Her Secret Ranger (The Men of at Ease Ranch)

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Her Secret Ranger (The Men of at Ease Ranch) Page 5

by Donna Michaels

  The investment Stone’s girlfriend funneled into both the ranch and company made a huge difference to their timelines. Now they didn’t have to wait for the claim money to get started.

  “That’s great news.” Considering some of the displaced veterans chose to camp out in tents on the property instead of inside the main house, the sooner the barracks were repaired the better. The chaos and disruption had already chased two men from the ranch.

  His brother Stone took it hard. As if he’d failed the men. Brick was determined to make sure no one else left.

  He was also determined to get to his date on time.

  “What’s great news?” Cord asked as he entered the room to drop off his gear and add to the gazillion sardines.

  “We should be done with the repairs by next week,” Vince answered Cord. “And Brick was about to tell me if he had a hot date.”

  Dammit. So much for changing the subject.

  Cord stared at him with his all-knowing, size-up Warlock gaze. “Beth?”

  He nodded, happy to leave it at that, and if he could’ve gotten around the three workers blocking his path to the door, he would’ve left the stall like a bat out of hell.

  “Doesn’t this make it date number four?” Cord regarded him with an actual expression.

  Holy shit.

  It’d been years since he’d seen amused shock lift his buddy’s brows. If Brick hadn’t been so damn stunned by that milestone he probably would’ve been smart enough to make his escape without answering.

  “Yes,” he replied, and the stall—hell, the whole barn—grew silent.

  Even the horses turned mute.

  He glanced around at the cramped room full of slack-jawed faces. “What?”

  “Little Bricky’s growing up.” Vince grinned, slapping him on the shoulders. “Proud of you, man.”

  “Fuck you.” He shook the idiot off good-naturedly as he pushed his way to the door.

  “Seriously, you should bring her here.” Vince followed, with Cord bringing up the rear. “Show her the place. I can fix you both a killer picnic lunch.”

  “He’s right.” Cord spoke up while they walked toward the house. “The concrete needs to set after we pour in the morning.”

  Vince opened the side door to the kitchen and smiled. “Perfect. That means you’ll have the afternoon off.”

  The idiots were on to something. Brick kind of liked the idea of sharing this place with Beth. Spending time together where there wasn’t a bed.

  “Maybe,” he relented on his way through the kitchen. “She’s in Braxton on business, so she may be busy tomorrow.”

  Vince slapped him on the back. “Just let me know. I can whip it up real quick.”

  “Will do,” he called over his shoulder. He’d worry about tomorrow, later. Right now, he needed to get ready for tonight.

  Taking the stairs two at a time, he entered his room in under a minute and acknowledged a strange eagerness in his steps. It wasn’t as if he’d never experienced eagerness before a date. He had. Plenty of times. But this was different.

  Beth was different.

  He didn’t want to conquer or rise to a challenge.

  No. With her he wanted to please. To make her laugh, blush, sigh, smile. He couldn’t wait to see her smile. To see a flush fill her cheeks and know he put it there. To watch her gaze light up when he walked in the room. It made him feel ten feet tall and king of everything. God, it was so damn addicting.

  She was addicting.

  And deserved a real date.

  Yesterday, after their failed attempt, they both agreed it was best to meet right at the restaurant. Lord knew the woman was going to be tempting. Hell, one flash of her smile and he popped a damn boner. His body was way too obsessed with her taste, her curves, and her sexy little sighs.

  Striding through his room to his bathroom, he glanced down at his thickening crotch. Damn pathetic.

  Quickly shedding his clothes, he cursed under his breath and stepped under the hot spray of the shower, fully erect. Even something as simple as thoughts of his sexy angel made him hard. After he soaped up and rinsed off, and his dick was still sticking out like a stupid towel rack, he knew he was going to have to deploy a one-handed maneuver to keep the damn thing from getting in the way of his plans tonight.

  Drying off a few minutes later, he snickered. At least now maybe he could manage to go an hour without wanting to take her to bed. He’d be damn lucky to make it to their table. He was that pitiful.

