Warrior's Pain (Cadi Warriors Book 4)

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Warrior's Pain (Cadi Warriors Book 4) Page 23

by Stephanie West

Riley noticed a giant cable snaking from the generator, leading to the next unit. She bent down and swiftly tucked the explosive medallion behind the conduit.

  “I can’t believe you convinced me to come down here,” Hoda said indignantly.

  Riley froze.

  Oh, shit. Did she see me?

  Riley pretended to fiddle with the buckle on her boot.

  “I have no idea what I would’ve said to Zi if he was here,” Hoda added.

  Riley relaxed, and straightened up. She wiped a hand across her forehead, hoping no one noticed the sheen of sweat on her brow.

  “You would’ve asked him to dinner with the excuse I was coming along to meet new people. But of course, I’d have to work,” Riley replied, with a forced smile.

  Hoda clearly didn’t have much experience trying to get a date. Maybe if she spent less time roughing up slaves, she’d have better social skills.

  “I’ll remember that when we see him next.” Hoda gave Riley a toothless grin. “Let’s go out this way, and head to the main vestibule. I know of a shop near this concourse that might have clothes that suit you.”

  Riley nodded and followed Hoda out, with Nequam bringing up the rear.

  Cyprian de Praefectus

  Cyprian snarled in rage, as he flung himself at the flickering barrier, imprisoning him in the dank cell. The contact instantly sent an electric shock coursing through Cyprian, making every muscle in his body seize and cramp. He dropped to his knees on the hard-stone floor, when the jolt shorted his nervous system. As bad as the pain was, it wasn’t nearly as crippling as the knowledge that Riley was at Mave’s mercy.

  “You keep doing that, and you’re going to singe your tail off,” Vintor grumbled.

  Cyprian glanced at his friend. He was glad to see the warrior was finally coming around. That was at least one positive in this giant fuck-up.

  “They have my bonded,” Cyprian bit out in between the involuntary muscle spasms.


  Vintor grimaced. His split lip started bleeding again, when he spoke. Cyprian was surprised his friend could see and speak at all, with how swollen his face was. It looked like the smugglers beat him long after he was unconscious.

  “Where are we?” Vintor asked.

  “Slave’s quarters of the auction house. We’re to be sold.”

  “Son of a metcor,” Vintor coughed, then held his side and closed his eyes in pain. “I guess Ashtoret has a few more slaves to buy,” he joked.

  Cyprian grunted. The situation wasn’t amusing in the least, but Cyprian understood what was behind his friend’s attempt at levity. Cyprian had been losing his mind from the moment he awoke from the drugged haze. He needed to get his act together, and figure a way out of this cell, instead of beating his head against the wall. Riley needed him. Cyprian closed his eyes and took several deep breaths to calm the raging beast within.

  Get yourself under control.

  It wasn’t his own captivity that was testing his limits. Cyprian had been captured by the enemy before. He wasn’t only trained as an interrogator, but had also been taught how to maintain his wits under duress. However, there was no way his sire could prepare Cyprian for a situation like this. No amount of training prepared a male for the blinding rage and devastation that struck when your female was in danger. He pictured a dozen different horrific scenarios that threatened his tenuous control.

  Maybe she was able to contact Aculus.

  Cyprian hated that he was depending on the bony warrior to save Riley from Mave. The last thing he wanted, was some other male rescuing his female. Particularly that male. The Osivoire had more than a benign interest in Riley.

  Cyprian realized he was growling when Vintor cleared his throat. Cyprian moved closer to Vintor, in case their conversation was being monitored.

  “We’ve got a serious problem,” Cyprian began.

  “Why do I have a feeling I’m not going to like what’s about to come out of your mouth?”

  “We don’t need to worry about being sold. In fact, if we don’t find a way out of here soon, we won’t need to worry about anything at all, because Distraho will cease to exist.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. There’s information here that people want permanently erased. I was coming to find you, so we could come up with a plan, when this shit happened.”

  “So, what are we going to do?” Vintor asked.

  “I’m working on it. How are you?” Cyprian asked his friend.

