The Tanner Series - Books 1-11: Tanner - The hit man with a heart

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The Tanner Series - Books 1-11: Tanner - The hit man with a heart Page 144

by Remington Kane

  Within seconds, the five men were lying on the ground, bleeding profusely from vicious wounds, while moaning. Their attacker, Alexa, looked down upon them with eyes devoid of mercy, and again she went to work with the twin swords she wielded.

  With five efficient strikes, she put the men out of their misery, then removed a pair of blood-spattered goggles.

  Spenser walked over and stared at her grim handiwork. “You didn’t leave me anything to do. And I’ve never seen anyone handle swords so well, not even Cody.”

  Alexa dropped the swords. After taking off a pair of latex gloves, she lowered the hood on the bloody plastic coveralls she wore.

  She had unzipped the coveralls and was stepping out of them when they heard an engine come from the alleyway entrance at the side of the club.

  Spenser had raised his rifle, but he lowered it when the silver Maserati appeared with Tanner behind the wheel.

  “Get in!” Tanner said, as he took in Alexa’s handiwork.

  The alley’s rear ran the length of the block. Tanner took it to the other end and drove them from the scene while weaving around dumpsters and delivery vans. Inside the car, Alexa removed a travel-size package of moist towelettes and began wiping the blood of Alvarado’s men from her face.

  In San Juan Del Rio, Amy had to stop herself from biting her nails. She had developed the bad habit when she worked in Hollywood and had been the lead makeup person on several films. One had been a low-budget horror movie where people were turning into human frogs.

  The film had been a disaster, but she had won praise for her skill with makeup and had moved on to bigger productions.

  She didn’t miss those days. They were full of stress, and while working with Spenser was ripe with tension at times, she never felt nervous as she did now.

  But then again, when she worked with Spenser to help one of his clients, she was with Spenser, and whenever she was near Spenser, she always felt safe.

  The Tin Horsemen had grown bored with waiting inside the vehicle. Scar had suggested that they walk around the area and keep watch.

  Amy agreed with the idea, and when she returned from a bathroom break at a nearby coffee shop, the boys split up and walked the neighborhood to see if there was anyone around who looked, “thuggy” as Scar had put it.

  Amy thought that Abrasion might use the opportunity to be alone with her, but no, he wandered off with the others. That was good, as edgy as she was, she didn’t need a lovesick boy to fend off.

  Amy took out her phone and gazed at one of the photos of Rodrigo and Emilio that Alexa had given her. Amy spoke to it, as if the men in the picture could hear her.

  “C’mon, return home already; it’s not safe to stay here.”

  A car came around the corner. When Amy saw that it was red, she thought it was Rodrigo returning, but no, the car drove past her and headed down the road toward the cul-de-sac.

  And without even realizing it, Amy began to nibble on a fingernail again.



  Two of Alvarado’s enforcers were sent to the mall to ferret out Alexa’s identity. The men were a pair of professional thugs, and their size and height intimidated most people.

  The manager of the mall was no exception. He helped the men by searching through the store’s records, while his fingers trembled on the keyboard of his computer. When they left the mall, the men had Alexa’s name and address.

  Alvarado wore a wide smile when he learned that his men had uncovered Alexa’s name. He called his wife and asked her to come to his office. When she entered, he spoke before she had even closed the door.

  “Alexa Lucia, that is the name of the woman who killed your brother.”

  Malena took a seat in front of the desk. “Alexa Lucia? I do not know that name, do you?”

  “No, but we will discover the reason for her attack on the compound once we have her.”

  “She’s mine, Alonso. You do whatever you want to Tanner and that other man, but the bitch is mine. I will make her pay for killing my brother.”

  “I agree, but you must keep your anger in check once she’s here, otherwise she’ll die too quick a death.”

  “Oh, she will suffer, trust me.”

  Alvarado’s phone rang, and this time it was bad news, as he learned about the slaughter inflicted on his men by Tanner and Alexa.

  When the call ended, he looked over at Malena.

  “Tanner and his companions have killed several of my best men in Mexico City.”

  Malena looked alarmed. “What does that mean? Have they abandoned their plan to stowaway aboard the delivery truck?”

  “No, those bastards are coming here. This attack is a diversion, and there will likely be more of them. Tanner is hoping I’ll send some of the men guarding the compound into the city to search for him. But if I did that, he would have fewer men to face when he gets here.”

  Malena darkened with rage. “Good Lord, how I so hate that man, and I still hold him partly responsible for Juan’s death.”

  “As do I. Let the bastard do as he wishes, after the delivery truck arrives tomorrow, we will have him before us on his knees.”

  Malena reached into a pocket on her dress and withdrew a blade, which she unfolded. The sharp edge of the weapon gleamed in the light coming through the windows.

  “Alexa, the bitch who killed my brother, I cannot wait to have her at my mercy.”

  “Remember, my love, do not kill her quickly.”

  Malena smiled wickedly. “How many men are here, Alonso?”

  “Nearly three-hundred outside the walls, and another dozen or so inside them, why?”

  “The bitch, Alexa, I will stake her to the ground and let all the men have a turn with her, and after that humiliation is done, then she’ll be mine to play with. I promise you, her end will not come swiftly.”

