Daddy Institute (Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 7)

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Daddy Institute (Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 7) Page 4

by Becca Little

  “The Bradford Institute was our grandfather’s dream. He would want it to be part of the company.” Charles’ enthusiastic tone turned dark.

  “It was a different time then. That was before the world got soft and corporal punishment became taboo. It would have made sense when he ran the company, but it doesn’t make sense now.” I maintained my composure and I could sense his frustration.

  “We’ll have to disagree… The world views are changing.” Charles looked away and I could tell he was fuming. “We have Bianca set up in one of the private cells. She’ll be ready for you when we arrive.”

  I was a little shocked to see the condition of the prison once we stepped into the entrance. The paint was peeling and the lighting was terrible. It almost looked like a horror movie. The last time I was there, everything was bright and cheerful, with guards that didn’t look like they were ready to snap someone in half. The open areas that were designed for activities, studying, and development were all bare. It didn’t look like they had been used in some time. The guard escorted me down a dark hallway until we got to Bianca’s room. He turned a key in the lock and opened it up, revealing the private room she had been assigned. I walked in to find her sitting on the couch, wearing a dress that barely extended halfway down her thighs.

  “Hey Mr. Bradford…” She stared at the floor. “They said you were going to be my assigned Daddy.”

  “I am.” I removed my suit coat and hung it on a rack by the door. “And from this point forward, you will refer to me only as Daddy.”

  “Yes sir…Daddy.” She let out a sigh and continued staring at the floor.

  “Your counselor visited you this morning and explained everything?” I sat down in a chair facing her.

  “They did…” She swallowed hard and finally lifted her head. Her eyes were rimmed with redness, suggesting she had been crying.

  “This will not be easy for you. I decided to be your Daddy, because I’m very upset about what you did. I plan to visit you at least once a week to administer punishment.” I leaned forward and stared into her eyes. “Do you have anything to say for yourself before we begin?”

  “I’m…” Her voice trembled. “I’m really sorry about what I did. If I had known I was in line for a promotion, I would have never tried to steal money from you.”

  “So, you think it would have been okay if we weren’t planning to promote you?” I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head.

  “No…” She looked down at the floor again, breaking from my gaze. “I just meant…”

  “I’ve heard enough.” I held up my hand. “It’s time for your first spanking.”

  I could tell she had a hint of remorse, but there wasn’t enough sorrow in her words. She didn’t regret what she did, she regretted getting caught. She regretted the fact her crime had impacted her, but didn’t give a damn about the way it impacted anyone else. She needed to be taught a lesson. She needed discipline and punishment. It was going to be a long year for Bianca Adams and I intended to make sure she suffered for crime. I wasn’t sure one visit per week was going to be enough after speaking with her. The first lesson would be with the palm of my hand, but it would only be the beginning. She would have to be broken before she could be rebuilt. She was a long way from rehabilitation, but I fully intended to make sure she understood the egregious nature of her crime.

  Chapter 9 — Bianca

  “It’s time for your first spanking.”

  Daddy’s words echoed in my head. I struggled with the term Daddy, but I understood that I was expected to call him that. It was all part of the process, according to the counselor. Being spanked and punished was also part of the process, and the severity of it was the trade-off I had to accept for spending my days in a comfortable apartment instead of a prison cell. The cameras in every corner of my apartment blinked constantly, but I had been aware of the light going dim when Daddy entered the room. While he wasn’t there, everything I did was monitored, but he was free to do what he wanted to me without the watchful eye of whoever was on the other side of the lens. That worried me a bit, especially when he walked over and took me by the wrist, lifting me off the couch.

  “Are you wearing panties?” His tone was firm as I stood.

  “Yes sir.” I nodded in confirmation.

  “Go ahead and remove them. After today, you should be naked beneath your dress when I visit.” He released my wrist and took a step back.