  “I feel like a pile of shit.”

  “That’s about how you look.”

  “Thanks.” Vintor smirked at Cyprian.

  “You think you can get up?”

  “I can get up. I can walk. Give me a minute, and I might be able to run.”

  Vintor didn’t appear to have any broken limbs, though he likely had several cracked ribs. Knowing the warrior, he had fight left in him.

  Cyprian got up, and took a very short walk around their cell, looking for a way to sabotage the barrier. The stone walls made it impossible to access the electronics.

  I might be able to pry the cover off the air vent, and use it to short the barrier, he thought as he ran his hand over the metal screen. But I’m sure the guards will get here before that happens.

  Cyprian could see one amphibious guard several paces down the hall to the left, and a Verrater further down on the right. There was one guard for every twenty cells. Four total in this section. He glanced at the Toufik in the opposite cell.

  “You think they put us with the Toufik to taunt us?” Vintor asked, seeing the direction of Cyprian’s gaze.

  “Probably. Guard,” Cyprian yelled. “What time is it?”

  “Back away from the door,” the guard barked without answering his question.

  Cyprian caught the Toufik across the hall making a gesture.

  “Midmorning. Thanks,” Cyprian gestured to the tan furry male. “Dammit. I can’t believe it’s that late.”

  The drugs they’d used to subdue him had stolen so much precious time.

  Movement by the flickering door attracted Cyprian’s attention. He turned to see the Overseer scuttling toward their cell.

  “Nice of you to pay us a visit,” Cyprian bit out.

  “I have a proposition for you,” the Overseer stated, as he looked at the cell wearing a disgusted moue.

  Yeah, it’s disgusting. You should clean up this dump. The thought of Riley spending even a moment in the vile place, had him seething.

  “What did you want to discuss?” Cyprian asked, while trying to maintain his temper.

  “Let us go somewhere more comfortable.”

  The general attempted to not look overly eager as the Overseer disengaged the barrier. Cyprian extended a hand to Vintor, helping him to his feet. He held his breath as they crossed the threshold. Cyprian looked to the Toufik still trapped in the surrounding cells.

  “The Cadi Alpha has not forgotten you,” he silently gestured, so his hairy brethren would know Kagan hadn’t abandoned them.

  “Your proposal?” Cyprian asked, once they made it out of the slave wing.

  “My client, Jyk, wants you out of the way. It was your companions that suggested you be sold. I however think there is another way to honor my best client’s wishes.”

  “Which is?”

  “You were rather popular in the coliseum. I could use a few warriors such as yourselves to entertain my guests,” the Overseer explained.

  As the Overseer spoke, Cyprian took note of the halls and exits they passed. He was certain they were heading to the Overseer’s office. The slimy male had two guards trailing them. It would take more than that, to keep him from tearing the Overseer apart one tentacle at a time. The dumb bastard was truly arrogant.

  “Be ready when we reach his office,” Cyprian gestured to Vintor, using the Toufik hand signals.

  Vintor closed his fist, indicating he saw the message.

  It was a mortal error for the Overseer to let the general get so
close, after casting Riley to the vultures. The second they were behind closed doors, Cyprian would let the tentacled male know what it meant to cross a Cadi warrior.


  Riley took off the gaudy costume jewelry after pretending to admire it. She handed the overly large necklace back to the Topus merchant, then took a set of gold chandelier earrings from another outstretched tentacle. With Hoda and Nequam nearby, Riley did her best to disregard the presence of another shopper, biding her time for the right moment. Aculus had been shadowing her from the moment they exited engineering.

  She stiffened when Aculus casually stepped up to the counter. Riley glanced to see Nequam was still standing at the door, and Hoda was perusing the clothes.

  “Do you have anything less ostentatious?” Aculus asked the tentacled merchant, ignoring Riley entirely.

  The female retrieved a few items for Aculus, while assisting Riley at the same time, thanks to her many dexterous appendages.

  “I’d like to try on this one, and the matching necklace over there,” Riley requested, gesturing to a bracelet in the case and the choker on the wall.

