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Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound Book 4)

Page 11

by Stone, Anna

  Faith let out a soft whine, the need within her becoming unbearable. She pushed her hips toward Eve in vain. She could barely move in her bonds.

  “On the other hand, I like showing everyone just how obedient a pet you are,” Eve said. “Do you think they’d enjoy watching me make you come?”

  “Yes,” Faith said. “Please. ”

  “Please, what? Tell me what you want me to do to you.”

  Faith looked around. There were a few more eyes on the two of them now. Although Faith was fully clothed, with Eve’s hand down her skirt it was clear what was happening. But Faith wanted them to see. She wanted everyone to see how much Faith was Eve’s, how masterfully Eve was able to command her body. She wanted everyone to know that Faith belonged to Eve completely.

  She closed her eyes. “Please fuck me, Mistress.”

  At once, Eve slid her fingers into Faith’s slit. There was no more teasing, no hesitation. Eve simply entered her with one shove. Faith shuddered, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. Something about being bound and teased for so long had set every nerve in Faith’s body on edge.

  Eve’s ice-cooled fingers warmed inside her as they grew more frantic. Her lips crashed against Faith’s again, her body pinning Faith against the wall. Faith writhed and tugged at her restraints. Eve’s skin against hers, and her fingers inside, her warmth, her ravenous lips, her cool tongue, her taste—it was all too much.

  Faith convulsed against Eve’s body, straining against her chains as pleasure emanated out from her center, tearing through her like wildfire.

  She gasped for air as she came back down from the pleasurable heights she’d reached, her body sagging in her bonds. Eve was right there with her, kissing her and holding her close.

  “You’re all right, pet.” Eve stroked the back of her fingers down Faith’s face. “I’m here. I’m going to release you now, okay?”

  Faith nodded, her voice faltering.

  “You did so well.” Eve planted a gentle kiss on Faith’s cheek. “Once I get you out of these cuffs, I’m taking you somewhere I can have you all to myself.”

  Faith and Eve got out of the cab at the front of a hotel. The drive had cleared the haze in Faith’s head, but it did nothing to stem the longing within her.

  “I booked us a room for the night,” Eve said. “I thought you might need to go somewhere quiet after Lilith’s Den. Somewhere less intense.”

  Faith followed Eve inside. Eve had removed the leash, but the collar still adorned Faith’s neck. Eve glanced around before getting into the elevator. She’d chosen a hotel across town, presumably so they wouldn’t run into anyone they knew. Still, Eve didn’t relax until they reached their room.

  “There.” Eve shut the door behind them. “We’re finally alone.”

  Faith barely had a chance to admire the lavish suite before Eve was upon her, drawing her into an urgent kiss and sweeping her toward the bed.

  They crashed upon it, a tangle of arms, lips, and lust. Faith deepened the kiss, letting her hands roam Eve’s body, from her soft hair down to the swell of her hips. After being restrained, unable to touch, Faith needed to feel Eve, to taste her, to immerse herself in Eve’s presence. Faith’s desire hadn’t been satiated by their performance in the club. What she wanted from Eve went deeper than any physical craving.

  Eve got up and removed her heels, then slipped out of her skirt. Underneath, her thigh-high stockings were topped with lace and held up by a garter belt. Faith stared, unable to tear her eyes away. Eve seemed so much freer in the corset and garters than in anything else. So much more real.

  So much more mesmerizing.

  Eve leaned down, one knee on the bed, and drew Faith’s blouse up over her head. Faith lay back down and lifted her hips, allowing Eve to pull her skirt from her legs, then her fishnet stockings, then her panties, until Faith lay there wearing nothing at all.

  Eve’s eyes rolled along Faith’s body. The possessive look in them made Faith’s heart skip a beat. Eve fell upon her once more, devouring her with her hands and lips, the touch of her tongue against Faith’s feather-light. Faith dissolved into Eve, drinking in her taste, and her scent, and her very essence.

