A Touch of Frost

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A Touch of Frost Page 12

by S. E. Smith

  Alice rounded on her head of security. She had hired the man because one of her backers had insisted he wanted Maxwell Smith on the job or he would withdraw all support. The benefactor remained anonymous, but his money had cleared the bank the moment Maxwell arrived.

  She slapped Maxwell across the face, leaving a dark red imprint on his cheek. She swung again, but he captured her wrist and held it in a crushing grip. A muscle ticked in his jaw as he stared down at her.

  “One, that is all I will give you,” he said coldly, looking down at her. “I’ve told everyone to evacuate the facility. You, Doctor Barker, have a lot to answer for.”

  “I don’t answer to anyone,” she hissed angrily, jerking on her arm.

  “I’m afraid you do,” Maxwell said. “You are under arrest.”

  “Arrest? For what? Who do you think you are?” Alice shouted tugging on her arm in an effort to escape. “Let me go! I demand that you release me.”

  “Special Agent Maxwell. United States Special Division of Security,” he gritted out. “This facility is now under government control.”

  Alice froze. Her face turned an ash color before a fusion of red washed through her. Her mind snapped as she realized that everything… absolutely everything… was about to be taken away from her.

  She screamed as she struck out at him again. Her left hand reached for the knife at his waist as she kneed him in the balls. Raising the knife, she pushed it through the thin opening between his Kevlar vest and his waist. She tried to stab him again when he released her, but her raised hand was suddenly encased in ice.

  The weight of the ice made her left arm fall heavily to her side. She grabbed the heavy appendage as she stumbled backwards frantically looking to see where the attack had come from. It was only then that she realized that she and Maxwell were the only two left in the control room, everyone else had evacuated.

  “NO!” Alice screamed when she saw Frost standing in front of three women. “NO! You are mine! I’ll kill the woman. I warned you I would make her suffer if you tried to escape.”

  “Yes, now that wasn’t a very nice thing to do,” Lacey said, stepping out of the shadows to stand next to Frost. “You, Doctor Barker, are a very, very sad excuse for a human.”

  Alice laughed hysterically as she continued moving backwards, slowly placing the long, curved bank of computers between her and them. Her eyes categorized and documented what she was seeing. The other two women also stepped forward. All three were dressed as… witches.

  “Really?” Alice said in a high voice. “Witches? You really expect me to believe you’re a witch?”

  “Is there to be a trial or are we just goin’ to hang her, Lacey?” A deep voice asked from behind Alice.

  Alice swung around and screamed at the top of her lungs. The movement pulled her off balance as she released the weight of ice covering her arm and she fell to the floor. Scooting backwards, her throat worked up and down as she tried to get the words out.

  “Thank you, Sheriff Buchanan, but I don’t think a hanging will be necessary,” Lacey replied politely. “If you and your men can round up all the others in the facility and take them up to Theo I would be forever in your debt.”

  The ghostly figure pulled back on the reins of his gray gelding. John Buchanan was a tall, stately man with a long, gray handlebar mustache. His black Stetson sat low on his brow as he stared down in disgust at Alice Barker. He raised his hand to tip the front of his hat in acknowledgment of Lacey’s request.

  “You heard her, boys. Round ‘em up,” Sheriff B. barked out.

  Lacey watched as Sheriff B. and ten other ghostly figures on horseback disappeared through the walls of the control room. She bit her lip when Frost placed his hand on her stomach to keep her back. His face was devoid of emotion as he walked toward the fallen woman.

  “They’re real,” Alice was saying over and over, rocking back and forth as she cradled her frozen hand in her lap. “They’re real. They’re real. They’re real.”

  “She’s snapped,” a pain-filled voice murmured.

  Frost’s turned to the man who was leaning up against the side of the computer desk. The man’s face was pale and tight lines of pain were etched around his mouth. He fumbled with one of the side pockets on the black cargo pants he was wearing before he gave up and leaned his head back. His eyes closed and he drew in several deep breaths before he opened them again.

  “The third pocket,” Maxwell gritted out. “Check the third pocket, right side.”

  Frost watched the male carefully as he knelt down next to him. The man remained still as he watched him in return. Frost pulled the flap open and reached inside. His fingers wrapped around a thin leather case. Pulling it out, he sat back before he flipped it open. Inside was a picture of Maxwell and what looked like an official badge.

  “US Marshall on special assignment,” Maxwell muttered. “The government needed someone that Doctor Barker wouldn’t suspect.”

  “Let me help him,” Lacey said quietly over Frost’s shoulder. “I can heal him.”

  “No!” Alice screamed out from beside Lacey.

  Lacey turned as Alice raised the knife in her defrosted hand. She stumbled backwards as she tried to place enough room between her and Alice to cast a spell. She never had a chance to. Frost erupted upward, throwing out spears of ice at the same time as a neat hole appeared between the woman’s eyes. The force of the double assault sent Alice’s body backwards and over the computer consoles.

