The Cowboy's Surrender

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The Cowboy's Surrender Page 5

by Anne Marie Novark

  In a flash, she'd dodged around him and was gone. He'd fought a gut-wrenching urge to grab her and crush her against him. He forced himself not to turn and watch her leave.

  Swallowing a hard lump in his throat, Dallas walked toward the pool. He'd come to pick up his niece, Kelsey. Austin had asked him for the favor and naturally he'd agreed. His brother was raising his daughter alone. Doing a damn fine job, too. But once in a while, he needed help. So, that was why he was here, at the swimming pool of all places, running into the one woman he was trying to exorcise from his mind.

  "Uncle Dallas! Uncle Dallas!"

  All thoughts and images of tempting sea nymphs were ruthlessly set aside. Dallas smiled at his niece as she raced toward him.

  The lifeguard blew his whistle at her for running, and Dallas shook a finger at her. "Whoa! Slow down, hotshot. You could slip and hurt yourself. You ready to go? You have all your stuff?"

  Kelsey nodded. "Can we get a snow cone on the way home? Please?"

  "Sure thing. Let's go." He patted her wet head and pulled the towel tighter around her shoulders.

  The little girl skipped beside him on the way to the truck, chatting all the while, trying to decide what flavor of snow cone to choose. Dallas opened the door and she hopped into the front seat.

  The hot July sun beat down mercilessly. Dallas felt the sweat on his forehead beneath his Stetson. A snow cone would be just the thing to cool him off; maybe it would cool his fevered blood and heated body, though he seriously doubted that. He'd been taking a lot of cold showers lately, and they hadn't done much good cooling him off, or easing his tension, or making him forget. Nothing seemed to help get Gillian Bankston out of his mind. It was pitiful, that's what it was. Downright pitiful.


  Two days later, Dallas sat at the old oak table in the kitchen reading the newspaper, while his mother bustled about preparing breakfast. His sister-in-law, Jessie, sat across from him eating a cracker and looking squeamish. Ruth McCade set a cup of hot tea in front of her daughter-in-law, then hurried back to the stove to pour pancake batter onto the hot griddle.

  "I thought women got over morning sickness after three or four months," Dallas said, picking up the sports section of The Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

  Jessie grimaced as she swallowed a corner of cracker. After taking a tentative sip of tea, she leaned back and breathed deeply. "Not all women. It seems I'm one of the rare ones who get to be sick during the entire pregnancy."

  "Lucky you," he grunted.

  "Yeah, lucky me. Only seven more weeks to go, thank God." She closed her eyes.

  "You sure you're all right?" He didn't like the paleness in her cheeks.

  Jessie opened one eye and looked at him. "Gee, Dallas, your concern is touching. I didn't think you cared."

  "Hell, you're my brother's wife. I care." He buried his nose in his paper.

  Jessie closed her eye again and sighed. "Could have fooled me. You've never forgiven me for leasing the mineral rights to Copper River Oil Company, and you huff and puff around me like you hate me."

  "He doesn't hate you," Ruth said, setting a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of Dallas. "You know how he is. He can't help it if he's gruff."

  Dallas mumbled his thanks, then smeared butter on the pancakes and poured warm syrup on top. He took a bite, then looked at Jessie. She stared at his plate, then turned an interesting shade of green. He shook his head as she dashed from the room with a napkin pressed to her lips.

  Ruth sat down next to him with her own breakfast.

  "You think she'll be okay?" Dallas asked. "Maybe you should go check on her."

  Ruth shook her head. "I tried to help her yesterday, but she doesn't want anyone near when she's feeling sick. She'll be back directly."

  Dallas shrugged and continued with his breakfast. As he wiped the last bit of pancake in the syrup on his plate, Jessie walked back into the kitchen.

  "Feeling better?" Ruth asked, patting Jessie's hand.

  "Yes. I'll be fine in a little while. Thankfully, the sickness doesn't last all day." Jessie swallowed some of her tea and took another bite of cracker.

  "Maybe you should have stayed at your house while Cameron's at the medical conference and presenting that paper," Dallas said, frowning at her and his mother.

  Jessie shook her head. "I know it's silly, but I didn't want to be alone with Cameron gone."

  Dallas wiped his mouth and pushed back his chair. "You wouldn't really be alone. The ranch is only twenty minutes from town. I sure hope that baby doesn't come early."

  "Why would you even think that? My pregnancy is progressing normally, all except for this stupid morning sickness." She took another sip of tea. "Speaking of town. I need to go into Salt Fork to discuss some things with Sam about the garage."

  Ruth gathered the plates and headed for the sink. "Whatever do you need to discuss with Sam? He's perfectly capable of running the garage while you take some time off from work."

  She hesitated for a second. "I want to see how things are going, and . . . I have some other business to take care of, too." Jessie kept her eyes on her teacup.

  Dallas wondered what she was up to. Was she hiding something? She'd been absolutely right when she'd said he hadn't forgiven her for leasing those oil rights.

  "What kind of business?" Ruth asked, wiping crumbs from the table.

