The Tanner Series - Books 1-11: Tanner - The hit man with a heart

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The Tanner Series - Books 1-11: Tanner - The hit man with a heart Page 102

by Remington Kane

  “I know, but it’s what people say.”

  Sammy wasn’t pleased that Tanner had agreed to come along on his quest for vengeance, and Merle and Earl looked even less so.

  “Who said you two were going anywhere?” Pullo said.

  “We could help,” Merle said.

  Tanner smirked at the brothers. “You two really want to be around me? That hasn’t worked out very well for you in the past, you know?”

  “We just wanted to take the trip down so we could check on our farm in Sawyer’s Creek. Arkansas is just across the Mississippi.”

  “You two own land?” Pullo said.

  Earl nodded. “It’s only about fifty acres, but it’s ours; ours and Laurel Lee’s.”

  “What’s ours,” Laurel asked, as she and Sophia came downstairs.

  “Daddy’s farm, we still own it.”

  “I didn’t know that. When I went back to look for you two, the place appeared abandoned, and the house was damaged by a fire.”

  “Lightning burnt the front porch,” Merle said. “But the land is still ours, ours and yours, and with the limo down, this would be a good time to go home and take a look.”

  “If you two want some time off, take it,” Pullo said. “I’ll even pay your airfare.”

  Merle and Earl thanked Pullo, and then asked Laurel if she wanted to come with them.

  “I can’t just now, but you have a good time back home.”

  “Okay, that takes care of pleasure,” Pullo said. “Now, on to business. Tanner, how soon can you go?”

  “We’ll leave in two days; I have preparations to make.”

  “Go where?” Sophia said. “You just came back.”

  “Joe asked me to lend Sammy a hand.”

  Sophia stared at Sammy. “Is it dangerous?”

  “It won’t be for me,” Sammy said.

  Sophia spoke to Tanner while still staring at Sammy. “I want to talk to Sammy alone.”

  “Fine, I’ll be in the kitchen.”

  “We’ll all be in the kitchen,” Pullo said, and gestured for Merle and Earl to follow.

  When they were alone, Sophia moved closer to Sammy. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m going after the man who killed my father.”

  “The Russian, Bobby Volks?”

  “Yeah, did you ever meet him?”

  “No, but I know his reputation. Is that why Joe is sending Tanner with you?”

  “Yeah, but Sophia, what do you care? I’m sure that no matter what happens Tanner will come back to you in one piece.”

  “I want you to come back, Sammy. Kill Volks, but you come back here.”

  “Again, what’s it to you? You made your choice last night; you chose Tanner.”

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t care what happens to you.”

  Sammy reached out and pulled Sophia closer.

  “Don’t do that,” she said.

  Sammy kissed her, and this time, Sophia kissed him back.


  A Cynical Bastard

  Laurel’s townhouse had a small wooden porch at its rear. It looked down on a minuscule patch of grass that the real estate agent had called a backyard.

  Although the area was smaller than most rooms, Laurel had beautified it with flowers and an ornate bird feeder. Tanner sat with Pullo on the porch and discussed business.

  “What are these preparations you have to make, Tanner?”

  “I’m going to get phony IDs for Sammy and me. I also think that once we land, we should separate.”

  “The IDs are a good idea, but why separate?”

  “This town we’re going to in Tennessee, Rainberry? We don’t know what we’ll be walking into. It’ll be best if we don’t advertise that we’re together. And Volks will be less wary of us separately than if we came as a pair.”

  “Yeah, I see your thinking, and the town only has a population of about two thousand.”

  “Volks picked a good place to hide, but he should have cut all ties. By staying in contact with that man, Fedor, he screwed himself.”

  “I appreciate you doing this, and no matter what happens, make sure Sammy stays safe.”

  “I will, Joe,” Tanner said, then he turned and looked through the screen door and into the kitchen. Laurel was there with Merle and Earl, but there was no sign of Sammy and Sophia.

