A Vampire's Fury

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A Vampire's Fury Page 25

by Raven Steele

  “Give me the Kiss, or Mateo will die this second,” the Phoenix said. “I won’t ask again.”

  A bone-chilling sound ripped from Mateo’s lips. His chest heaved forward, his face squeezed tight in agony.

  “Stop! Stop! I’ll do it,” I gasped, my eyes never leaving him.

  “Good.” The Phoenix chuckled, a cold, heartless sound. The silence of Mateo’s halted screaming was the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard. “Bring the bucket and the blade.”

  A figure emerged, someone I hadn’t seen before, hidden in the shadows. It approached me with confident steps, and I tore my eyes away from Mateo. It took a moment for my vision to adjust, but when I saw who stood before me, I froze. Only one word came to me.


  “Could you think of anyone better?” Cassandra smiled, then sliced a dagger across my throat.

  Chapter 33

  Blood ran down the sides of my neck, past my ears, and into my hair until it landed in a bucket at my head. Cassandra stood with the Phoenix staring down at me. Korin was behind them, gathering the fatty remains of Naburus into his arms. I tried to speak, but when I opened my mouth, blood filled the hollow space and dribbled down towards my nose.

  “How much do you need?” Cassandra asked. Her face was a porcelain mask showing no emotion.

  The Phoenix tilted his head. “As much as possible. You know what to do next.”

  “I’ll see that it’s done.”

  He shifted his gaze to her. “And what of the Ministry? They will not be happy if they know of your involvement.”

  “Let me worry about them. You just do what you’re best at.” She turned around and scowled at Korin. “Get up, you fool. We need to leave.”

  Korin stood, his back hunched over the remains of Naburus in his arms. Left over bits of skin and bone fell from the fatty mass. “I need a bag.”

  Cassandra groaned and motioned with her head to the side of the room. “There’s an extra bucket over there.”

  While Korin shuffled over to deposit the remains, Cassandra bent down near my face. “The sides you choose are important. Remember that, if you live through this.”

  “If?” Korin’s voice boomed through the chapel. He stormed back to us, the front of his shirt and pants covered in Naburus’s remains. “She will die, as will Mateo.”

  Korin lifted his hands and shot fire through the windows high above us. Glass shattered and rained upon me. Moonlight came next, and it cooled my skin and gave me much needed comfort. But when the day came, sunlight would fill the inside of the church. My eyes found Mateo’s a few feet away from me. His eyes were closed but every few seconds or so, his body twitched.

  The Phoenix walked towards the front doors. “Come along, Korin.”

  Korin glared down at me with ragged breaths and rage in his eyes. “You ruined everything.” He punched me in the stomach, and the force made blood explode from my throat. He punched me again and again until my vision began to fade.

  “Korin,” the Phoenix snapped, his voice stern. “Now.”

  Korin scowled. His fisted hand moved back like he was going to punch me again, but it stopped suddenly as if someone had grabbed it. His body stiffened awkwardly, then his whole body began to rotate in a single turn. The Phoenix watching him with a gleam in his eye. “Your temper tantrum is over.”

  “Fine,” Korin grit out. His body loosened into a more natural state, his hand dropping to his side. He bent over, grabbing the bucket of blubbery mass and shooting me one last glare. His gaze flashed to Cassandra “You coming?”

  “Let me grab the bucket.” She bent down and removed what looked like a small container no bigger than her finger from a pocket on the front of her shirt. She dipped it into the blood then quickly screwed on the lid. She straightened and took the bucket with her without a word to me.

  I wish I could speak. I’d ask her why. Didn’t she know what would happen to her daughter if Trianus was allowed to rise? Maybe she didn’t care. Or maybe she had made a deal with Ivona to let Lynx live.

  As soon as she was gone, a soft pain-filled voice whispered, “Samira.”

  My gaze dropped to Mateo. His eyes were open. Despite the pain I knew he must be in, those glossy orbs were filled with intense love. I was glad they would be the last thing I ever saw.

  His lips parted open, quivering. “I will find you in the next life.”

  Warmth washed over me. Those last words would me give me the strength I’d need until dawn.

  “And I you,” I whispered, the words barely leaving my mouth. With very little blood left in me, my eyelids closed. I didn’t fear death, knowing I’d be with Mateo. But I did fear what would happen to Briar and Lynx. I wish I would’ve told them about the prophesy. Lynx was the only one who could stop it now.

  They were strong, and had each other now.

  A tight pressure squeezed my chest, and had I been able to, I would’ve expelled a breath. The last of the Kiss had left me. I knew it was gone because I suddenly felt lighter and more clear headed. Emotions I didn’t know I had been blocking surged through me, and I began to cry. Tears ran down my forehead and mingled with the blood in my hair. I was crying for those I’d leave behind.

  But soon, I grew too weak for even that and my consciousness began to fade. I’d still be alive until the sun rose, and then, suffer through the fiery flames.

  My last thoughts were of Mateo. Whatever afterlife awaited us, I hoped we’d be together. If not, I didn’t doubt we’d find each other. We were soulmates, after all. Nothing, not even death, could keep us apart.

  My heart stuttered its last beat as my mind and body retreated into darkness, a place I belonged.

  Chapter 34

  Drip, drip, drip. The smell of rust and sewage filled the air, and my nose flared in disgust. I tried to open my eyes, but they were too heavy. My fingers twitched, but I couldn’t move anything else. So I focused on my senses.

  Was I in hell? By the distinct smells, it definitely wasn’t heaven. Not my version if it, anyway.

