Stolen Innocence: A Hotwife Novella

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Stolen Innocence: A Hotwife Novella Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  One thing was certain. I'd never made a bet with this asshole, and I had no intention of actually making a bet with him. Even if I was finding myself surprisingly and weirdly aroused at the thought. That had to be a fluke.

  "There's no bet," I said. "I'd never make a bet with an asshole like you for any reason, and I'd definitely never bet on my fiancee like that."

  I was surprised at my remarkable level of restraint. Once more my head was filled with delightful images of punching him in his slimy face. Delightful images of knocking him over and smashing him against that concrete. It was the sort of reaction that was a normal matter of course whenever I saw Ben's face, but on nights like tonight when he'd been particularly assholeish the temptation grew so much greater.

  So I turned and walked down the street, mired in a confusing turmoil of emotions. I was angry, but more than anything I was turned on. And that left me even more confused than anything else, wondering why the hell I was so turned on when I should be more angry than anything else. What the hell was going on in my traitor brain?

  "You might say there is no bet, but it's a bet! And I never lose a bet!"

  I shook my head and forced myself not to turn around. Not to go running back to give him a little bit of the treatment I'd been fantasizing about ever since he first started questioning Diana's purity and I'd started fantasizing about her being less than pure.

  No, I wasn't going to lower myself to his level. I continued walking away, and eventually his yelling faded into the night.

  3: Obsession

  Diana bit her lip as she looked up, the cockhead pressing against her pussy lips and splitting her down the middle for the very first time. She winced in pain, she was so fucking tight and the cock was so huge, but then she looked up and nodded.

  And I was sitting off to the side watching everything happen. Watching as a cock split her down the middle. Watching her completely naked form under another man as he pumped inside her. And as the cock continued moving inside her the guy turned and looked at me. Grinned.

  It was Ben's face staring at me.

  I shook my head. I was back in the present, walking down a street that was lit fitfully by streetlights. The city didn't exactly have the kind of money to keep up on streetlight maintenance, let alone lighting all of them at the same time, so I found myself traveling between islands of electric light and pools of darkness.

  If it was anywhere but this town I'd worry about crime. If I was back at school then I definitely wouldn't feel entirely safe, but nothing interesting ever happened here. Nobody ever got robbed or mugged or murdered, and at least in my case nobody ever got laid either.

  Like I said, nothing interesting ever happened here.

  Then again there were those interesting thoughts that were running through my head whether I wanted them there or not. Thoughts of another man's cock sliding up inside Diana. Thoughts that I wanted to chase away. Thoughts that kept rising inside me just as sure as my cock was rising down below every time I thought of it. I'd only been walking for five minutes since I left David's house, and already this was becoming a full-blown obsession.

  What the hell was wrong with me? Tomorrow I was going to call Diana, she wasn't allowed to take phone calls after nine o'clock at night which was another one of the ridiculous rules she operated under at her dad's house, so calling her now would be a no go. I was going to tell her about Ben and how he thought he had a chance to get in her pants. How he thought we'd made some ridiculous bet when I hadn't agreed to anything of the sort, no matter how hot it was making me on this walk home through a warm summer night that could only be made better if I had my fiancee's warm body pressing against me as I walked along.

  She'd think it was ridiculous. She'd laugh it off. We'd have a good chuckle over it, because he wasn't the first guy who thought he had a chance with her. He also wouldn't be the first guy to completely strike out with her.

  I tried not to think about the pesky little fact that I was one of the guys who had a struck out with her, repeatedly, even if I'd gotten farther with her than any other guy by virtue of being first her boyfriend and now her fiancé.

  Fuck! Ben was just such an asshole! If I had to get stuck imagining any guy having sex with my girl, why did it have to be him? Why did it have to be the player? The guy who treated women as nothing better than disposable tissue boxes for him to jerk off into? A new girl every weekend, and sometimes every weeknight, that was the persona he liked to project, even though I wasn't sure how much of that was reality and how much of it was just bravado and bragging.

  Then again maybe it was precisely because he was a such a player, real or imagined, that I was so worked up when I thought of him hitting on Diana. The idea that somehow somebody could crack that ice queen exterior was intriguing. I didn't think it was actually a possibility, not in a million years considering all the times I'd tried it, but the idea that somebody might be able to seduce her and get in her pants was intriguing precisely because that would mean it was somehow possible. That would mean even I had a chance, even if it would also mean that perhaps the only reason why I hadn't gotten into her pants yet was because she wasn't interested in having me there and religion made a convenient excuse.

  That was a dangerous rabbit hole to go down.

  I shook my head again. That was fucking ridiculous. That was the most convoluted and fucked up thing I'd ever thought. What the hell was I thinking? Other guys getting in her pants to prove I had a chance to get in her pants? It was fucking insane!

  I already had a chance to get in her pants. I'd date her, get married, and then we would share the most magical wedding night ever. That was that. That was the only foolproof plan guaranteed to get a man into her pants. And that man would be me, not Ben or some other faceless guy spearing her with his cock for the first time after I'd waited and been so good for so long.