  I reached underneath my dress and pushed my panties down past my thighs. I kept them clutched in my right hand as I slid them to my ankles and removed them. Once my panties were gone, he took them from me and shoved them into his pocket. The blue dress I wore was like one I would have worn when I was a little girl attending church. It was one of several in the closet, but all of them were the same style. He sat down on the couch and guided me across his knee, leaving me dangling across it once I was in position. He reached down and pulled my dress up until my bare bottom was completely exposed.

  “Have you ever been spanked before?” His hand rested on my bottom, causing me to tense up.

  “No.” I shook my head.

  “Maybe if you had been spanked regularly, you would know the difference between right and wrong.” His hand accentuated the point with a stinging smack in the middle of my bottom.

  He landed several hard smacks in the center of my bottom and then started moving from one side to the other. His hand was large and thick, leaving a stinging reminder that spread from the spot where his palm landed to the outline of his fingers. I quickly started to squirm and twist my hips, but he kept a hand firmly on my waist and continued to spank me. I knew a spanking would hurt, but I wasn’t prepared for the constant flurry of unpredictability. His hand seemed to be everywhere, all at once. When I thought I was going to get a respite and feel his hand on the other side of my bottom, I would get two in the exact same spot. If the agony from that wasn’t bad enough, he would occasionally deliver several directly in the center, spreading across both sides of my punished bottom.

  “Ow! Please! It hurts!” I squealed as he entered a rhythm, making my bottom bounce each time his hand came down.

  “This is what happens to naughty girls when they go across their Daddy’s knee.” His tone carried very little emotion.

  I tried to be brave as long as I could. I knew I was going to get a spanking, and I had come to terms with that, but my body just couldn’t contain my fight or flight reflexes. I threw a hand back to try and stop the flurry. Instead of relief, he simply reached for my wrist and pulled it away. My wrist was pinned to the small of my back and all thoughts of self-preservation were stripped away. I struggled against his grasp, but he held me firmly in place without deviating from the rhythm of the stinging smacks. It didn’t matter how hard I tried to fight or how bad I wanted it to stop. I was across his knee and at his mercy until he was done spanking me. I felt tears welling up in my eyes as the stinging sensation on my bottom started to heat up and burn like a wildfire out of control.

  “I’m sorry I stole from you!” The tears welling up in my eyes started to roll down my cheeks.

  “You did more than steal from me.” His tone was still emotionless, but it was a firm growl. “You violated the trust of our employees and our customers.”

  I had never really thought about it like that. I was out for myself and my own retirement plans, with no regard for the damage I did in the interim. I started to squall as his hand kept coming down hard, picking the pace as my tears intensified. My feet kicked with little regard for my dignity. I knew he could see everything below my waist as I flailed out of control, but all I could concentrate on was the raging inferno he lit on my bottom. My sobs picked up, rolling out of my throat as the tears streamed down my face. I knew what I did was wrong and I knew I deserved to be punished for it. That realization wasn’t enough for me to come to terms with it. I was in so much agony, I just wanted it to stop. He held me there and continued to punish me, keeping me on the edge of my comeuppance for what fe
lt like an eternity before his hand finally started to slow down. He delivered several slow, hard smacks as he brought my spanking to a conclusion.

  “I’m really sorry…” I choked out my words between sobs as my body finally started to relax across his knee.

  “Sorry doesn’t erase what you did.” He helped me to my feet after leaving me there across his knee for several minutes to recover from my punishment. “This rehabilitation isn’t just about spanking you. My family designed it to show young wayward women they were loved, but there were consequences for their actions.”

  He wrapped his strong arms around me. My dress fell down my back and slid against my punished bottom, causing me to cringe as the fabric touched my flesh. He held me against his shoulder, stroking the back of my head as I continued to cry. I pressed my face into him, feeling the tears soaking his shirt. He held me until my tears were finally dry and my sobs were gone. I looked up into his eyes that had been raging when he walked in the room and saw a much softer stare. He took me by the hand and walked up to the bed. I climbed on top of the covers and lay on my stomach. His hand caressed my back and my shoulders. I felt safe, even though I had been spanked. My emotions were in a bit of a turmoil as he leaned over and kissed me on the side of my head.

