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Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound Book 4)

Page 16

by Stone, Anna

  “I wouldn’t do that to anyone else,” Harrison said. “Eve is my ex-wife. The mother of my children. It’s different.”

  “Is it? And how does anyone else know you wouldn’t do the same thing to them? Why would anyone ever trust you again, knowing you violated such an important social contract? Knowing how little respect you have for their privacy? You know how the corporate world works. It’s all about building relationships. Building trust. Why would anyone want to do business with someone who has proven they can’t be trusted?”

  “Are you saying you’ll have me blacklisted?”

  “I would never do anything as unsubtle as that,” Vanessa said. “But the patrons of my club will want to know that their confidentiality has been violated, and by whom. When word gets around, you’ll lose all your contracts, one by one. Do you think your company can survive that?”

  Harrison looked at Vanessa, wide-eyed. “You’re talking about sabotaging my company.”

  “I wouldn’t be sabotaging anything. I’d simply be informing people of the facts and letting nature take its course. Of course, you have enough money that you’d be fine, even without your company. But what would that do to your reputation? You’ll be ruined, just like you threatened to ruin Eve here.”

  “You’re crazy.” Harrison shook his head. “What do you want from me?”

  “What do you think?” Vanessa narrowed her eyes. “I want you to wipe that video and any others you took inside Lilith’s Den from the face of the earth. And I want you to give Eve whatever she asks for when it comes to this custody case.”

  “You don’t know anything about that. About my family, about Eve.”

  “I know enough. I know that you’re the kind of man who tries to blackmail his ex-wife, and that speaks volumes. My fiancée is a lawyer. She’s informed me that judges don’t look kindly upon people who blackmail their former spouses in custody cases. It’s in your best interests to cooperate with Eve. ”

  Harrison scoffed and turned to Eve. “Isn’t this what you’re doing to me? Blackmailing me, having her threaten me unless I agree to your demands?”

  Eve shrugged. “You stopped playing by the rules a long time ago. I’m just leveling the playing field.” She crossed her arms. “They’re my children, Harrison. I’m willing to do anything for them. And I mean anything .”

  “If you cared about the kids you wouldn’t be having an affair with their nanny and going to sex clubs. You’re their mother for god’s sake.”

  “Yes, I’m the twins’ mother. But I’m a person too, with needs of my own, which is something you never understood. I’m allowed to have a life outside of my children. I’m allowed to find my own happiness.”

  “Happiness?” Harrison looked at Faith. “With their nanny? You’re exposing the twins to this sick fetish of yours.”

  “I’m not exposing them to anything. They don’t know about Faith and me, and I intend to keep things that way. What I do in my spare time is none of their business, or yours. Faith and I are both consenting adults. There is nothing sick about what’s between us.” Eve’s jaw set. “What I have with Faith is more real than anything I’ve ever felt. I love her.”

  What? Faith looked at Eve. Her eyes were locked onto Harrison’s, but the resolve on her face made it clear that she meant every word she’d said.

  “This is crazy.” Harrison threw his hands up. “If you think I’m going to roll over and give you whatever you want, you’re out of your mind.”

  “I don’t think you have a choice,” Vanessa interrupted. “ Not unless you want to lose your company.” Vanessa’s eyes bored into him. “This isn’t an empty threat. Release that video and I will ruin you.”

  Faith stared at Vanessa in shock. She was serious, and Harrison knew it.

  “Delete the video,” Vanessa said. “Work things out with Eve. And if I hear of you doing anything less, I will let you and your company burn.”

  Harrison spoke through gritted teeth. “Fine.”

  “And I’m going to need the name of this friend of yours who invited you to Lilith’s Den.”

  Harrison muttered a name.

  “Good. I’m going to have a word with him about his choice of guests.” Vanessa stood up. “We’ll let the two of you talk. Faith?”

  Faith got up. “Good luck,” she said quietly to Eve.

  Eve nodded. “Wait for me in my office. This won’t take long.”

  Faith followed Vanessa out of the room and shut the door. She was dizzy with nerves.