  Eve skimmed her hand up the inside of Faith’s thigh. Faith drew back slightly, feeling torn. It was clear that Eve wanted nothing more than to ravish her until she couldn’t take it anymore. But that wasn’t what Faith needed from Eve. She’d given Eve a part of herself that night, a part she’d never shared with anyone. She had so much more to give. But at the same time, she wanted a part of Eve.

  Faith ran her hand down to where Eve’s thighs met, drawing it over the lace of her panties. “Let me serve you, Eve. Let me please you.

  Eve’s breath shuddered. Without hesitation, she lay back against the pillows, drew Faith to her, and gave her a look that could only mean yes .

  Gingerly, Faith peeled back Eve’s panties, drawing them from her legs, then crawled back up to kiss her Mistress on her lips, savoring her sweet softness. She kissed her way down Eve’s neck and chest to where her breasts peeked out the top of her corset. She pulled the corset down further, uncovering the perfect buds of Eve’s breasts, kissing them until they pebbled under her lips.

  One hand bracing herself on the mattress, Faith slipped her other hand between Eve’s legs again, feeling her silky heat. She grazed a finger over Eve’s swollen nub, eliciting a soft hum from Eve’s chest.

  “Go on,” Eve said.

  A shiver went through Faith’s body. Eve’s velvet voice always made her commands impossible not to follow. But tonight, there was a yearning in it that made Faith’s heart flutter. And the way Eve trembled at her touch was so electrifying.

  Eve parted her legs further, her hips rising toward Faith, urging her on. Slowly, Faith slid her fingers down to Eve’s entrance, feeling the pulsing within her. She pushed two fingers inside, deeper and deeper, until she hit a spot that made Eve shudder.

  “God, Faith.” Eve’s eyes fell closed. “Yes.”

  Faith sank her fingers inside Eve, over and over. Eve moaned and shook, grinding back into Faith. She slung her arm over Faith’s shoulder, pulling her in until they were pressed together, the lace of Eve’s corset rubbing against Faith’s bare skin. The hotel bed quaked around them as their bodies rocked in tandem, so in sync that they moved as one.

  Eve tensed against Faith as her pleasure rose, until, at last, Eve tipped her head back and let out a wild cry. Faith felt every tremor that went through Eve’s body, felt Eve pulse around her fingers, felt Eve lose herself, until finally, her body stilled.

  Faith crumpled onto the bed next to Eve. The other woman let out a long breath. Her eyes were closed, satisfaction written all over her face. There was something gratifying about seeing Eve this way, disarmed and uninhibited. Not wanting to break the silence, Faith curled up against her, an arm over the other woman’s stomach.

  After a while, Eve returned to her body. Idly, she drew her hand along the collar around Faith’s neck, tracing the diamonds on it. Faith had forgotten she was wearing it.

  “Tonight was really something,” Eve said.

  Faith murmured in agreement.

  “I mean it. This was… different.”

  “Different how?” Faith asked.

  Eve seemed to think for a moment. “I first started exploring all this a few years ago, after the separation. It became a release of sorts. But I’ve never done this with anyone I’ve felt so connected to. Not until you.” She looked into Faith’s eyes. “This is more intimate. More complete. More real.”

  “I… I feel it too.” Faith had felt that connection, that pull, since the moment they’d met. It had only grown stronger since. “I’ve never done anything like this before, but it feels more intimate than anything else.”

  Eve gathered Faith in her arms and drew her in closer. Faith closed her eyes, sighing contentedly. She felt so light and free. Earlier, at Lilith’s Den, she’d felt something close to that complete and utter surrender, but it had b
een just out of her grasp.

  What would it take to reach that? She’d resolved the conflict within her, embraced her submissive desires. But embracing everything she felt toward Eve? That was much harder. With so much standing in the way of Faith and Eve being together, she couldn’t let herself believe this was real.

  As long as everything between them had to remain a secret fantasy, she couldn’t truly be Eve’s.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “ G ood morning,” Eve said.

  Faith entered the kitchen. “Hi.”

  She lingered by the doorway. She’d just arrived at work and the twins were still asleep. Eve herself looked like she’d just gotten out of bed. She was wrapped in a plush robe, her hair unbrushed and falling in loose, wavy curls. There was something endearing about seeing Eve in this wild state, at least compared to how she usually looked. She was still more put together than Faith was.

