Daddy Institute (Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 7)

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Daddy Institute (Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 7) Page 10

by Becca Little

  “I’ll be good.” I nodded quickly.

  Daddy seemed pleased with my response. He hugged me and walked outside. Ms. Veronica turned and watched him as he climbed into the helicopter and the blades started to spin. I watched as it lifted, and continued staring until it was out of sight. After he was gone, my attention turned back to Ms. Veronica. She was a bit older than me and based on the slight hints of age in her face, I guessed she was in her thirties. I didn’t feel like I needed a babysitter, but I wasn’t going to question Daddy’s wishes. She finally turned to me and dug into her purse, pulling out a vaporizer pen. She puffed on it a couple of times and filled the area around her body with smoke that dissipated quickly.

  “Please tell me you’re fucking him.” She grinned.

  “What?” I stared at her in shock. “No!”

  “That’s too bad. I barely lasted a day with my Daddy before I had my lips wrapped around his cock.” She shrugged and puffed her vaporizer pen again.

  “Did you spend time at the Bradford Institute?” I wondered if she was one of the girls I saw having sex with their assigned Daddies.

  “No.” She shook her head back and forth. “I chose my life as Little Roni.”

  “You did it willingly?” My mouth fell open in shock.

  “I did.” She nodded. “I was a mess before my Daddy found me. He rescued me and offered me the option of remaining with him or going back to the streets. I made the only choice that seemed realistic.”

  “I didn’t realize this sort of thing was so—common.” I blinked with surprise.

  “We band together, those of us that follow the philosophy outlined by Sloane’s grandfather. He was a pioneer.” She walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

  “I don’t know much about it.” I admitted as I followed her into the kitchen.

  “I’m guessing Sloane’s a purist.” She pulled a beer out of the fridge and twisted off the cap. “At least it seems that way since he has a beautiful girl like you here at his house and you aren’t fucking him. My Daddy believed in the alternate philosophy—the one that requires those taken by their Daddies to be subservient to them in every way.”

  “I didn’t realize there were different interpretations.” I followed her back into the living room. She plopped down on the couch and started drinking her beer.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I read about what was going on at the Bradford Institute and I definitely don’t believe in that sort of thing, but sometimes relationships do form.” She looked over at me. “When Sloane called me, he said you have a friend…Rebecca?”

  “Yeah…” I nodded.

  “I spoke with her earlier. Sloane asked me to give her a call. She said that she spoke with your parents and told them you were on some sort of work-related retreat.” She shrugged.

  “Thank you so much.” I smiled. “I had no idea how I was going to tell them about everything.”

  “A few reporters know who you are and there’s rumblings about what you did, but none of them will report it without a source.” She patted the couch. “Join me. We can find a movie to watch.”

  “I don’t think I’m supposed to watch movies…” I looked down at the floor. “Daddy said I was supposed to stay in my room during the day.”

  “I won’t tell him if you don’t.” She motioned me over and patted the couch again.

  It felt wrong to go against what my Daddy said, but the thought of spending a whole day in the room didn’t sound nearly as enticing as watching a movie with Ms. Veronica. I sat down beside her and she found a romantic movie on one of the premium channels. It looked like he had every channel there was. The movie was rather lighthearted. I found myself giggling and laughing along with Ms. Veronica as we watched it. She went through several beers and had to refill her vaporizer pen a couple of times during the movie. She puffed on it so much the entire living room was filled with a cloud, but it smelled like strawberries and marshmallows. It wasn’t as offensive as tobacco, so I didn’t mind if she satisfied her cravings. The movie ended with a predictable outcome and we were both smiling when the credits rolled.

  “Your diaper okay?” She looked over at me.

  “Yeah…” I nodded. “Are you supposed to change it if it isn’t?”

  “I’d prefer not to have to do that.” She shook her head. “If you’ll just use the toilet when you need to go, we can avoid that altogether.”

  “Yeah, that works for me.” I nodded. The idea of having her change it did not appeal to me at all.

