This Time Around

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This Time Around Page 6

by Davies,Amy

  Connie looks up at Penny and says something and Penny nods her head with a smile. In a flash, Connie is running towards me with a huge smile on her face, her long black hair flapping in the wind behind her. She comes to a screeching stop in front of me and I reach out to stop her from going arse over tit.

  “Whoa there, Con. Why are you in such a hurry?” I ask her.

  She takes a deep breath. I move her hair back from her face and her smile gets bigger.

  “I just wanted to say hi, Liam. Oh and…bye, Liam.” She bounds off towards Knox who is on the swings. I chuckle at her. A shadow looms over me and I look up to see my Bambi standing next to me. Her sunglasses cover her eyes and she’s wearing a shy smile. Her beauty has haunted me for years after our one night together. I could still feel her, smell her for years later. The time on the road with the bands never once took my mind from her, even with all the random chicks I shagged. Most of the time it was Penny’s face I saw when I was coming. I know that on a few occasions I called out her name.

  “Hi.” Her voice pulls me from my thoughts. I smile up at her and pat the bench, telling her to sit.

  “Hi. Have a seat. Connie is over there with Knox.” I point to our kids. Fuck, why does me saying that feel right? Natural. I smile at Knox chasing Connie around the park. Her high pitched laugh fills the air around us. I lean forward and place my elbows on my knees.

  “They seem to be having fun,” comes a voice from my side. I got totally lost in the sight of these two kids playing together, getting thoughts rushing through my head about them being brother and sister. I look over my shoulder at Penny and smile my kicker dropping smile at her. Shit, it is only her knickers I want to drop for me.

  “Yeah. That's a good thing, since they will see a lot of each other,” I tell her.

  “Oh really?” she smirks at me. I turn to her and lean against the back of the bench. Reaching for her sunglasses I take them off her face and slide them into the ‘V’ of her top. My finger grazes her skin and goosebumps spread across her skin and the contact makes my dick twitch. The memory of how her skin feels floods my senses. Shit.

  “Yeah, really Bambi. I think we will be seeing a lot of each other.” I wink at her and she smiles at me. I sit back on the bench and our shoulders touch. I feel the shiver that runs through her body and I smile to myself, loving the way her body responds to mine. Feeling like a top man I place my arm around her but resting it on the back of the bench, not quite resting on her shoulders.

  We watch the two kids play together for sometime, without talking. Just enjoying the freeness that Knox and Connie have. I also notice that Connie’s hair matches mine and Knox’s. Shit. How do I start that kind of conversation without causing anyone any kind of heartache? It must have been hard for Penny to bring up Connie on her own, but it is also hard on my heart thinking that if, and I mean if Connie is mine, that I have missed nearly ten years of her life. I practically brought Knox up on my own. Yeah, Grampa was there with me but hell, he was up there in years and couldn’t do much.

  “So, what have you been up to?” I ask, breaking the silence. Penny takes her eyes from the kids and they land on me, and I swear to fuck my heart forgets to beat for a split second. It is the same feeling when you are at a concert and the bass from the speakers can be felt through your body, like a live pulse.

  “Not much really. I work as an A&E nurse down at the hospital, I start back on Monday. It was hard training to become a nurse when Connie was a baby, but my family helped. My parents were a Godsend. My sister Darla and her husband Matt are amazing with Connie. And you know Adrian and Rachel,” she shrugs her shoulders, while looking away.

  “Okay, well that’s cool but I want to know about you. Tell me about Penny Miller. You never did answer my question about Connie’s father. Are you seeing anyone? Because I want to know whose arse I have to kick, to get him to leave what’s mine alone.” I feel her tense next to me, but she needs to know that we wasted ten fucking years and we aren’t wasting anymore. She has been all I have thought about since that night. I turn my body to face her, my knee sitting right next to her thigh. I can feel the heat radiating off her. I lift my hand to her thigh and I run my finger over the hole in her jeans. The small amount of skin pebbles under my touch and I smirk at her.

  Penny eyes follow my finger and her breathing picks up. I take a quick look to check on Knox and Connie and see that they are playing nicely together, climbing all over the climbing frame. Seeing them together makes me smile.


