The Earl's Stolen Bride (Marriage by Deceit Book 4)

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The Earl's Stolen Bride (Marriage by Deceit Book 4) Page 3

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  He smiled. “Good. If I see you at a ball, may I dance with you?”

  “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”

  “I’ll walk you back to Regina’s carriage.”

  “All right.”

  He led her to her friend’s carriage, and she tried to think of something else to say. But her mind was blank, especially since he’d held her in such high esteem for a year. She couldn’t imagine anyone else doing something like this just for her. There was nothing special about her, after all. She was one lady out of many. Surely, he could do better.

  “There’s really no one else you fancy?” she asked, daring a look at him. “No one at all?”

  “No. I’ve tried. I danced and talked to other ladies, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

  She didn’t understand it. How could she have held him captive for so long? “What did I say to warrant such devotion?”

  His steps slowed. “I don’t know if there was anything specific that you said. I can’t explain it except to say I sensed we’d be good together.” He chuckled. “I know how this seems. You probably think there’s something wrong with me. I’d be thinking the same thing in your position. I’m just glad you’re willing to give me a chance.”

  She stopped walking, and he did the same. She was almost at Regina’s carriage. It’d be a simple matter of going in there. Then she’d return to her townhouse. She could get to know him better over what little time was left this year before she went to the country. Then in the next Season, they could pick up where they left off.

  But the interim between now and when her mourning period would be over seemed especially long. She’d spent a year with a husband who only wrote the occasional letter. If she wanted, she could spend her next year with someone who was willing to wait for her. How many ladies could say a gentleman would be willing to do that for them?

  She clasped her hands together and glanced once more at the carriage. Regina was still holding her son, willing to take her back. But she knew what was waiting for her in London, and quite frankly, she didn’t want it.

  Returning her gaze to Lord Reddington, she steadied her voice. “I’ll go with you,” she said. “Today.” She released her breath. She didn’t think it was possible for her heart to beat so fast she could hardly concentrate, but apparently, it was.

  “Pardon?” he asked.

  “I said I’ll go with you.” She cleared her throat. “To Gretna Green. Like you suggested. And we’ll go to your estate and won’t return to London until next Season.” She swallowed. “Unless you changed your mind.”

  “No. No, I haven’t changed my mind.” His smile widened. “I wasn’t sure I heard you right, that’s all. You mean it? You’ll marry me and make me happier than I ever thought possible?”

  “Well, I don’t know how happy I can make you.”

  “You’ll make me very happy.”

  Offering a shy smile, she said, “I hope I can live up to your expectations.”

  He took her hands and gave them a gentle squeeze. “You will. I have no doubt about it.”

  She hoped he was right. She wanted to. Never had she thought a gentleman could be so enamored with her, but he most definitely was, and she wanted nothing more than to be the wife he hoped she’d be. “I need to tell Regina I’ll be going with you. Then I’ll return.”

  He nodded and released her hands. She took a deep breath to help steady her nerves and turned to go to the carriage where Regina waited for her. She could do this. No one would have expected her to do something so rash. Her family would be upset. But she was tired of doing something for others all the time. This time she was going to do something for herself. But even knowing this and knowing she was about to run off with someone who sincerely cared for her didn’t stop her from trembling.

  Regina looked over at her, her eyes wide. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine,” Chloe assured her. “Just nervous, that’s all.”

  “About what? Should I send Orlando away?”

  “No. He’s quite wonderful, isn’t he?” Chloe glanced at Lord Reddington, who was where he left her. She turned her attention back to Regina. “I’m about to do something terribly foolish. I doubt many will understand.”

  Regina scooted toward her and lowered her voice. “You’re going to go to Gretna Green with him?”

  Her cheeks warming, Chloe offered a bashful smile. “My husband never looked at me the way he does. I’ve wanted a love match ever since I was a little girl. I’m afraid if I wait, this opportunity will never happen again. I’m going to go for it.”

  “When you look back on this moment in the years to come, I think you’ll be glad you did, even if your time of mourning hasn’t passed.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  “I’ll let your parents know so they don’t worry about you.”

  “Thank you.” Chloe started to turn around but then added, “For everything.”

  Regina smiled. “He’ll be good to you.”

  Chloe returned her smile then went back to Orlando, her heartbeat picking up. This was a new beginning. She wasn’t going to marry someone her parents selected for her. She was going to marry someone she wanted.

  He led her to his carriage, and when she nearly tripped on the hem of her dress, he caught her by the elbow. “Are you all right?” he asked, his voice gentle in her ear.

  “Yes.” She laughed and lifted her dress enough so that she could walk without any more difficulty. “I hate this dress. It’s much too long, but my mother insisted it was fashionable.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m afraid it doesn’t help that I’m nervous. I’ve never done anything this spontaneous before.”

  “I haven’t either,” he admitted, his hand still cupping her elbow in a reassuring manner that reminded her she was doing the right thing. “And I have done some spontaneous things in my life.”

  “Like what?”

  “When you get in the carriage, I’ll tell you the most daring thing I’ve done.”