  Eve held up her mug. “Would you like some coffee?”

  “No thanks. I had some at home.” Faith regretted it now. She wanted an excuse to stay here with Eve. “I’ll go wake up the twins.”

  “Wait.” Eve grabbed Faith’s arm. “Don’t. Not yet.”

  “I don’t want them to be late.”

  “They won’t be. And if they are, it’s only one day.” Eve pulled her close. “I want a few minutes alone with you.”

  “Okay.” After all, Faith couldn’t refuse Eve’s commands.

  Eve planted a soft, lust-filled kiss on Faith’s lips before breaking away. “I know we shouldn’t do this,” she said. “But I won’t be able to make it through the morning otherwise. This is agonizing, having you around and not being able to touch you.”

  A knot formed in Faith’s chest. She felt the same way. After that incredible night she and Eve had spent together, pretending that they were just a nanny and her boss was becoming unbearable.

  “I’m getting so tired of all this sneaking around. If only I could take you out on a date.” Eve’s eyes sparked. “If I’m going to tie you up and have you do my bidding, the least I could do is buy you dinner first.”

  A smile tugged at the corners of Faith’s lips. “If you were to take me on a date, where would we go?” It was pointless to even think about such things. The two of them weren’t going to be able to go on a real date any time soon. But she couldn’t help but indulge her imagination.

  “Where to begin? There’s an amazing Moroccan restaurant downtown. It’s one of the city’s hidden treasures. It’s this whole incredible experience. They only seat ten people a night. I’d take you there first.”

  “And then?”

  “Then, we’d go to a quiet little rooftop cocktail bar nearby and drink champagne and watch the city go by.” Eve’s voice fell lower than a whisper. “Then, I’d bring you back here, and I’d open up all those drawers under my bed one by one and spend the rest of the night torturing you with pleasure.”

  Warmth spread through Faith’s body. “That sounds like the perfect night.”

  The light in Eve’s eyes dimmed. “But that’s all a distant dream for now. This custody situation. Our relationship would complicate things.”

  “I know. It’s okay. I understand.”

  Eve drew Faith to her again. “Whatever did I do to deserve you?”

  She pressed her lips to Faith’s once more. This time, the kiss drew out. Faith crumbled against the other woman’s body, the scent and taste of Eve’s coffee-tinged lips flooding her.

  The sound of footsteps padding down the hall reached Faith’s ears. Eve pulled away, groaning. Seconds later, Leah entered the kitchen, rubbing her eyes with her fists.

  “Good morning, sweetie,” Eve said.

  She gave Leah an affectionate pat on the head. For all her sharp edges, Eve had a sweet, kind side. It showed at all the little moments she shared with Leah and Ethan.

  “Why don’t you go wake up your brother?” Eve said. “Breakfast will be ready soon.”

  Leah nodded sleepily and headed back out of the kitchen.

  “She never wakes up by herself. God knows why she did today.” Eve sighed. “I need to get ready for work. You should make sure Ethan wakes up.”

  “Okay,” Faith said.

  “I’ll be in my room if you need me.” Eve paused in the kitchen doorway. “How do you feel about me taking you back to Lilith’s again?”

  Faith’s heart leaped. “I’d love that.”

  “Next week, then. When the twins are with Harrison.” The softness in Eve’s expression faded. “Don’t forget, Leah’s violin needs to be restrung. Drop it off in the afternoon. And Ethan has baseball practice.”

  Faith watched Eve disappear down the hall. So they were back to boss and employee.

  It was going to be another long day.

  That evening after work, Faith met Lindsey for dinner at a little Thai restaurant near her house. They sat down and ordered their food before getting into the important business of catching up. It seemed like an age since they’d last seen each other that weekend at Lindsey’s house. So much had happened since then. So much had changed.

  Faith had changed.

  “So,” Lindsey said. “How are things with Eve?”

  “They’re great,” Faith replied. “Actually, we went back to Lilith’s the other night. And we’re going back again next week.”