  Vanessa put her hand on Faith’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. Everything is going to be fine. I do my fair share of negotiating, and I can tell when someone is on their back. Harrison will give Eve whatever she wants.”

  “I hope so,” Faith said. “Thanks for all your help.”

  “Once again, it’s no trouble.” Vanessa paused. “Eve told me about the two of you. How everything started when you ran into each other at Lilith’s Den. I’m glad my club played a part in bringing two people together. That’s what life’s all about isn’t it?”

  “Yeah,” Faith said. “Thanks again. ”

  “I have to go. Let me know if Eve has any trouble, okay?”

  “I will.”

  Vanessa strode off. Faith went to Eve’s office and sat down in front of the desk. Several minutes passed. She got up. She was too nervous to sit still. She paced in front of the window. Eve was taking forever.

  Faith hoped for Eve’s sake that this worked. She cared so much for the beautiful family she’d spent so long getting to know. And she cared so much for Eve.

  Eve’s words echoed in her mind. What I have with Faith is more real than anything I’ve ever felt.

  I love her.


  She turned. She hadn’t heard Eve walk in. “How did it go?”

  Eve joined her by the window. “Harrison is going to delete the video. And we came to an agreement. He’s giving me primary custody of Leah and Ethan.”

  Faith’s heart swelled. “That’s great!”

  “We’re still working out the finer details, and none of this is official until we get our lawyers to sign off on everything. But Harrison seems remorseful. He seems to genuinely want to work with me. I considered pushing for sole custody, but whether I like it or not, Harrison is the twins’ father. Despite his many, many flaws, he deserves a hand in raising them. I’ll just have to be extra careful that his family’s values don’t rub off on the twins. I’ll have to set the best example I can and hope that it’s enough.”

  “It will be,” Faith said. “You’re an incredible mother. Leah and Ethan are going to grow up just fine. I’m so happy for you all. I’m so glad you fought this. ”

  “You were right all along. I should have listened to you. I was just scared.”

  “With so much at stake, you had a good reason to be scared. And once again, sorry for my part in this.”

  Eve gave her a hard look. “Faith, if you apologize one more time…”

  “Sorry! I’ll stop. I’m just glad everything is sorted out now.”

  “No. Everything isn’t sorted out.” Eve’s eyes locked onto Faith’s. “There’s still the matter of us.”

  The air in the room grew still.

  “There’s nothing standing in our way anymore,” Eve said. “Nothing stopping us from being together.”

  It was true. There were no more obstacles in their way. No reason for them to hide. Nothing stopping them from embracing what they felt.

  Nothing stopping Faith from surrendering to what she truly felt for Eve.

  Faith took a step toward Eve, and another, until they were barely a foot apart. “You said something in there. You said that you love me.”

  “Did I?” A slight smile crossed Eve’s lips. “It must have slipped out. But it’s the truth.”

  Eve took Faith’s hand, closing the distance between them.

  “I love you, Faith.”

  With those four words, all Faith’s doubts melted away. “I love you too

  Eve swept Faith into her arms for a heady kiss that almost knocked Faith off her feet.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  F aith stood in the living room door, watching Eve recline on the lounge with a book. Eve, spending the evening relaxing? That was a sight Faith never thought she’d see.

  Eve looked up at Faith. “You’re back. The kids are at Harrison’s?”

  Faith nodded. She’d just dropped them off. The new custody agreement had been in place for a few weeks now, and it was working well. Eve was much more relaxed these days. And Faith finally had a regular work schedule now that the twins had a set routine. However, she ended up spending most of her days off with Eve anyway.

  It was a relief, to finally be able to be with Eve openly. However, they still hadn’t told the twins about their relationship. They were taking things slow on that front. Whenever the twins were home, Faith and Eve continued to keep things strictly professional between them.

  But right now, they had the house all to themselves .

  “And you’ve tidied up the kids’ rooms?” Eve asked. “Folded their laundry? Packed away their toys?”

  “Everything is taken care of,” Faith said.

  “Good. I have one last task for you.”

  “What do you need me to do for you?”