  “Good. Do you want real food for lunch or your bottle?” She stood up and gathered her beer bottles.

  “I’m supposed to have the bottle.” I looked up at her.

  “That wasn’t what I asked. I can keep a secret.” She smiled and tilted her head.

  “Real food would be nice…” I admitted, even though the thought of defying my Daddy made my stomach turn.

  “Real food it is then.” She walked towards the kitchen.

  “So, are you still with your Daddy?” I took a seat at the table as she dug in the refrigerator.

  “I am, yes. We’re married now.” She pulled some lunch meat and a beer out of the fridge. “Want a beer?”

  “I think that would really be pushing it. I’d be okay with a soda though.” She handed me one and I popped the lid open.

  “Mayonnaise?” Ms. Veronica sat down and started making sandwiches.

  “Extra mayonnaise.” I smiled and felt my stomach grumbling at the thought of having real food.

  “Coming right up.” She slathered the bread until it was coated and pushed the sandwich over to me.

  “What is your Daddy like?” I asked after I chewed down my first bite of the sandwich.

  “He’s amazing. He spoils me rotten. It wasn’t always like that, but we’re in a good place now.” She finished making her sandwich and took a bite.

  “Does he still dress you up?” I looked down at my dress and then up to her.

  “I dress myself these days, but it isn’t a full-time thing like it was when I first met him. As you can see, I’ve earned the right to wear regular clothes and I’m no longer a prisoner in his house.” She smiled.

  I liked hearing Ms. Veronica’s story. She really did seem like she had benefited greatly from becoming Little Roni. I wondered if I would feel the same way she did when my time with my Daddy was done with my year of rehabilitation. He didn’t seem like he had any interest in me outside of my rehabilitation, but hearing Ms. Veronica’s story made me start to wonder what that would be like. There were certainly worse fates than being sexually subservient to a powerful billionaire. The main thing that kept the thoughts in the outer reach of my mind was the fact I was a virgin. It felt like it was the only thing really holding my moral compass at bay. After spending time alone with my Daddy and seeing what kind of person he was, I felt a different kind of attraction growing inside of me.

  Chapter 20 — Sloane

  “Thank you for agreeing to meet me.” I opened the door and Ginnifer Watson walked into my office.

  “I couldn’t get up out of my chair fast enough when I heard your voice. It’s good to see you again.” She leaned in for a customary kiss on the cheek and I reciprocated.

  “Please, have a seat. Would you like some coffee, water—something stronger?” I walked over and poured some water into a glass.

  “Some water would be good.” She extended her hand and I gave her the first glass, fixing a second for myself.

  Ginnifer was a beautiful as I remembered with her long legs that seemed almost a mile long topped off by a nylon skirt. Her red hair was almost darker than her lipstick and it was teased up in a mountain of curls. I didn’t think it was any mistake that the top button on her blouse was unbuttoned. It was open far enough that I could see the top part of her red bra that held a generous set of breasts. Her gaze followed me from the table where I fixed our drinks to my desk and when I took a seat, she tilted in her head and smiled. If I looked at a woman the way she was looking at
me, I would have either gotten a date or a sexual harassment complaint. I tried to ignore her gaze and focus on business.

  “Let’s cut to the chase.” I sipped my water and looked up at her. “I know the anonymous source for your article was my cousin, Charles.”

  “My source wouldn’t be able to remain anonymous if I confirmed it and if I denied it, you would just assume I was lying.” She kept her eyes glued to me.

  “I would know you were lying.” I tightened my jaw. “The article has his fingerprints all over it. You saw the statement released by the Bradford International legal team.”

  “And the one released by the legal team for the Bradford Institute. It seems like I’m caught in the middle of a Bradford civil war.” She grinned. “I just hope I get the exclusive.”

  “There’s no civil war.” I shook my head. “I’m trying to do the right thing and Charles only cares about money.”

  “Is that a quote for my article?” She raised her eyebrows.

