Saving His Princess

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Saving His Princess Page 2

by Elisa Leigh

  The next few minutes are a blur. One second Holly is screaming for me to get down, and then Johnny’s falling on top of me making it hard for me to breathe. The man who shoves him off me is the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. He’s so muscular and covered in tattoos. He talks to me, but I can’t understand what he’s talking about. I just stare at him, unable to look away. I’m in a daze with everything that’s happening and being rescued by a real-life Thor.

  The tattoo-covered Thor carries me outside and walks to the side of the house where a small plane is parked. He boards the plane but bypasses the seats and goes to a tiny bathroom. He sets me down on the sink and grabs a rag and gets it wet. The bathroom is so small he’s crowded his large form in between my thighs.

  “You’re too beautiful to be covered in blood.”

  I realize I’m covered in blood when I look down at my arms.

  “I’m sorry it got all over you Princess.” The huge man says as he tilts my head up and wipes my face and neck, then my arms and hands with the hot rag.

  I don’t take my eyes off him the entire time, memorizing this moment as the very first time someone has taken care of me.

  “What is your name?” I whisper.

  He stops rinsing the red rag in the sink and looks up at me and giving me a genuine smile. God, is that what one looks like? I’ve seen so many smiles, but none have reached their eyes quite like his does.

  “I’m Vince. You’ll hear other people call me Prince because that’s my name in the club I’m in.”

  “You’re Vince the Prince?” I ask, confused. They don’t have princes here in the United States, right? I don’t understand.

  He laughs and kisses the tip of my nose. “It’s just Vince. You can call me whatever you want. As long as I hear your sweet voice calling, I’ll answer.”

  Oh wow! I just watched this man kill someone who was determined to hurt me, then he rescued me, and now he’s cleaning

  me up. He’s treating me far better than I’ve ever been treated in all nineteen years of my life.

  “I’m Svetlana. I like Lana better. Thank you for what you did back there.”

  “Always.” He says and carries me back out to where the seats are. Sitting down, he holds me in his lap.

  The last thing I want to do is move out of his hold, but I feel weird just sitting here. When I make a move to get up, he pulls me closer to his warm body, placing my head on his shoulder.

  “Rest. I’ve got you, my Princess.”

  Feeling safe in the arms of a handsome stranger, I relax and eventually close my eyes.

  Chapter Three


  The flight home doesn’t seem to take near as long as when we flew into Atlanta. Holding her, my Lana, in my arms is quickly becoming something I won’t be able to go a few hours without. I finally understand what Pres is feeling now that I’ve found her, my one. Anyone with two eyes can tell she’s young and has been through a hell of a lot, but I’ll be here to help her through it. I have to be careful about how I make her mine, so I don’t scare her off.

  I watch her sleep, cuddled into my side, snoring lightly. When she chose to stay on my lap and quickly fell asleep, I counted it as a win. I memorize her every feature from her fair skin to her full pink lips. I want so badly to stare into her stormy grey eyes, but I’d never wake her while she’s sleeping so peacefully.

  As soon as Triton lands I wait for Rash and Jester to get Holly off the plane and then follow them out, my own precious bundle in my arms. It’s late, so I’m surprised to find Pres, Emersen, and Chelsea standing in the hangar. I don’t miss the look that passes between Chelsea and Emersen or Pres’ arched eyebrow, but I keep walking to my truck. I’ve had enough for one day.

  Once Lana is settled, fast asleep, on the passenger side of my truck, I round the bed only to be stopped by Pres.

  “Who is she?”

  I stare at him, waiting for him to move. I don’t have to explain myself.

  “She could stay with Emersen and I or Rock and Chelsea, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. You don’t have to bring her home with you.” Ryker suggests.

  “That’s not fucking happening. Lana doesn’t leave my side.” I say as calmly as I can.

  He laughs knowingly. “Holy shit! Never thought I’d see the day Vince ‘Prince’ Moretti found a woman. I figured you’d be a bachelor the rest of your life. Hell, I didn’t even think you were interested in finding someone.”