  Maxwell groaned and lowered his pistol. His face was a deathly pale as he slid to the side. Sam and Joanna rushed forward as Lacey sank down to the floor beside him on shaky legs.

  “It might be best to kill him while he is unconscious,” Frost said quietly. “It would not be safe for you or your family and friends for others to know about you.”

  Lacey looked up and shook her head. “We can cast a dream spell. He will think he dreamed all of this. There is no reason to kill him. He is a law man, Frost. He risked his life to find out what Doctor Barker was doing.”

  “Then cast your spell,” Frost said wearily. “How far is it back to your home?”

  “A few hours at most,” Lacey replied, holding her hands over the wound on Maxwell’s side. Her hands warmed and began to glow. “Why?”

  “Do you have the belt that was on my clothing?” Frost asked, studying what Lacey was doing. “I need to know exactly how long I have been here.”

  “Why?” Sam asked. “I mean, you’ve only been here a little over forty-eight hours.”

  “I need to know how long I have been on your planet,” Frost replied. “I also need to make sure that Redman did not find my transport.”

  “He didn’t,” a deep voice replied.

  “Daddy!” Lacey, Sam and Joanna all cried out at the same time.

  Lacey struggled to her feet, smiling up at Frost when he helped her, before she flew into her father’s arms. Sam and Joanna clung to him as well. They all released him at the same time, asking him question after question.

  “Where’s mom?”

  “How did you know what was happening?”

  “How was your vacation?”

  “How do you know that my transport has not been found?” Frost asked over the women’s excited voices.

  Brice Hollow looked over the man who had caused such an uproar, not only in Magic, but in his lovely daughter’s life. He was a big man himself, but this ‘Star Ranger’ was slightly larger. The challenging glow in his blue eyes showed that he was aware that he was being assessed as to whether Lacey’s father believed him to be good enough for his daughter.

  “I didn’t say it hadn’t been found,” Brice responded. “I said that Redman didn’t find it.”

  “Who?” Lacey and Frost asked at the same time.

  Lacey turned and held her hand out to Frost. “Daddy, do you know who found it? Is it still safe?”

  “Theo found it after the attack on him,” Brice replied. “I
t’s safely tucked away in the canyon a couple miles from the house.”

  “I need to get to it,” Frost said urgently, tightening his grip on Lacey’s hand.

  Lacey whirled and stared at Frost. Fear and pain seared through her at the thought that he wanted to leave her world. She knew it wasn’t perfect. She knew that she said she only one night, but… one night wasn’t enough.

  “Why?” Lacey asked quietly.

  “I need my utility belt, Lacey,” Frost replied, gripping her forearms. “My transport is set to self-destruct. I need to know how much longer I have so that I can stop it.”

  “Oh,” Lacey said, blinking as relief flooded her. “I… it’s in the dresser in my bedroom.”

  “You take him back to your place, Lacey,” Brice ordered. “Theo and I will oversee the situation here.”

  “What about us?” Sam asked, placing her hands on her hips.

  Brice looked over his oldest daughter’s scantily clad top before he raised an eyebrow at the length of her skirt. Lacey bit her lip to keep from laughing as Sam shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. Joanna’s murmured ‘I-told-you-so’, didn’t help matters.

  “AFTER you’ve changed your clothing, you can help unwind the spells on the men you turned into pigs,” Brice finally said. “It will be faster than trying to figure out which one you used.”

  “What about Maxwell?” Lacey asked, glancing over her shoulder at the unconscious special agent. “What will happen to him?”

  “Your alien memory eraser will take care of that,” Brice said, flicking his fingers and producing the missing device.

  “Where did you find it?” Frost asked startled.

  Brice smiled. “It would appear Jonah liked it,” he chuckled. “Tory is going to have her hands full with those two boys. Let’s get this taken care of. Your mom and I haven’t even had a chance to unpack yet.”

  Chapter 21

  Frost pushed open the door and carefully made sure the way was safe before he pulled Lacey through it. The night was lit up by a scattering of fires burning around the destroyed complex. Neither he nor Lacey had seen the outer perimeter when they arrived. He imagined it looked much different then.

  The bent frame of a guard tower near what must have been an entrance gate still burned, the burnt out remains of a vehicle hanging from part of it. The gates were ripped off and lying outside the center compound. Other vehicles in different stages of destruction lay scattered about like a child’s toy chest that had been tipped over.

  “Theo?!” Lacey breathed in surprise as she caught her first glance at the huge dragon pacing back and forth.

  The dragon’s ears twitched and his head turned to look at her for a brief moment before he returned his attention to the group of fifty or so prisoners. The men that she and her sisters had turned into pigs squealed in terror every time Theo snapped his massive jaws.

  Their human counterparts weren’t doing much better as Sheriff Buchanan and his posse circled them into a nice tight ring. Her eyes moved to the air where her Aunt Topper was flying overhead with more than a dozen other witches and warlocks.

  “You live in a very, very strange world!,” Frost commented as he took in the sights as well.

