Her Secret Ranger (The Men of at Ease Ranch)

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Her Secret Ranger (The Men of at Ease Ranch) Page 7

by Donna Michaels

  “Yeah, sorry, Lizzie,” Cord replied. “I’m not going to make lunch. Mom just called. The hot water heater burst. I’m heading straight there now. I expect there’ll be water damage, so I’ll probably stay the night.”

  Several thoughts and emotions jumbled in her head, vying for top billing, with relief coming out the winner. “Okay. No problem. I hope she and Grandma don’t try to move anything out of the way.” The basement where the heater resided was a catchall for bulk storage, and she wouldn’t put it past either of the self-sufficient women to take it upon themselves to try to salvage things.

  “They better not. I told Mom I’d take care of it.”

  Beth laughed. “She’s stubborn. It’s where you get your stubbornness from.”

  “Me? I’m as easygoing as butter on corn.”

  “Bullshit.” She chuckled, turning around to meet Brick’s amused gaze, his body no longer stiff but relaxed as he leaned back against the closed door, arms folded, slight quirk to his lips.

  Thank goodness his posture was now as relaxed as his expression. Although they hadn’t spouted commitments to each other, she’d never do the things she did with him while dating another. Heck, she’d never even done half those things before.

  Never wanted to…until him.

  “So, a raincheck on lunch?” her brother’s voice brought her mind back to the conversation and off Brick’s sexy-as-sin body.

  “Of course.”

  “Great. Maybe you can come out to At-Ease this weekend.”

  Holy crow. She stilled as her heart leaped in her chest. Finally, oh my God, he finally invited her to the ranch. She couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face.

  “I’d love that.”

  For over a year, she and her mother and grandmother had been coveting a visit to the ranch her brother co-owned with his buddies. Cord always kept things close to the vest. So after asking to visit on more than one occasion and always getting shot down, Beth knew she’d have to wait for her brother to issue the invite. Excitement raced through her veins at not only being able to see the ranch and the operation dear to her brother’s heart, but finally—finally—she’d get to actually meet his buddies, the men he’d fought and bled with for nearly a decade.

  No amount of pleading on her mother’s part could get her brother to bring the men to their home. Cord had insisted he needed to keep home and military separate. But after he’d retired from active duty, he still never changed his rule.

  Until now.

  Damn, she could barely contain herself. Beth practically danced in place.

  “So, about your hotel,” Cord began.

  Beth sighed loudly. “Not that again. I’m fine. I’m not leaving.”

  Ever since she gave her brother the itinerary for her Braxton stay, he’d been on her to find different accommodations.

  “There’s a great hotel just up the road that has a four-star rating.” His tone was back to immovable. “It’s safer than staying near the bar.”

  “I’m plenty safe,” she replied, rolling her eyes at a smiling Brick. “Besides, my company chose this place. And I’m here on their dime.”

  Thank goodness. Even though the rate was reasonable, Beth wouldn’t be able to afford two weeks on her pay.

  “Look, we’ll talk about it when I get back. I’m probably going to lose you,” Cord said. “Nearly to the stretch of road with no cell service.”

  “Okay. Let me know how it goes with Mom.”

  “Will do,” he replied before the line went silent.

  Elated to have side-stepped the hotel issue once again, and to have more time with the handsome man still leaning against her door, she shoved her phone in her purse, walked over to Brick, and ran her hands up his chest. “Well, cowboy, looks like I’m all yours today.”

  He unfolded his powerful arms and wrapped them around her. “Lucky me.”

  “No, lucky me,” she corrected, trailing her mouth along his jawline to his ear. “What shall I do with you?”

  “I have a few suggestions.” He slid a hand into her hair and tugged her head until she met his gaze, then he slowly lowered his mouth to hers for an unhurried, thorough kiss.

  The talented man dipped and drank, teasing her lip with a swipe of his tongue but never delving inside. Her body trembled with need and her stomach fluttered with each pass, anticipation stealing her breath.

  She moaned and pressed closer, treating his lower lip to the same delicious torture. Just when she didn’t think she could take any more, he broke the kiss and tucked her into his chest.