  “Shut the fuck up Ryker. She’s mine, and that’s all you need to know.”

  He crosses his arms and stares at me with a blank face.

  “Some things went down in Atlanta. Canton’s crew is probably already on property cleaning up the mess. There won’t be blowback on us, I can guarantee that. I couldn’t stop myself from protecting her Ryk. I saw her and immediately knew she was mine. Give me a day with her, and we’ll meet up and go over everything that happened.”

  He claps me on my shoulder and squeezes. The man is my best friend. We went to school together, basic training, and did our four years. When we got out, we decided to pledge the Steel Daggers and prospected together. We’ve been through a lot, and I know he’s got my back no matter what.

  “You’ve got a day, but we will need to talk.” He says pointedly and looks at the woman asleep in my front seat.

  “Thanks, man.”

  We go in our different directions, and I get into my truck, ready to get her home. She doesn’t know it yet, but this is her home now too. I’m going to make it my mission to make sure she’s taken care of for the rest of her life.

  She’s still asleep when I park in the garage, so I carry her up to my bedroom. Setting her sleeping form on my bed, I get out one of my shirts and place it next to her. I quickly undress her and notice her hot pink silky panties. I’m immediately enraged she has them on. They are something I’d imagine a hooker wearing. I don’t know much about her, but I know she wouldn’t wear these. Who the hell bought them for her and why is she wearing them? As much as I don’t want to, I leave them on.

  I finish undressing her and put my shirt over her beautiful body. Not needing to pull the sheets down, since I never make the bed, I lay her in the middle and cover her up. Grabbing a change of clothes from the closet, I head to the bathroom to take a quick shower. When I walk back into the bedroom, I’m happy to find her snuggled up to my pillow and sleeping soundly.

  Pulling my reading chair closer to her. I sit down propping my legs up on the side of the bed watching her sleep. I should go into the spare room, but I’m unwilling to leave her side. I watch her for half the night, but eventually, I can’t keep my eyes open any longer.

  Chapter Four


  I wake up having slept better than I have in months. I sit up in bed and immediately notice I’m not wearing any of the clothes I was last night. I look down at the shirt that is way too large for me wondering where I got it and who put it on me. I freak out momentarily wondering what happened, and then everything comes rushing back.

  I look around the room and find the man who saved me sleeping in a chair. That can’t be comfortable. I watch him for a few minutes, intrigued by how peaceful he looks, when yesterday he seemed cold with everyone, everyone but me.

  It’s still dark out, but the clock reads six fifteen. I’m usually up by five o’clock to be working by five thirty. I crawl to the edge of the massive bed and hop down.

  Finding the bathroom, I close the door, so I don’t wake him and turn the light on. Oh my, this bathroom is beautiful. There’s a nice sized tub and a separate shower. I go to the shower and turn it on as hot as I can take it. I scrub my skin using a washcloth I found in a drawer. I scrub myself until my skin is pink, and I finally feel clean enough to stop.

  I stand there under the powerful shower head thinking of nothing but the feel of the water raining down on me. It hits me that I’m not busy worrying about how Steven will react to anything I do. I don’t know what is going to happen to me. I have no idea what
I’m supposed to do now, but what’s important is that I’m free. Oh my god, I’m free! I start sobbing uncontrollably.

  Before I fall to my knees, he’s there, pulling me into his arms. I don’t know how he knows, but he does. He knows I need him. In a shirt and basketball shorts, he sits down on the bench in the shower and holds my wet body in his lap. He holds me, stroking my hair and rocking me slightly.

  “Shhh, Princess. I’ve got you now. Let it all out.”

  Holding him tightly, I cry into his strong form as he strokes my back. I let all the emotions warring inside me out. After a few minutes of crying, I pull back and look into his concerned eyes. “I made it, I’m out.” I wrap my arms around his neck. “I prayed every day for an answer, and he gave me you. You’re my angel God sent to save me.” I whisper into his ear, and he goes still. I kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Vince.”

