Pretty Little Lies

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Pretty Little Lies Page 16

by Jennifer Miller

  Kim sneers at Pyper, not returning the sentiment. “Yes. We did.”

  Kim does not like Pyper on account of this one little kiss Pyper and Kyle shared our senior year. It was during a time when Kim and Kyle were off in their on-again, off-again relationship, and Pyper and Kyle had both had a little too much to drink at a party. The punch was spiked, fun was had, kisses were exchanged. It wouldn’t have been a big deal – because Pyper wasn’t interested in dating Kyle or anything – except Kim’s friends that witnessed it reported the sordid details to Kim.

  I decide to change the subject before Pyper takes the opportunity to tell Kim off for her attitude, “We’d each like a dressing room please.”

  Stomping over to the dressing rooms, Kim unlocks two doors side by side. “Here. So what ever happened to you Olivia? Last I heard, Luke finally dumped you and you took off.”

  Pyper takes a step towards Kim and I grab her hand, stopping her. “I moved to Boston to attend college and now I’m a journalist for a living. I’m doing great. Thanks for asking.”

  I pull Pyper towards our dressing rooms, we exchange a look, and go in to try on our respective potential purchases. Inside, I stand there for a moment, allowing myself to make the facial expressions and say – if even to myself – some of what I really was thinking. I dread having run into someone from my past, and my stomach burns from Kim’s comment, but I decide that I handled it just fine. I remove my clothes and try one of the bras I’ve brought in with me. Standing there, checking out the sheer lavender bra in the mirror, I notice a sign stating that the dressing rooms are monitored. I can’t help but cringe. I sure hope I’m not on candid camera, giving someone a show.

  “Excuse me, ma’am,” I hear someone from another dressing room call out.

  “Yes?” I hear Kim reply.

  “Could you please come in here? None of these tit contraptions are fitting me and I think I need someone to come in here and measure me so I know what the hell size I should be wearing.”

  My mouth drops open and I hear Pyper snort in the dressing room next to me. I slap my hand over my mouth to try not to let a giggle escape.

  It’s quiet for a moment, but then I hear Kim answer, “Sure.” A door creaks open and then, “Oh my gosh, ma’am! You do not have to be completely naked in order for me to take your measurements! Please put your bottoms on and let me know when you’ve done so.”

  I hear the door creak again - Kim must have stepped out. I slap my other hand over my mouth because I’m going to lose it. I hear a thump in the room next to mine and wonder what Pyper is doing to try to contain her giggles as well.

  I hurriedly try on the rest of the sets I brought in the room with me. I really like the black lacey set I was first attracted to when we walked into the store and also an electric blue set that is sheer and leaves nothing to the imagination. I also select a fuchsia set that is very simple, but elegant.

  When I walk out of the dressing room, Pyper has a few sets in her hands and while she has a straight face, I can see the merriment jumping around in her eyes. We walk to the registers together. Once we are waiting in line, we look at each other and burst into laughter.

  I wipe off the tears on my cheeks, “Oh man, Kim is still such a bitch. Serves her right.”

  “So true.” Pyper wipes off her eyes too, “That just made my freaking week.”

  Still giggling a little as we walk out of the store, I happen to look over to my right. I’m not sure what makes me look that way, but I catch sight of someone and instantly freeze. I feel the blood drain from my face and fear trickle down my back. Walking away from me, going the other way, is Deacon. What the hell is he doing here? Without a word to Pyper, I take off after him.

  “Olivia? Olivia? Where are you going?”

  I don’t even think - I just move. Just as I am about to catch up to him, a huge group of people walk right towards me and I have to weave in and out of them. One of them accidentally bumps into me and knocks my packages out of my hand.

  “Shit!” I bend over to start picking them up.

  “I’m so sorry!” the boy that made me drop them is mortified and helps me retrieve the packages from the ground. I thank him and stand up, ready to continue on my warpath, but I come to a complete stop. I’ve lost sight of him. I stand there and look around, turning in every direction. Nothing.


