Stolen Innocence: A Hotwife Novella

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Stolen Innocence: A Hotwife Novella Page 7

by Lexi Archer

  Ben shifted slightly. His other hand slowly started pulling down his jeans just enough that his cock was free. Diana gasped as he did that, no doubt thinking he was just trying to make it easier for her to get at his cock, only it was plainly obvious he had other things in mind as he shifted. As he pulled his finger out of her pussy.

  Damn. Was this happening? Was this really happening? Was I really not going to say anything?

  Fuck. Who am I kidding? I was going to watch and enjoy the fuck out of this! I was crazy. I was obsessed. I didn't care. I was so keyed up, so aroused, that I wasn't thinking straight. One thought dominated: I needed to see Ben dominate my girl.

  Diana gasped in disappointment and once more she was trying to pull his hand down between her legs as he pulled his hand away, but then he was shifting and positioning himself, pressing forward, and I saw her eyes widen as she realized what was about to happen.

  I paused, waiting for the explosion. Waiting for her to move her hand up and press it against his chest, to push him away and tell him she was waiting for marriage. I’d gotten into this position only one time before with her, and that’s what happened with me.

  Yet at the same time I was also hoping he would press inside her. That he would fill her. That all of the images I'd had running through my head of her being filled by another man would finally come true right in front of me. It was a confusing push and pull in my head.

  Her hand did move up. It pressed against his bare muscular chest that positively dwarfed her petite frame. Damn his shoulders were so broad. He was positively rippling.

  “Ben…” she sighed.

  “Think about this Diana,” he said. “Think about how much you’ve fantasized about this. Think about how much you wanted it back when…”

  I wondered what his angle was. I’d tried convincing her before but it never worked. Only with the way she was sighing, gasping, and writhing under him it seemed that something in the way he was talking was definitely working in a way that it never had for me.

  Surely that wasn’t going to work. Surely she was going to push him away the same way she did whenever I tried a cheesy line like that. Only I could see him pressing forward. I could hear her gasp. I imagined the head of his cock pressing against her pussy and for some reason that was turning me on as much as it was terrifying me.

  “But you don’t have a condom…”

  Holy shit! Was this actually happening? Did that actually work on her? Was she really only worried that he didn’t have a condom? She’d never said that to me! And I realized something else. This time she hadn't looked at me. She hadn't asked for that subtle permission. She was about to cross the biggest line of the evening and I'd been left out of the decision entirely.

  I realized in that moment that it was going to happen. Diana had given over to lust completely and I was out of the picture completely. She was going to get fucked by this man. He was going to win the bet I never made, and I was strangely okay with that.

  I saw his ass clenching and he started pushing forward again. I heard her gasp and sigh, and it was happening. His cockhead was pressing into my fiancée’s unprotected pussy that had never had anything other than fingers and my tongue in it on special occasions. He was taking her. He was filling her with his cock! He was filling her body and having a moment with her that was more intimate than anything I’d ever shared with her, and I wasn’t going to do anything to stop it. I couldn’t do anything to stop it even if I wanted to. I wouldn't do anything to stop it even if I could.

  “Do you really care? Don’t you want me?”

  “Oh God yes,” she said, perhaps a little louder than she intended to because her hand immediately went to her mouth and she giggled.

  That giggle seemed to break the spell. That seemed to wipe away any last vestiges that might have remained of her trying to be a good girl. Of her trying to keep up the pretense that she was an engaged woman who shouldn’t be doing this with another man. Besides, she was an engaged woman who knew that her fiance didn't mind her doing this with another man. Not exactly.

  I watched as his ass pressed forward, as his cock filled her, and then both of them grunted and I saw her tits jiggle. It looked weird because she was still partially clothed. She still had her panties on. She still had her T-shirt bunched up over her tits. He hadn’t even bothered to strip her naked before taking his pleasure from her.

  And I had no doubt that was exactly what was happening. She was just another conquest to him. Just a fuck. I could tell from the triumphant look that crossed his face as he pushed one final time and then he was buried inside her. That was a look of triumph that couldn’t be denied. He was going to take his pleasure from my fiancée, he was going to use her to get off, and then he was probably going to leave her and forget about her.

  Of course at the same time I took a perverse pleasure from seeing him triumphant like that. That meant that in a way we'd won. He was taking his pleasure from Diana, but in our own way Diana and I were taking our pleasure from him. We were using him just as much as he was using her, and there was a sort of poetic justice to that. He might think he was triumphant, but in reality he was just a guest cock who'd been introduced for a fleeting role in our sex life even if it was one hell of a major guest role considering he was the first man to ever fuck Diana!

  All of those thoughts fled my mind as he pulled out and slammed inside her. There was nothing slow, nothing tender about the way he was pushing inside her now. No, he had what he wanted, he had her pinned under him, her legs were wrapped around him and pulling him closer, and he was going to fuck her. He started pulling out and slamming home, the leather couch squeaking under the force of their fucking.