  I turn my head back to Penny. Our eyes lock and she licks her perfect lips. Leaning in I run my nose across her jaw line breathing in her scent, and Jesus fuck does she smell good.

  “Liam.” Her words come out in whisper.

  “Bambi.” I kiss her again and she lets out a sigh. My hand that was playing the skin on her leg is now tightly wrapped around her thigh. She crosses her legs, effectively trapping my hands between her thighs. I move my thumb over her jean covered leg and she shudders. I smile against her skin.

  “Liam, we should stop. We are in a public park and I really do not want the old biddies gossiping about us.”

  “Don’t give a fuck. Let them talk, the quicker the word spreads the better, babe. I know I sound all alpha male and crap, but baby, I am not letting you go again. That last time my life was messed up and I couldn’t pull you down with me. But, now I want this. This is our time, Penny. Are you with me?” I pull my head back and look her in the eyes. I see the hesitation on her face but I do understand her reserve, I am not a complete arsehole.

  “Listen, I understand that you are afraid to jump in head first with me, and I get that. We have those two to think about,” I say, pointing to Knox and Connie. “How about we take one day at a time? How about I take you out next week? I know you are back in work on Monday, but maybe I can take you out on one of your days off,” I tell her, hoping like hell that she agrees to go out with me. I know that Penny is a no frills-type of girl, that is clear to see. So maybe a film and a bite to eat at a pub or something.

  “Okay, Liam. One day at a time. Do we tell the kids or should we wait?” she asks.

  “I think we should tell them. I have always taught Knox to tell the truth, and hiding things only makes them worse when the truth comes out,” I say. Praying that finally answers my questions that I have asked her.

  “That’s a really good thing to instill in kids these days. I am the same with Connie. Plus I know when she is lying to me.” She winks at me.

  “Okay, so we do this. We tell the kids after our first date. But I have to ask again, babe. Are you seeing someone?” I try not to hold my breath as I wait for her to answer me.

  “Really Liam? Do you think I would agree to try this with you while I had a boyfriend?” She stands from the bench and glowers down at me. I can’t help but smile up at her, she is feisty unlike she was ten years ago. She was a shy one back then. Motherhood is sexy as fuck on her.

  “Babe, there is a difference between having a boyfriend and just seeing someone, and you know it.”

  “Fine. No, I am not seeing anyone. It is hard to have a social life, with work and Connie. But at least I don't have to have the awkward conversation with you about me having a daughter,” she laughs, and I swear that sounds goes straight to my dick. Which I would fucking love any other time but shit, we are in the middle of a children’s public playground. I chuckle to myself which earns me a weird look from Bambi. I put my arm around her waist and pull her closer to me, her body fits pretty fucking perfect against mine. She wraps her arms around me, resting her tiny hands on my hips. Shit, having her touching me is doing nothing to ease the hard-on I have in my shorts.

  “I think you need to cool off, Mr Bradley,” she says looking down at my dick. Damn it, she is right. This is so not that place for this.

  “Yep. Knox, let’s go buddy. Connie, you too,” I call over to them. I turn back to Penny and lean in and kiss her. It was only me
ant to be a soft kiss; a sample to tie me over. But fuck me sideways. Her body makes my senses go into hyper drive. I slant my head and deepen the kiss. My head feels as if it’s fucking spinning out of control. No woman has ever made me feel like this. I pull away from her mouth and press my forehead against hers. We are both breathing heavy.

  “Dad. Why are you kissing Connie’s mum?” Knox’s voice makes us jump from our lustful world. I keep my arm around Penny’s shoulders as we turn to face our kids.

  “Because I really like her son, and I think that she likes me.” I look at Penny who just nods with a smile on her face, letting me know everything I need to know.

  “So are you two like boyfriend and girlfriend, now?” Connie speaks up. I look back towards Penny who is looking a tad shell shocked, so I take the lead again.

  “Yes, Connie. I’m your mum’s, boyfriend. But we kind of want you two on board with this. You are in this with us as well. So, what do you say?”