  Alvarado laughed, and Malena joined in, as they both reveled in what they believed was to come.

  In Mexico City, Hector Ramos put away his phone. He was the one who had informed Alvarado about the seven men who were murdered at the private club.

  Hector was in his car and headed for a meeting. He and three others met twice a week for lunch at the home of one of the men, to discuss any problems that were going on with the distribution of product, as well as the growing threat posed by Damián Sandoval.

  Alonso Alvarado had become obsessed with the trouble in New York City and his hunt for the man called Tanner. Meanwhile, Sandoval had been slowly encroaching on their territory.

  It would seem that Alvarado was right to be concerned about Tanner, but Hector was secretly happy about the slayings. One of the men killed at the private club had been his rival within the cartel and had recently been chosen to hold a coveted position. Now that the man was gone, Hector would be tapped to take his place. That move upward would triple the amount of money he made. It would also mean more free time, something Hector desperately wanted so that he could be with his mistress more often.

  He pulled into the driveway of his friend’s home and could tell by the cars parked there that he was the last to arrive. Hector grinned, once he was moved up and running an entire district, he would hire a driver, and after a few more years had passed, he was certain he would be running the entire city.

  Hector walked around and knocked on the back door as he always did, but his mind was in the future and pondering the glories and prestige that were to come.

  As the door opened, Hector smiled in greeting, but the grin faded as he took in the bloody corpses of his friends, which were sprawled on the floor around a table.

  The man who had opened the door was staring at him with the most intense gaze he had ever seen, and Hector had time to whisper one last word before he died.



  Time Is Running Out

  The two thugs who had uncovered Alexa’s name and address went to her apartment and discovered that she had moved out months earlier. One of them made a call, and several F
ederales owned by Alvarado came to the area to interview neighbors, while hoping to learn where Alexa had moved to after she had left her apartment.

  The truth was that she had been living out of her van and a succession of motels, while she spent months gathering intel on the cartel and killing the men who worked for it.

  Other Federales were searching her background, but that would take time and could involve bribes and threats.

  When a neighbor suggested that another neighbor, a young woman named Sylvia, had been a friend of Alexa’s when she lived in the apartment building, the Federales made talking to Sylvia their next priority.

  They broke into Sylvia’s apartment when they received no answer, and later learned that the woman was at her job in Churubusco, which was a thirty-minute drive.

  The Federales got back in their vehicle and drove to Churubusco to ask Sylvia what she knew about Alexa. Following right behind them were the two thugs Alvarado had tasked with finding Alexa’s family. If Sylvia refused to talk to the Federales, she would not refuse to speak to them.

  Great pain tended to loosen stuck tongues.

  Amy nearly leapt out of her skin when her phone rang. She was still in her car and staring at Rodrigo’s home, but Alexa’s father and his companion had yet to come home from their trip.

  The Tin Horsemen had returned to the car and were waiting with Amy. Scar and Bruise had walked to a restaurant on the highway and returned with lunch, but Amy had barely eaten, as her nervousness had made her lose all appetite.


  “It’s me, honey; please tell me you have Rodrigo and Emilio?”

  “No, Spenser, we’re still waiting.”

  “Leave there, Amy. You’ve done all you can do, but Dante just called and told us that Alvarado knows Alexa’s name, and knowing that, it won’t be long until he finds out where Rodrigo lives.”

  “Oh God, but Spenser, I can’t leave, Rodrigo must be warned.”

  “Alexa has left him numerous messages on his cell phone and the landline. Hopefully, he’ll check his messages as soon as he walks in the door.”


  “Yes, but in either event, you and the boys have to leave there, or you may be harmed.”

  “Are you at least close to us?”

  “No, we’re still in Mexico City.”

  Amy was silent for a moment. After taking a deep breath, she spoke. “I’m staying. I promised Alexa that I would get her father to safety and that’s just what I’m going to do.”

  “Amy, this is no time to be stubborn. Baby, we’re talking about your life here.”

  “I understand that, Spenser, and I won’t change my mind. Tell Alexa that I will see her father to safety.”

  Amy heard Spenser curse beneath his breath, and it was followed by a sigh. “You are one stubborn woman, do you know that?”

  Amy grinned. “I do, and we’ll all see you at the rendezvous point later, I promise.”

  “I love you, Amy.”

  “I love you too, Spenser,” Amy said, and sitting beside her, Abrasion balled his hands into fists.

  After Spenser ended the call, he saw that Alexa was looking at him. He, Tanner, and Alexa were preparing to cause Alvarado more grief, as they made plans in the rear parking lot of a convenience store in Mexico City.

  “Amy is staying?”

  “Yes, and it worries me.”

  “I’m concerned as well, but Papa should arrive home soon.”

  “We could head there now if you’d like to, Spenser?” Tanner said.

  Spenser blew out a great sigh. “I would go there in a heartbeat if she was close, but it’s two hours away, and Alexa’s right, her father should be home soon. Let’s just keep going here and I’ll stay in touch with Amy by phone.”

  Alexa touched Spenser on the arm. “If it makes you feel any better, although I’m concerned, I’m not worried, and I feel that they will be all right.”