  I watched with rapt concentration, completely turned on. I couldn’t believe this. There was no way this was happening, this couldn’t possibly be happening, and yet I couldn’t deny the evidence in front of my own eyes as he pounded my fiancée over and over. As he took his pleasure completely. As he made her his in every way possible, in ways that I hadn’t even yet.

  Over and over he slammed inside my gorgeous fiancée. Over and over she squealed and grunted under his thrusts. Again and again their bodies came together and her perfect breasts bounced, looking hypnotic as they moved up and down, as they jiggled under his thrusting.

  It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes, but it seemed like that moment stretched on into eternity. He started to thrust in deeper strokes. He started moving in and out of her with more deliberate motion. He leaned down and whispered something in her ear. She bit her lip and looked up at him, then wrapped her arms around him. Wrapped her legs around him.

  Though it seemed she wasn't thinking of him entirely. She looked over his shoulder and locked eyes with me as he continued thrusting in and out of her over and over. She held my gaze as her next words came out and it was so fucking hot listening to her egging him on as she stared at me.

  “Do it,” she said. “I need to feel it. I need to feel you inside me!”

  Her body shuddered under his thrusts. She squeezed her eyes shut, she bit her lip, and buried her face against his shoulders. She was trying to be quiet. And why wouldn’t she try to be quiet? She was being fucked by a man who wasn’t her fiancé in her father’s, the pastor’s, office. Anyone who happened to walk in on them, anyone who heard them and mistook their sounds for a couple of kids getting up to no good, would investigate and that would be the end of her world. It would be the end of my world too considering I'd get caught too if someone happened to walk by.

  Hey, I might be insanely turned on by the idea of my girl with another man, but it's not like I wanted the rest of the world to know about that obsession!

  Finally he let out one last grunt, I was surprised at his restraint and at his ability to stay quiet even as he took Diana, even as he filled her, and then he was buried to the hilt and I had no doubt that his cock was exploding inside her. That he was filling her with his seed. He was taking her completely and entirely. He was filling her d
epths with his cum and he was the first man to ever do it!

  Diana's eyes flew open and that and her breathing picked up. Once again she locked eyes with me and held my gaze as her mouth opened leaving no doubt that she was exploding around his cock even as he was exploding deep inside her pussy. She kept up that hypnotic stare until it was done.

  They collapsed together. It was done.

  “God damn Diana!” he breathed.

  “Oh my God, I can’t believe I did that!” Diana replied. She looked over to me in my hiding spot and worry was plain on her face. It was pretty damn obvious that she was more worried about how I would react than upset about the fact that she'd just given it up well before marriage. I tried to give her a reassuring smile to let her know I wasn't upset, but I wasn't sure how well that was conveyed.

  Ben got up and started gathering his clothes. "Well this was fun, but we should probably get back to the gym before someone really misses us. Wouldn't want Sean to get suspicious!”

  Diana smiled, but her eyes were on me the whole time. Ironic that he was talking about me getting suspicious when I was right here watching the whole damn thing. Still, if he was heading out then that was my cue to make myself scarce for a moment. I didn't want him to know what I'd just witnessed, but I also wanted to talk to Diana while she was still back here secluded in this office. We needed to process the incredible thing that just happened and I needed to reassure her that I wasn't mad.

  I let out the breath and slipped away from the door. I looked around as I heard Ben heading for the door and finally decided to slip behind her dad's secretary's desk. It wasn't the best hiding place, but it was the best I could do on short notice.

  10: New Horizons

  I waited until Ben moved past my hiding place. For one terrified moment I thought he might turn and look at the desk I was hiding behind, it wasn't a very good hiding place, but some greater power in the universe was still smiling down on me.

  Once that was done I hefted my goggles and went into the pastor's office. I caught Diana standing in all her glory in the middle of the room looking around for something. Probably her underwear.

  Once she realized who it was she started breathing a little more easily. I slammed the door shut behind me and started to advance on her. I needed her in the worst way, and after everything that'd just happened I figured she was probably ready to go in a way she'd never been before!

  As she watched me advancing her expression changed from relief to worry. Her eyes went from my face down to my hands where the night vision goggles were still dangling in my hands. And then her expression went from worry to outright terror. Her face screwed up and then the waterworks started as she sat down on the couch where she'd just fucked Ben and started sobbing, her face buried in her hands.

  "I'm so sorry," she said. "It's just what I was always worried about. I don't know what it is. I always got so carried away with him even though he's so wrong for me…"

  I sat down on the couch and wrapped my arms around her. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I held her as she continued to cry. Only after about half a minute she seemed to realize that I wasn't exactly upset. I wasn't screaming or yelling at her or anything like that. The sobs started to subside and she looked up at me.

  In that moment my fiancée was the epitome of the term "hot mess." Her hair was in disarray. Her makeup had run from where he'd been kissing her and from where her mascara had run while she was crying. She was covered in a thin sheen of sweat.

