[Tobias] What a concept!
[Carolyn] It wasn’t completely my idea. Katherine Hepburn said once that men and women should never live together. They should live across the street from one another—and visit frequently. Brandon’s putting a bid on a house across the street this week.
[Tobias] Do you think that will work?
[Brandon] Yes.
[Carolyn, nods and tucks her hand in the crook of Brandon’s arm.] Like magic.
About the Author
Jeff Duntemann has been published professionally since 1974, in both science fiction and technical nonfiction. His stories have appeared in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, Omni, the Orbit and Nova anthology series, and several standalone print anthologies. Two of his short stories have appeared on the final Hugo Awards ballot. His first hard SF novel, The Cunning Blood, appeared in hardcover in 2005 and as a Kindle ebook in 2015. His fiction may be characterized as “Human Wave,” a term coined by author Sarah Hoyt to indicate generally upbeat tales that place story ahead of message, and affirm rather than denigrate the human spirit.
On the nonfiction side, he has worked as a technical editor for Ziff-Davis Publishing and Borland International, launched and edited two print magazines for programmers, and has numerous technical books to his credit, including the bestselling Assembly Language Step By Step. He wrote the “Structured Programming” column in Dr. Dobb’s Journal for four years, and published dozens of technical articles in many magazines. With fellow writer Keith Weiskamp, Jeff launched The Coriolis Group in 1989, which went on to become Arizona’s largest book publisher by 1998.
After retiring from technical publishing in 2009, Jeff created Copperwood Press for new and reprint publications in several areas from history to SF and fantasy. Outside of writing and publishing, Jeff’s interests include programming, electronics, amateur radio (callsign K7JPD), astronomy, telescopes, history, psychology, and kites. Jeff lives in Scottsdale, Arizona with his wife Carol and four bichon frise dogs.
Read Jeff’s blog Contrapositive Diary: www.contrapositivediary.com
Follow Jeff on Twitter: @JeffDuntemann
…and Facebook: Jeff Duntemann
Also by Jeff Duntemann
In the Drumlins Saga:
Drumlin Circus
“Drumlin Boiler”
“Drumlin Wheel”
On Gossamer Wings (by Jim Strickland)
Other SF and Fantasy:
The Cunning Blood
Cold Hands and Other Stories
“Whale Meat”
Souls in Silicon
Technical Books:
Assembly Language Step By Step (four editions)
Jeff Duntemann’s Wi-Fi Guide (two editions)
Degunking Windows (with Joli Ballew; two editions)
Degunking Your PC (with Joli Ballew)
Degunking Your Email, Spam, and Viruses
The Delphi Programming Explorer (with Jim Mischel and Don Taylor; two editions)
Borland Pascal 7 From Square One
Turbo Pascal Solutions
Complete Turbo Pascal (three editions)
Nonfiction Web site:
Jeff Duntemann’s Junkbox (www.junkbox.com)
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