  “Let’s save the rest for later.” His voice rumbled in her ear, and she listened to his rapid heartbeats slow while her own decreased in pace. “I want to take you to my ranch and show you my home, so let’s get out of this room before we end up naked in that bed.”

  Naked in her bed sounded wonderful, but so did the fact he wanted to take her home. Share something so personal. It was a big step for him. She could feel it way deep inside and wanted to make him happy. Pleasing him made her happy.

  “I’d love to see your ranch.” She pushed out of his embrace and grabbed her purse. “Am I dressed okay? I wasn’t sure what I should wear.”

  “You look amazing, angel. You always look amazing,” he said, ushering her out the door.

  She turned around and smiled at him. “Aw, thank you. I bought this dress in a little shop down the street this morning. It reminded me of you.”

  Burnt umber in color, the hue matched some of the speckles in his eyes and made her think of warmth and sunshine—exactly how she felt under his gaze.

  “It does?” That gaze was hot now and very pleased as he helped her into his truck.

  “Yep. Makes me feel warm all over.” She cupped his chin and gently pressed her lips to his.

  He kissed her back, soft at first then harder, more demanding. Her nipples pressed against her bodice, giving him a standing ovation. He drew back with a groan. “You’re doing it to me again. Making me forget where I am.”

  “Ditto,” she murmured as he shut the door, walked around the truck, and climbed in the other side. Memories of the last time she was in this truck with him did nothing to lessen the need trembling through her.

  It was several minutes later, when they were on the outskirts of town, heading east, that her calm returned. She sat back and enjoyed the scenery and how the sun, shining in a gorgeous blue sky above the wide open plains, made the world seem so vast. It reminded Beth that she was but a blip and her troubles just a speck. Humbling. Refreshing. Just what she needed.

  “Thanks for coming today.” Brick’s deep voice rumbled into the silence and straight to her erogenous zones.

  Jeez, she was so damn easy when it came to him.

  Shifting in her seat in an attempt to dispel the ache, she smiled over at him. “I’m touched you want to show me your home. I get the impression it’s something special.”

  “Sure is. It originally belonged to my grandfather, who passed it down to my father, and after my brother Stone and I retired from the military, it was passed to us.”

  Stone? She hid a smile. Did he have another brother named Mason? Or maybe that was his father’s name.

  “Where is your dad now?”

  “He and Mom are living in Albuquerque, to be near my grandmother.”

  She nodded, absently noting they passed a sign announcing Joyful was thirty miles away. She thought about Cord’s ranch—At-Ease—and looked forward to visiting that weekend. Beth still couldn’t believe her brother had finally invited her.

  “We also revived my grandfather’s construction company.”

  So it was passed down. She watched the spotted patches of prairie grass dot the dusty landscape. “Construction is such a big market, especially in Texas.”

  Thanks to their location in tornado alley, storms were always damaging or destroying homes and businesses. Construction would always be in demand. It was a popular trade. Even her brother did it now that he was no longer in the
military, to her mother’s delight. She was much happier Cord was shooting nails instead of bullets.

  “True. Me and my brother, along with two buddies run the ranch and the construction business together.”

  The first vestiges of unease prickled Beth’s shoulders. Didn’t mean anything. Lots of guys owned ranches and construction companies.

  “They’re both open to veterans.”

  That unease traveled down to her chest. Plenty of ranches hired veterans. It was just another coincidence. Didn’t mean it was the same ranch. There were over one hundred and eighty five thousand ranches in Texas. No friggin’ way was it the same one.

  Just like the fact the sign they just past said Joyful was now only twenty miles away didn’t mean it was their destination. Everything was fine. She was just being paranoid because she was dating Brick, knowing his military status would be an issue with her brother.

  Nothing more.

  It was all good.

  “Last year, after one of our Ranger brothers swallowed a bunch of pills, we decided to open At-Ease to take in veterans who were having a hard time adjusting to civilian life.”

  Oh God…

  Brick’s voice faded along with Beth’s vision as her world nearly came to a complete stop. There was so much about that statement that was upsetting she was finding it hard to keep from being sick.

