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Mason Page 2

by Christina Chavis

  I look to my left, taking in the new shops mixed in with the old ones. I notice the tattoo shop right away. I mean, how could you not when there's a line of bikes with the hottest men I've ever seen in my life looking at me while I'm sitting here and singing into my brush like a crazy person. I throw the brush in the seat, turn the music down and try to pat down my hair all while trying not to blush when I see them all catcalling and smiling my way. I smile and wave just before the light turns green. Then I speed through the light, hearing their laughs as I drive down the road.

  A little farther up the road, I noticed Rose's Diner was still in the same place. I'm glad because the food there was always great. My mom used to joke that it was even better than her mother's cooking. That was high standards, in my opinion, for a diner because my Grandma was a great cook. I made a note to come by tomorrow for breakfast or maybe dinner.

  I'm sure neither Dad nor I am going to want to cook since the funeral is tomorrow. Dad said he didn't want to have a gathering after, so it will just be the two of us together. We'll grieve and help each other through. I'm not sure I can deal with a lot of people right now.

  Pulling up in front of the house, I grew up in is like I've stepped back in time. Nothing has changed. The grass is as green as it was the day I left. The flowers are in full bloom. There are still three rocking chairs on the wrap-around porch. The brickwork of the house looks it hasn't aged a bit.

  I'm still staring up at the house when the front door opens, and my Dad steps out on the porch. When I finally look at him, I break down crying all over again. Rushing up the stairs, I fling myself in his arms. He holds me as we mourn my mom, his wife, and the years that have been lost. All without saying a word.



  I'd just walked out of Rush's Tattoo Shop, "Reaper's Ink." I was waiting for him to finish up the Death Reaper tattoo I was getting for my back. Serpent, Stryker, Cobra, Justice, and Devil were all waiting beside our bikes talking about the club party tonight. I was just swinging my leg over my bike when out of nowhere, we hear someone singing "I Love Rock N' Roll." We all look over to see a sexy as hell blonde with lightly tanned skin dancing and singing into her hairbrush.

  We're all letting out catcalls and smiling when she finally realizes she has an audience. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights. She throws the brush before patting down her hair, all the while trying to hide the blush that's creeping up her neck. She throws a smile and waves our way before she takes off in the little car with the laughter of my boys and I trailing behind her. I'm still looking in the direction the vehicle left, but I hear Stryker tell the others that it seems like I had just found my next conquest. I don't bother denying it because I know he's right.

  Blondes have been my kryptonite since my last high school girlfriend. To me, she would always be the one that got away. Though I don't blame her. My ex-best friend had just raped her, and I believed him when he said she seduced him the night I walked in on them. I was a dick to her the last time we saw each other. The things I said has been weighing on me for the past ten years.

  I can remember that day like it was yesterday. She stood in my living room and told everyone how my friend raped her, and I walked out and let it happen. Then she left, and I haven't seen her since. After she left my house, I beat the shit out of my best friend. It took six people to get me off him. He was lucky he could still walk after that beat down. I wanted to kill him.

  I heard he was arrested not long after leaving my house. I'd say he got what he deserved, but Five years in prison wasn't enough for me. He got out the year I was patched into the "Storm Reapers MC." Hell, he even tried to join, but I went to our Prez Demon to get that shit shut down. I lived up to my road name, "Bruiser," that day too. If it wasn't for my brothers pulling me off him, we probably would've been burying another body that day.

  After he limped away, my brothers and I sat down, and I told them who Steven was and what he did to Kelly. Telling them my part in the story and how guilty I felt when I'd finally heard the truth. They gave me sympathetic looks, but they weren't judging me. I was grateful for that because I judged myself enough.

  Steven didn't let being turned down from joining the Storm Reapers affect him. No within a month of him being out of jail, he started his own business or businesses. So far, we've worked out that he's dealing in Prostitution, Drugs, and Slavery. That's just naming a few. We've been trying to shut down as much of his operations as we can. But it's a slow process. We think he might be working with or for someone else.

