Storm of Desire

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Storm of Desire Page 3

by Cara Marsi

  Aiden leaned forward, clearly curious. “What happened between you and your mother?”

  “Let it be, Aiden.” Sam finished her drink and grabbed the bottle to pour another glass. Her hand shook slightly as remembered humiliation washed over her. An image flashed in her mind like the lightning that had earlier lit the sky. Her mother and Kurt in bed together, the sheets in disarray around them.

  “Sam? Are you okay?”

  The thunder and lightning had stopped but sleet pelted the windows, sounding like hundreds of stones, and the keening wind continued its ominous refrain, mirroring her unsettled thoughts. The lights flickered for a few seconds, then held steady.

  She gripped her wine glass tighter. Her mother’s betrayal had cut deep. Through the years she’d been hurt and humiliated by her mother’s having sex with random guys. But the fact that her mother had thought so little of her own daughter that she’d gone to bed with Kurt had crushed a part of Sam’s heart. She’d never gotten it back.


  She turned her attention back to Aiden. “I told my mother she needed a generator,” she said, unable to keep a note of anger out of her voice.

  Aiden gave her a questioning look, but only said, “I think we’d better ready the candles and flashlights.”

  Sam cleaned the kitchen while Aiden stacked wood in the fireplace so they’d have heat if the power went out. The cats had been fed and were hiding again. Sam couldn’t blame them. The storm grew stronger as the evening went on.

  Aiden stepped into the kitchen. “Do you need help?”

  “I’m done.” She hung up the dish towel and turned to him. God, he was hot, especially with his hair softly curling around the collar of his sweater. She clenched her hands at her sides, resisting the urge to reach out and see if his hair was as silky as she remembered.

  She cleared her throat. Unlike her mother, she could control her hormones. She could. “I guess we’d better go into the living room and watch the weather reports on TV while we still have power.” Her gaze slid over Aiden’s dark blue sweater, appreciating the way it stretched across his broad chest and how his faded jeans hugged his long, muscular legs.

  He caught her checking him out, and his mouth tilted in a teasing grin that made her face burn.

  “I guess you’ll have to stay in those clothes the next few days.” She blurted the first thing that came to mind.

  He shook his head. “Uncle Sean and I are the same size. He’s got plenty of clothes here.”

  “Funny, I didn’t notice any men’s things in Mom’s room when we were looking for Quincy and Casey.”

  “You were focused on getting the cats. Let’s go watch the news while we can.”


  A half hour later the lights began flickering wildly. Sam and Aiden looked at each other, then she quickly set about lighting the candles they’d put on the tables in the living room while Aiden lit the fire in the hearth. They’d found only two flashlights and she set both within easy reach. As if Mother Nature had waited for them, the lights went out as soon as she lit the last candle.

  Sam straightened and turned, only to slam into something hard, firm, and immobile. Aiden. She jumped back.

  “Sam?” He reached for her, grasping her shoulders. “It’ll be okay. I promise.”

  “I’m not afraid.” At least not of the weather. Feigning a calmness she didn’t feel, she said, “I need to sit.”

  She settled onto the couch, scooting to one end. Aiden sat at the other end. The candles cast a golden glow around them, changing the plain room into something romantic and mysterious. The fire crackled and hissed, sending up sparks.

  Although she sat on the other side of the couch, being this near to Aiden in the romantic atmosphere sent sparks through her veins as well.

  Aiden moved closer. Reaching out, he gently brushed back strands of hair from her face. She raised her gaze to his. “I need to know something,” he said. “Why did you run off that night? You never returned my calls. I thought we had something.”

  Sam turned away and gazed into the fire. On some level, she’d always known this day would come.

  “I was so damn angry with you,” he whispered. “I still am a little.”

  “Aiden, please don’t.”

  “Do you know the fantasies I had about you before that night? The fantasies I had about you in school? Hell, the fantasies I’m having now. You were so damn cute. And now you’re beautiful. I wanted you so badly. And finally, you were mine, for that one night. But you ran. Why, Samantha?”