  And he was going to be late.

  Muffling a curse, he shoved his tardy ass in another set of clothes similar to last night and was rushing across the room when his former commander called. He answered the phone with a frown. “Mitchum.”

  “Just checking on your ETA, Romeo.” The commander’s tone was as gruff and no-nonsense as his appearance. “You’ve had a few days to assess the tornado damage. What’s the verdict?”

  For some reason, Brick’s chest tightened as he entered the hall. “Pushed my departure back a few weeks. I can’t leave the ranch until it finds its footing.”

  And Beth finished her job and went home.

  Damn. He wasn’t sure where that thought had come from, but now that it was out there, he acknowledged the truth in it. Plain stupid not to take advantage of the woman’s two-week stay in central Texas while he was helping to get the ranch back on its feet.

  “Copy that,” the commander said. “Your dedication is admirable, son. One of the reasons I want you on my team.”

  “I appreciate that, sir.”

  Racing down the stairs, Brick told himself his decision and the constriction in his chest had nothing to do with Beth. Spending time with her was a bonus.

  “Get your things in order, Romeo, and I’ll check back next week.”

  A second later the line went dead, and Brick shoved the phone back in his pocket as he hurried for the front door. He’d worry about Vegas in two weeks. Until then, his time and energy belonged to the ranch and one sweet angel.

  Stone stepped from the home office as Brick passed. “Where’s the fire, bro? Got a hot date?”

  What was with everyone worrying about his damn social life?

  Without stopping, he flipped his brother the bird, opened the front door, and strode across the porch.

  “Hang on. So do I.” Stone rushed after him. “Can I hitch a ride? I’m supposed to meet Jovy at her apartment.”

  Since it was on the way and wouldn’t interfere with his timetable, Brick nodded and climbed into his truck.

  “Thanks.” Stone got in on the other side. “She agreed to live with me. Well, us.”

  “That’s great, man. Congratulations.” Smiling, he punched his brother’s shoulder. “When is she moving in?”


  “What?” He reeled back. “I can’t help tonight. Sorry.”

  His brother waved him off. “We’re good. You know Jovy; she insisted on packing up her apartment all day while I’ve been working.”

  He started the truck and chuckled. “Sounds like Jovy. Boxes are probably color-coded and labeled.” He liked her. She was great for Stone. Fun and spontaneous, yet organized to a tee.

  As he drove down the long drive, Brick contemplated the transformation of his stiff, workaholic brother to the smiling idiot sitting next to him, flipping a coin in the air.

  Brick was one to talk, though. He couldn’t seem to wipe the smile from his damn face, either.

  His brother snickered. “Good sex will do that.”

  He blinked. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Your expression.”

  He didn’t do expressions. Other than a smile or occasional growl. Eight years as a Ranger had suppressed his ability to show emotion.

  Stone chuckled. “Face it, bro, Ranger training didn’t teach us how to disconnect from the right woman.”

  He turned onto the deserted road that led to town and chewed on his brother’s words. The right woman. He liked that analogy.
The way he clicked with Beth made sense. She very well could be the right woman for him. Time would tell.

  Too bad they didn’t have much of it. Although, what did it matter? He wasn’t really looking, was he?

  “Heard you reconnected with the green-eyed girl,” his brother said, still tossing the damn coin in the air. “You starting another fling?”

  With a quick jab, he punched the penny mid-air, and it smashed into the floorboards by Stone’s feet. “Beth isn’t a fling.”

  Stone stilled and turned to stare. Brick knew because he could feel beady eyes on him.

  Finally, when the silence grew more annoying than welcomed, he glanced at the idiot. “What?”

  “Never heard you say that before. It’s great. Means there’s hope for you.”

  He rolled his eyes at the goof and returned his attention to the road. “Keep it up and I’ll drop you off at your four-legged girlfriend’s instead. I’m sure Lula Belle would be thrilled. Jovy, not so much.”