  Along with the businesses here in town, our patched military brethren have a Security Consultant business. They do a lot of high-profile work. Every once in awhile, they'd get a government contract for an out of a country job. So, that's where most of our money comes from. I have my hands in two different businesses. I bought "Rose's Diner" a few years ago.

  The owner was about to lose the business to the bank. I've been going there to eat since I was little. Rose knew me and agreed to let me become a silent partner. She still runs the diner the way it's always been. I just couldn't let it go. I had a lot of good memories there. It was also the last place I went on a date with Kelly.

  I also invested in opening an auto and bike shop in town with Stryker. I'd been working on cars since I got my first car in high school. We do a little of everything there from your necessary repairs to restoring old cars and bikes. It's become very popular in the last few years. We just finished restoring a 1968 Ford Mustang and a 1957 Harley-Davidson FLH for a man out in Tennessee.

  I was beyond ready to let loose tonight. So, when we got to the clubhouse, I walked straight through the door to the bar to grab a beer. I finished one and grabbed another while surveying the room. It didn't take long before I found who I was looking for? Izzy was sitting on the couch in the corner with Sam and Tiff. I know she followed me to the club when I joined. She's been following me around for years.

  She's like every other whore that comes to this club. They're hoping to become one of the members Old Lady. What they don't seem to get is that it will seldom work out that way. Most men don't want a woman that has been passed around by all their friends. But like they were told when first coming here they are to entertain the members and nothing more. Some still try to stake a claim to a member, and their always tossed out on their ass.

  Izzy was a brunette in high school. She dyed her hair blonde after overhearing my brothers talking about my blonde obsession. Bottle blonde or not, she still looks good. She has been hinting around that she wants something more with me. But every time I call her out on it, she acts like she has no idea what I'm talking about.

  She can think what she wants. If I get an Old Lady, it's going to be a fresh piece of pussy and not a used up one. She has a mouth on her that would make you swear you've been to heaven and back. When she puts her mouth around my dick, I always see stars. She's looking at me from across the room, so I motion to her with my head, and she comes bouncing over. I can't help but look at her tits as they bounce right along with her.

  When she stops in front of me, I tell her I'll be in her room in ten minutes and be ready for me. With that said, I turn and walk over to the table where Stryker, Cobra, Devil, our V.P. Ghost, and Prez Demon are all talking. I sat down and listened to them talk about the Run that we had set up for the end of the month. They were still trying to figure out the best route to take from here to Georgia. We wanted to travel the back roads but close enough to a town that if anything goes wrong, we'd have a way out.

  This Run is more of an Escorting/Security job. We're being paid to make sure the cargo gets from point A to point B safely. But since there is nothing that I can contribute to this topic, I was about to get up until Stryker brings up the blonde from earlier. Everyone turns to me like I would know who she is. I know as much as they do. But not for long cause I plan on getting to know her well as soon as I see her again.

  I leave them taking bets on how long it will take me to fuck h
er. I don't take offense to it because if it were one of them, I'd be getting in on that bet too. I make my way to the wing of the clubhouse where Izzy's room is. I open the door to find her showered and ready for me. Every time I touch one of these girls, I make them shower first.

  Nothing against my brothers, but I know some of them will fuck the girls without condoms and even if their dripping with another man's cum. The only thing that turns me off about Izzy is the fact that her mound is bare. I don't get why women remove all the hair from their pussy. It makes me think they are trying to make a man think their younger than they are. Which is stupid because no real man wants to fuck a child.

  I close the door and remove my kutte, placing it on the dresser beside the door. I walk to the end of the bed, where I begin to remove the rest of my clothes. After getting undressed, I grab Izzy's ankle and pull her to the end of the bed, so her lips are at the tip of my cock. She licks me from base to tip. She's teasing me with little kisses to the head of my cock, and my mind starts to wander back to the blonde from earlier.

