Warrior's Pain (Cadi Warriors Book 4)

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Warrior's Pain (Cadi Warriors Book 4) Page 18

by Stephanie West

  “Don’t beat yourself up. I know it doesn’t look it, but I enjoyed what we did.”

  “Again, I find it hard to believe you,” Cyprian scowled.

  Riley laughed and brushed her small hand over Cyprian’s chest. The way she snuggled into him as they talked was unexpected. Cyprian expected derision, but that’s not what he got. He sighed, letting some of the tension in his body go.

  “Cyprian, I’m not a normal girl. I have a feeling that goes double compared to what you’re used to.”

  “That is true. You aren’t physically that different from a Cadi female, yet your personality is almost polar opposite.”

  “It’s all in how we were raised, I guess. Life has taught me to be tough.”

  “I imagine being on Distraho has been hard on you.”

  “Yes, but my whole life has been a rollercoaster. When I was very young, my father left. My mother started drinking to cope. She would get mean, and lash out at my brother and I. Jay was too old for her to frighten, but I wasn’t. He used to stand-up to her, but he was just a kid. Thankfully my grandfather learned what was happening, and we went to live with him. Now, I think I’m the healthiest of us, even though I suffered the brunt of our mom’s fits. I channeled my angst into taking photographs, getting piercings, and tattoos. Jay, on the other hand, became a drug addict. Maybe it’s messed up, but I don’t hurt easily, and I even enjoy you being rough.”

  Cyprian didn’t like hearing how hard Riley’s youth was. He couldn’t imagine a male willingly abandoning his young, or a mother laying a hurtful hand on her babes. It was unthinkable.

  “I am sorry about your family,” he frowned. “My sire was strict, and often cold, but he never abandoned me.”

  “With everything that has happened, I’m still worried about my stupid brother. I shouldn’t be, since he got me sent to prison. But after he tried so hard to stand up for me, I really wanted to be there for him.”

  “Your brother got you sent to prison?” Cyprian asked, recalling what Riley mumbled in her sleep.

  “Yeah. I thought he was off drugs, only to learn he was selling them. The authorities found them in my vehicle. I got arrested and sentenced to prison.”

  Cyprian could understand how protecting a sibling from a parent might lead someone down a dark path, but the male let it hurt Riley. That was unacceptable.

  “Did you tell your authorities they belonged to your sibling?”

  “No. It would’ve sentenced Jay to life behind bars.”

  “So, you were willing to have your liberties removed for your brother?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “You are too kind. It was dishonorable for your brother to put you in that position,” Cyprian growled.

  “You sound like my grandfather.”

  “Wise male,” he grunted.

  Cyprian hated what Riley’s family had done to her. She bore the brunt of their abuse, and still showed them kindness. It made him feel worse for adding to her burden. Cyprian pulled Riley into his arms and squeezed her to him.

  “It wouldn’t have mattered. Where I’m from, I was considered guilty anyway.”

  “That sounds unjust.”

  Cyprian got up, cradling Riley in his arms, and headed to the bathing stall.

  “None of it matters. I was abducted by aliens before they could lock me up.” Riley said this as if she were now in a much better predicament, as his slave.

  Riley said Aculus offered her freedom. Why didn’t she accept the offer? Cyprian debated the question as he turned on the water. Riley was a mystery he couldn’t make sense of. It was unnerving how quickly she had burrowed under his skin.

  “You know, you are trouble, Little Manx.”

  “Yes, and so are you, General.”

  “I still want the answers to my earlier questions.”

  Cyprian quirked his brow at Riley. He needed to know if the human colony was at risk. He also didn’t like the idea that Aculus was still a threat. If the male attempted to take Riley once, he could try again. Cyprian knew that if their roles were reversed he wouldn’t give Riley up so easily.

  “You’re worse than a dog with a bone,” Riley replied with a shake of her head. “I won’t say anything about Adeoda. I didn’t like that guy. He gave me the creeps.”

  “On that we agree.”