  So why was I getting so hot thinking about another man getting to the prize before her wedding night? Why wasn't I fantasizing about me getting to the prize before our wedding night, which was the usual running fantasy in my erotic imagination? I just didn't know, and it was completely fucked up.

  Besides, a player like him really didn't have a chance with a good girl like Diana. No, he was absolutely wrong and girls like her weren't just waiting to be seduced. Then again he hadn't put it in quite such elegant terms.

  No, a girl like Diana was special. She was a jewel who deserved to be treated as such. That was why I'd never pressured her too much. And that was why an asshole like Ben didn't have a chance with her.

  What a prick. Going out and sleeping with whoever he wanted. That wasn't the life. That wasn't the way to true happiness. No, even if I didn't necessarily buy into all of that churchy bullshit, at least not as much as Diana's father would like his daughter's future husband to be into it, I was still a firm believer that love was an important aspect of any relationship, and that you were in a relationship whenever you had sex with somebody even if it was only a one-time thing. Not that I'd known anything about one-time encounters like that considering I'd mostly been a one woman sort of guy for years thanks to Diana.

  I felt an odd stab of jealousy that surprised me. Was I actually jealous of him? That couldn't be. No, I was the one who was on the moral high ground here. I was the one who would had Diana, the girl Ben seemed to so desperately want. I was the one who had the girl of my dreams, and apparently the girl of Ben's dreams as well.

  So what if I had to give up on some fun? So what if I had to give up on the prospect of a few one night stands? It was all worth it. It was worth it to have Diana. It was worth giving up the sort of fun most people had while they were off at college.

  At least that's what I told myself. Still, there was that jealousy.

  And the more I thought about it, the more angry I got, as fucked up as that was. Not that it was any less fucked up than any of the other things I'd felt ever since Ben had first started talking about Diana like that earlier in the evening.

  I was
making sacrifices to be with her, and sometimes it felt like she didn't appreciate those sacrifices. Sometimes it felt like she didn't appreciate just how difficult it was for me to do the whole waiting for marriage thing even if it seemed to come pretty damn easily to her. That it came so damn easily to her when I struggled so much was also a slap in the face. It was a shot at my masculinity. How much of a man was I if I couldn't even entice her?

  It had me almost wondering if there wasn't some truth to what Ben told me. Was it really that I was inadequate, and not that Diana was such a stickler for waiting?

  I'd always respected her boundaries. I'd always backed off when she told me to. I'd always pushed at those boundaries though, probed around the edges to see if she was still on the same page as far as the whole waiting game went. And she always acted like I was some sort of asshole for doing that.

  It made me wonder how she'd react if she had a real player coming onto her. If she had a guy who didn't care about her feelings going in for the kill. I wondered how it would feel for the perfect innocent pastor's daughter to have a wolf going after her instead of me. That would make her appreciate just what a nice guy I was!

  And as I thought those crazy thoughts, as the intriguing thoughts of another man on top of my wife-to-be kept flashing through my mind, I came to a realization.

  I was annoyed with Ben. I was annoyed with Diana. More than anything I was annoyed with myself. And I figured this was an opportunity, not a source of annoyance.

  I wasn't going to tell her that Ben was planning on putting the moves on her. I'd let the chips fall where they may if they happen to meet up.

  I think part of the reason I was able to come up with something that incredibly vindictive was because I also knew in the back of my head that there wasn't any worry of the two of them actually meeting up with one another. No, they didn't run in the same circles. Especially since Diana refused to come to most of the parties I went to over the summer. The sort of parties where Ben was likely to be in attendance.

  There wasn't a chance of them meeting anyways, and so even though I was thinking vindictive thoughts about how much fun it would be to watch her going up against a true player, at the same time I was also playing it just as safe as I usually did because I knew there wasn't a chance they would ever be in the same place at the same time.

  Still, it would've been fun to have her see what it felt like to have a real player going after her. I stopped short of thinking of it as a real man going after her.

  Those thoughts occupied my mind all the way home, and now that I'd sort of made peace with them, they were fucking hot! I couldn't wait for the next time I got to see her, even if it was at some stupid lock-in her dad's church was hosting.

  We usually found a way to sneak off to have some "us time" at those things, and I couldn't wait considering how turned on I was!

  4: Sneaking Away

  I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath. Diana looked at me with a mischievous smile on her face. A smile that promised things.

  No sooner had that smile crossed her face than she was on me. Her lips pressed against me and she pushed me against the door to the pastor’s office, to her father’s office.

  It was all so wrong, and that’s what made this so hot. One of my favorite things about coming to these lock-ins, which I usually hated since I figured her dad forcing her to do these was his way of trying to monopolize her time and keep her away from me, was that we always snuck off for some time alone and it was almost always in her dad's office which I loved defiling almost as much as I enjoyed defiling his daughter.