  I turn towards the sound of Pyper’s call and see her running after me, all her bags swinging in her arms, hair flying behind her as she tries to make her way towards me. I didn’t realize I had gotten that far from her.

  “What the hell was that about?”

  “I’m so sorry, but I swear I saw Deacon. Here. At the mall.”


  “Yes. We walked out of Victoria’s Secret and for some reason I looked to my right, and I saw him walking in the other direction. At least, I think I saw him.”

  “Olivia, that doesn’t even make sense. Why would Deacon be in Chicago?”

  “I don’t know, Pyper, you tell me.” I don’t mean to sound so irritated, but the thought of Deacon here makes fear stir in my belly and chest.

  “Olivia, you need to stop thinking about him. Let him go. He’s a dick and he doesn’t deserve anymore of your thoughts or energy. Keep him in the past where he belongs, and just keep moving forward.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. I just swear…” I sigh. “I guess I’m seeing things. I’m sorry I took off like that.”

  “It’s okay. I was just scared. I didn’t know what was happening.”

  “I’m sorry again. Any other stores you want to hit?”

  Pyper smiles, “No, I think I’ve done enough damage.”

  I return her smile, “Me too. What do you say we get some take out and head on home?”

  “Sounds fabulous.”

  I shake my head a bit trying to brush off what just happened. Deacon here in Chicago is a horrifying thought. I can’t help but feel uneasy as Pyper and I make our way to the exit, heading toward my car.

  ’m standing in front of the mirror, getting ready for my date with Noah. Instead of going to Water Tower Place like he had originally suggested, we decided to go ice skating. I love ice skating. I’m wearing the cute top Pyper and I bought when we went shopping together, with jeans as planned, but instead of wedges, I have on a cute pair of gray knee high boots. Even though the rink is indoors, it will still be cold. I’ve pulled my hair back into a ponytail so that it stays out of my way while I’m skating, and my makeup is light.

  Pyper walks into my room and checks me out, I see her behind me in the mirror, “You look great! Getting ready to go on your date with Noah?”

  “Yes. My hair looks okay pulled back right? I just want it out of my way.”

  “Absolutely, you look amazing. Where are you guys going again?”

  “Well, our plans changed. We were going to go to Water Tower Place, but instead we are going ice skating.”

  “Oh that will be fun! Are you guys headed to an indoor rink or outdoor?”

  “Indoor, the one on California Avenue. I know it will still be cold though.”

  I head to my closet so I can grab my gray, wool pea coat that will match my suede boots and a soft cream and gray scarf. I check the pockets of my coat to see if I have a pair of gloves inside. When I can’t find them in a drawer, they are almost always in the pockets of my coats. Sure enough, I pull out a pair of teal ones. They will do.

  I walk out of my closet and see Pyper is still standing there, “What’s up? Everything okay?”

  “Oh yeah. Everything is fine. I just wanted to make sure I knew where you were going. You know our rule.”

  “Yep. Always tell the other where we will be and who we are with…just in case.”

  “Exactly. That way I can tell the cops if you turn up missing.”

  I scrunch my nose at her, “That is such a pleasant thought.”

  “I know, but a necessary one.”

  “You’re right.”

  She smiles and says, “Don’t worry, I’ll pick a great picture for the milk carton.”

  “Ha. Ha. Very funny.”

  “Is Noah picking you up here?”

  “No, we are meeting at the rink.”

  I put my jacket on, wrap my scarf around my neck and I’m ready. I take out only the necessities I will need from my purse and place them in my pockets so I don’t have to worry about dealing with a purse while I’m trying to skate. I pull out my license, debit card, the little bit of cash I have, and a lip gloss. I head to my bedside table where my phone is charging, pull it off the plug and put it in my back jeans pocket.

  Turning towards Pyper I tell her, “Well, that’s everything. I’m ready. What are you doing today, love?”

  “Oh, my friend Kate called and she and I are going to meet for lunch. I haven’t seen her in a while.”

