California Wishes

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California Wishes Page 60

by Casey Dawes

  “I’m determined to open the inn so Annie can have her wedding when she wants to.” She looked sternly at her mother.

  “That’s wonderful!” Mandy clapped her hands together. “I’ve always wanted to cater a wedding!”

  It was going to take all Sarah’s strength to keep everyone going in the right direction. She took another deep breath and said what she’d been dreading most. “I’m going to need help.”

  Hunter’s expression cracked a millimeter, enough to turn up the corners of his mouth.

  “Then you’ll come home with me,” Elizabeth repeated.

  “No. I won’t. Mandy, can you really move in with me for a few months?”

  “Leave my three other roommates and get a bathroom to myself? You bet!”

  “Good.” She pulled the sheet up a little more. This was going to be the risky part. She looked up at the strong man at the foot of the bed. His eyes steadily held hers. At that moment she knew he’d understand. Everything. Forever.

  Not going there.

  “Hunter, you’ve been looking for a place to stay.”


  “Since Mandy will be there, I think it’s okay to rent you a room. I’m going to need a handyman. The only thing is … well, it’s awkward.”

  “You want me to be somewhere else the weekends that Rick comes down.”

  He did understand. “Yes.” She was about to ask him if he minded, but realized it was a ridiculous question. Of course he would.

  “This is not a good idea,” Elizabeth said. She glanced at Hunter. “No offense.” Her attention went back to Sarah. “But if you’re trying to get back with Rick — ”

  Sarah’s emotions flared. “First, I’m seeing if there’s anything left with Rick to get back to. Second, it’s none of your business.”

  “But — ”

  “I’m telling you the same thing you told me when Marcos was first on the scene. None of your business.”

  Silence descended the small cubicle.

  “I’m still cancelling my trip,” Elizabeth said. “When you realize the mistake you’re making, you can come home.” She left the cubicle.

  One more mess to clean up.

  “Do we have a plan?” Sarah asked.

  “Yes!” Mandy was always enthusiastic.

  Hunter merely nodded.

  “Good. Would someone get the doctor? I’m ready to get out of here.”

  Inside, she wondered if her mother was right. Seeing Hunter every day could be dangerous because she had no idea what she really wanted, except what was best for her baby.

  That would have to do.

  • • •

  By mid-afternoon the next day, Sarah was ready to scream. A plan hadn’t been good enough for the doctor and she’d insisted Sarah stay overnight in the hospital until she was sure all the arrangements were completed.

  What was taking Hunter and Mandy so long?

  Sarah had changed into a plaid smock and blue jeans that her mother had brought her the night before. Their conversation had been stiff, in spite of Sarah’s use of every proven daughter-tactic she knew to convince her mother to go to France.

  I’ll have to work on Marcos.

  When Hunter walked in the door she assured herself that her increased heartbeat was only because she was so eager to go home.

  “You’re good to go from our end,” Hunter said. “What do I have to do to spring you?”

  “Find Doctor Hadiya.” She smiled up at her rescuer.

  “Okay. I’ll check at the nurse’s station, see if they know where she is.”

  He disappeared from view and some of the oxygen left with him.

  This would not do.

  Sarah stared out the window and tried to avoid acknowledging her feelings. She wasn’t being fair to Rick. Was it the right thing for the baby for her to marry a man she didn’t love to ensure an intact family?

  Hunter returned before she had a chance to answer the question, even if she thought she could.

  “You’re set,” he said. “A nurse will be in to wheel you out and I’ll meet you at the front entrance with the Jeep.” He grinned. “Wait’ll you see the inn. The furniture you guys got fits perfectly.”

  “Okay.” Suddenly, she wasn’t sure she wanted to see what other people had created in her space.

  He walked to the bed and put a hand on hers. “We can rearrange it any way you want.”

  A tear slipped from her eye. “Thanks.”

  He leaned down and kissed her cheek. His lips comforted her and she turned her face, seeking his lips on hers. He paused for a fraction of a second before he kissed her mouth.

  His kiss wasn’t demanding, but she sensed it could be. She wasn’t ready to surrender, but wanted to explore his taste, the texture of his lips against hers.

  Too soon, he broke it off. “Much as I’m enjoying this, I don’t think we should go further. Not until you make a decision about who you want to be with.”

  Guilt flooded her with heat.

  “I’ll get the car.” He left the room with a rapid step.

  A few minutes later, the nurse came in with a wheelchair. She helped Sarah into the seat and set her feet on the metal platforms.

  Riding in a wheelchair was ridiculous, but Sarah knew it was fruitless to object. She was going to be condemned to a life of passivity for the next few months.

  As the nurse pushed her out, she imagined leaving the hospital in just a few months, her baby in her arms and her spirits lifted.

  Between the nurse and Hunter, Sarah was able to navigate the high step into the Jeep.

  She was silent as Hunter pulled out of the parking lot and navigated the twists and turns to the southbound on-ramp of Highway 1, What had she been thinking when she responded to Hunter’s kiss? How disloyal could she be?

  The truth was she was caught between her mind and her heart and she didn’t know which one would triumph.