  “Something wrong?” Pullo said.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Sophia and Sammy?”

  Tanner shrugged.

  “Is that going to be a problem?”

  “No. I’ll keep the kid safe.”

  “You’re not exactly lucky in love, are you?”

  “Is anyone?”

  “You’re a cynical bastard.”

  “So I’ve been told.”

  Sophia broke away from Sammy as his hand moved beneath her blouse, then she gazed at him with tears forming in her eyes.

  “That shouldn’t have happened.”

  “But it did, and it happened because you wanted it to. Face it, Sophia, you want me as much as I want you.”

  Sophia held her hands up as if she were signaling someone to stop. “I need time to think. Can you understand that?”

  “I understand, will Tanner?”

  “I don’t know, but I’ll talk to him when we leave here.”

  “Okay, at least I know that I still have a chance.”

  Sophia hugged herself. “Oh God, I’m so confused.”

  “I’m not. I want to be with you and no one else for as long as you’ll have me. Can Tanner say the same?”

  “I doubt it.”

  “Uh-huh, think about that while I’m gone.”

  Sophia wiped away a tear. “I doubt I’ll think about anything else.”


  Talk To Me


  Michael Krupin arrived at Mexico City International Airport with two of his men. The airport was massive and extremely busy.

  Krupin and his bodyguards weaved their way among the throngs of passengers and made it upstairs to the Hilton Hotel. As planned, they entered the Carlo’s Place bar, where they took in the stunning view of the runways and watched flights takeoff and land.

  They were soon joined by a group of five men, only one of whom spoke, and the handsome young Mexican said his name was Juan Alvarado.

  “My father was intrigued by your offer, Mr. Krupin. He has asked me to escort you to a meeting place.”

  Alvarado’s English was excellent, if accented, and he carried himself like someone who was born to power.

  “My men and I are ready when you are,” Krupin said.

  “Your men will not be coming along, but we’ve arranged accommodations for them in the hotel.”

  Krupin swallowed hard. “You want me to come alone?”

  “Yes, I’m sure you understand.”

  Krupin didn’t understand, but he also saw no reason why Alvarado or his father would want to harm him. And after all, he needed an ally.

  “I’ll go with you alone, no problem.”

  Within minutes, Krupin was climbing into the rear of a limo with Alvarado and two of his thugs, as Alvarado’s other two men rode up front. When the blindfold came out, Krupin squirmed.

  “Is that necessary?”

  “It is, or you can go back to New York City empty-handed.”

  “All right.”

  The blindfold went on, the limo roared to life, and Michael Krupin went off to meet his new partner.

  Sophia and Sammy walked into the kitchen just as Tanner and Pullo were coming in from the porch. Laurel sensed the tension and asked Merle and Earl to join her in the living room, on the pretense of discussing their trip home to Arkansas.

  After Laurel left with her brothers, Tanner looked at Sophia and saw that she wouldn’t meet his eyes. He then looked at Sammy and found that he was already staring at him.

  “We’ll leave the day after tomorrow on an early flight, but meet me at—.” Tanner looked at Pullo. “Where will you be working out
of now that the club is gone?”

  “I own part of a sports bar. I’ll be using the back room temporarily.”

  “Fine, give us the address and I’ll meet Sammy there tomorrow night to go over things.”

  “If we fly down, what will we do for weapons?” Sammy asked.

  “I’ll handle that,” Pullo said. “The Family has got contacts all over the country.”

  Tanner caught Sophia’s eye. “Ready to go, or has there been a change in plans?”

  “Yes, I’m ready.”

  Tanner and Sophia said goodbye to everyone, and after driving only a few blocks, Sophia pointed out a restaurant that she liked. Tanner placed the car in a parking lot that was nearby, and they walked back to the restaurant in silence.

  When the food came, it all looked delicious, but Tanner couldn’t help but notice that Sophia barely tasted it.

  He reached across the table, took her hand, and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  “Talk to me.”