  My arms wrapped around her and one of my hands moved down to cup her ass encased in the moderately conservative jeans she wore. I say moderately conservative because while they covered everything, they were also tight enough that they revealed every curve of her body. It’s not like this was one of those churches where women always wore something over their heads up above and frumpy long skirts down below. Still, she never dressed quite as sexy as I knew she could be if she'd just let loose a little.

  Yeah, making out with my girl was one of the best parts about these events. Especially considering we were supposed to be volunteering for an official church function instead of sneaking off to his office for a little private fun.

  Of course right now my mind was on anything but volunteering. My mind was on the delicious feel of her body against me. On her incredible tits, not too big and not too small, with her nipples pointing out through her button up blouse like eraser point even through her bra. God I loved her. God I loved her body! She drove me wild, and it was moments like this that make me wish we weren’t paying attention to one of those pesky old-fashioned rules.

  We were making out pretty heavily at this point, and I was enjoying exploring her body. She let me do that much, at least. Aside from the whole no sex thing she actually wasn’t much of a prude at all which was a good thing even if it drove me wild and had me walking around with a more or less constant case of blue balls.

  Of course over the past couple of days I'd already developed one hell of a case of blue balls anyways. Mostly from fantasizing about her and Ben. Fantasizing about that bet he tried to make with me. Fantasizing about another man climbing on top of her and...

  It was even happening now. Now that I was finally getting a chance to get physical with her the only thing that was running through my head was thoughts of another man getting physical with her. Another man pressing his lips against hers. Another man feeling her body pressed against his and not believing his luck.

  More than anything I was imagining that asshole player Ben rubbing against her and thinking about how hot she was. About how he was pulling one over on me and winning that stupid bet in his head. It was driving me wild. It had me so fucking turned on. It had me thinking it was time to do a little more than making out!

  I looked over to the big comfortable leather couch on the other side of her dad’s office. We’d done more than a few naughty things on that couch before when we were sure he wasn’t going to be in the church to drop in on us. Like he wasn't in the church right now to drop in on us. He stayed away from youth stuff, particularly lock-ins. There was no danger of being interrupted tonight for sure, and now that I had her pressing against me, now that my cock was rubbing against her jeans, I was thinking of a few naughty things I’d like to do with her.

  Even as I was thinking of a few naughty things I'd like other guys to do with her, as fucked up as that was.

  And so I started angling her towards the couch. Started to push her back. She fell down and let out a giggle and then I was on top of her. My hands were moving down and I started unbuttoning her jeans. Started moving my hand into her panties where I was pleasantly surprised to feel that she was completely soaked! In my mind she was completely soaked because she was being so naughty with another guy, even if that wasn't something that was ever going to happen. Better to keep those thoughts to myself. I had far more pressing things on my mind right now anyways, like how fucking wet she was and whether or not that meant she might be ready to go a little farther than usual.

  I knew that it was futile, I knew that I was wasting my breath, but I had to try. I had to ask. Every time she got worked up like this, every time I felt her that aroused, I had to at least ask.

  “Come on Diana,” I whispered in her ear. “Why don’t we make this the time?”

  Diana pulled away from the kiss and pulled my head up, looking into my eyes. Her deep green eyes stared into mine. Her face, so beautiful framed by her blonde hair that was strewn about a pillow on her dad’s couch, looked absolutely amazing. Her body was heaving underneath me, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she fought to maintain control. I knew all it would take was one moment of her losing that control, one time of her getting too worked up and it wouldn’t matter that we weren’t married quite yet.

  I felt like I’d gotten so close at times, and yet I never managed to get her over that edge. I never managed to get to the point where
she was so turned on that she completely lost control, even though I knew there was a hellcat waiting in there if I could just find a way to unlock her animal lust.

  Once again I found myself thinking about what Ben said. How his thoughts were actually sort of an echo of what I was already thinking. And I found myself wondering, not for the first time since our conversation, if maybe he wasn't right. What if the problem was that I wasn't man enough? It was ridiculous, and yet I'd struck out so many times.

  It was starting to look like tonight was going to be another notch in my bed post, only the notches in my bed post were times I hadn't gotten laid with the woman I was engaged to. The exact opposite of the notches in Ben's bedpost. Damn him.

  I knew immediately from the look on her face that today wasn’t going to be that day. There was an almost sad look on her face as she smiled up at me. A familiar sad look.

  “You know I’m waiting for marriage,” she said.

  “I know baby,” I said with a sigh. “But you can’t blame a guy for trying, can you?”

  Diana smiled and leaned up to kiss me once more. I’d hoped that kiss might turn to more, I opened my mouth expecting that we might launch into another make out session, but no sooner had her lips pressed against mine than she was pulling away and smiling up at me. She wagged a finger.

  “Naughty boy,” she said. “You know we have to get back to work!”

  I sighed again and wished I hadn’t tried to go for the gold. Maybe I wouldn’t have distracted her so much, and I might have at least gotten a hand job or maybe even a blow job. As it was we were going to go back out into the church where we were helping chaperone a lock-in for the teen youth group.

  Not exactly an exciting night, but it was worth it to be with Diana.


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