  Eve placed her book down carefully and stood up. “I need you to go wait for me in my bedroom.” The look in her eyes made it abundantly clear that this task had nothing to do with Faith’s job.

  Faith chewed her lip, feigning hesitation. “I don’t know. I’m supposed to be off the clock.”

  Eve grabbed Faith’s arm and yanked her in close. Faith yelped in surprise.

  Eve spoke into her ear in a sharp voice. “Consider this overtime.” She released Faith from her grasp. “ You have five minutes. When I come in, I expect to find you kneeling on the bed.” She ran her eyes down Faith’s body. “And take that dress off.”

  Faith gave her a cheeky grin. “You’re the boss.”

  She headed to Eve’s bedroom, closed the door, and stripped off her dress before climbing onto the vast bed, kneeling in the center of it. At least Eve had asked Faith to kneel on the bed and not on the floor like she had a few times before. Now that she and Eve were free of all the restrictions that came with a secret relationship, Eve had gotten far more creative with her games. She seemed to revel in coming up with delightful new ways to torment Faith. Just thinking about it made her ache.

  After what seemed like an eternity, Eve entered the room. Faith’s lips fell open. In that short space of time, Eve had undergone a transformation. Her hair was loose, and her lips were a dark crimson that made Faith want to taste them. And the rest of her? Faith didn’t know where to look. The red-soled heels Eve wore elongated her smooth, bare legs, and the tiniest pair of black panties were on her hips. The only other piece of clothing Eve had on was a black corset. It was the same corset she’d worn to Lilith’s the first night Faith had set foot inside.

  Seeing Eve dressed in that outfit flooded every cell in Faith’s body with need. And yet, the woman who stood before Faith was so far removed from the woman in the corset from that night. She wasn’t the Eve that Faith had met the day of her job interview either. Although she was just as strict and domineering, the fire behind her eyes spoke of both passion and warmth. This Eve, Faith’s Eve, was far more irresistible than the woman in the corset.

  Eve’s eyes wandered down Faith’s near-naked kneeling form. She hadn’t swapped her glasses out for contact lenses like she often did, and the way she gazed at Faith from over the top of them sent Faith’s pulse racing.

  Faith peered back up at her from under her eyelashes. “Do you like what you see?”

  Eve grabbed Faith’s chin, jerking it toward her. “You’re being far too cheeky today. For the rest of the night, you’re not to speak unless spoken to. Do you understand?”

  Faith nodded. Pushing the limits of the woman who held Faith’s pleasure in her hand was not a smart idea.

  “For the record, I do like what I see,” Eve said. “I always do.”

  Eve leaned down to kiss her, pressing herself against Faith so forcefully that they both tumbled onto the bed. Eve tore off Faith’s bra and panties, her lips never leaving Faith’s. Faith deepened the kiss, the fire within her flickering and flaring.

  Eve drew back and reached over the side of the bed to open one of the drawers underneath it. It was already unlocked. Eve was prepared. What did she have planned?

  Eve dug around in the drawer, then pulled out the spreader bar. She dropped it on the bed by Faith’s feet. “I’ll need your ankles.”

  Faith sat back, her legs stretched out before her, memories of that night on camera flooding her mind and body.

  “Not like that,” Eve said. “I want you on all fours. And turn around.”

  Heat rushed to Faith’s skin. A position like that, combined with the spreader bar, would leave Faith vulnerable. But she trusted Eve. And that was what made it so delicious.

  Faith got on her hands and knees, facing the headboard.

  “That’s better.” Eve picked up the spreader bar and disappeared behind her.

  Faith turned her head to watch. Eve pushed Faith’s knees apart and fastened the cuffs of the bar around her ankles, leaving her legs spread out. Her thighs burned from the strain, but not in an unpleasant way.

  “There.” Eve’s eyes met Faith’s. “You just can’t help but peek, can you? I’ll have to do something about that.” She leaned over, reached into the drawer under the bed again, and produced a long piece of black fabric. “Close your eyes.”

  Faith opened her mouth to protest. Eve hadn’t told her not to look. It wasn’t fair of her to make up the rules as she went along. But Eve had instructed Faith not to speak, so she clamped her mouth shut and closed her eyes .