  Cyprian believed that Riley wouldn’t say a word. He wished she’d tell him the rest. He didn’t know much more now, than when this absurd interlude started. But there was one thing that had become painfully clear; Riley wasn’t just being stubborn. She truly didn’t feel she could tell him whatever it was that she knew. And there was no way he’d be able to make her set aside her conviction, not without disclosing the details of his mission. Cyprian wanted to tell Riley she wasn’t his slave, but he refused to put her in danger. She’d been through enough. If Mave discovered Riley had a part in this deception, he would do more than hurt her.

  This will be over soon, Cyprian promised. He was now more determined than ever to conclude this mission, and bring everyone home safe.

  “You talked about battle, when you were telling me about your tattoos. I’m guessing, considering your bossy attitude, general is not just a nickname,” Riley said pulling Cyprian from his thoughts.

  “Bossy, huh?” Cyprian smiled.

  Riley nodded with a grin.

  “You are correct. I am the High General of the Anzac Guard, commanding the most elite regional army.”

  “Well isn’t that a fancy title.”

  Cyprian chuckled at Riley’s response. His title impressed many on Cadi, and earned him a level of respect that bordered on fearful reverence. But not with Riley. It was apparent she wasn’t into hero worship. It was a refreshing change.

  “What was your occupation, Little Manx?” Cyprian knew enough about human females to know that many of them held jobs outside the home.

  “I wanted to be a professional photographer.”

  “Photographer?” Cyprian quirked his head in confusion.

  “It’s a person who makes a living by taking pictures.”

  “This sounds like an artistic pursuit. I admire craftsman. They create instead of destroy.”

  “That’s a good way to put it. I loved taking shots of beautiful or compelling scenery,” Riley smiled as she thought about her occupation. “Unfortunately, I had to supplement my income working in a sex shop.”

  “Repeat that.” Cyprian frowned as an unpleasant picture formed in his mind.

  “I didn’t sell sexual favors,” Riley laughed. “I worked in a shop that sold toys used during sex.”

  Cyprian was relieved, but still not happy.

  “This is not an appropriate job for a female,” Cyprian insisted with a scowl.

  “Oh really? Why?”

  “I assume males entered this business, with thoughts of mounting a female. Then they see a female in the shop. You can see where I’m going. It is not acceptable.” He shook his head.

  “Have you met my grandfather? Because you both made the same argument,” Riley asked with an amused smile.

  “Again, wise male.”

  “I’ll admit there were quite a few perverts that tried to proposition me, but I shut them down.”

  “Good,” Cyprian growled. “Why did you not seek other employment?”

  “I don’t look traditional. That made it a little hard to find a job.” Riley pointed to her hair and warrior’s ink. She was colorful compared to the other human’s he’d met. “Plus, it was entertaining working there. I actually learned a few things,” Riley demurred.

  She ran her soapy slick hand up Cyprian’s thigh, then traced the muscles of his stomach. His abs quivered in response to Riley’s gentle touch. He couldn’t believe she was stroking him after his recent performance.

  “What sort of things did you learn?” Cyprian husked as his shaft stirred.

  “That’s another secret. If you’re a good master, maybe I’ll show you.”

  Riley licked her lips seductively, makin
g Cyprian groan.

  Riley frustrated him, but Cyprian also felt pride when he considered his wild little manx. The more Cyprian learned about Riley, the more she resembled the venerable goddess, Kali. Not only did Riley have the spirit of a warrior, but she was also the embodiment of femininity with her lush hips and pert breast.

  “You keep touching me like that, and I’m going to do dishonorable things to your body again.”

  “Is that so?” Riley looked up at him through shuttered lashes.

  Cyprian wrapped his hand in Riley’s hair, halting her, as her lips pressed against his chest. He wanted to take her back into the bedroom, but resisted. Riley had to be sore, despite her insistence that she enjoyed his possession. It was too unbelievable to fathom.

  Cyprian was considering the predicament, when the chime on the door pinged. He was about to ignore it, but it sounded again.

  “Just a minute.”

  Cyprian stepped out of the bathing stall, wrapped a towel around his waist, and headed for the door.

  “Cyprian, greetings,” the Overseer said.

  Ah great. The tentacled Overseer was the last male he wanted to see.