  Swallowing, she blinked back tears, still not looking at him. “I had to leave, Aiden. I had no choice.”

  “Everyone has choices.”

  She faced him then. “Don’t you get it? I found out I wasn’t any different from my mother. I used you for sex.”

  His pause was thoughtful. “That’s it? That’s why you weren’t in my bed when I woke the next morning and why you didn’t you return my calls?”

  One of the cats chose that moment to come out of hiding and jump onto the back of the sofa, distracting Aiden and giving Sam a chance to gather her thoughts.

  When he turned his attention back to her, she drew a deep breath and began again. “I was ashamed. You know what my mother is like. Heck, all of Fenwick and Rehoboth know Lisa Greco’s reputation.”

  He shook his head. “I’ve heard the stories, but I’ve always liked your mother. And I don’t believe half the gossip I hear.” His gaze searched hers. “I’ve always felt a little sorry for Lisa. I think something was missing in her life and she tried to find it with men.”

  Sam hitched a shoulder. “Try growing up with a mother like that—knowing people talked about her—and me—behind our backs. Seeing the looks men gave her, the looks they were starting to give me. Seeing her with men, lots of men.”

  “Come here, Sam.”

  Against her better judgment, Sam allowed him to pull her close, to hold her against him. The steady beat of his heart contrasted with the rapid beating of hers. She felt her muscles relax as once again calmness stole over her.

  He kissed the top of her head. “You said she didn’t let any man live here while you were growing up. She did that for you, Sam.”

  “Maybe. I never thought of it that way.” Her voice was muffled against his chest.

  “Uncle Sean’s been in love with your mother for years.”

  Sam pushed gently away and looked into Aiden’s eyes. “He has?”

  “Why do you think he’s never married?”

  “Does she love him?”

  “I believe so. Now. I think Lisa had a lot of growing up to do and Uncle Sean waited for her. There’s got to be a reason why your mother did the things she did. Talk to her.”

  “No.” The word burst from her. “I can’t.”

  He studied her. “I still don’t get why you ran away from me that night. You’re nothing like your mother.”

  “I-I was afraid I was becoming her. Always running to a man, using him for sex.” She looked down and rolled the hem of her sweater between her fingers. “You’re a decent guy. I-I had feelings for you. You didn’t deserve to be used.”

  “You had feelings for me?” he asked softly.

  “We were friends. I always liked you.”

  “Nothing more?”

  Unsure how to answer, she smoothed her hands over her sweater, avoiding his eyes.

  He took both her hands in his and forced her to look at him. “Lisa had a reputation as a party girl. She was always wild. It was as if she was running and was afraid to stop. That’s not you, Sam. You were always quiet, sweet, and proud. Anchored where your mother seemed to drift. Regardless of her reputation, she did a good job raising you.”

  “You saw me that way?” She shook her head. “Others didn’t.”

  “You can’t be sure about that. As far as I know you were only wild that one night, only for me.”

  “You’re right,” she breathed.

  His eyes darkened. “And I liked
it. You can be wild for me anytime. Just for me.”

  “Aiden, no,” she said, even as she swayed toward him.

  “Use me anytime you want,” he whispered, pulling her closer. “Use me now.”

  With a groan, he crushed her mouth in an urgent kiss. She parted her lips, welcoming his possession, as she slid down on the sofa, Aiden moving to lie on top of her. Slipping her arms around his neck, Sam kissed him with all the pent-up sexual frustration she’d been afraid to release.

  “Sam,” he whispered against her lips. He nibbled on the corners of her mouth and trailed hot, hungry kisses along her jaw line.

  She squirmed beneath him, her hips seeking his erection. Moaning under his touch, the storm inside her drowned out the storm outside.

  “Keep still, baby,” he muttered. “You keep moving like that, it’ll be over before it starts. We’ve got all night.”

  He slipped his hand under her sweater and cupped one breast, massaging her through the thin lace of her bra. Uttering tiny cries, she wound her fingers in his hair. It was as silky as it looked, as silky as she remembered.