  Eve tied the blindfold around Faith’s head. Here she was, her ass sticking out, unable to move her legs, unable to see a thing. This was going to be agonizing. Eve had a sadistic streak, but her tool of choice wasn’t pain. It was pure, concentrated pleasure. She wielded it like a weapon, sometimes doling it out in agonizingly small slivers, sometimes assaulting Faith with it until she begged for release. Faith already knew that wouldn’t take long. Just kneeling on the bed, waiting for Eve, had her hot all over. Not to mention, soaking wet.

  The bed shifted under her as Eve got up from it and opened another drawer. Faith waited patiently, powerless to see or do anything. She rolled her shoulders just to remind herself that she could still move.

  Finally, Eve returned to the bed, the unexpected motion of the mattress nearly throwing Faith off-balance. Without her sight, she had no frame of reference for anything. It was dizzying.

  “All this, and you haven’t spoken a single word?” Eve drew the back of her fingers down Faith’s cheek and neck. “I thought you would have cracked by now.”

  Faith said nothing. Eve let her fingers skim between Faith’s shoulder blades, along the concave curve of her back, all the way to her tailbone. Faith quivered with delight. The blindfold made all her other senses heightened.

  Out of nowhere, Eve slid a finger between Faith’s lower lips. Faith gasped. Eve’s other hand crept up the back of Faith’s thigh, then forward to cup her breasts.

  Faith kneeled there, held in place by the spreader bar, as Eve worked her body with a familiarity unlike anything else. She traced the pads of her fingers over the sensitive spot on Faith’s neck that made her shiver, teased her nipples with the lightest of touches until they hardened into peaks, scratched her fingernails along Faith’s skin, leaving stinging trails behind. With her other hand, she painted swirls around Faith’s nub and glided her fingers over Faith’s entrance in a way that was equal parts pleasurable and maddening. Faith sank into the darkness, letting Eve and all the sweet sensations Eve lavished her with wash over her.

  She let out a strangled breath, her pleasure rising.

  “Already?” Eve’s honeyed voice was right
next to Faith’s ear. “I’m nowhere near done with you yet. If I let you come now, you’ll have to come for me again, okay?”

  Faith whimpered. “Yes.” She didn’t even know if that was even possible for her, but she was so desperate for release.

  “You don’t sound convinced.” Eve planted a sharp slap on Faith’s ass cheek, inflaming her even more. “If I say you’ll come, you’ll come. Your body belongs to me. Your mind belongs to me. Your pleasure belongs to me.”

  Faith shuddered. “Yes, Eve. I’m yours.”

  Suddenly, she felt something warm and wet against her folds, trailing down to her clit. Eve’s tongue. Faith let out a moan, her arms almost buckling.

  Eve grabbed on to Faith’s ass cheeks, devouring her. It took only seconds before Faith reached the edge. A soundless cry erupted in her chest, her fingers gripping the sheets as an earth-shattering orgasm rocked her.

  Eve eased off, brushing her lips between Faith’s legs with the gentlest of touches. Even so, it was too intense for her sensitized bud. She hissed through her teeth but resisted the urge to edge away. And as Eve caressed Faith’s body, her touch began to feel good again .

  A soft murmur spilled from Faith’s lips. The ache at the peak of her thighs had gone from satisfied to hollow.

  “You see?” Eve took hold of Faith’s hips. “You should have a little more faith in your Mistress’s talents. I’m going to unravel you again in no time.”

  The bed rocked again. A moment later, something pressed against Faith’s lower lips. It wasn’t Eve’s fingers. Not only was it more solid, but Eve’s hands were firmly clutching Faith’s hips.

  Anticipation welled up inside her. Eve was wearing a strap-on.

  Eve drew the tip of the strap-on up and down Faith’s slit, rolling it over her clit. Faintly, Faith could feel vibrations emanating from it. They ramped up, resonating deep into her. She bit the inside of her cheek, trying to distract herself from the throbbing inside, waiting for Eve to give her what she craved.


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