  “I’ll see you next week…” He stood to his feet and walked towards the door.

  Chapter 10 - Sloane

  Bianca wasn’t the first girl I had spanked. In my twenties, I dated a girl that couldn’t get over my knee fast enough. She had so many emotional problems that manifested in her desire to be punished that it interfered in every aspect of our relationship. After dating her, I had found others who liked it and some that just tolerated it, but there was no real connection to the punishment. As I got older, I found solace in being alone. The desire to nurture, mold, and punish when necessary was a core part of who I was, but none of the women I dated fit the scope of what I truly needed. I hadn’t even considered serving as someone’s Daddy at the Bradford Institute, but after punishing Bianca, it felt like I understood why my grandfather was so intent on seeing it become reality. I felt like Bianca’s spanking had a purpose that extended beyond my desire to punish her for what she did.

  “Are you done with her?” The guard stared at me as I closed the door and stepped outside of her room.

  “I’ll be back next week.” I waved and started walking down the hallway.

  When I got the next door, I peeked inside to see a woman sleeping on the bed. All the rooms appeared to be laid out the same way with the same choice of attire. Her dress was like the one Bianca wore. The next room had a similar scene, but the woman was watching television, laughing at the screen. The next room left me with quite a shock. I saw a woman bent over the couch in her dress and a naked man behind her, vigorously fucking her. I paused for a moment and stared. That definitely wasn’t part of any arrangement I was aware of. I looked to the guard assigned to the room and he shrugged, as if it wasn’t a big deal. The last room at the end of the hallway had a similar scene, but the man was naked on the couch with a young woman on her knees, serving his cock with her mouth. I exited the hallway and instead of leaving, I walked up the stairs that led to Charles’ office.

  “Charles!” I roared as I entered his office and slammed the door.

  “What happened?” He stood. “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is most certainly not okay!” I stared at him and shook my head. “What the hell is going on down there? I saw a woman getting fucked and a woman giving her Daddy—if that’s what you call him—a blowjob!”

  “Rehabilitation is strange.” He shrugged. “Some of our more high-profile clients make deals with the prisoners that don’t involve them being punished.”

  “High profile? What do you mean?” I felt my anger rising.

  “Senators, congressman, whoever wants to donate to the charity. We try to find them a girl that will do what they want.” His tone was nonchalant, like it wasn’t a big deal.

  “You’re running a fucking brothel!” My mouth fell open in shock. “That wasn’t what our grandfather wanted!”

  “Everything is consensual.” He held up his hands. “They aren’t required to have sex unless they want it.”

  “You know damn good and well that isn’t what this place is supposed to be.” I moved closer to him. “Is this why you wanted to expand? You just wanted wealthy mother fuckers to pay a premium price to have a young girl at their disposal?”

  “Don’t knock it…” Charles shrugged. “I’m sure that little hot mess you’re rehabilitating would wrap her lips around your cock to avoid a spanking.”

  “This is bullshit. You better clean this up.” I pointed my finger at him. “I better not see any of that shit when I come back next week.”

  I left the institute fuming. My grandfather would have rolled over in his grave he saw the kind of things that were going on there. It wasn’t what he had in mind. I had no problem with relationships that formed between the young women and their Daddies once they were free, but it wasn’t supposed to happen during their rehabilitation. There was no way I could stand for that. I made a few calls as the driver took me to the airport. I wanted auditing, regular visitations, and safety parameters for the young women in the Bradford Institute. They were there to be rehabilitated with punishment, sexless affection, and permanent correction. Being able to trade their bodies to avoid punishment was not part of the program. They could get that in prison. The Bradford Institute was supposed to be an alternative with a strict set of rules and it was clear Charles didn’t give a damn about that.