  Since his eyes were twinkling, she knew it wasn’t anything bad. Adventurous probably. He seemed to have a playful side to him. Interest piqued, she let him help her into the carriage. She offered a wave to Regina who waved in return.

  Once the footman closed the carriage door, Orlando leaned toward her and whispered, “I went for a swim in the lake at my estate without any clothes on.”

  She gasped. “Nothing at all?”

  “Nope. I didn’t plan it either. One day I was riding my horse, and since it was hot, I thought I’d cool off.”

  “Didn’t anyone catch you?”

  “No. I was alone.”

  “Well, I don’t think I could be so daring. This is the most adventure I’ve ever had.”

  “I will do everything possible to make you glad you took the risk.”

  She smiled, her cheeks warming from his words. Her heart was still racing because of all that was happening, but to be honest, she’d never felt more alive in her entire life. Deep in her soul, she knew he was going to be a good husband and give her the love she’d longed for since she entered her first Season. Maybe the notion of falling in love with him so soon was silly, but it was true. And for once in her life, she wasn’t going to overthink it. She was going to settle back and enjoy it.

  Chapter Four

  Orlando couldn’t believe his good fortune. Chloe. Though she hadn’t told him her Christian name, Toby had. And now he rolled her name around in his mind then added, Lady Reddington to it. She looked much more like a Lady Reddington than a Lady Hawkins, and he didn’t just think that because he thought his title was better. She belonged with him. He had no doubt of it.

  And now as the carriage took them further from London, he could rest assured in knowing he’d never have to spend another sleepless night apart from her. From now on, she was his.

  “Tell me about yourself,” he said.

  She turned her gaze back to him, and one of her curls touched her cheek. On impulse, he reached forward and
brushed it back. Her creamy white skin was smooth, complementing her dark hair which was equally soft. Her green eyes sparkled, and the hint of color which came to her cheeks was most becoming. Was it any wonder she’d haunted his thoughts for so long? Truly, there was never a more breathtaking sight.

  Reluctant, he set his hand back down. “I hope I’m not being too forward.”

  “No, I…I enjoyed your touch.” She cleared her throat, glancing away before returning her gaze to his. “What, exactly, would you like to know about me?”


  She chuckled. “That’s a lot to talk about. I don’t know where to begin.”

  “All right. Let me think… Your family. Tell me about them.”

  With a nod, she said, “I’m the oldest of five children.”


  “Yes. Two brothers and two sisters. My parents had me. Then the order goes boy, girl, boy, girl. All in a row, just like that. One would swear they planned it that way since they pride themselves on being organized.”

  He grinned. “How marvelous. What are their names?”

  “There’s Theodore who’s eighteen, Bethany who’s fourteen, Alexander who’s ten, and Gretchen who’s seven.”

  “How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I don’t mind. I’m twenty-one as of last month.”

  “It’s a shame we weren’t together to celebrate your birthday.”

  “Oh, there wasn’t much to celebrate. It’s just another year.”

  “Yes, but it’s a year of your life.”

  Her cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink, and she asked, “What about you? Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

  “No. I’m an only child.”

  “Were you lonely growing up?”

  “No. I have a good friend, Toby. You know him. He’s Lord Davenport.”

  She nodded. “Yes, I know him. I’m friends with his wife. Well, you know that because she brought me out to meet you.”

  “Right.” He didn’t realize he’d be so nervous around her. Of course, she already knew Toby was his friend. She knew Regina.

  “Lord Reddington,” she began.

  “Please, call me Orlando. It’s my Christian name, and since we are to be married, you don’t have to be so formal with me.” Then, recalling he’d just interrupted her, he added, “I’m sorry. I should have let you finish what you were going to say.”

  “No, no. It’s all right. I didn’t mind.”

  “You’re much too gracious. But go on. Is there something you wish to know?”

  “Well, yes. I was just going to ask what your interests are. Besides swimming without your clothes on, of course.”

  Smiling at the slight teasing tone in her voice, he said, “I probably should say I enjoy chess and politics. Toby does, and I have a nice enough time when we play the game or discuss such things.”


  “Well, I am the kind of gentleman who will swim without clothes on, as you pointed out. Toby would never do anything like that. The most he’ll do is dip his feet in the water. But,” he lowered his voice and winked, “you must never tell him or Regina I said that.”

  “Your secret is safe with me.”

  His smile widened, delighted she had such a marvelous sense of humor. If he’d had any doubts about her before, this removed all of them. “To answer your question, I mostly enjoy having a good conversation with someone I like. I also like to dance, ride a horse, and paint.”

  “You paint?”

  “It’s not widely known, but yes. And I’m rather good at it, if I do say so myself.”

  “What do you paint?”

  “Anything that happens to catch my fancy at the time. I’ve gone outside and painted the stables, fields, horses, and the land. I only do those at the estate. Our estate is Edmonstone. I’ve also painted that. But I have, on occasion, done people, though only a rare few who are willing to sit still for a long period of time. I don’t suppose you’ll be one of them?”

  Chloe put her hand to her chest. “Me? You want to paint me?”

  “Sure, I do. You’re the most beautiful lady in all of London.”