  Be Cool, Stay In School

  Later that day, when Pullo arrived at the ruins of the Cabaret Strip Club, he spotted two familiar faces.

  Carl, the club’s lead bartender, stood beside the club’s best stripper, Skye, and Pullo was surprised to see that they were holding hands.

  “Hello, you two.”

  When they turned to look at him, Pullo saw that Skye had tears in her eyes.

  “I spent a lot of time in that building.”

  “Don’t feel too bad, Skye. I plan to rebuild.”

  Skye managed a smile. “That’s good, Joe, but I’m retiring; I’m getting my real estate license.”

  Pullo looked at their clasped hands. “Are you two dating?”

  “Can you believe it?” Carl said. “She likes me, a woman who looks like this.”

  “Skye’s got good taste, Carl, and so do you. By the way, if you’re looking for work, drop by The Americana Sports Bar on Sixth Avenue. Tell a guy named Jonesy that I sent you. They can always use a good bartender.”

  “Really? The Americana? Great, I’ll do that, and thanks.”

  Pullo left the couple and went to talk to the insurance man who was estimating the damage to the building. Pullo had two bodyguards with him, but they hung back while keeping an eye out.

  When he was done getting the bad news about the insurance coverage, Pullo turned to find FBI Agents Tamir Ivanov and Justina Moretti walking toward him.

  “Give me some good news; I could use it.”

  “Too bad,” Ivanov said. “We dropped by to let you know that Michael Krupin is in Mexico, and if I had to guess, he’s not there for the tequila.”

  Pullo grimaced. “He’s looking to hook up with a cartel.”

  “That’s what we think too,” Justina said.

  “I know you’re winning, but make peace, Pullo; make peace before this city becomes a war zone.”

  “You said it yourself the first time we met, Ivanov; the war will end when somebody wins.”

  Justina moved closer to Pullo. “These cartel people play in a whole different league. If they want you gone, they can make it happen. They’ve been known to wipe out entire families. Put your ego aside and make peace with Krupin, if not for yourself, then do it for those you love.”

  “I hear you,” Pullo said. “But if Krupin is in Mexico it’s already too late.”

  Krupin guessed they had been on the road for well over three hours by the time the limo stopped and parked. They were out in the desert somewhere; he was sure of it, because once the engine shut off, the silence was unnerving.

  Alvarado removed the blindfold and Krupin blinked against the stark daylight, but as his eyes adjusted, he saw that he was in a courtyard covered in flagstones, with a large fountain at its center. The entire compound was surrounded by a twenty-foot-high wall and there were actual guard towers spaced along it.

  Several structures were visible. Nearby was a huge house, a beautiful home that was two stories high, and he could see a barn and a garage as well.

  All the buildings were done in the same Pueblo-style architecture, with rounded corners and projecting roof beams. The beams were called vigas, Krupin recalled, a fact remembered from the architectural engineering classes he took in college.

  There were times that Krupin wished he had toughed out the trigonometry classes, acquired his degree, and told his father to find another successor. However, it was too late for that now, and the time had come to forge new alliances.

  Alvarado’s father came out of the home with great difficulty, as the man balanced his thick, hairy body on dual crutches. There were braces on both knees, and one of his arms, although useful, was set crooked, as if the bones of the elbow were malformed.

  The crutches gave him the aura of old age, but a closer look and Krupin guessed that the man was likely in his mid-fifties. He wore his black hair long, and there were streaks of white running through it, but the eyes, the dark eyes were young, like the eyes of a baby shark.

  “Mr. Mikhail Krupin Jr., you’ve come a long way to see me. Does that mean you are desperate?”

  After hearing the son talk English, the elder Alvarado’s fluent use didn’t throw Krupin off, and he answered right away.

  “Not at all, Mr. Alvarado. I’m simply looking for a partner to help me with a problem.”

  “You’re saying that you can defeat this Joe Pullo on your own?”