  “Greetings,” Cyprian replied flatly.

  “I personally wanted to express my appreciation for what you did for me this morning. I am here to invite you to a late lunch. Ah, I am glad to see you located your human.”

  Cyprian glanced over his shoulder to see Riley standing at the bedroom door. She was wearing the half smile he found grating, but this time it was directed at the Overseer. Cyprian agreed with the sentiment.

  “Yes. That is fine. Give us a moment to get dressed,” Cyprian replied, then headed back into the bedroom and closed the door. “I would like to continue our discussion, but it will have to wait,” he said to Riley as they got dressed.

  Cyprian didn’t want to rebuff the Overseer. Like it or not, the slithering male had the power to make things difficult for him.

  “What did you do this morning? The Overseer was looking at you like you walk on water,” Riley asked, suspicion lacing her voice.

  Cyprian was reminded again that Riley lumped him into the same category as the tentacled Topus, and the scaly Jurou Biljana. Their sincere discussions only went so far in convincing Riley he had redeeming attributes.

  “I guess I saved him,” Cyprian replied with a frown. “After I realized you were gone, I needed to get out of the viewing gallery to look for you. The employee entrance was the only option. He had access.”

  Riley expression softened again.

  “I forgot to thank you for looking for me.”

  Riley leaned forward and pressed her lips to the bare spot of flesh over Cyprian’s heart. She stroked his back as she held him close. Her gesture of gratitude leveled him. Cyprian liked the strong spirited Riley, who drove him mad. But in contrast, it made her sweet side even more enthralling. The kiss she bestowed on him was like a blessing, that struck him to the marrow.

  “Well, we better not keep Cuttles waiting. By the way, I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t like him. That’s another person we agree upon,” Riley snickered.

  “Am I that evident?”

  “Yeah. The muscle in your jaw pulses whenever his name comes up.”

  Riley reached up and rubbed his cheek. His palm covered her hand.

  “I wanted to decline his offer, but didn’t think it was wise,” Cyprian groused.

  He’d much rather spend time in the suite with Riley. He was enjoying their détente.

  “Agreed. I don’t trust Cuttles any farther than I could throw him.”

  “Throwing him. That sounds like a good idea.”

  “Let’s wait to see how good lunch is first,” Riley giggled.

  Cyprian couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face hearing the unrestrained melodic sound. He debated actually throwing the Overseer, if it would make Riley laugh like that for him.


  Cyprian can be quite the charmer, when he wants to be.

  Riley shook her head as she thought about the general. He was a force to be reckoned with, when he latched onto something. Cyprian’s erotic torture might have worked, if he hadn’t gotten lost to the passionate moment. That made Riley smile, though not just because she managed to keep her secrets. She took perverse pride in making Cyprian lose control. The result was cataclysmic. It even touched her the way he did a one-eighty, and was remorseful for being a brute. Riley didn’t know what kind of sex Cyprian thought was acceptable, but it was probably very vanilla.

  Maybe that’s why he found you. He needs something more. Someone who can draw out all that barely leashed passion.

  Riley grinned to herself as they followed the Overseer through the bustling auction house. They stepped onto a staircase that was positively freaky. The alien stairs were more like an escalator, but with clear broad glass platforms. Cyprian kept her safely to the inside, as the daunting see-thru escalator went up and around to the next level.

  Riley’s eyes widened when she looked at the restaurant. It was a giant, slowly rotating glass dome. The decor reminded her of Versailles, with all the mirrors and gilding. Even the servers were dusted from head to toe in gold.

  “I have ordered the chef to fix a variety of cuisines that I hope you find to your liking,” Cuttles said as they were seated.

  “Have you discovered what happened in the viewing gallery?” Cyprian asked Cuttles.

  Riley wanted to snicker at the general. He was all business. Part of that was due to their company. Then again, Cyprian wasn’t even chatty with his friend Vintor. She was damn near bubbly by comparison. An ornery smile spread across Riley’s face as something occurred to her. The rare exception to the rule seemed to be after they had sex. Then Cyprian was quite the talker.