  The air was cool but damp, and the sounds of a scampering mouse drew near. I could hear it sniffing, its little hairs on its nose trailing the ground, coming closer to me. Blood sloshed through its little body, sparking a hunger inside me. It grew until it was overwhelming, and I tried to reach my hand again, but no part of my body would move. The little squeaker drew closer, his tiny footfalls echoing in my mind, until I felt its tickling nose sniffing the tips of my middle finger.

  Pain shot through my hand as small teeth clamped down into my skin, and I yelped. My hand moved on its own accord in instinct, trying to capture the poor creature. I missed and little feet scampered off in a hurry towards the far side of the room.

  I groaned, head pounding, smelling my own blood from the bite. I slowly dragged it to my lips. The flavor sparked on my tongue as I sucked it into my mouth. I rested my hand back onto the floor, cold and covered in tiny poop pellets beneath the palm of my hand. It was concrete.

  Moaning in pain, I pushed as hard as possible, forcing my head upward and into a sitting position. I pried my eyes open and the world blurred around me.

  I blinked several times, trying to clear my vision. An antique dresser, stained with dust and years of sun, sat close to me looking as pathetic as I felt. I reached for it to feel if it was real, because how could it be? This had to be some place in my mind, a realm before I reached the afterlife.

  Before I could touch it, my fingers began to tingle, then vibrate. I frowned and brought them close to my face. For just a few seconds, they shimmered until they just disappeared at my palm. I gasped and blinked. And then, as if they never left, my fingers returned.

  A laugh bubbled across my lips. I was going mad. Maybe I wouldn’t make it to the afterlife. With everything I’d gone through, maybe I would become a ghost, trapped in the earthly realm for the rest of eternity.

  My laughter grew louder. I couldn’t stop it, even if I tried. It filled my chest, leaking through my eyes as tears
streamed down my face. The laugher evolved into sobs that clogged my throat and stung my eyes with salty tears. My throat burned, and I sucked in a deep breath, then another and another until I was panting with exertion.

  Would I ever see Mateo again?

  Pain followed the thought like a spike between my ears. I rubbed at my head, trying to ease it, but it was only followed by another jolt as I considered an eternity without him.

  Footsteps descended, echoing across my concrete chamber, and my heart skipped a beat. Eyes wide and pulse pounding, I pressed my back against the wall.

  A metal door groaned open in front of me. I frantically searched the room, looking for something to defend myself. If I had the time, or the energy, I’d break the antique dresser and use a shard of its wood as a weapon, but I had neither. Instead, mentally screaming in pain, I forced myself to stand, my fists clenched as tight as my weak body would allow. Whatever realm I was in, I couldn’t believe I might have to face a second death fighting.

  I heard the voices before I saw them.

  “She’d better still be alive, or I will skin you down to your toes and let the sparrows eat your heart out.”

  Warmth rushed through me as I recognized the voice, and my vision blurred again with tears. I burst out, crying again. Why was he here?

  “Oh hell. I’ve never heard her cry before.”

  Footsteps scuffled forward, and I sagged, my body unable to handle my own weight. Strong arms caught me and pulled me up into a broad chest. The smell of Detrand filled my nose. He clutched me tightly, pulling me into a hug. “You’ll live, Samira. Do you hear me?”

  I forced my head to move, to look up into the troubled eyes of my mentor and good friend.

  “You’re here.” My voice came out ragged, and I swallowed hard. My throat ached with need.

  He frowned. “Of course, I’m here. Do you think I would let this vulture nurture you back to health?”

  “You’re here.” I said the words again to reassure myself this was all really happening. I hadn’t died after all.

  “Give her the blood,” Detrand growled and suddenly the smell of fresh blood hit my nose. I reached over, ravenous with hunger as a blood bag was shoved under my nose.

  I pressed it to my mouth, sucking it down in seconds. “More.”

  The hand offered me another, and this time I forced myself to look upwards. Cassandra stood next to me holding several blood bags.

  “Where’s Mateo?” The words tumbled past my lips. I had to know if he was alive.

  She smiled, though it didn’t reach her eyes. “Mateo is no longer your concern. So drink up, darling, and get your strength back. You’re going to need it for what comes next. A storm is coming, and only the dead can save the living.”


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  A storm is coming, and you won’t want to miss it!

  Download the next book in the series, A Vampire’s Battle.

  * * *

  “I will embrace my darkness if it means spilling your blood."

  * * *

  Samira finally gave up the one thing she vowed to keep forever, the Kiss of Eternal Night, in hopes of saving her one true love. But fate had something else in store for her, and the Kiss was replaced by something far more dangerous. If she’s not careful, it will take her to a place she can’t come back from.

  * * *

  But Samira won’t let this new curse pull her away from her only desire. Kill Korin, the vampire who nearly destroyed her and took everything she’s ever loved. She’s willing to give up everything to accomplish her goal, even if it means crossing over to the other side.

  * * *

  Because sometimes it takes the dead to kill the living.

  * * *

  Continue this dark and hilarious journey with a SNARKY shifter, BADASS Vampire, and POWERFUL witch TODAY!

  Coming soon!

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  Other books by Raven Steele:

  Raven Steele is a coauthor pen name for Rachel McClellan. You can find her other books on her website at RachelMcClellan.com.

  Other books by Ava Mason:

  * * *

  A female Wolf in danger. Four Sexy Dragons determined to protect her.

  * * *

  A reverse harem paranormal romance




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