  “Whatever,” Knox says.

  “Sooooo. Did you two know each other before? Because you kids are kind of rushing into this don’t you think?” Connie says, with her hands on her hips. Older than her years I see. I can also see that she has her mum’s sharp mind. I let go of Penny and kneel down in front of Knox and Connie.

  “To answer your question sweetheart, yes, me and your mum knew each other awhile back. Ten years ago, but we lost contact due to my busy work life. But I never forgot about her,” I state. My voice showing that I mean what I say.

  “Well alrighty then,” Connie says.

  “Come on, let’s walk these lovely ladies to their car bud.” I take a hold of Bambi’s hand and we start walking back to our cars. Penny sneezes and an older lady walks past at that exact moment.

  “Oh, bless you,” she says, kindly.

  “She is already blessed. She has me.” I wink at the lady and Penny bursts out laughing.

  One day at a time. This is our chance and I will not let anyone or anything ruin it this time around.


  The dreaded day first day back to work is here. Connie is at Darla and Matt’s house as they are going to the beach today. I have missed work, but also could really be at the beach right now. We are having a really warm time here at the moment so we have to savour it while we can. Walking through the doors to the Accident and Emergency room I see Suzy and a few other nurses I work with. I wave and say my hello’s as I walk past them and into the staff room. I open my locker and dump my bag inside. Pinning my ID badge to my pocket, I walk over to the mirror and adjust my ponytail. I check my make-up, not that I have much on. The last night I wore a full face a make-up to work, we were rushed off our feet and I went home looking like Cruella De Vil had been dumped in water. One last look and I walk out onto the floor and catch up on what patients we have in the beds

  “Hey, welcome back. So how was it over there?” Suzy asks. I love Suzy, she is like a second mum to us nurses.

  “Morning. It was mind blowing. The things you see over there, really makes you open your eyes to what you have here in the UK. We can’t take things for granted, that’s for sure.”

  “I’m happy that you have experienced things over there. But now you are back here, so let’s get you back into the feel of things. Okay, we have little Ben in room four, he has hurt his arm while out playing football with the boys,” she explains, and I pick his chart up off the counter and make my way in to see little Ben.

  Ben wasn’t the only child to come through our doors on my first shift back. I was run off my feet by the time my shift was over. But I love my job. The different people that come through the doors with different injuries, it keeps me on my toes. I got to see Rachel during my shift as one little girl came in with a bad tummy which turned out to be appendicitis. Poor kid. I had my appendix out when I was thirteen. Walking back towards the staff room I see the rather handsome Dr. DeLuca; aka Dr. Lustful. He is rumoured to have flirted with nearly every nurse here at the hospital, but never actually slept with any of them.

  “Hello, Penny. Enjoying your first day back at work?” he asks with his trademark smile, showing his full straight white teeth. His shirt shows off his firm biceps, clearly showing the ladies that he works out regularly.

  “Hi, Dr. DeLuca. It was busy, lots of kids today. How are you?” I ask, returning his smile. He has always been nice to me, flirted a little and even asked me out for coffee one time. I turned him down of course.

  “Penny. How many times have I told you to call me Jason? I have been well, thank you. So, are you going to give in and have a coffee with me sometime?”

  “I’m sorry, Jason, but I don’t think my boyfriend would be happy if I went out for coffee or dinner with another bloke. Sorry.” I shrug my shoulders and grip the strap on my bag.

  “Boyfriend? When did that happen? You haven’t been back long enough to get into a relationship. And I saw you before you left and you were pretty single then.” He sounds a little pissed which confuses me. What right does he have to be pissed at me? I have always turned his advances down; I have never led him on.

  “It was on old thing that sparked back up when he moved back here. It is still new and we are seeing where it will go,” I tell him, keeping eye contact with him. He just nods his head and walks around me and over to the nurses station. Well, okay then. I walk past the girls and wave goodnight to them and walk over to my car. I fish around in my bag for the car keys and my phone. Once I unlock the car I slide in it and start up the car and drive home. I have the house to myself tonight. Driving home, I listen to the radio and think about Liam. I wonder what he is doing now. Just thinking about him makes my body buzz with excitement.