  He holds the back of my neck in his large hand and strokes his thumb back and forth across my pulse.

  Clearing his throat, he tells me “It was an honor, Lana. I’d do it a hundred times to get you out of there and out of his arms.”

  Vince stands and walks out of the shower and standing me on the bath mat. I cross my legs and put my hands over my breasts trying to preserve my modesty. Turning around he reaches over and grabs a towel wrapping it around my body, then grabs another and walks behind me drying my long hair.

  I hear his wet clothes fall to the ground. When he walks around me, he has the towel he was using to dry my hair wrapped around his waist. Dear lord. This man is so beautiful. I pull my bottom lip into my mouth and bite down to keep from moaning. He grabs my hand and walks me over to the sink where he gets a new toothbrush out of a drawer handing it to me.

  As we’re brushing our teeth, I watch him in the mirror. He stands over a foot taller than my five-foot-four self, and I have to look up to look him in the eyes. He has tattoos running up both arms and across his chest. The moment I notice the small barbell through one of his nipples I stop brushing and just stare.

  The man is a god, and I have no idea what he’s doing with me. He’s been nothing but kind since he saved me yesterday. I begin to feel out of place and not sure of myself. I hate that feeling. I’ve felt that way my whole life.

  I’m lost in thought, still staring at his muscular chest when he calls my name.

  “Hmmm?” I mutter, clearing my head and looking away. I finish brushing my teeth and rinse. When I look up, Vince is staring at me.

  “Yesterday was pretty heavy. I figured we could just stay in today and relax. How does that sound to you?”

  “I need clothes. I don’t have any clothes or deodorant, or things. I don’t have things!” I cry out, nearly in hysterics again.

  He faces me setting his hands on my shoulders gently. “Easy love. I’ll get you whatever you need. I’ll take care of you, anything at all, I’ve got you covered, okay?”


  “Why what?”

  “Why are taking care of me? We’ve only just met, Vince. After you killed the person, I was handed over to as a reward, you just took me with you and haven’t let go! So, answer me. Why?” I say, getting louder with each question. I’m all out of sorts today, and it’s pissing me off.

  “Fuck! You were a reward?” He yells, and I nod. He turns and walks out of the bathroom, punching a hole in the wall on the way out. I stand there stunned and watch him leave. I’m not going to lie, I’m staring at his ass the whole five seconds it takes for him to walk away from me.

  I wait for a minute hoping he comes back, but when he doesn’t, I walk into the bedroom to find it empty. I open his drawers and find a pair of drawstring sweats and a t-shirt to put on. Once I’m dressed I go back to the bathroom to find something to brush my hair with. Finding a brush, thank god, I brush it out and pull it into a braid. I’m thankful I’ve always got a hair tie around my wrist.

  I walk down the stairs and find Vince outside in nothing but sweats, a long sleeve shirt, and house slippers. It’s December, and there’s snow on the ground, the man is crazy! He’s on his back porch staring at a phone, pacing and looking pissed. I walk into the kitchen, and I’m pleasantly surprised to find a pot of coffee that looks like it just finished brewing. I make us both a cup and then walk outside and set his mug in front of where he’s now standing.

  When I go to walk away, he places his arm around my waist and pulls my body to his. He kisses the top of my head and hugs me before leaning down and whispering in my ear. “Thank you, my Princess. I’ll be off in a minute, and I’ll make us breakfast.”

  I leave him to do whatever it is he needs to do.

  Chapter Five


  As soon as she told me she was given to another man, I lost it. Who the fuck has the right to give a person, a fucking person, to another? I knew I was about to lose my shit and I didn’t want her to see me like that. It’s bad enough I punched the wall in front of her. The last thing I want is for her to be afraid of me. I know eventually, she’ll see it, that I’m a loose cannon, but I’d like her to be in love with me first. Maybe then I won’t scare her away.

  I grab my clothes and my phone and get out of there quick. Holding it together, I start a pot of coffee in case she’d like some and walk outside. It takes me a few minutes to calm down. What I really need is to go to the gym and beat the shit out of someone, but I can’t and won’t leave her.