  She squared her shoulders and steeled herself against her growing attraction to Hunter. “Did you find a spot for all the furniture?”

  “Yes.” Hunter was concentrating on the road, the mid-afternoon traffic snarl already beginning. Even with erratic traffic and cars cutting in and out to gain a three foot advantage, his hands were relaxed and steady on the wheel.

  She forced herself not to compare Hunter’s driving style with Rick’s.

  “We bought enough for the two guest rooms,” she said, “so you and Mandy should be set.”

  Maybe Hunter and Mandy would fall in love with each other and take temptation from her path.

  But Mandy was all goo-goo eyes over Paul.

  “Looks like it,” Hunter said. “Mandy told me she’d pull together something for dinner tonight. She’s getting a tray for you so you can eat in bed.”

  “I’m not eating in bed.”

  “Yes, you are. The doc said ‘bed rest’.”

  “But it doesn’t have to be on the bed. It could be on the settee I bought yesterday.”

  He glanced at her. “Bed’d be more comfortable.”

  He had a point. The settee was an ornate Victorian couch — beautiful to look at, but not designed for lounging.

  “Well, we’re going to have to think of something. I’m not going to be banished to my bedroom for the next three months.”

  Hunter drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he made the exit off the freeway to the inn. “We could move the bed to the living room.”

  “Good grief, no!”

  He laughed. “I didn’t think you’d go for that.” He concentrated on driving up the winding road. “Maybe a lawn chair with a cushion.”

  The idea sounded almost as horrible as a bed in the living room, but had some merit. “That might work. I could sit up a li
ttle bit and still be following the doctor’s orders.”

  “Okay. I’ll get you settled and run over to Orchard Hardware.”

  “I have some cash left over from the auction.”

  He nodded and pulled into the inn’s driveway.

  Fifteen minutes later, she was settled in her bed, looking out her window at the breeze blowing stalks of forgotten vegetation through tendrils of fog.

  For the first time in days, Sarah was alone. Hunter had gone to the hardware store and Mandy had left a note saying she’d gone to work her shift and she’d be home in time to make dinner.

  Daisy couldn’t compensate for the lack of human companionship.

  The phone rang. She answered it without looking at the display and immediately wished she hadn’t.

  “Why does your mother always have to be the one to tell me what’s going on?” Rick complained.


  “I’ve been a little busy. They did a bunch of tests in the hospital and I had to make arrangements and now I’m home.”

  “What do you mean, ‘arrangements’?”

  How am I going to explain this without making him angry?

  “I can’t stay by myself. I need lots of bed rest.”

  “Well, I can’t come stay. What about your mother?”

  “Don’t you think it would be nice if you asked how I was? Or the baby?”

  “Oh. Sorry. But your mom told me everything was fine.”

  The wind picked up and the fog turned to rain. “Well, we are, for now. Mandy’s going to stay with me.”

  “I can come down every weekend to help you get the inn open, but you’ll have to delay your start date.”

  “I’m going to hire some people to help out.”

  “Some people” was going to be Hunter, but Rick didn’t need to know that. “I promised Annie the inn for her wedding. She’s not planning it until late June, after school’s out, and I should be on my feet by then. I’ve hired a gardener, so the yard should show beautifully.”

  Rick sighed. “Sounds like you have it all together, but then you always do. I’m glad. Although I’d be happy to come down every weekend, it would be a hardship. Classes are difficult right now. We’re doing sauces and I’m having a tough time getting the hang of some of them. You remember how my gravy was always too lumpy — same thing.”

  She’d never realized that the person first in Rick’s mind was … Rick.

  “I’ll be fine,” she said.

  “I’ll bring you some books and practice on you next time I come. I’ll be there about ten on Saturday. Sound good? I miss you, Sarah.”

  “Sounds good.” Did she miss him? Would he notice the lack of a return sentiment?

  “Sarah?” Her mother’s voice wafted in from the hall. “You really shouldn’t leave the door open.”

  “My mother’s here,” Sarah said. “Got to go. See you Saturday.”

  “Love you.” Rick’s voice had a hopeful note in it.

  “Yeah.” She clicked the phone off, her stomach churning with conflicting emotions — guilt, unease, and a desire to be done with Rick.

  But she never would be. Even if they didn’t get back together, they’d have a child forever.

  “Oh, here you are!” Elizabeth entered her bedroom, a stack of romance novels in her hands.

  Sarah groaned. She didn’t need to be reading about someone else’s happily ever after.

  “Why did you call Rick?” Sarah asked her mother.

  “He had a right to know.”

  “You don’t get to make that decision.” Sarah glared at Elizabeth.

  Her mother gripped the novels tighter. “I brought these for you.” She waved them around before setting them on the bureau. Glancing around the room, Elizabeth said, “The furniture looks great. Good thing you were able to get it before … before — ”

  “I had to stay in bed.”

  “I’m really messing this up, aren’t I?” Elizabeth said.


  Elizabeth sat on the edge of the bed. “I only want the best for you and for the child.”

  “And you think Rick is the best.”

  “You don’t?” Elizabeth looked at her in surprise.