  Stone laughed as he bent down and ran his hand over the floor, no doubt to retrieve that damn penny. “I’m holding out hope those two can connect someday.”

  Brick laughed. “Don’t hold your breath.” The neighbor’s cow had a huge crush on Stone but had it in for Jovy, even going so far as to trap the poor woman up a tree.

  “So…tell me, Brick, how do you like your rental?” His brother straightened in his seat and grinned at him like a fool.

  What the fuck’s up with him now?

  He ignored the look and considered the question. He’d rather have his baby back. Damn, he loved that old truck. They’d been through a lot together. But since the tornado decided to take it for a spin and crash her into the men’s barracks the other week, he had no choice but to rent one until the insurance claim came through.

  “It’s a ride,” he finally replied. “Why?”

  “Does this come standard or do you have to pay extra?” Grinning bastard held up a lacey peach thong.


  Brick’s heart rocked in his chest and his mind immediately went back to yesterday, how he’d tugged a scrap of lace down her legs to gain access to her sweetness. Damn. It must’ve fallen off.

  “Give me that.” He hit the brakes, swiped the scrap of material from the jerk, and shoved it in his shirt pocket.


  Brick’s lip curled, and a warning rumbled up his throat as he resumed driving down the quiet country road.

  “You’re smitten.”

  He glanced sideways to find a big grin covering the asshole’s face.

  “This Beth has got you good.”

  It was on the tip of Brick’s tongue to shoot down his brother’s claim, but the bastard was right. Besides, he realized he didn’t want to deny it. “Yes, she does.”

  “Wow,” Stone repeated. “I didn’t expect you to admit it. She must be special.”

  “She is.” Warmth spread through his chest as he turned onto Main Street. “I like her. I like being with her.”

  “I understand. Believe me. You like who you are with her.”

  Brick nodded. “I do, but this is only our fourth date,” he felt compelled to point out.

  “I understand that, too. Hell, Jovy and I met only a little over a month ago. But it’s crazy as fuck how it feels like I’ve known her all my life.”

  The happy couple certainly acted that way. They had a killer connection, and the air seemed to zap whenever those two made eye contact.

  Weird shit.

  “Just don’t be an idiot like me and let it scare you. Jesus, when I think about how close I came to losing Jovy last weekend…” Stone’s voice trailed off, and he closed his eyes and shook his head before reopening his eyes. “Just keep an open mind, okay?”

  He would if he knew what the hell that meant. “All I know is I like being with her.”

  “Good start,” Stone said. “So…when do we get to meet her?”

  He shrugged. “I’m going to ask her to come to At-Ease for lunch tomorrow, but she’s in Braxton temporarily on business, so there’s a chance she’ll have plans.” With luck, he’ll be part of those plans.

  “Where is she from?”

  He pulled up in front of the V-Spot Café Jovy used to own. Her apartment was above the gluten-free vegan restaurant that had surprisingly become a hit with the locals.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. Never asked.”

  “What if she’s from out of state? You okay with that if things get serious?”

  Putting the truck in park, he turned to his brother. “Didn’t seem to bother you with Jovy, and she’s from Philadelphia.”

  “True, but we’re not talking about me.”

  Brick contemplated how he’d react if he found out Beth was leaving to go back to another state in two weeks. A lump formed in his stomach the size of his brother’s fat head.

  “And what about your plans to move to Vegas?” Stone raised a brow. “Are they still on?”

  Ah hell. Not that again. Of course they were.


  He removed his hat to run a hand through his hair. “I’ll tell you what I told Cord when he asked me yesterday. It’s too soon to worry about.” He set the Stetson back on his head. “There’s a lot I want to do at the ranch yet, and as far as Beth, we still need to figure out if we’re compatible beyond the bedroom.”

  Stone scratched his jaw. “Easier said than done when you only have a limited time to spend with each other.”

  He blew out a breath. “Guess I’ll figure it out. You did.”