  “I don’t know if I’d say the most beautiful. The Duchess of Ashbourne is very attractive.”

  “To some who prefer blondes, I’m sure, but I prefer dark-haired ladies.”

  Though she shook her head, he noted the smile on her face and was content. It was an odd thing, really. She was exceptionally exquisite to look at, and yet, she doubted it.

  “Painting you will be one of the most enjoyable things I’ll ever do,” he told her.

  “Even more than swimming without clothes?”

  “Much more.”

  How he wanted to kiss her. He’d dreamt of kissing her for so long. What would it be like to feel her lips against his? But it was still too soon. She’d just agreed to marry him. The poor lady deserved some time before she was expected to do more. He’d wait. Now that he had the rest of his life to kiss her, he could be as patient as he needed to be. When she was comfortable with him, the time would be right.

  “I’ve told you what I like to do,” he said. “Now, tell me, what interests you?”

  “Well, I can’t say I’ve ever swam outside without clothes on.” She cleared her throat and continued, “I like to spend time with friends. Usually, we drink tea or go for walks. Um…I do enjoy balls. I like dancing. And the music they play at balls is nice to listen to. Sometimes I sit and listen to the music, though I prefer to talk to a friend if possible. Regina’s so in love with Toby that she’s with him most of the time. And Helena is usually helping someone secure a betrothal.” She shrugged. “Ever since I married Lord Hawkins, I sit and listen a lot.”

  “I notice you refer to him by his title.”

  “I didn’t really know him. I only saw him twice. Once before we married and then again on the wedding day. I suppose he was worth loving. It’s just that I never got to know him well enough to love him, that’s all.”

  He’d be lying if he said this disappointed him. The truth was, this was the best news he’d received after learning she was willing to run off to marry him. “I hope, in time, you will come to love me.”

  Once again, he wanted to kiss her, but he refrained. It wouldn’t do good to rush things. But perhaps she wouldn’t mind it if he held her hand.

  He shifted so he was closer to her. “You might find it terribly forward of me, but may I hold your hand?”

  A smile spread across her face. “You may.” She removed her glove then held her hand out to him.

  He took her hand and kissed it before he held it. “Tell me more about yourself, Chloe.”

  “What else do you want to know?”

  “Start at your childhood. Then continue on from there.”

  “I don’t know how interesting you’ll find it. I’ve led a rather boring life up to now.”

  His eyebrows rose. “Up to now?”

  “This is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  He laughed. “It is for me, too, and that includes the time Toby’s cousin caught me coming out of the lake. I didn’t realize Toby’s family was due that day, though I am sure my mother warned me.”

  “Are you telling me Toby’s cousin saw you naked?”

  “She did. I was fourteen, and she was thirteen. But in all fairness, there was a row of bushes on the side, so I didn’t see her coming, and she was as quiet as a church mouse. It wasn’t until I got out that she appeared from the bushes.”

  She gasped. “You think she was watching you?”

  “At first I did because she just stood there. So I asked her if she liked what she saw, and she screamed all the way back to the manor. That’s when I knew she’d come there by accident.”

  She giggled and shook her head. “What an awful thing to ask an innocent girl.”

  “What? If she liked what she saw?”

  She nodded.

  “I didn’t realize she was starin
g at me because she was in shock. I thought she was trying to catch a glimpse of me without my clothes on.”

  “Girls don’t go around trying to spy on boys while they’re naked. It’s highly improper.”

  “At fourteen, I didn’t know any better. But it’s in the past. She never joined Toby’s family for another visit to my family’s estate after that, and to this day, she still won’t make eye contact with me.”

  “I wouldn’t expect her to after such a traumatic event.”

  “I assure you, it was never my intention to scare her.”

  “I bet you didn’t swim naked after that.”

  “You bet wrong. I swim naked whenever the day is warm.”

  “But aren’t you afraid someone else will see you?”

  He shrugged. “No one else has ever come by, so it’s not likely to happen. The thing with Toby’s cousin was a coincidence. If you, on the other hand, choose to stop by the lake, I hope you’ll watch me on purpose.”

  There was that lovely shade of pink in her cheeks again, and he couldn’t resist the urge to kiss one of them. “I’m surprised a lady who’s been married before would blush at the mention of seeing a gentleman naked.” He squeezed her hand. “Enough about me. I want to learn more about you. Tell me all the boring moments of your life. Don’t leave a single one out.”

  “All right, but if you fall asleep, it’ll be your fault.”

  “I won’t fall asleep.” He didn’t dare fall asleep now that she was with him. If he did, he might wake up and find out it had just been another dream.

  “When I’m done, you’ll tell me everything about you?”

  “I’ll tell you anything you want.”

  “All right.” She settled against him. “It all started on the day I was born.”

  Chapter Five

  Though their journey to Gretna Green took a couple days, it seemed but a moment to Orlando. If he thought himself in love with Chloe before, he knew for certain he was now. He had no doubt she would, indeed, marry him when they went to the priest, and she didn’t disappoint him. They held hands during the short ceremony that bound them together as husband and wife.


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