  “Given time, yes.”

  “And does the name Tanner mean anything to you?”

  “Tanner? What about him?”

  “Certain friends of mine have contacts in your city. They tell me that it was Tanner who killed your men.”

  “I thought he was dead.”

  “He is very much alive, and if he is as good as his reputation, then I would say you need help.”

  Krupin sighed wearily. “How much?”

  “Fifty percent of all profit.”

  Krupin’s mouth dropped open in shock before he said, “Are you crazy?” and took a step toward Alvarado.

  Five guns came out, including the one belonging to Alvarado’s son.

  Krupin backed up with his hands held in the air. “I meant no disrespect, but really, fifty percent?”

  A woman stepped out onto the porch. She was beautiful, and regal, the way only a mature woman can be. Her long flowing black hair billowed about her in the breeze. A man wearing glasses followed behind her. He looked enough like her to be a brother, but he bore none of her grace, and appeared to be older.

  “Alonso, why are you conducting business out here in the heat? Bring that man inside and feed him.”

  The elder Alvarado smiled at the woman, and then spoke to Krupin. “As you can see, my wife is determined to civilize me. Come inside, Krupin. We’ll talk over a meal.”

  Krupin nodded in agreement and thanked Alvarado’s wife, a woman who was more than twice his age. As he walked by her, he saw the woman look him over, and in her eyes was the glint of sexual interest.

  Yes, he definitely should have become an architect.


  Endings And Beginnings

  Inside a deli in Midtown Manhattan, FBI Agent Tamir Ivanov was standing at a tall round table, as he watched his partner, Justina Moretti, fend off the attentions of a handsome young man.

  Ivanov smiled at the sight. He was in love with Justina and had been ever since he first laid eyes on his young partner. She was a mature-minded woman, even at twenty-seven. However, Ivanov was forty-two, and he felt the age difference to be too much.

  He assumed Justina would look upon him as a middle-aged fool if she knew of his longing for her. So, he never said a word about his feelings to her or made a move that could be considered flirtatious. He believed that showing any interest in her would result in rejection, and that he would lose her as a partner as well.

  When they first met, Justina was dating a young doctor, but the idiot spent more time on the golf course than with Justina, and she had broken up with him months ago. Why she
still didn’t have a boyfriend, Ivanov couldn’t imagine, but then, perhaps she had a lover that she never mentioned to him.

  Justina saw Ivanov’s smile as she rejoined him at their table, and she sent him a smile of her own.

  “You were watching me, weren’t you?”

  “Yes, you’re my partner and I look out for you.”

  “Is that the only reason?”

  “Joe Pullo said that you were easy on the eyes; I agree with him.”

  Justina moved closer to Ivanov. She then looked around the busy deli and frowned. “This isn’t exactly the right time or place to have this conversation, but I want you to tell me something.”

  Ivanov was staring into her eyes, while thinking that she never looked more beautiful.

  “What is it you want to know?”

  “Do you like me, that way, the way a man likes a woman?”

  “Justina, I’m much older than… and I… I mean, you’re very... um…”

  She laughed. “Oh my God, Tamir Ivanov is tongue-tied, that’s a first.”

  Ivanov laughed along with her, and then laid a hand against her cheek. “Of course I like you that way. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and you’re smart to boot.”

  To Ivanov’s shock, Justina leaned in and kissed him. When the kiss ended, Justina smiled.

  “I knew you’d be a good kisser, and I have feelings for you too, Tamir. To hell with our age difference.”

  Ivanov stroked her hair. “I’ll be good to you, count on it.”

  “You’d better. Don’t forget, I carry a gun.”

  Ivanov laughed, then he kissed her again.

  After shaking Tim’s hand, Tanner was surprised when Madison gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek. He had called Tim to arrange the phony IDs and discovered that they were in the city.

  They met in Central Park, near the Carousel, where the happy sounds of children filled the air to the accompaniment of music.


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