  Riley pulled off her access band and set it on the counter, then tried on the flashy bangle. When the merchant turned to retrieve the matching necklace off the display behind her, Riley subtly pushed her access band over to Aculus.

  “It’s done,” she said under her breath.

  “Pardon me,” the merchant asked.

  Riley looked up at the tentacled female.

  “It’s dazzling,” Riley covered.

  “Yes, but it’s just for show. No real value,” the merchant replied.

  “That’s what I’m looking for. Do you have any earrings that are similar?”

  “Maybe in the back. Just a moment,” the merchant replied, then slunk off on her tentacled feet.

  “Any time now,” Riley whispered to Aculus, while pretending to admire herself in the mirror. “I’m supposed to be on stage after lunch.”

  “My cruiser is in place. Be prepared when the charges detonate.”

  Aculus palmed the access band, then headed for the door. Riley wasn’t sure what Aculus planned to do after he gained access to the back halls, but she would need his help to get Cyprian and Vintor out of their cell. Once that was done, she was certain they’d all have to fight to get to Aculus’ ship. Hopefully the confusion of the blasts would secure their getaway.

  “I found this,” the merchant said when she returned.

  “Great I will take the three pieces of jewelry, and these clothes.”

  “Add this,” Hoda said as she placed a swath of fabric on the counter.

  Riley lowered her arms to her side, so Hoda didn’t notice her access band was missing.

  “Very good,” the Topus merchant nodded.

  “We must head back,” Hoda said. “The Overseer has another pet project he needs me for.”

  “I think I have enough for now. Nequam are you ready?” It was a rhetorical question. Nequam stood ready at the door, from the moment they entered the shop.

  The trio crossed the main vestibule, and passed through an employee entrance. Riley’s steps slowed as they neared Cuttles’ office. That was the last place she wanted to be at the moment.

  “Come on. We can’t keep the Overseer waiting,” Hoda encouraged.

  “Sorry. I have a hard time keeping up. These boots are murder on my feet,” Riley commented as they entered the back hall. “I’m sorry. Just a second.”

  Riley leaned against the wall and pulled off her boot. She rubbed her foot with a groan. She wasn’t really fibbing about her feet being sore with all the dancing and walking she’d done lately.

  “Thank you,” Riley said as she replaced her boot. “Isn’t the viewing gallery back this way?” Riley asked, indicating the opposite direction.

  “No. It’s quicker this way.” Hoda shook her head.

  Dammit! Riley couldn’t delay them much longer. The best she could do was find a reason to hustle everyone past the Overseer’s office. I really could’ve used a freaking watch.

  They rounded the corner, and Riley froze in her tracks. Fifty yards ahead, Cyprian walked with the Overseer, while Vintor trailed beside him. They were about to enter Cuttles’ office. Riley’s heart was suddenly in her throat.

  Don’t go in there, she wanted to scream.

  Just before they entered the Overseer’s office, Cyprian glanced up, and his eyes met hers. Riley implored him to get out of there. She opened her mouth to say something to distract the group, but the door was already closing behind them.

  Riley fumbled for her pendant and pressed the sensor, as she started down the hall.

  Maybe Aculus can halt the countdown.

  She’d barely taken a dozen steps when the blast rocked her, throwing Riley off her feet. Riley hit the floor, her head smacking against the hard stone wall.

  Riley blinked, trying to shake off the stupor, as a siren began to blare. Chaos ensued all around. She pulled herself off the debris riddled floor, in time to avoid the guards rushing toward the smoke and rubble. Riley wiped the dust from her eyes, and stared at the horror she’d caused.

  A bloodied guard lay unmoving beneath a section of the collapsed wall. Another Verrater stumbled through the debris, then slumped to the floor. Riley looked to where Cuttles’ office had been. It was unrecognizable.

  Reality stabbed deep, severing the grip Riley had on sanity. She’d struggled for so long, desperately holding onto a piece of herself, when everything around her was falling apart. But now, as she stared at the rubble, it seemed so pointless.