  I know that is code for she probably hasn’t seen her much since I moved in. “Pyper, just because I’m here doesn’t mean you can’t go out with your other friends. I know I’ve have had moments of craziness, but I’m doing fine. Really. It is okay to leave me, you know.”

  “I know that, silly, but you are my girl. It had been forever since we hung out, and for a while I just wanted it to be you and me in our own little bubble, reconnecting and hanging out. I needed it just as much as you did. So no worries about that, okay?”

  “Alright then, just making sure you are clear on how I feel about that. I hope you have a great time with Kate!”

  “Thanks, Livvie, you too! I’m sure your date will be…one to remember.”

  I look at her and shrug my shoulders. “I’m not sure what you mean by that, but I’m sure it will be a good time. I really enjoyed my last date with Noah!”

  I make my way to the front door with Pyper trailing me. Grabbing my car keys out of the bowl we keep on the table by the front door, I’m set. “See ya later.”

  Pyper walks to the door and grabs it to close after I head out. “See ya!”

  While waiting for the elevator to reach my floor, I feel my butt start to vibrate and it startles me. I pull my phone out of my back pocket and check the screen, number unknown. I push talk at the same time the elevator reaches my floor. “Hello?”

  I walk into the elevator, press the button to the parking garage and the doors close. I don’t hear anyone on the other end of the line.

  “Hello? Anyone there?”

  No one replies and there is static on the line.

  “Hello?” I say one more time.

  No one there. The elevator opens to the parking garage and I press the end button on my phone as I walk to my car. I’m sure whoever it was couldn’t hear me because I was in the elevator and they will call back.

  When I arrive at the skating rink, I see Noah almost immediately standing there, watching people as they enter and obviously looking for me. He sees me, smiles and walks toward me. Tall and lean, with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, he is definitely easy on the eyes.

  He reaches me and gives me a hug, “Olivia hi, you made it.”

  “Hi, yes I made it! I hope you weren’t waiting long.”

  “No, not at all! I would have gotten your skates for you but I’m not sure what size you need so I decided to wait until you arrived.”

  “Oh! No worries!”

  We make our way over to the counter so we can pay for entry into the rink and get our skates. There is a young girl behind the counter who looks like she would rather be anywhere but here. She looks up as we approach, “Hi, what size skates please?”

  Noah looks at me, “An eight please.”

  “I will remember that for next time,” he promises. “I will take a size 11 please.”

  The girl hands us our skates and tells us our fee for admission. Noah doesn’t hesitate, whipping out his card and paying for us both. Once he signs the receipt, we head toward a bench and start taking our shoes off and replacing them with ice skates. We stand, walk over to the cubbies, place our shoes in the same one and unsteadily make our way to the rink. I should have thought about how walking in skates in front of a date is awkward. I feel like I look like a complete dork. The good thing is, he is doing the same thing so we look like dorks together, I guess.

  When we reach the ice, Noah looks to me in question, “So I know you told me you’ve ice skated plenty of times, but do we need to take it slow or will you be fine? I don’t want to get you hurt or anything.”

  Instead of replying, I take his hand in mine and step onto the ice. We effortlessly make our way around the rink, holding hands and smiling. It may have been a while since I last ice skated but it is always something I’ve done well.

  “Well that answers that question! You are good at this!”

  I laugh, “It has been a while but it’s like riding a bike.”

  He laughs in return, “Yes it is. I know you told me on our first date that you moved back to Chicago a few months ago now. Did you live here long when you were here before?”

  “I was born here, actually. My mom is a nurse and my dad a doctor. They met at Northwestern Hospital in the emergency room.”

  “In the emergency room?” Noah asks, smiling at me, “Sounds like that could be an interesting story.”

  “Well, I think it’s a great story. They met literally over the butt of a patient in the emergency room.” I giggle, making Noah laugh too. “My mom assisted my dad with the removal of a pencil from, you guessed it, someone’s butt. Apparently, the patient didn’t see the pencil sticking out of the cushion in the back of their chair and they sat right on it. I guess the damn thing entered the body like a knife.”