  Jessie flushed red. "I didn't want to upset either of you. I have an appointment with a Mrs. Gillian Bankston down at the drilling site. She has some papers for me to sign."

  "Oh, dear," Ruth said, sitting down again.

  Dallas stood suddenly, almost knocking his chair over. "I think I'll go with you to the drilling site. I don't want you 'accidently' renewing that damned lease or anything like that. What time is the appointment?"

  Jessie's eyes widened. "After lunch, but there's no need for you to go. I won't be renewing the lease. I'm well aware of the grief I've caused with those mineral rights."

  Dallas shoved his chair under the table. "You don't have a clue about the grief you caused. I'm not taking any chances. I'll go with you." He grabbed his hat from the coat rack near the back door and slammed out of the room.

  He didn't stop until he reached the corral. Giving a shrill whistle, he waited at the gate until his favorite mount trotted up. Leading Black Star to the barn, Dallas threw a saddle on him, then took off for the east pasture. There were several calves he needed to check on.

  He knew he'd been abrupt with Jessie, but he couldn't help it. He hated having Copper River Oil on his land and he didn't trust his sister-in-law, especially after she'd promised not to lease those rights and then gone back on her word. What if they made her an offer to extend the lease? An extremely tempting offer? If he went with Jessie, he could make certain she didn't give into temptation. If he went with her, he would get to see Gillian again.

  Dallas jerked on the reins, pulling Black Star up short. Anticipation hummed through his body. It had been two days since he'd seen Gillian at the pool. During the day, he could usually dismiss her from his thoughts. But at night, his dreams tormented him with visions of her lithe body gleaming in the sun, clad only in that skimpy little bathing suit.

  What in the world was happening to him? He'd been turned upside down and inside out ever since the lady had arrived in town. Not in town. She was living and sleeping on his ranch, damn it. And it was slowly driving him insane. He wanted her so badly, his teeth hurt. But he could never have her. She was the enemy. She was in charge of the drilling on his land.

  Taking a deep breath, he gave his horse the lead again. He would go with Jessie to the drilling site. He told himself it had nothing to do with his ridiculous desire for Gillian. He was protecting his ranch and that was all there was to it.


  After lunch, Dallas drove Jessie to the drilling site. He had never actually set foot on the site, although he occasionally rode the fence line adjacent to the operation, herding cattle and repairing barbed wire

  Following the gravel road Copper River Oil had cut through his pasture, he gripped the steering wheel in tight fists. This was the first time he was actually seeing the damage done to his land up close and personal. They said they would restore everything when they finished. But it would never be the same. He popped an antacid in his mouth as he pulled in front of the office trailer. Would the nightmare never end?

  Jessie sighed deeply, looking sad. "I'm so sorry, Dallas. I don't blame you for being angry with me. I'm angry at myself, except I really had no choice. I couldn't lose my garage. I needed that money." She looked at him and sniffed, then opened the truck door and climbed out.

  What could he say? That everything was all right? Everything wasn't all right. Everything was screwed up beyond his wildest imagination. And if they struck oil? He couldn't think of that. It would drive him crazy.

  Dallas walked behind Jessie up the steps to the door of the office trailer. He opened it and let her go in first. His thoughts were focused on the drilling and his land, his stomach burning. Four more months. He would make damned sure it wasn't any longer.

  When he entered the office, a soft gasp halted his dark thoughts. Closing the door, he turned around and encountered big brown eyes regarding him in surprise. Gillian stood rooted to the spot behind a large desk. Dallas removed his Stetson and walked forward to stand behind his sister-in-law. An awkward silence hung in the small confines of the office.

  Jessie stepped into the breach. "Mrs. Bankston? I'm Jessie McCade. This is my brother-in-law, Dallas. He insisted on accompanying me."

  Dallas pulled a chair out and barely restrained himself from pushing Jessie down into it. "I've met Mrs. Bankston," he said, taking the other chair. He ignored the question in Jessie's eyes. Just like he ignored Gillian's beautiful brown ones, staring at him like he had grown horns or something.

  Gillian seemed to pull herself together. She leaned over the desk and extended her hand to Jessie. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. McCade. I hope it wasn't an inconvenience for you to come this afternoon."

  "No problem," Jessie said. "I'm visiting the ranch while my husband is away on business. I didn't want to be alone with Cameron gone for so long."

  Gillian smiled. "If I were in your condition, I wouldn't want to be alone either." She twisted the wedding band on her left hand.

  Jessie squirmed on the hard chair, trying to find a comfortable position. "How can you stand being away from your husband for such long periods of time? Does he come to visit you often?"

  Dallas watched Gillian's cheeks redden slightly at the personal question. Damn Jessie for her impertinence. His brother had his hands full with her, that was a fact. But Dallas was glad Jessie had asked. He was curious about the husband, too.

  "I'm a widow," Gillian said quietly. "My husband has been dead a long time."

  "Oh, I'm so sorry," said Jessie. "I didn't mean to pry."

  Gillian took a deep breath. She tried to smile, but it was a dismal failure. "That's okay. No problem."

  Now Dallas was really curious about the husband. He squashed the treacherous thought that Gillian was free and available. There could never be anything between them.