  “Really?” Lindsey smirked. “And here I thought you weren’t into ‘that kind of thing.’”

  “I wasn’t. Not until her.” Faith sighed. “There’s just something about Eve that makes me want to be hers. She makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. She’s brought out this whole new side of me.”

  “Maybe that side of you always existed. It just took someone special to bring it out.”

  “Maybe.” Faith rested her chin on her hand. “Eve really is special. I have serious feelings for her.”

  “Have you told her that?”

  “I don’t want to make things harder than they already are. This whole situation she’s in with the kids, it’s complicated.”

  Lindsey gave Faith a sympathetic smile. “I’m sure it’ll all work out in the end.”

  “Yeah.” But Faith was trying her hardest not to get her hopes up.

  “And when it does work out, and you and Eve can stop hiding, we’re going on a double-date. I haven’t told Camilla about the two of you, but I’m pretty sure she’s figured it out. Either that, or she’s trying to set you and Eve up. She keeps hinting we should have both of you over for dinner.”

  Faith shook her head. “How are things with Camilla, anyway?”

  “They’re good. We’re thinking of going away soon. Taking a trip around Europe. Camilla has some distant relatives in France that she hasn’t seen in years.”

  As Lindsey filled her in, Faith’s mind drifted back to the morning with Eve. She’d been walking on air since, daydreaming about the two of them going back to Lilith’s Den. Although Faith still found going to Lilith’s Den exciting, she mostly just wanted to go somewhere she and Eve could really be together.

  Lindsey looked around. “Our food is taking forever. I’m going to the ladies room. Be right back.” She stood up and headed to the restrooms.

  Faith dug her phone out of her purse while she waited for Lindsey to return. She had a message from her aunt Hannah.

  I have some news about your sister. Call me when you get the chance .

  Finally! Faith hesitated. She just couldn’t wait until after dinner. She had to know what was going on with Abigail.

  She dialed Hannah’s number. Hannah picked up after a few rings.

  “I got your message,” Faith said. “What have you heard?”

  “There’s good news, and there’s bad news,” Hannah said.

  “Yes?” Faith waited with bated breath.

  “I talked to that friend of mine, and she asked around. The good news is that your sister is fine. So is the rest of your family.”

  Faith felt a surge of relief. “What’s the bad news?”

/>   “I know why she hasn’t sent you a letter in a while.” Hannah hesitated. “I don’t know the details, just bits of gossip my friend heard. Apparently, Abigail was caught talking with someone who left the church.”

  Faith’s heart stopped. It could only be her.

  “Her husband found out and got your parents and the church elders involved. It caused a big scandal, so word got around.”

  This wasn’t good. Abigail would be facing serious repercussions for committing what was a major sin in her family’s eyes.

  And Faith would never get to speak with her again.

  “Faith?” Hannah said. “Are you there?”

  Faith cleared the lump in her throat. “Yes.”

  “I’m so sorry. I know how hard it is to go through this, especially a second time.”

  It was little consolation. At least Hannah had a family of her own now. But Faith had no one. Her last connection to her family, even though it had been tenuous, was gone now. The only people in the world who were supposed to love her unconditionally had turned their backs on her.

  Faith didn’t blame her sister. She knew how hard it was to break free from a lifetime of brainwashing. Still, it stung. She should have seen it coming. She should have known Abigail would eventually get caught. Secrets don’t stay secret forever.

  Out the corner of her eye, Faith spotted Lindsey walking back to the table. “I should go. I’m at dinner. Thanks for looking into things for me.”

  “Are you going to be all right?” Hannah asked.

  “Yeah, it’s fine.”

  “If you need to talk, I’m here.”

  “I know. Thanks, Hannah.” Faith hung up the phone.

  Lindsey sat down. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” Faith replied. “I was just talking to Hannah.”

  “Any news about your sister?”

  “Not yet.” Faith didn’t like lying to Lindsey, but she didn’t feel like talking about it.

  “That’s too bad. I’m sure you’ll hear something soon. Hopefully good news.”


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