  The thought makes me shudder, “I like to tease them about it. Their eyes met and they started to fall for one another over someone’s butt. Come on! It doesn’t get better than that! I like to tell them they are ass-tastic and ass-mazing. They just roll their eyes at me now, but I pretty much think I’m hilarious.”

  Noah laughs, “You are pretty funny. You have a great sense of humor.”

  I look at Noah and smile. “Thanks. My parents are still going strong. They are still happy in their marriage, retired a couple of years ago and moved to Arizona. They are only in their early fifties and they are loving life. I’m really proud of them. They still volunteer at a hospital there from time to time, I think they’ll continue to do so as long as they can. They love their work and helping others.”

  “They sound really great. Do you see them often?”

  “Oh, a few times a year or more. I love heading out to visit them in the winter when the weather there is phenomenal.”

  “Oh, I bet. A great time to get away from the snow.”

  “Exactly. What about you? Do you see your parents often?”

  “Well it’s just my Mom. My dad left when my brother and I were little. My mom raised us as a single mother. I have no idea where my dad is, and honestly if he had come back then or even now, I have no interest in having a relationship with him.”

  “Oh wow, I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s all water under the bridge now. My mom is an amazing woman that did the best she could with what she had. I know things were hard, but my brother and I didn’t know it because she sacrificed her own needs constantly to be able to provide for us. Now that I’m older I, of course, know what she gave up for us, but back then I had no idea.”

  “She sounds amazing.”

  “She really is. She lives with me, so I see her every day.”

  “Oh? She lives with you?”

  “Yes. I’m very over protective of her and really don’t want her living on her own, so I insisted she stay with me. My place is more than adequate for the two of us.”

  “Wow. Does that make privacy difficult?”

  “Not really. She stays out of my business, for the most part. Frankly, my brother and I spoil her. We feel like it is our turn to take care of her, after she took care of us alone for so long. She tries to brush us off and doesn’t want it, but we don’t listen.”

  Okay so I’m trying not to judge. It’s no big deal that he still lives with his mom right? “Does your brother live with you too?”

  “Oh no. He’s married with a family of his own, so it’s just my mommy and me.”

  Oh Lord. Mommy? I swear I can hear Pyper in my head screaming RED FLAG! RED FLAG! I say the only thing I can, “I bet she secretly loves her sons doting on her!”

  “I’m sure you’re right.”

  “How many children does your brother and his wife have?”

  “Two. One girl and one boy so far. Renee and Jack.”

  “So far?”

  “Yes, definitely. I have no doubt those two will have a brood.”

  “I’m jealous. I would love to have a niece or nephew to spoil. That is one of the bad things about being an only child.”

  “Yes, I love those kids. I spoil them rotten.”

  “I love it. I bet they love their Uncle Noah.”

  I look at Noah and he looks at me. He really is nice looking. Maybe I can see past the whole living with his mother thing. We hold eye contact for a while, which is great until someone cuts me off and I almost fall. Noah grabs me around the waist, preventing me from face planting in the ice, and we come to a stop on the side of the rink.

  “Thanks. Sorry about that.”

  “No problem.” He is looking at me and I’m looking back at him, he starts moving his face close to mine and I’m sure he’s going to kiss me, but then…SLAM! Next thing I know, I’m in a heap on the ice.

  It takes me a minute to realize what’s happened. I was knocked over on accident when Noah was bumped from behind and accidentally knocked into me.

  “Olivia, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. That just surprised me, are you okay? What happened?”

  “Some jackass bumped into me.”

  I hear a voice say, “Sorry about that.”

  I freeze and my head snaps over in the direction of the voice I would recognize anywhere.

  Luke is standing there, in skates, staring at me with one eyebrow raised. I stare back at him, my mouth open in surprise.

  “Hello, Olivia, I’m so sorry about that. I’m not sure what happened.” The fact that he says this with a smile on his face and a mischievous look in his eyes tells me that he knows exactly what happened. He totally did it on purpose to prevent Noah from kissing me!


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