hurt in any way. Once I knew who you really were, I couldn’t dare risk you being kidnapped or worse.’

  ‘Surely that’s a bit dramatic isn’t it?’

  ‘Maybe. But these guys are on drugs and completely unstable. Who can tell what could have happened?’

  ‘That’s quite a story. You have no idea what you put me through.’

  ‘I understand that. I tried to find you again. I went to the Hetherington Hotel but they wouldn’t say if you were there or not. I sat outside for over two hours waiting to see if you came in. I gave up eventually and went to stay with my sister. She loaned me some money to buy this van. I might start a catering business or something. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I do so much want to be a part of our baby’s life. If your husband will allow it, of course. I take it you are still going to marry him?’

  ‘What do you think about that?’

  ‘Of course I’d prefer that it was me you were marrying. But, I have nothing to offer you. You are used to living in luxury. Oh yes, I have driven past your house a couple of times. It’s easy enough to find out the names of people’s houses. It’s a huge place. You have every advantage in life. Everything you could want. With me, you’d have to be used to managing with very little money. Rented accommodation at best. I expect your Guy has an equally imposing house.’

  ‘But I don’t love Guy. Whatever sort of home comes with him. He claims to be fond of me but has never used that one word.’

  ‘I love you Georgie. That is precisely why I can never ask you to give up everything for me. I said it before. In time you would resent me. Even grow to hate me for what I failed to give you.’

  ‘As long as you promised to love me forever, it is truly all I could want.’

  ‘Really? You mean it?’

  ‘Yes, of course. I’ve been dreading today. Trying to find an excuse not to marry Guy. I’ve been living through a nightmare for weeks. Months.’

  ‘And you could actually forgive me for the awful time I put through?’

  ‘Mmm. All of that.’

  ‘So what are we going to do?’

  ‘I don’t know. Drive away somewhere?’

  ‘Could you do that to your family? I don’t think so. You have to go back and face them. Tell them you don’t want this marriage. Then you can call me and we will make our plans from there.’

  ‘I’m sure Daddy will never forgive me so it won’t be an easy way to a fortune.’

  ‘I’d prefer it that way. I don’t want a handout. It will be tough for a while but we can make it if you are absolutely certain.’

  ‘I love you Jay. That’s all that matters to me. I’ll go back now before they alert the police. I’ll call you later.’

  She drove back to her parents’ home, a smile on her face that had been missing for many weeks. This was going to be a difficult day but at the end of it, she would be back with the love of her life. Whatever the future held, her beloved Jay was everything she could want.

  At midday, when she should have been at the registry office, she called Jay.

  ‘Would you come to the house please, Jay? My parents want to meet you.’

  ‘Are you sure? I mean, is it bad news? Shotguns at dawn sort of thing.’ She laughed.

  ‘They just want some reassurance that you really do mean what you say. About marrying me. I think there’s an air of disbelief about the place. I’ve spoken to Guy and explained. Naturally, he was very understanding and only a little regretful.’

  ‘I’ll be there in about five minutes. Who will be there?’

  ‘Just my parents and Jenny.’

  He arrived at the door looking nervous. Georgie was waiting for him and held his hand as they went into the drawing room. He looked around, trying his best not to look intimidated by the place Georgie called home. Mr Hetherington was looking grim faced but his wife held him back.

  ‘Hallo Jay,’ she said quietly. ‘Georgie tells me you want be married? She gave us the explanation for your rather erratic behaviour. If she is willing to forgive you, then we cannot object.

  ‘Mrs Hetherington. Mr Hetherington. First of all, thank you for allowing me to come here. I am truly sorry for the unhappiness I caused and I would like nothing better than to try and make it up to her. I suppose I should ask formally for her hand n marriage.’

  ‘I don’t like it my boy. None of it. But if it’s what she truly wants then she is of age and I can’t voice my objections. I’m not promising great financial rewards, or...’

  ‘Excuse me interrupting, Sir, but I don’t want your money. I have little to offer at present but I am a hard worker and very determined to do my best for Georgie and our son.’

  ‘Well said. No more than I would expect. We’d better make arrangements for a wedding very soon. I’ll get my secretary onto it.’

  ‘Thank you Daddy but no. We plan to go to Poltoon and marry near the beach there.’

  ‘Do we?’ Jay asked in surprise.

  ‘Oh yes. We can drive down this afternoon and get married as soon as we can arrange it. You’re all welcome to come too.’

  ‘I’m not going to interfere anymore,’ Mr Hetherington announced. ‘You clearly have your mind made up. There’s one thing to say, Georgina, you seem to have inherited my stubbornness. But I’m proud of the way you’ve stuck to your guns. I doubt you’ll have an easy time of it with this one, Jay. But I’ll wish you luck. I’d like to talk to you soon, about your future.’

  ‘I don’t want your help sir. Please be certain of that. I don’t want you to think I’m marrying Georgie for any other reason than I love her.’
r />   ‘You’ve made that very clear. So what do you intend to do?’

  ‘I’d thought of starting a catering service. Ultimately, I’d dream of us being able to run our own hotel. Something small at first, of course.’

  ’I like your ambition. I might live to regret it one day when you set up in competition.’

  They were married a week later, not on the beach but after the simple ceremony, they walked on the sand, bracing themselves against the icy blast. Georgie’s father had given them an envelope to open later and together, they stared at the cheque with so many noughts on the end that Jay gasped.

  ‘It’s enough to actually buy that little hotel in the next village. The one we dreamed of, once upon a time. We can’t accept this though, Georgie.’

  ‘It would be rude not to,’ she said with a laugh. ‘It’s a sign that Daddy’s forgiven me. Or at least that maybe he sees us as potentially friendly rivals. I love you Jay so much Jay. You’ve made me so happy. This is the perfect place to start our lives together and to bring up our son.’

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fourteen




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