  Turning the music up when a song comes on that I love, I tap the steering wheel along with the beat. I get lost in the music, so much so that I don’t see the motorbike that is parked outside my house, until I pull into the drive and turn the car off. Turning my head I face the tall, dark, hot piece of man leaning against his bike. His long legs are crossed at the ankles that are encased in black biker boots. I step out of the car without taking my eyes off him. Liam smiles at me as he straightens up and walks towards me. I watch as his jean clad legs carry him closer. I watch his body move, the way his jeans ride low on his hips. Hips that I know can move in a perfect thrusting motion. I glide my gaze up from his jeans to his black tight t-shirt, that is rather form fitting. He is wearing a baseball cap on backwards, and I have to say it does something to me. His tattoos add to the bad boy look.

  I lean against my car and watch the walking sex God get closer to me. I lick my lips and keep my eyes fastened on his. Liam comes to a stop in front of me but doesn’t say anything. The smell of motor oil and rubber floats around us. Leaning in to kiss my lips softly, he says.

  “Fuck, Bambi, you look good in scrubs,” he groans out.

  “Really?” Not believing a word he just said. How the hell can he find me attractive in my work scrubs? They are green cotton trousers and an oversized top. Men are weird.

  “Yeah, babe. Sexy and cute at the same time,” he winks at me.

  “Well in that case, thank you, Liam. What are you doing here? Do you want to come in for a bit?” I ask.

  “Yeah. Is Connie home though?”

  “Nope. I have the night to myself. Connie is staying over at my sister’s house for the night. Where is Knox?” I ask, while turning to walk towards my front door. I can feel his eyes on me. All those years ago he told me he loved my tight arse. I hate the gym, so I run when I can.

  “Same. Well he is actually sleeping over a friend's house, not your sisters.” He laughs at his answer. I open the door and Liam follows me in. I flick the lights on and head straight for the kitchen. Once I drop my bag on the table, I walk over to the fridge and open it and take out a bottle of beer for me.

  “Do you want one?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, just the one though.” I nod and pick up another bottle. I remove both the bottle caps and give L
iam his. I take a big gulp and watch Liam do the same over the rim of my drink. Liam does the same but with a smirk partially hidden behind the bottle. Feeling brave for once in my life I walk over to Liam and stop in front of him, so that my feet are planted between his open legs. I take his drink out of his hand and place it beside mine on the kitchen worktop. His hands find my hips and they pull me closer to his body. I can feel his erection pressing against my tummy. I place my hands on his stomach and feel the six pack that I know is hiding under there. I feel my way up over his stomach and abs, up over his chest, feeling the muscles tense under my touch. I smile to myself. The heat radiates off of him and seeps into my hand. I look up into his eyes and very much like what I see. His eyes are hooded and filled with lust. And it is all for me.

  “Baby, I want you,” he states with a gravelly voice.

  “I want you, too, Liam.” In a flash he crashes his lips to mine. His tongue slips into my mouth and I am gone. I sag against his body, and his grip on my waist moves. He slides his hands down over my arse and lifts me up. My legs wrap around his lean hips on instinct. His mouth never leaves mine. I grip the back of his neck, my nails scratching the skin there. Liam moans into my mouth and my core clenches. We kiss and taste one another, enjoying the familiar feel we had so long ago. Liam pulls my body closer to his, rubbing his erection against my pussy; only the material separating us.

  “Fuck, that feels good, babe,” he moans. He trails wet, hot kisses along my jaw and down to my neck. I use his shoulders as leverage and rub myself against him when he stops. The heat from our bodies is reaching boiling point, but I know that we need to slow things down. Even with the connection between us, we need to take one day at a time.

  “Bedroom?” he asks, from the crook in my neck.

  Deja Vu anyone?

  “Let’s stay down here. We need to slow down, Li.” I sigh the last words. He sighs into my neck, his breath leaving a damp feeling on my skin. He kisses me once more before he helps me to my feet, but keeping me in his arms. He rests his forehead against mine and closes his eyes. His face is showing the battle that he has going on in his head.


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