  “No.” I glared at her. “It’s the truth. You can print whatever you want.”

  “I’d like to print the truth. Anonymous sources are great for headlines, but an actual quote from you would make for a better story.” She unfolded and refolded her legs. “Maybe we could talk about what you would like me to print over dinner and drinks tonight?”

  It would have been easy to take Ginnifer up on her offer. I hadn’t fucked anyone in a while, and she was an easy lay. She was uncomplicated and she wouldn’t expect me to call her the next day. I was just another dick in her Rolodex. We had a brief fling back when she was writing her first story about Bradford International and my ascension to CEO. There had been a few brief casual encounters since then, but never anything serious. As I sat there considering her offer, I realized I felt nothing. There was no attraction, no interest, and nothing more than a twinge in my penis as it begged for a workout. I started thinking of Bianca. If I went out with Ginnifer, I wouldn’t make it home. I wouldn’t be able to take care of her. It was far too early in her rehabilitation for me to do that.

  “I’m afraid I have to decline. I have another engagement.” I shook my head back and forth.

  “That’s a shame.” She sighed. “Okay, let’s get down to business then, because I don’t have plans and I’d like to have some.”

  “Sure thing.” I leaned forward against my desk. “I want you to write a positive piece about Bradford International. I want you to write about our new security initiatives, the things we’re doing to improve our products, and highlight the safety awards we’ve won in the last few years.”

  “That’s boring…” She wrinkled her nose. “I need something juicy.”

  “You don’t get the juicy stuff without getting through the appetizers. I promise that you’ll have the exclusive when the time comes, but I need positive spin on the company before Charles decides to release something negative.” I pushed an envelope towards her. “You’ll find all the details you need in this article.”

  “I better get something good, because the story of the minute is the Bradford Institute.” She shook her head and reached for the envelope.

  “You’re doing me a big favor.” I smiled and pulled my hand away from the envelope.

  “You better hope my anonymous source doesn’t send me something better before this goes to print.” She gathered her purse and stood up, pushing the envelope inside it.

  I walked Ginnifer to the door and kissed her cheek again before she left. Having the reporter that broke the Bradford Institute story do a positive piece on Bradford International would help tremendously when people started researching it. It would also send a clear message to Charles and let him know where her allegiance was. He would find a reporter to run whatever he volunteered as fact, but Ginnifer had a lot of clout. I settled back into my chair when Ginnifer was gone and worked my way through several emails and projects I needed to sign off on. I had to decide on Gary’s replacement, and that wasn’t an easy task. There were officers all over the world that deserved a promotion and regardless of who I chose, some would have their feelings hurt. Keeping them engaged in the business, even after they didn’t get their prized promotion would require a decent amount of goodwill.


  I worked until it was nearly dark and decided I need to take my work home with me if I wanted to finish and relieve Ms. Veronica from her babysitting duties. I found a small bit of excitement building in my stomach when the chopper was in the air and I was on my way back to Little Bianca. My desire for her had only gotten stronger when I turned down Ginnifer and I started to think about some of the alternative methods outlined in some of my grandfather’s private notes. I was torn between what I felt and my commitment to the purity of the rehabilitation. There was no way I could simply take Bianca as my own and let her go when the year was over. It was a complicated situation to say the least. I saw my house on the horizon and my face turned to a smile.

  “I’m home.” I pushed the door open. “Ms. Veronica?”

  “Welcome home, Mr. Bradford.” Ms. Veronica walked around the corner and waved.

  “Was everything okay today?” I walked over to the bar and started pouring whiskey into a glass.

  “Yep!” Her voice was cheerful. “Your Little Bianca is such a sweet girl. She missed you terribly though.”

  “She did?” I raised my eyebrows with a bit of surprise.

  “Of course!” Ms. Veronica started gathering her stuff. “She’s incredibly fond of her Daddy. Speaking of, I should probably be getting home to mine. Bianca will need her dinner bottle, but she’s got a fresh diaper on and should be good other than that.”