  His brother’s snort echoed through the cab. “Barely, and with some help.” He opened the door and slid out, then turned to face him. “Just remember what I said about keeping an open mind.”

  “Yes, sir.” He sent his smirking sibling a salute before driving away.

  For the first time in Brick’s life his mind was open. Just the fact he was about to go out on his fourth date with the same woman and he wasn’t seeing any others was very broad for him. And then there was the fact he intended not to have sex on this date. Oddly enough, it didn’t scare him at all. He actually wanted it that way.

  The thought of Beth leaving?

  Now that scared the hell out of him.


  Since the restaurant Beth was meeting Brick at was within walking distance, she decided to wear flat sandals, a cross-body purse, and walk to the place. The evening was warm, but not too hot for her to regret wearing a maxi-dress instead of another sundress. She hadn’t packed too many outfits for dating.

  It wasn’t like she’d plan to date at all. But the opportunity presented itself—in the form of a hot, sweet cowboy—and she wasn’t about to miss out.

  Confident she looked presentable but not trashy or attempting to entice him, she chose the aqua dress for its loose fit and casual appearance. The cowboy was making an honest effort to get to know her without sex involved, and she wanted to do the same.

  It boggled her mind and was almost laughable how she needed to meet Brick in a public place, because if he showed up on her doorstep there was a better than 50 percent chance she’d yank him into her room and have her way with him.

  Images from last night of a naked Brick sprawled out on her bed in all his muscled glory, lazy smile on his lips and heat blazing in his dark gaze, flittered through her mind, and she nearly tripped over her own feet.

  Yeah, good call meeting him at the restaurant.

  And according to Brick, he wasn’t 100 percent sure he’d be able to pick her up in his truck without having his way with her, either. Considering he’d pleasured her within the first five minutes she was in that vehicle, she was inclined to agree.

  Another good call.

  Beth was just crossing the street to the Italian restaurant when he pulled into the parking lot, and her pulse hiccupped while butterflies took flight in her stomach. Two occurrences she never thought existed. Same with fireworks and rockets. The man proved those to be real, too.

  Anything was
possible with Brick.

  “Hi, angel.” His whole face lit up the instant he saw her, and his reaction sent those butterflies into a frenzy. “You look amazing.” He produced a single red rose from behind his back, and a delicious warmth spread through her chest, then parts farther south when he brushed the flower across her lips. “As much as I want to kiss you, I think perhaps it’s better I refrain.”

  Grabbing his hand holding the flower, she brushed his fingers and the soft petals with her lips. “Thank you.”

  His gaze darkened with a flash of heat. “You’re welcome.” Then he passed her the flower and entwined the fingers of her free hand with his. “Shall we?”

  “Yes.” Smiling, she walked with him into the restaurant where a pretty hostess led them through a dimly lit room with a gorgeous fountain in the center and rows of private booths bordering the walls on either side. It had a nice, symmetric feel. “Here you go.” The woman smiled, holding back a thick red curtain so they could slide into the round booth barely big enough to fit them both. “Your server will be with you in a moment,” she said, then retreated, and the curtain fell into place.

  Leaving them alone in their own private cocoon of intimacy.

  Oh boy.

  Beth set her rose on the table. The place was amazing. The ambiance was tasteful and romantic, and any other time she would’ve enjoyed the surroundings. Her pulse raced and body rejoiced, already heating where their sides brushed against each other.

  But since they were making it a point not to think about sex, this was the wrong environment. There were no people. No distractions. Just encouragement to get intimate at every turn. She drew in a breath, trying to calm her heart rate, and promptly regretted the action. Brick’s cologne, or soap, or shampoo, or whatever it was smelled amazing and male. If sex really did have a smell, then it should smell like this…like Brick, because the male, woodsy, musky scent made her want to strip him naked and lick him from head to toe and back.



  Trembling, she cleared her throat and scooted as far from him as the booth would allow, noting he did the same. Beth chanced a glance at him, taking in his clenched jaw and tiny beads of sweat on his forehead.


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