  Riley didn’t hear the shouts and screams, or a second distant explosion, over the ringing in her ears. Nor did she care. Riley didn’t heed the momentary darkness, or notice the scuffle in the hall behind her, as she stood mute. And she didn’t put up a fight, when bony arms scooped her up, then started running through the melee.

  “I’m sorry about your friends, but we must leave.” Aculus’ voice sounded so far away.

  Chapter 13. Catch Me if You Can

  Cyprian de Praefectus

  The sight of Riley at the other end of the hall was a shock.

  Thank the goddess she escaped Mave. Relief instantly flooded Cyprian, then he noticed the look of horror on her face, as he entered the office. Riley planted the explosives already.

  “We need to get out of here. Is there a back exit?” Cyprian bellowed.

  The Overseer had to have another way out of his study.

  “What are you talking about? Guards,” the Overseer yelled.

  “I’m saving your worthless hide. So, if you don’t want to die, we need to go.”

  The Overseer stared at Cyprian in confusion and shock. The general swiftly took hold of the Topus.

  “We don’t have time for this,” he barked at the stunned Overseer.

  “Uh, yes.” The Overseer pointed in confusion to a curtain on the rear wall.

  “Come on.”

  Cyprian tugged his companions, forcing them to run to the hidden door. He had to drag the slow-moving Overseer across the floor.

  “Grab that,” Cyprian yelled, spotting his confiscated bandolier on a side table.

  Vintor scooped up the bag and clutch of weapons, as he hustled toward the hidden door. Cyprian grabbed the Overseer’s tentacle and slammed the wristband against the sensor. He threw the door open, and was met by an empty hall. Cyprian pulled the Overseer closer as he ran.

  “Move it soldier,” Cyprian yelled at Vintor.

  The blast at their backs propelled the trio down the hall. Cyprian tugged Vintor and the Overseer to the floor as debris rained all around them. He grimaced in pain when a hunk of rock slammed into his shoulder, as another struck his thigh.

  Cyprian stood the instant the barrage of debris ceased. Vintor struggled to his feet beside him. The male looked dreadful. Blood, mixed with dust, covered him from head to tail.

  “I’ll survive,” Vintor groaned, seeing Cyprian’s assessing stare. “You look about
like I do.”

  Cyprian glanced at the blood covering his arm and leg. None of it concerned him.

  “I need to find Riley. She was in the other hall. She was too close to that blast.”

  Cyprian heard distant thunder. A tremor moved through the floor, as the asteroid’s power generators blew. The corridor was suddenly cast into darkness. Emergency lights flickered to life a moment later.

  That Little Manx did it. She planted both devices.

  Cyprian wanted to be angry that Riley had put herself in danger, but couldn’t. He should’ve known the willful female would act on her plan, once he was taken away. Riley sacrificed herself over and over for those around her. It filled him with immense pride and crushing worry at the same time.

  I’m going to redden her tail.

  “We must evacuate,” the Overseer choked from where he lay sprawled on the floor.

  Green blood covered the tentacled male. Two of his snaking appendages were crushed beneath debris. The Overseer attempted to get up, but slumped back to the floor.

  “You will help me find Riley. I need to get to the other hall,” Cyprian told the Overseer as he helped the male up.

  Cyprian looked to where the office had been. The ceiling was caved in, making it impossible to get through that way.

  “How did you know?”

  “You have enemies who talk. We will be leaving with Riley. That is not a request. Either you help me find her, or I finish the job someone else failed at,” Cyprian snarled viciously as he shook the bloody male.

  “No. Please. You have your freedom, and you may take the human. She is yours.”

  “You are right. She’s mine,” Cyprian roared.

  The Overseer swiped a trembling tentacle over his personal communicator.

  “I am not able to track Riley’s wristband. Our entire grid is down. Distraho is running on life support only.”

  “How long will that hold?” Vintor demanded.

  “Two days if systems aren’t brought online again,” the Overseer said with a wavering voice.

  “Is there life support in the slave wing?” Cyprian asked as he picked through the rubble. He located his bandolier and strapped it on.



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