  As I boarded my helicopter, I started to think of Bianca. She was a gorgeous young woman but I wouldn’t have even looked twice at her if we were the office. Some of the women flirted—Tina was the worst—but I was always so consumed with my business ventures I couldn’t focus on anything that wasn’t right in front of my face. It had been a while since I had even been with a woman and that was nothing more than a one-night-stand with an executive from another company during one of my trips to Japan. It would have been easy to just use Bianca for my pleasure instead of rehabilitating her. After seeing how she reacted to her first spanking, I felt like she would probably agree to anything if it meant she avoided her next one. I just wasn’t that kind of man. I believed in what the Bradford Institute stood for and the purity of my grandfather’s dream. I made it my silent mission to restore the integrity of his vision.

  Chapter 11 — Bianca

  The lingering sting of the spanking was still present when I woke up the following morning. My bottom was no longer red, but there was a pink halo around the middle which had received more attention from his hand than the rest of it. It didn’t hurt to sit, but it was uncomfortable. I stood up as I crawled out of bed and saw the blinking lights on the cameras, a reminder that I was being watched when my Daddy wasn’t present. I tried to ignore them as I removed my dress and showered, even if the peering eyes were unlikely to be ignoring me. I fixed my breakfast after I was dressed and decided to read a book while I sat alone in my room. A few minutes later, I heard a key in my door and it swung open to reveal the guard that had sprayed me down the first night. He walked into my room and motioned towards me with his hand.

  “Come on, Adams. You get yard time today.” He put his hands on his belt and waited.

  “Okay.” I put my book down and stood. My counselor had mentioned I would get yard time, but she didn’t elaborate on what that meant.

  I followed the guard down the dingy hallway towards an open door. I walked past several dark rooms and then saw a light on. I could help but peek inside as we passed, and I saw a young woman wearing a similar dress to the one I had on, standing in the kitchen making breakfast. Her room looked identical to mine, down to the same color paint on the concrete walls. I paused when I came to the next room. Inside I saw a girl completely naked, face down on the bed with her bottom exposed. Behind her was her assigned Daddy, a long leather belt folded in half. I could hear the muffl
ed cracking sound as it landed on her red streaked bottom, and I could hear her scream echo even through the door. What was even more shocking was the fact his pants were unfastened and he was stroking his cock as he whipped her.

  “Move along, Adams.” The guard grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away as the belt landed on her unprotected bottom again.

  I was ushered through the rest of the hallway without much opportunity to look in the rooms, but I could see men and women in various stages of undress. I couldn’t believe the pure filth of what I saw. I understood that punishment was routine, but I had never imagined being forced to have sex with my assigned Daddy. Sloane Bradford was certainly attractive but I didn’t want my first time to be with a random person I had no feelings for. I could have had that at any point in my life, but I always resisted. When I got to the end of the hallway, I was pushed out into a square area surrounded by a chain link fence. I looked back at the guard in confusion.

  “You get thirty minutes. Do whatever you want.” He slammed the door and locked it.

  The fresh air felt good after being confined to the Bradford Institute, but other than that, I was just standing in the sun on a thin patch of grass. I tried stretching, moving my arms around, and getting a bit of exercise, but after a few minutes, I was sweating from the heat. I imagined time in the yard would be spent with other prisoners with some sort of social contact. I had also assumed there would be activities or something. I finally just walked to the corner, sat down on a patch of grass, and leaned against the fence. The angle at least kept the sun from beating directly down on me. I was relieved when the guard opened the door and motioned for me to come back inside. I hopped to my feet and fanned myself as I stepped into the air-conditioned prison. It suddenly didn’t seem so dingy.

  “Someone signed up to see you today around eleven. I’ll come get you and take you to the visitor area in about an hour.” The guard walked in front of me as continued to fan myself.


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