  Before I can make the call, Lana walks outside with a cup of coffee and sets it on the wooden rail in front of me. There’s been no one for years that I’ve allowed to get close. Every once in a while, I’d find someone new at Spanky’s, and we’d spend a few weeks together finding mutual satisfaction in a casual relationship. It never went further emotionally, they never got to know the real me. Even before Ryker met Emersen, it had been close to a year since I’d been with a woman. After seeing them together though, I knew if I were to give myself to someone, I’d need her to be mine.

  This woman, almost twenty years younger than me, sees in me what I see in her. We both need someone to take care of and love, just as we need someone to do the same for us. I kiss the top of her head, pull her body close to mine and hug her tight, then let her know I’ll be in the house soon to make us breakfast.

  When she walks inside, I call the person I need to speak with the most, the one person who can get me what I need.

  “It’s not even seven o’clock asshole, this better be an emergency,” Triton says, yawning into the phone.

  “Is Lana one of the girls that was trafficked?” I ask through clenched teeth.

  “You’re talking about the woman you brought home?”

  “You know who I’m talking about Triton. Now tell me. Is she one of the women?”

  He sighs. “I’m not sure yet. It’s possible, but I won’t know until I start digging into what was going on down there.”

  “I want to know it all. How long was she in that house? How did she get there? Does she have any family to go home to?” Fuck that last one is like a dagger to my fucking heart.

  I selfishly hope there’s no one. I’d hate for her to have to choose, but I’d make it impossible for her not to pick me if it came down to it. We’d figure out a way for her to talk to them but flying to Russia won’t be something we’ll be able to do often. I haven’t missed her adorable Russian accent, but we’ve had no time to talk, yet. Her accent is thick, and I’d bet my Harley she lived there recently.

  “I’ll get started on it VP. I’ll call you when I have the details on your woman.” He hangs up, and the biggest smile spreads across my face. That’s fucking right, she’s my woman.

  Walking into the house, I find her sitting at the island. She has the newspaper spread open in front of her, and she’s drinking her coffee while reading the funny pages. I sit beside her, and she almost jumps out of her chair.

  “Kakogo cherta!” she says, clutching her chest.

  “What did you say?” I laugh, and she scowls at me.

  “I said ‘what t
he hell!’ You scared me.”

  “I’m sorry. I only wanted to see what was making you smile over here, that way I can make sure you keep doing it.”

  Her frown turns into a breathtaking smile. I know at this moment I won’t be able to last long without her beside me each day.

  “What are you hungry for? I can make eggs and bacon, or I can make pancakes.”

  “I love bacon!” She screams and looks at me with big, hopeful eyes.

  I can’t help but laugh when she ducks her head like she’s embarrassed.

  Lana clears her throat. “Sorry. I’ve only had it a few times before, but it is sooo good. Steven would only serve it when he had guests over, and I’d sneak some in the kitchen.” She frowns and looks down at her hands, lost in memories.

  As much as I want to tear shit up every time she shares something with me about her time with Holly’s ex, I know she needs me to be strong.

  I lift her chin, so she’s looking at me. When her grey eyes lock on mine, I know she’s with me. “You can have bacon whenever you want Princess. You want to eat bacon with every meal, we can do that. You want to try different kinds, we’ll do that too. Whatever you want, love, we can do it.”

  Cupping her cheek, I lean in and kiss her softly. I know she’s not ready for us, but I need her to know a fraction of what I’m feeling. When she leans into my touch and swipes her tongue across my lips, I groan out, and she pulls away.

  “Was that wrong?” She asks.

  Sliding my hand into her hair, I pull her to me and skim my nose up her neck, inhaling the smell of my soap on her skin. Fuck, just the smell of my soap mixed with her sweet scent drives me crazy. I suck her earlobe into my mouth and nip it lightly. “That was so fucking right, Princess.” I pull back and kiss her flushed cheeks needing to do something before I lose control and push her up against the counter showing her all the ways I’ll love her.


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