  Gillian seemed to be uncomfortable, even agitated. She flipped through a stack of papers on her desk, pulling out two sheets and pushing the others out of the way. Dallas wondered if she missed her husband? Was that why she still wore the wedding ring? Hell, he didn't have any business thinking such things. He was here for his ranch.

  "I won't keep you long," Gillian said. "I just need your signature on this document and you can be on your way." She reached over to hand Jessie the paper.

  Dallas quickly intercepted it. The brush of their fingers triggered electric sparks between them. Brown eyes clashed with blue for one brief second, and then Gillian jerked her hand away relinquishing the document. The lady was as aware of him as he was of her, Dallas was certain of it in that moment.

  "Jessie's not signing anything," he said harshly, disgusted with himself for allowing his desires to interfere with his purpose for being there. "Not until we consult our lawyer."

  "Dallas, don't be mean," Jessie whispered.

  "Mr. McCade, I can assure you that everything is in legal order," Gillian said. "This is just a simple addendum to the original contract stating additional provisions of the lease."

  "I don't care if it's the Clearing House Sweepstakes," Dallas said. "She's not signing anything today. We'll take it to town and have our lawyer look it over, then get back to you. Come on, Jessie."

  Jessie struggled to her feet. "Of all the high-handed, idiotic-- This has nothing to do with you."

  "It has everything to do with me. Copper River Oil is drilling on my land, in case you've forgotten." Dallas thrust the truck keys at her, keeping his eyes on Gillian's face. The woman looked like she'd been slapped. "Go start the truck and turn on the air-conditioner. I'll be out in a minute."

  Jessie looked from him to Gillian. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Bankston. This drilling is a real sore spot with Dallas. I apologize for his rudeness. I'm sure it has nothing to with you."

  "It was nice meeting you," Gillian said. "I hope I'll be seeing you soon. And believe me, everything in that document is straight forward. There are no hidden clauses or anything of that nature." She lifted her chin at Dallas, as if daring him to comment.

  Dallas ushered his sister-in-law outside, deliberately closed the door behind her and walked back to the desk. Placing his fists on the scarred wooden top, he leaned forward. Gillian stood with her back against the file cabinets, watching him. Her soft scent, that hint of vanilla, assaulted his senses. His anger about the drilling mixed with anger about his attraction to this woman standing in front of him.

  "I know this is only a job to you," Dallas said softly, trying to control his temper. "But to me, it's much more. I would do anything in my power to get Copper River Oil off my land. Anything. You got that straight, lady?"

  Something flared in the brown eyes. Dallas saw the glimmer of outrage in the velvety depths. He wished he could see Gillian's eyes darken with passion. His body tensed when she leaned her fists on the opposite side of the desk and faced him almost nose to nose. The lady wasn't a coward. Didn't back down, he had to give her that.

  "I understand perfectly. And if you're trying to intimidate or threaten me--I'd think better of it, if I were you."

  Dallas suddenly became aware of just how close Gillian was to him. Creamy white skin stretched across delicate cheekbones, dusted with the barest hint of pink. Dark, lush lashes framed her chocolate-colored eyes. Now that he was this near, he noticed golden specks surrounding the pupils, highlighting the richness of her eyes. Her lips were full and inviting, even if her words were not.

  For weeks, he had been tormented by this woman. He had touched her at the bank, feeling her warm skin beneath his own. He had seen her feminine curves in all their glory at the swimming pool. Now he wanted to taste her. He needed to taste her.

  "I don't want to intimidate or threaten you," Dallas said, glancing from her eyes to her mouth. He almost came unglued when her breath caught and she quickly moistened her lips with the tip of her pink tongue. "And I've just thought of something much better." He moved forward and captured her mouth in a kiss.

  Gillian froze as the floor seemed to shift beneath her feet. Dallas's lips were hard and demanding. She responded with a hunger that surprised her. It had been a long time since she had allowed a man to touch her.

  His tongue rubbed against her lower lip. Gillian found herself opening to him, allowing access. He tasted minty and male. The slow sensuous melding of their mouths ignited a flame of desire she thought long extinguished. He angled his mouth to delve more fully into hers. One of his hands came up and stroked her hair gently away from her face. His thumb tenderly brushed back and forth against her cheek, keeping time with the thrusting of his tongue.

  Gillian felt a curious detachment, as if her body was out of her control. She knew she was attracted to this
man. Knew the attraction was mutual. She gave herself up to the delicious sensations.

  Dallas's body burned with passion. Gillian's mouth was warm and responsive. She met his thrusts willingly, opening to him when he pressed for more. Her hair was silky beneath his calloused hands. Her skin milky smooth and pliant.

  Leaning against the desk, his body grew hard and throbbed against the barrier of his jeans. He wanted more, had to have more. He reached behind her neck, placing strong fingers at her nape to pull her closer. Suddenly, he felt her stiffen beneath his touch.

  Gillian came down to earth, wrenching away from his grasp and stepping back. Panic warred with desire.

  "I think you should leave now." Her chest heaved as her lungs dragged in oxygen.

  Dallas slowly straightened and stood looking at her. He was breathing hard, too.


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