  Izzy must realize she's losing me because the next thing I know, she's taking me to the back of her throat. She starts swallowing around my cock, and my head falls back, and a loud groan comes from my throat. I look down and see that her nose is buried in my crotch. I place my hands on either side of her head, pull out until just the tip is between her lips before slamming back down her throat.

  I do this three more times before I pull out because I can feel my balls starting to tingle. I tell her to get a condom and put it on me. She goes to the dresser but says she doesn't have one. Warning bells start to go off in my head. Because she just had a big box in there yesterday that wasn't even open.

  She lays on the bed and starts rubbing her pussy while looking up at me, saying, "I'm clean and on the pill." She knows damn well I've never stuck my dick in her without a condom. And I sure as hell isn't going to start now. There isn't a bitch alive that's going to trap me into giving them a child I'm not wanting. Izzy's not even in the running for being my Old Lady.

  Just thinking about that has my dick deflating so fast I swear I got whiplash. That just killed any mood I was in for sex. I picked up my clothes, got dressed, and left that room like my ass was on fire. I decided then that Izzy was being put on the no go list. I'll have to tell the Prez about this little stunt. Because if she tried this with me, I have no doubt she will pull this shit with someone else in the club.



  I've been here for three days. My nights consist of nothing but tossing and turning. I don't know if it was because I didn't use the bed anymore or if it was just because I hadn't been in this room since the night I was raped. If I were a gambler, I'd put my money on the latter. So, when I finally do fall asleep, I sleep right through the alarm. When I get up, I see that I have a little over three hours to shower, get dressed, and be at the cemetery. Which is going back out of town.

  I'm running late, so I tell my dad to go ahead, and I'd meet him there. After I shower, I put on plenty of concealers to hide the bags under my eyes, some navy-blue eyeliner to make my eyes pop, and a little lip-gloss. That's all I need, and I'm ready to go. I have about two hours and twenty minutes before I have to be at the cemetery. I'm sure that's enough time to get there.

  I crank the car and notice a light on the dashboard, saying low tire pressure. I get out to check the tires, but they all look to be okay. I make a note to have my dad check the tires before I leave the cemetery. I back out of the driveway and take off. I'm just getting to the outside of town when my driver's side tire goes flat.

  I pull out my cell to call my dad but realize that I've left it in the car all night, and it's dead. I'm out in the middle of nowhere without a phone, and the only thing out here is the Motorcycle Clubhouse up the road. I don't want to go to a bunch of bikers for help, but I can't miss my mom's funeral because of a flat tire. I grab my purse, lock the doors, and think god I keep a thing of deodorant and baby wipes in there. It's safe to say I'm going to need them because it's already getting hot out here, and I'm about to power walk to get there faster.

  I'm just getting to the paved road that leads to the clubhouse when I see a black van with tinted windows pull up beside my car. I watch as the driver puts down the window and looks in my vehicle. It's as if their searching for something. I can't see their face, but I can tell it's a man. He notices me looking, and I see him put a phone to his ear. He talks to someone then he speeds off past me.

  I don't have time to put too much thought into it because I'm running late, so I pick up my pace to get to a phone. The gates are open, but I don't see anyone around. Realizing I'll have to knock on the door, I straightened my back and prayed to God that I make it out of here alive and in one piece. I've never been around a Motorcycle gang, but I've watched "Sons of Anarchy" before, and it's never a good idea to walk up to a clubhouse uninvited. Damn, I think I'm going to be killed.

  I knock on the door, but no one answers. So, I hit a little louder, and I hear someone yell, "Whoever's on the other side of that door better be a stripper, or I'm going to put you in your grave." I'm already backing up, getting ready to run for my life when the door swings open, and a beast of a man is standing in the doorway. He's built like a linebacker with muscles that make him look like he can bench press a car. He's also not wearing a shirt.