  “Your breasts—so beautiful,” he murmured. He continued caressing and massaging until she bucked under him, nearly crazed with wanting him.

  “Easy, sweetheart.” He grabbed the edge of her sweater and slipped it over her head. Then he tenderly and expertly removed the skimpy red bra and threw it on the floor.

  Her nipples puckered and her juices flowed, wetting her panties. She was so ready for him.

  He took one breast in his large hand, rolling the peaked nipple between his fingers. “Beautiful.”

  Still cupping her breast, he captured the other nipple in his mouth, sucking, licking until she was a puddled mass of need.

  “Aiden,” she breathed.

  He kept up his relentless worship of her breasts, his talented hands and mouth working their sensual magic, taking her higher and higher, closer to the peak. It had been so long. She felt her climax building, a flame burning out of control. Purring her pleasure, she twisted her fingers into the soft fabric of the sofa.

  Her climax rolled over her in fiery waves, and she moaned his name until she finally lay still beneath him.

  Aiden held her close and kissed her hair. “Liked that, did you?”

  “Yes,” she croaked. “Oh, yes.”

  “You’re so responsive.” His soft breath whispered against her neck. “I remember how I made you come just touching your breasts.”

  His mention of that other night hit her with the force of the sleet outside. Humiliation and guilt reared up. She pushed against him and struggled to sit.

  He released her and she quickly stood, then bent to pick up her discarded clothing, holding the sweater over her nakedness.

  He stared up at her, the desire in his eyes slowly replaced by confusion. “Sam, what’s wrong?”

  She stared at him for long moments, her body on fire. She didn’t know what she felt for him. Lust? Love? Or was he just a convenience, someone to take her mind off her problems? Until she knew, she had to resist Aiden’s pull. For his sake.

  “I’m sorry, Aiden. I’m confused. My feelings are all muddled. I can’t use you like that.” She gave him a shaky smile. “It’s late. I’m going to bed.”


  SAM FLICKED ON the flashlight and partially closed her bedroom door. She considered shutting it tight, but knew she had more to fear from her own feelings than she did from Aiden Rourke. He wouldn’t come into her room without permission. She set the flashlight on the night table, changed into her nightgown and slid under the sheet and down comforter, then reached over and turned off the flashlight.

  With the power out, they had no heat, but she felt hot enough after her make-out session with Aiden and from her embarrassment that she’d acted so out of character, so like her mother, so ready to use Aiden again. She pulled the comforter up to her neck and closed her eyes, willing sleep to come.

  Still awake two hours later, she huddled under the bedcovers, warm but restless. The storm seemed to grow fiercer as sleet continued to patter against the windows. Thoughts of Aiden churned her emotional upheaval, rivaling the storm.

  Quincy and Casey jumped onto the bed, startling her. She sat up and scanned the room before settling back down. They walked around on the bed for a while before lying down on either side of her, one against each of her legs. Their little bodies soothed her and she felt grateful for their comforting presence, but a bigger part of her craved Aiden’s closeness and his touch. He’d always know what to do to make her feel better.

  Tonight reminded her of that other night when she and Aiden had made love. She’d shown up at Aiden’s bar, determined to drink herself into oblivion. After two glasses of wine, she still hadn’t gotten the sight of her mother and Kurt out of her mind. When she’d ordered a third glass, Aiden had asked for her keys and offered to drive her home. Instead, like a total fool, she’d begged him to take her home with him. Before the night was over, she’d begged him to make love to her. She’d never before or since asked a man to make love to her. Worse, she’d begged him with a clear head—the wine had made her bold, but far from drunk. Deep down, she’d wanted him, had wanted him for a long time, but had been afraid to admit it.

  After making sure she was serious, Aiden hadn’t hesitated. But first they’d gone to a local diner, a quiet place, where they could talk. They drank coffee and talked for close to an hour. She got to see a little of the real Aiden, not just the hot guy she’d had a high school crush on. That night he made her feel safe, special, like a treasure he wanted to cherish. She’d known he wanted her to feel comfortable, to be sure of what they were about to do.