  Sarah looked down at the quilt covering her bed. “I don’t know. I’m all mixed up. I think Rick should be the one; it’s his baby. But then I remember how he didn’t want the baby — told me to get an abortion.”

  “I thought he apologized for that.”

  “He did. But when he talks, he talks about his future and what he wants, not what we’re going to do together as a family.”

  “He could be insecure.”

  Sarah looked up at her mother. “That doesn’t make him good father material.”

  “It doesn’t make him bad father material, either. Just immature.”

  Hunter wasn’t immature.

  Her mother must have known what she was thinking. “Isn’t it going to be awkward having Hunter around?”

  “He won’t be here when Rick comes.”

  “But Rick will know. Men always do.”

  “Not unless you tell him, Mother.”

  “I won’t have to. He’ll know.”

  Elizabeth was probably right, but Sarah didn’t want to deal with it right now. She needed Hunter as an electrician, plumber, and muscle. “I need someone with a strong back. Rick’s not around.”

  “So hire someone. He doesn’t have to live here.”

  “Mom.” Sarah leaned forward. “Hunter saved the baby. He’s a vet. Can we cut him some slack?”

  “I can. I’m just not sure Rick can.”

  “He’s going to have to get over it.”

  “I don’t — ”

  “Stay out of it, Mom. I’m warning you!” The blood pumped faster through Sarah’s veins and her face burned.

  Elizabeth stood up. “Okay. Okay. You need to stay calm, Sarah. I’ll do what you want.”


  Elizabeth kissed her on the forehead. “Promise.”

  The front door swung open with a thud. “Who’s here?” Hunter called out.

  “My mom,” Sarah called out at the same time her mother said, “Elizabeth, Sarah’s mom!”

  Clunking came from the living room.

  “What’s he doing?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Lawn furniture. I refuse to spend the next three months in here. Can you go see what he’s got? With my luck he’s gotten that ugly white plastic stuff.”

  A few minutes later, Elizabeth was back with a smile on her face. “He’s got taste. It will go well in the garden when you’re done with it.”

  Sarah breathed a sigh of relief.

  Chapter 15

  Sarah looked up from her improvised bed at the faces gathered around the kitchen table — Mandy, Elizabeth, and Hunter. The house was beginning to feel like an inn, good food and conversation warming the walls. She smiled and ate another bite of Mandy’s macaroni and cheese. Sheer bliss in a casserole dish.

  “So what do you think?” Mandy asked her.

  “I think you’re hired.”

  “I second that notion,” Hunter chimed in with a smile, raising his soda glass in a mock gesture.

  “Why aren’t you drinking wine?” Sarah asked.

  “You can’t.”

  “Yes,” Mandy chimed in. “We all agreed we’d hold the beer and wine until you could join us. However,” she leaned toward Sarah, “as far as coffee is concerned, you’re on your own. I need my caffeine.”

  “I know the feeling,” Elizabeth added.

  Laughter bubbled from those around the table, infecting Sarah until she joined in. This was family — sharing joy and burdens. How much had Mandy and Hunter brought into her lif
e in a short time? Measureless.

  She caught her mother studying her. Elizabeth immediately looked away, but Sarah could tell there was something on her mind.

  By the time Sarah went to bed that night, all misgivings were banished by contentment. Unlike some nights, tonight the sandman stayed with her and she woke refreshed the next morning.

  Sarah spent most of the day going over the kitchen needs with Mandy. “I’m so frustrated I can’t go to that auction.”

  Mandy stopped writing on her list and looked up at Sarah. “Do you trust me?”

  “Of course.”

  “No, I mean really trust me. If you’re anything like your mother, giving up control doesn’t come easily.”

  Sarah laughed. “You have a point there. But what choice do I have?”

  “There’s always a choice. You can wait.”

  “Not likely.”

  Mandy shrugged. “Well, then.”

  Sarah took a deep breath. Maybe she’d trusted easily once, but she couldn’t remember when that had been. Time to take the plunge. It was only a kitchen.

  And she didn’t cook, as everyone kept reminding her.

  “I trust you.” She smiled.

  “See, that wasn’t that hard.” Mandy rose from the table and started pulling things from the refrigerator and cabinets. Somehow the kitchen was coming together. In addition to a blender Mandy had gotten on sale at a big box store, she’d managed to score a cappuccino maker and a slow cooker at garage sales. “I’m going to start a Crockpot stew for dinner before I go to work. That way there’ll be something for you and Hunter even if I’m not here.”

  “You really don’t have to go through all this trouble.”

  Mandy pointed a sharp knife at Sarah. “That was the deal. I cook. You supply a room and buy half the groceries. Don’t overstep your boundaries.”

  Sarah laughed again, propped up her laptop, and went back to work on the inn’s website.

  Mandy wheeled her chaise lounge back into the living room before she left and Sarah settled in for the day. Desperation made her pick up one of the romance novels her mother had left.

  Within a few pages she’d drifted off to sleep.

  A knock at the door awoke her. “Come in.” Elizabeth may not like the unlocked door, but there didn’t seem to be any way around it.


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