  I stopped in my tracks, staring at him with my mouth slightly hanging open. There's a big ass Death Reaper tattoo on his chest with a scythe in hand standing over a dead body. It's a magnificent piece of artwork, but it's still scary as hell. I'm brought out of my stupor when he says, "You have a pretty mouth. If you open it a little wider, I can fill it for you."

  I laughed at that and responded with, "Yeah, with the way you are built, I might have to break my jaw first." I immediately slap a hand of my mouth because that was not what was meant to come out. Now it was his turn to laugh. He looks at me and his eyes light up. I don't know why, but I don't have to wait long to find out. He says, "You're the girl that was singing into your hairbrush yesterday."

  I can feel my cheeks warm, and I wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole. It reminds me of what I came here for, and the little time I have left. So, I get down to business. I tell him how my tire went flat, and my cell was dead. I ask him if there was a phone I could use to call. He tells me, yeah, then holds the door for me to walk in.

  I hesitate for a brief moment before walking through the door. I don't know what I expected, but the inside was nothing like what I thought it would be. It's cozy like a real home, and there were bikers everywhere. Not just bikers, but some women barely had what look like clothes, but I'm not sure you could even call them that. And when I walked in, everyone stopped what they were doing to stare.

  I felt like a bug under a microscope. They were all fixated solely on me. I thought the man was going to get me a landline, but he went over to a table and whispered something to a man. The guy's head snapped up so fast that it looked like he was going to break his neck. I waited for the man that let me in to come back, but he took the seat next to the one he whispered something too. I was starting to get nervous when the new guy started walking up to me.

  The guy has short black hair, and his eyes are a warm hazel color. The closer he gets, the more familiar he looked, but I just couldn't place him. He came up to me and stuck his hand out for me to shake. I shook his hand, and he told me his name was Bruiser. I lifted one eyebrow and gave him a funny look because I'm sure his mother did not name him Bruiser.

  He was still holding my hand, and it felt like sparks were shooting up my arm. I remembered I was supposed to tell him my name. So, I just blurted out, "Oh right, my name is Kelly Jones. Do you have a landline or cellphone I can use because I'm late for my mom's funeral, and I can't miss it?" The room goes quiet again. I look around, seeing everyone is staring at us and nothing else.

  I see a blonde in the back, giving me the evil eye, but I don't understand why. I'm don
't even recognize her. I look up at the man, still holding onto my hand because his grip is getting tighter. But he doesn't seem to notice. I notice, though, and before I can stop myself, I'm punching the man in the stomach and yelling, "Let go asshole before you break my hand!"

  Everyone in the room starts laughing. The man let's go of my hand, and I shake it out before taking a step back from him. He seems to come back to his senses because, for every step back I take, he takes one towards me until my back hits the bar. I don't know what's happening, but one second he's looking me in the eyes and the next he's kissing me senseless. The world falls away for a minute while I'm enjoying the kiss.

  But all too soon, I remember where I am and what I'm here for. Also, I don't know the man kissing me like his life depends on it. I try to push him away, but he won't let go and step back. His hands wrap around my waist, and I start pushing harder. Memories of me not being able to fight back when I was raped is starting to flitter across my mind. I can feel the tears start rolling down my cheeks, and my body starts to shake.

  He must've felt them too because he suddenly stops kissing me and starts wiping the tears away and pulls me into a hug. All the while, I'm pleading with him not to hurt me. I can see his lips moving, but the words aren't registering in my brain yet. My heart is finally slowing the, and it's enough for me to hear the words he's saying. And that's when I finally realize who the man is, that has me clutched to his body. His name comes from mouth in an audible gasp before I'm throwing my arms around him and crying again.



  It's been three days, and I haven't seen the blonde anywhere. We're all sitting out in the commons room, and I'm talking to the Prez about calling a Church meeting to talk about what happened with Izzy the other day. I had already told him what happen and that I thought it was time to put her ass out. But he said we had to do a vote and that Chruch was going to be a mandatory event today. All patched club members had to be there to cast their votes.


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