  In short, she looked freshly fucked and absolutely beautiful. I leaned in to kiss her. Her mouth immediately opened to mine, no mistaking the taste of another man on her lips now, and she moaned. Her arms wrapped around mine. And then she was moving, throwing a leg over me, and grinding against my shorts.

  I felt dampness down there and I pulled away from the kiss, moved my gaze down her gorgeous body that had until so recently been the playground of another man. Past her amazing tits which were still heaving, with nipples that were straining out towards me. Down into that slick wet spot in between her legs where her wetness, my pre-come leaking through my shorts, and Ben's come were all coming together to create quite a mess on my shorts.

  Diana looked down at that mess and she giggled. Then she looked up at me and bit her lip. Her eyes were so fucking intense. There was a look there that I'd always prayed I would get to see, but I was starting to think it wasn't going to happen. Even on our wedding night.

  "You're not mad?"

  "That was so fucking hot," I said. "Besides, I'm the one who got you into it. How can I be mad?"

  That was all she needed to hear. Her arms wrapped around me and with a growl she was pressing against me. She was grinding against my body as she peppered my face with kisses.

  We didn't stay in that position for very long though. Oh no. Her hand moved down and then she was working at my pants. Unbuttoning them and unzipping them. Pulling my cock out of my boxers.

  I couldn't believe it. I was completely dumbfounded as I felt her hand wrap around my cock for the second time that evening, and then she was pressing me against an impossibly wet warmth and I was sliding up inside her.

  Bells. Whistles. Fireworks. The most intense feeling of my life as my cock slid up inside my fiancée for the first time. A moment that I never thought would happen before our wedding night, only now here it was happening. I was actually sliding inside her. And then with a grunt I was buried to the hilt. She was that wet.


  "Fuck me baby," she said. "Come for me. I need you to mix your come with Ben's. I need you to come inside your naughty little slut!"

  I looked up at her, took in that sight of her freshly fucked body one last time as she bounced up and down once, and then with a tiny whimper I exploded.

  It's not like I could help it. It was a combination of everything that had happened throughout the night. Over the past couple of days. I was so worked up that there was no doubt in my mind that I was going to explode immediately anyways. And Diana seemed ready for that. She smiled and leaned down to kiss me in a sensual motion as I filled her. As I became the second man ever to blow a load inside her. As my own load mixed with another man's deep inside her completely unprotected pussy.

  I saw stars dance in front of my vision and I thought I was on the verge of losing consciousness. It felt as though my entire body had a blast furnace open right in front of me, but it wasn't a blast furnace. It was just my fiancée and her impossibly hot body.

  She let out a whimper of her own and I realized she must be coming as well. It probably didn't seem as intense as what she'd experienced with Ben, but I'd take it. Apparently she was still just as turned on by everything that had happened as I was.

  As we came down from that high she leaned down and kissed me one final time.

  "Was it good for you?" she asked.

  "Everything was great for me!" I said.

  She sat there for a moment impaled on my cock, and she looked at our surroundings. At her father's office. Then she looked back to me.

  "You know, this wasn't as big a deal as I thought it would be… I kind of wish we'd done it sooner."

  "I'm in total agreement!" On both the sharing her score and the getting to fuck her score, but I wasn't going to ask her for clarification.

  She stopped as though she was considering something, looking almost hesitant. "So what would you think of maybe trying this again?"

  Okay, so maybe I was going to need some clarification.

  "Fucking or you with another guy?"


  I leaned up and kissed her. "I'm all for it babe!"

  She bit her lip again and opened her mouth, then closed it. I wondered what was so terrible that she was more reluctant to ask about whatever it was than she was to ask permission to fuck other guys again. It was obvious she wanted to say something, so I prodded her by reaching out and tickling her stomach. She was particularly ticklish there.

  "Out with it," I said.

  "I was jus
t thinking after all this… What would you think about maybe getting an apartment together next year instead of living in the dorms?"

  Once more I felt like a bolt of lightning had come down from the skies and slammed into me. My face broke into a huge grin. Getting our own apartment would be one hell of a "fuck you" to her dad. It would finally be breaking her free of some of his influence. It seemed like the floodgates had opened. Maybe Ben had been right in one way.

  My future wife was wild. It just took getting her out of her shell just a little.

  "I'd love it babe!" I said.

  I couldn't believe it. There were all sorts of new horizons opening up in our relationship tonight. Things I never would've expected when I came to this stupid lock-in. I couldn't wait to explore those new horizons with her.

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  Also by Lexi Archer:


  A whirlwind destination wedding leads to a bet with his brand new bride that will lead them into a forbidden world of watching and sharing!

  An old flame. A new obsession. A crazy game. A wild weekend. Four people, four fantasies, three days, and an unforgettable steamy homecoming!

  A faithful wife. A suspicious husband. An online game that lets temptation sneak right into their house even as it lets the husband watch every moment of that temptation…

  A beautiful young wife. A husband obsessed with watching her with another man. A sexy new boss who desperately wants to lead her astray…


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