  “I really appreciate you staying her today. Do you think you’ll be free to watch her on a regular basis?” I lifted my glass and sipped.

  “I’ll verify with my Daddy, but I think that will be fine. He’s usually busy all day anyway, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem.” She waved. “See you tomorrow.”

  Ms. Veronica walked outside to the waiting helicopter and I sipped my whiskey as I watched the pilot whisk her away towards the city. The Davenports and the Bradfords had been friends as long as there had been Davenports and Bradfords. Our families were close before we immigrated to America and did a lot of business together. Many them worked at the Bradford International, spread across the globe in high ranking positions. I liked some of them more than I liked my own family—especially Charles. I hoped Victor would be okay with letting Ms. Veronica continue to babysit Bianca. I could have probably trusted Bianca on her own, but I expected her first three months to be spent completely regressed to the helpless state she had been placed in, so a babysitter was necessary to the rehabilitation.

  I walked into the kitchen and although I hadn’t eaten anything since lunch, I really wasn’t hungry. I started making Bianca’s bottle and noticed the fridge was a lot lighter on beer than when I left for the day. I made a mental note to restock since it appeared Ms. Veronica was fond of them. She wasn’t driving, so I didn’t care if she drank. If Victor had a problem with her coming home smelling like alcohol, he would correct the behavior. She was years past her time as Little Roni, so I doubted it was an issue. I finished the bottle and started up the stairs to see Bianca. I wondered if Ms. Veronica was just being nice or if Bianca was as fond of me as she said. I walked to the door and found the key in the lock, so I turned the handle and pushed the door open. Bianca was sitting at her table reading.

  “Hello Daddy!” She stood and walked over as I closed the door. “I’m so glad you’re home!”

  She wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her tight. “I missed you too.”

  “I’m famished…” She took it from me and walked back to the table.

  “Ms. Veronica said you were a very good girl for her today.” I smiled and took a seat at the table.

  “Yes, she’s a lot of fun. Thank you for letting her stay with me.” Bianca grinned and started to drink from her bottle.

  “Since you were so good for her tod
ay, I am going to give you thirty minutes alone without your diaper after your bedtime spanking.” I picked up the book she had been reading and flipped through the pages.

  “Does that mean—what I think it means?” Her words were drawn tight, but her eyes flickered with a bit of excitement.

  “Yes, you are free to pleasure yourself if you choose.” I nodded in confirmation. “I told you I would reward you for good behavior.”

  “Thank you, Daddy.” She smiled from ear to ear.

  “I have to go downstairs and do a little work before bed. Call me if you need anything.” I stood and walked to the door.

  I was a firm believer in rewarding good behavior as much as I believed bad behavior deserved punishment. Bianca was a young woman with sexual needs and the nature of our relationship did not allow me to satisfy them—even if I had a strong desire to do so. I fixed another drink once I was downstairs and walked into my office. I found an email from Ginnifer with a beautiful article about Bradford International. I hoped it would help shift some of the negative attention the company had received recently to a more positive view. I kept an eye on the time and when it approached Bianca’s bedtime, I finished my drink and headed back upstairs. The door opened and I found her sitting on the edge of the bed with a smile on her face.

  “Are you that excited about your bedtime spanking?” I asked as I closed the door.

  “Not exactly.” She grinned wider.

  I took Little Bianca by the hand and helped her stand. The diaper was removed quickly and I tossed it in the diaper caddy, even though it was still clean. I helped her remove her dress and then sat down on the edge of the bed. She quickly got across my knee and as she bent over, I could see that her pussy was already wet with anticipation of the reward I had promised her once she was properly spanked. Her bottom no longer had a trace of the spanking she had received the previous day. I brought my hand down firmly on the right side and then the left, leaving a pink outline where it had landed. She squirmed a little bit as I started to slowly deliver the stinging smacks. I reminded myself of what she did, all the danger she put the company in, and the seriousness of her crime as my hand bounced across her bottom.


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