  Seriously? Brick was one of Cord’s Ranger buddies?

  Probably Romeo, her mind supplied. The guy was smooth and gorgeous…and now she was barely hanging on to her breakfast. Dragging air into her lungs, she grasped onto the other horror. How could her brother go through everything Brick just revealed and not tell her? She felt so helpless and useless and angry. Damn angry. She could’ve been there for him.

  Oh, that’s right. The mighty Cord didn’t need anyone.

  And she was furious at fate, too. Livid.

  Fate couldn’t be that cruel. Just couldn’t be.

  Could it really put someone as wonderful and amazing as Brick in her path when he was someone she couldn’t have? Dammit. It was tricky enough for her to be involved with a former military guy, but for him to be one of her brother’s military brothers?

  That was a game changer.

  Even if by some miracle Cord was actually okay with her seeing Brick—which, you know, a little thing like hell freezing over would have to happen first—there was no way the former Ranger in a brotherhood with her brother was going to be okay with dating his buddy’s sister.

  It just wouldn’t happen. Soldiers didn’t do those things. There was an unspoken code amongst tight military squads. Sisters were off limits. Period.

  God…as soon as Brick found out, he was going to drop her faster than a live grenade.

  “…and Vince said he packed us a great lunch. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. He could make a rock taste like a gourmet meal.” Brick’s voice broke through her hell and she blinked past the sudden burning in her eyes.

  Dammit. She wasn’t going to cry. Tears wouldn’t solve her dilemma.

  Nothing would.

  Realizing she’d probably been silent for far too long, Beth inhaled another breath and forced a smile to her lips. “I’m sure it’ll be great.” There, steady and strong, her voice gave none of her inner turmoil away.

  Needing to concentrate on something else, she replayed his words in her head and thought about the other Rangers. Vince cooked. So he must be Capicola. Italian meat. She smiled. God, guys had a weird sense of humor.

  Brick reached across the seat to grab her hand. “Damn, angel, you’re fingers are so cold. Do you need me to turn down the air conditioner?”

  “No. I’m fine.” She squeezed his hand tight, relishing the contact with him, taking whatever she could get while she could get it.

  If only her damn brother had called his buddies by their given names all these years. Brick would certainly have sent up a red flag in her head. It wasn’t like the name was as common as Bill.

  But then you wouldn’t have spent time with him, her mind countered. True. Could she really begrudge herself their four…now five dates she’d spent with him?


  Absolutely not.

  She wouldn’t give up those memories for anything. Not even her brother.

  Since Cord was in Austin, and she didn’t have to worry about a confrontation this time, Beth decided to enjoy the day, take whatever she could get, make as many memories as the day would allow, because come tomorrow, she was going to have to come clean.

  A bitter sweetness settled over Beth as she discovered Joyful for the first time. Her brother had lived in this town for over a year. She should’ve visited several times by now. Dammit. Why had she allowed him to talk her out of coming?

  She was an idiot.

  Brick drove through a quiet Main Street paralleled by quaint little rows of shops connected by a plank sidewalk and a covered overhung roof.

  “V-Spot Café?” She lifted a brow and a smile tugged her lips. Must be the café her brother mentioned that served gluten-free food he thought she’d like.

  Brick chuckled. “Yeah, my brother’s girlfriend Jovy opened it last month as a contest against her cousin to prove to her grandfather she could operate any business. He made her sell vegan and gluten-free food to cowboys.”

  Beth snickered. “Did she win?”


  “I’d like to meet her. Maybe she has some pointers I can use for when I look to start my own business.”

  “You will. Jovy’s living at the ranch now.” He squeezed her hand then released it to wave at an older man riding a tractor down the side of the road, leading a cow by a rope. “That’s Skeeter. He owns the garage.” Brick pointed to an auto repair shop with several tires stacked in the corner and an old soda machine out front.

  “Does he always tow a cow?”

  Brick laughed, the deep, warm sound sending shivers down to her toes. “That’s Lula Belle. The old girl gets loose once in a while. Especially if my brother comes to town. She has a crush on Stone.”