  “A surveillance inhibitor was used, so the footage is taking longer to piece together,” Cuttles replied. “However, we are certain the planetary ballistic was sabotaged. We are fortunate that whoever did this didn’t blow-up the entire asteroid.”

  “What?” Riley choked on her drink.

  Aculus said the weapon he sabotaged was dangerous, but apparently, she hadn’t grasped what that meant.

  “If that is the case, then isn’t it possible that whoever did this, knew exactly what they were doing?” Cyprian asked, looking just as angry as Cuttles about the attack.

  Jesus, Mary and Joseph. I certainly hope Aculus knew what he was doing.

  Riley hated how many lives had been lost in the chaos this morning. But considering Aculus was trying to contain a weapon of mass destruction, she understood why he was willing to risk a few lives to save many. It was unfortunate the armored man had only been partially successful.

  “You are probably correct,” Cuttles conceded. “My data processing techs should have the identity of the saboteur soon. I am eager to know who did this. Distraho is not some moldering lunar station in a backwater galaxy,” he scoffed in offense to what Aculus had done to his precious auction house.

  The conversation was like a bucket of cold water on her good mood. It reminded Riley she was smack in the middle of a precarious situation. Riley nibbled her lip as she thought about what that surveillance would reveal. Cyprian already suspected she was hiding something about her interaction with Aculus. If Cuttles and the general found out she knew something about the sabotage, it would be doubly bad.

  I’m really missing the boring ass colony right now, Riley silently groused. At least there, she wasn’t caught up in some crazy plot.

  Servers arrived with several platters of food, interrupting the conversation. Riley was glad for the distraction, till she looked at the dish set in front of her. It was an entire creature braised and surrounded by vegetables. Her stomach was already in turmoil, now this.

  I think I’m becoming a vegetarian.

  “Do your people plan to return to Distraho next quarter?” Cuttles asked.

  “It is likely,” Cyprian replied.

  Riley attempted to not be too jud
gmental of Cyprian and his people. Distraho did offer more than just slaves and weapons. Although the thought of returning to do business with Cuttles left a sour taste in her mouth.

  Riley picked at her food, as the obsequious Overseer continued to ramble about what would be featured at future auctions. Riley glanced at Cyprian to see the muscle in his jaw beginning to tense up. Cuttles was grating on his nerves. Riley could sympathize. She wanted to shut the Overseer up with her fist. It was characters like Cuttles that perpetuated the suffering of others.

  When the Overseer helped himself to some food, while still babbling, Riley couldn’t help but mimic him. Her hands moved about in a gregarious fluid motion, like Cuttles’ tentacles, as she mouthed his words. She paused when the Overseer glanced up, then resumed the moment he looked away again. It was childish, but it made her feel better. Life had been way too serious lately.

  The corner of Cyprian’s mouth tipped up, and his left brow rose. The amused light in his eyes sent a thrill coursing through her. Riley giggled, capturing Cuttles’ attention.

  “It is good to see that the implant has not affected you too adversely,” Cuttles said to Riley. “She hasn’t given you much trouble, has she?”

  “What implant?” Cyprian asked, his voice so deep it verged on a growl.

  “All chattel are given mood moderators. It makes them compliant,” Cuttles replied as he took another bite.

  “Except in my case it didn’t work. It had the opposite effect,” Riley replied. Her eyes widened when the rumble coming from Cyprian grew louder. She reached over and squeezed his arm. “It’s supposed to wear off, and I’m managing it okay,” Riley reassured him. With all the guards around, it would be bad if Cyprian lost his temper.

  Cyprian quieted but the vein in his neck still pulsed.

  “You can find the implant at the base of her skull, if it poses a problem,” Cuttles added.

  The Overseer seemed oblivious to the fact the general was moments from beating his ass. Cyprian’s foul reaction to the way she had been experimented on, made her like him even more.

  “You have been rather entertaining,” Cuttles said to Riley between stuffing bites into his beak. “You will have to keep an eye on her, General. She is more intelligent than she looks. Riley made quite a bargain with me when she first arrived. I haven’t seen profits like this from an exotic auction, well, ever.”


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