  Spenser smiled. “If you’re not worried then I guess I shouldn’t be either, so let’s get back to work.”

  Sylvia Venta was seated inside her cubicle at the insurance company she worked at and was looking up at the two stone-faced Federales.

  Sylvia had dyed red hair and had been eating lunch at her desk when the men appeared. She wiped her hands on a napkin and answered their questions.

  “Yes, I know Alexa Lucia. She was a neighbor.”

  “We were told you were friends. Do you know where she’s moved to?”

  “No, and we were more like friendly than actual friends. But Alexa was friends with the woman who owned the gym we worked out at.”

  “What’s the name of this gym?” the man asked, and then they were off to find another link in the chain that would lead them to Rodrigo’s doorstep.

  Amy and the boys were standing outside their rented SUV as she filled them in on the growing threat they faced.

  “It’s just a matter of time until some of Alvarado’s men come here, so I want you guys to take the car and head to the rendezvous point.”

  Amy had handed Scar the keys. He stared at them as they sat in the palm of his hand.

  “What? You want us to just leave you?”

  “When Rodrigo shows, I’ll ride with him and Emilio, but it’s too dangerous for you to stay here.”

  Bruise looked torn. He hated any kind of pain and was smart enough to fear Alvarado, but he had enough heart not to leave an unarmed woman to fend for herself.

  “Yo, Scar, we ain’t leaving, are we?”

  “No, we’re not,” Abrasion said. “I mean you guys do what you want, but I’m not leaving Amy here alone.”

  Amy grabbed his arm. “I want you all to go, Lionel. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if any of you boys got hurt.”

  Abrasion freed his arm from her grip. “We’re not boys, and I know I’m not as big and tough as Spenser, but I’m not a coward either. I’m staying.”

  Scar handed Amy back the keys. “We’ll all stay, but we’ll keep watch too. If we see anybody that doesn’t look cool, we’ll call you and give you the heads up.”

  Amy felt relieved and anxious at the same time, but she sent the boys a smile. “Thank you, guys.”

  Scar draped his arms over the shoulders of Bruise and Wound. “We’re the Tin Horsemen; danger is our business.”

  Bruise and Wound agreed with Scar, but Abrasion said nothing. He was still angry that Amy had called him a boy again.

  “Lionel,” Amy said.


  “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine, Amy,” Abrasion said, but he wasn’t. He had a broken heart.


  Beauty To Die For

  While riding in the rear of his stretch limo, Enrique De Jesús, had just learned about the second attack in the city, as four more narcos were found shot dead inside a home.

  The murders had been called in by an anonymous tipster, but Enrique had no doubt that Tanner was behind the slayings.

  Enrique De Jesús had been given the job of managing Mexico City after Rico Nazario was chosen to run New York City. The last thing Enrique needed was a nightmare like Tanner screwing things up.

  His call to Alonso Alvarado had not gone as he expected. He had assumed that the man would send him help to deal with Tanner. But no, Alvarado seemed content to let the American do as he pleased.

  Why not? Enrique thought. Hell, if I was sitting inside an impenetrable fortress with an army to protect me, I wouldn’t care what happened here either.

  It then occurred to Enrique that Tanner being in Mexico City could be a huge opportunity if he were to kill the man. If he could hand Tanner’s corpse to Alvarado there would be nothing that the drug lord wouldn’t give him. He would also leapfrog ahead of Rico Nazario as being the next in line to rule, since Rico had failed to kill Tanner when he had the chance.

  Enrique’s ruminations on the matter ended as he realized that his two bodyguards, who were seated across from him, were staring out the side window and gr
inning lasciviously.

  It was a woman, and she was a hell of a woman. She was riding beside the limo in a jeep that had its doors and top removed.

  The short red dress she wore exposed her long legs, as the wind pushed the hem of the dress even higher, while whipping her dark hair about in the breeze. Up top, was revealed a generous portion of her breasts, which jiggled with every bump in the road. Enrique found it impossible to take his eyes off her.

  Enrique’s bodyguards were practically drooling, and when the woman turned her head to look toward them, Enrique felt as if she were staring directly at him. But that wasn’t possible because the windows were heavily tinted.

  “Oh shit,” one of the bodyguards said. “If that dress were any smaller she’d be naked.”

  Enrique didn’t need the dress to grow smaller; he was already imagining the woman naked.

  She was matching the limo’s speed and continuing to stare at them, then, she smiled and winked.

  “The bitch sees the limo and smells money,” the second bodyguard said. “I bet she’d let you do anything you want to her, Mr. De Jesús.”

  Enrique smiled, then he reached for the button to roll the window down, a window made of bullet-resistant glass. The first bodyguard held up a hand in warning.

  “Mr. De Jesús, maybe that’s not a good idea, sir.”

  Enrique laughed at the man. “You worry too much, Sebastian, and she’s too good to pass up. Besides, where the hell would she hide a gun in that dress?”

  The window lowered, and Enrique smiled at the woman. Enrique was over forty, but he had stayed trim, was possessed of a dazzling smile, and wore enough bling to let any woman know he had serious money.


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