  “Aw, that so sweet.”

  “Tell that to Jovy.” He snorted. “Lula Belle doesn’t like her. Even chased poor Jovy up a tree because she wants my brother to herself.”

  Beth studied his profile, trying to determine if the cowboy was pulling her leg. He glanced sideways at her and grinned. “I’m serious. You can ask Jovy and Stone when you meet them.”

  Stone…would he be Nikon or Straight-Shooter? Something told her the latter. Unless she was wrong about her guess on Brick.

  She returned his grin. “Okay. I believe you.” Her heart was trying to lighten, trying to enjoy the ride down the old country road Brick turned onto. Open fields lined both sides, with a strange mixture of grass, wildflowers, dirt, and rock, and even an occasional tree, all bordered with fences.

  The drive was beautiful. Serene. She understood why her brother decided to stay after he’d visited. “So quiet and peaceful.”

  Brick turned to her with a proud smile on his face. “Wait until you see At-Ease.”

  Her stomach rippled with an unknown emotion. Beth was having a hard time keeping her feelings light and uncomplicated for this incredible man. As he turned onto another road and drove under a large metal arch with the words At-Ease welded in the middle, she studied his profile. Chiseled symmetrical features, dimples; he had classic movie-star good looks. Cord told her Straight-Shooter and Romeo were brothers, and he had a longer history with Romeo, because they’d gone through basic training, then later Ranger training together.

  Maybe she got it wrong. Maybe fate would at least spare her that.

  Brick turned to her and grinned, those delicious dimples bracketing his face.

  She wasn’t going to hold her breath.

  But she did inhale when the ranch and several other buildings came into view. The place was huge, and gorgeous, surrounded by open fields with more of those wild flowers and several large beautiful oak trees.

  When he parked, she got out and silent
ly glanced around, letting the inherent tranquility of the place settle over her. “You were right, Brick. This is amazing.”

  He came over to her side and slid his arm around her. “Yeah. It’s a great place to relax.”

  The sounds of saws and hammers echoed in the distance.

  “Once construction is done,” he added with a wry smile. “Want a tour?”

  She smiled up at him. “I’d love one.”

  As Brick walked her around the outside of the men’s barracks currently under renovation, then the new female barracks they’d broken ground on that week, explaining what came next after the concrete set in the cinderblock shell, Beth saw At-Ease through his eyes, as well as her brother’s. Her chest swelled with so much pride she could barely breathe. The men tapped into something here. Something wonderful. She felt honored just to see it.

  “Hey, Brick. I thought I heard you pull up.” A good-looking cowboy with gray eyes and hair the same color as Brick’s exited the men’s barracks with an easy grin on his face.

  Maybe he was Romeo.

  “Yeah, we just got here.” Brick tightened his hold on her hip. “This is my brother Stone. Stone, this is Beth…ah, sorry.” A chuckle rumbled through him, vibrating into her side as he glanced at her. “I just realized I don’t know your last name.”

  Her heart fell to her knees then sprang back into her chest, accelerating her pulse to light speed. Lordy, if she told them, they’d know. Or mention it was their buddy Cord’s last name, and she’d have to tell another lie. It wasn’t like Brannigan was as common as Smith, either.

  Keeping the smile on her face, she settled for a half truth. “Madison.” Her middle name. Technically, it followed her first name.

  “Nice to meet you, Beth Madison.” Stone held out his hand and she shook it. “Now that I have, I understand why my brother is so smitten.”

  For something that was meant to make her feel great, Stone’s words made her feel awful. Like a louse. A liar. A fraud. But she wasn’t. She was a victim of fate. Cruel fate.

  And she had the sinking feeling it wasn’t done with her yet.

  Chapter Six

  Brick hadn’t expected to feel possessive and proud, but as he introduced Beth around the ranch those emotions washed through him. Even now, talking to his brother, he relished having the amazing woman at his side, her arm wrapped tightly around his waist with his around her, holding her hip. It was a great feeling. An unexpected treasure.


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