  Sam closed her eyes now and let that night play out in her head like a movie. They’d barely made it into his apartment before they started stripping each other, leaving behind a trail of garments from the door to his bed.

  Remembering his scorching mouth and hands, Sam touched her breasts under the thin silk of her nightgown. She massaged them, rolling the nipples between her fingers, pushing her breasts together, seeing Aiden as he’d been that night. He’d made love to her with a tempting combination of hunger and tenderness, worshipping her with his hands and mouth and body, unselfishly giving her fulfillment over and over before he found his own release.

  Heat stole over her, putting her on edge. She shouldn’t have run from him tonight. Now that she’d tasted him again, she wanted to feast on him.

  A loud rumble shook the house. Sam let out a small scream and sat up, clutching the comforter to her chest. Screeching, the cats ran off.

  She heard footsteps, then her bedroom door flew open. “Sam! Are you okay?”

  The flashlight Aiden held filtered dim light through the room and silhouetted his body in the doorway.

  “Yes. What was that noise?”

  He moved into the room. As her eyes adjusted, she saw he wore boxers that rode low on his slim hips. His legs were long and beautifully formed, and his chest bare, the muscles defined and taut.

  Her breathing went shallow.

  “It may have been a telephone pole going down, or maybe lightning hit a transformer,” he said. “I looked out, but I didn’t see anything.”

  “It startled me, but I’ll be okay.” More than okay, she thought as she deliberately let the comforter slide down her torso. “Looks like the cats ran off though. They were keeping me warm.”

  Aiden’s gaze went to her breasts, barely covered by the silk nightgown. Her nipples puckered. “I could keep you warm,” he offered, his voice thick.

  She knew he wouldn’t do anything she didn’t want. The choice was hers.

  “Then keep me warm, Aiden.”

  He sucked in an audible breath, took a step forward, then halted, shaking his head. “No, I don’t think so.”

  “What?” Fresh humiliation washed over her as she sat there half-naked, hot tears forming in her eyes.

  “You’ve been running hot and cold on me for what feels like my w
hole fucking life. And you’re doing it again. Not tonight, baby.” He turned away.

  “Aiden, wait.”

  He stopped with his back to her. “Go to sleep, Sam.”

  She cast pride aside, knowing if he walked out now, he wouldn’t be back. “Please don’t go. I…I’m sorry about what happened earlier.”

  “And the rest?” His voice was a barely disguised growl.

  “I need you. Please.”

  Suddenly he was on the bed and she was in his arms. His lips were over hers, hard and demanding. At her moan of surrender, his kiss deepened, became even more urgent and passionate.

  Heat jolted through her. All she wanted, all she knew, was Aiden. No one and nothing else existed beyond this room. He cupped the back of her head as his tongue skimmed her mouth, demanding access, demanding her complete surrender. She gave it willingly.

  His kiss coaxed and teased, promising the pleasure she remembered so well. He threw the bedcovers aside and pulled her onto his lap, He Hcradling her buttocks, pressing her against his hard cock. His touch and the memory of how he felt inside her, his strength and his size, made her wet. She dug her fingers into his scalp and ground her hips into his, needing to be part of him.

  With a low groan, he left her mouth to rain hungry kisses along her neck. His hands trembled slightly as he slid her nightgown down to her waist, exposing her breasts. When he took one nipple into his mouth, a cry burst from her and she arched against him.

  She slipped her hand between them to caress his cock, marveling at the thickness, at his masculine power, wanting him, needing him, to fill her. “Aiden, please.” Her words came out on a tortured breath.

  “Not yet, sweetheart,” he growled. In one swift movement, he tugged her nightgown all the way off and flung it to the floor, then lay on the bed and settled her next to him. She shivered at the sudden draft of cold before he grazed his hand over her breasts and down her belly, leaving a heated trail. She gloried in his enjoyment of her. She felt no modesty, only pure feminine pride.


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