  Lacey leaned up onto her tiptoes so she could brush a kiss across his cheek. She moaned when he wrapped his arm tightly around her waist and pulled her closer. He rubbed his nose along her throat before he pressed a hot, moist kiss to it.

  “I love your outfit,” he said before reluctantly pulling away. “How are we to return to your home?”

  Lacey snapped her fingers and her broom reappeared. “On this,” she grinned.

  Frost looked skeptically at the narrow broomstick before looking up at those flying low over the complex. Doubt filled him at such a flimsy device working. His gaze moved down to the thick bristles.

  “Where’s the engine?” He asked faintly.

  “Just hold on to me and don’t look down if you’re afraid of heights,” Lacey laughed, turning her back to him and straddling the broom handle. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled reassuringly. “Do you trust me?”

  Frost’s eyes softened as he took in the teasing smile and the beautiful glow of Lacey’s face. Stepping forward, he wound his arms around her waist and straddled the thin piece of wood as well. His breath caught in his throat when a seat suddenly formed under him and foot grips appeared for his feet. He tightened his arms around her waist as they lifted off.

  His laughter echoed as they flew rapidly upward and banked to the east. The air felt cold and refreshing on his face as they soared higher and faster. He rested his chin on her shoulder and inhaled her beautiful scent.

  “How fast can this thing go?” He asked in her ear.

  Lacey glanced over her shoulder, her lips lightly touching his as she did. He pressed a hot firm kiss to her lips before releasing them. Lacey turned to face forward, feeling lighter, younger, and happier than she had in the past three years.

  “Hang on!” She yelled and leaned forward.

  Frost’s shout of laughter warmed her heart as they shot forward, the loud sound of the sound barrier cracking behind them. They wove their way back to Magic riding on the early morning streams of daybreak. The small main road through Magic passed by under them as they headed toward Lacey’s home.

  “Hey Lacey! Hey Frost!” Joseph and Jonah yelled as they raced down the nearly deserted main street. “Did you kick the bad guys’ butts?”

  “Yes!” Lacey yelled back with a grin. “Where is your mom?”

  “Sleeping!” They replied, waving goodbye as they darted between buildings.

  “Those two are…” Frost started to say before he shook his head. “Amazing for children.”

  Lacey chuckled as she continued through town before she turned north. “Yes, they are,” she said softly.

  “Perhaps,” Frost started to say, tightening his arms around Lacey.

  Lacey leaned back against him as she circled her home. Evan waved to her as she slowly flew in to land in front of the house. He was surrounded by the remaining puppies. Little Bit wasn’t with them. She was probably still with Topper, or perhaps Tory had brought her home with the twins.

  “Hey Lacey,” Evan called out looking at Frost with curiosity.

  “Hi Evan,” Lacey said, stepping forward as they landed. “Ginger?”

  “My dad took care of her,” Evan responded quietly. “Widow Fitzpatrick is ecstatic to have her keep her company.”

  Tears burned Lacey’s eyes. She had created this shelter to prevent the animals from being harmed. Guilt rushed through her as she thought of the beautiful Golden Retriever. Ginger’s life had been hard enough without her having to die the way she did.

  “She was a true warrior in her life,” Frost murmured, cupping Lacey’s chin and brushing a kiss across her lips.

  “Yes, she was,” Lacey replied with a sigh.

  “I have to go, Lacey,” Evan said. “Is there anything else you need me to do before I leave? I’ve already fed all the animals and cleaned their areas.”

  “No, thank you for coming back on such short notice, Evan,” Lacey said with a grateful smile.

  “Any time,” Evan said with a grin.

  Frost and Lacey watched as Evan stepped back and closed his eyes. A moment later, a small Griffin stood in his place. The Griffin opened its eyes and snapped its beak before stretching out its wings. Taking a running start, Evan lifted off the ground and soared over the house before disappearing.

  “Did I mention you live in a very, very strange world,” Frost muttered as he watched one of the strangest beasts he had ever laid eyes on disappear. “What was that?”

  Lacey just laughed and grabbed his hand. “Come on. We need to see how much time you have left before your ship blows up,” she reminded him.

  Frost shook his head as he followed her up the steps. With everything going on and all the strange things that had happened, he had forgo
tten about the fact that he was the alien. He strode down the hallway, following Lacey. As soon as he discovered how much time he had remaining, he was going to do one of two things; make love to Lacey first if he had time or make love to Lacey after he stopped his transport from destroying the area.

  Lacey pulled his black belt out of the top dresser drawer. She turned and held it out to him. Frost reached for it, pulling out the small remote device. Relief washed through him when he saw he still had almost nine hours left on the countdown. A smile curved his lips as he looked back at Lacey.

  “Your smile means good news, right?” Lacey asked, biting her lip and stepping closer. “You have time to stop your spaceship from exploding, don’t you?”

  “Not only do I have time to stop it,” Frost said as he tossed his belt and the device on the dresser so he could wrap his hands around her waist and draw her closer. “I have time to do the first thing I wanted.”

  “What is that?” She asked breathlessly, resting her hands on his shoulders.

  “Make love to you,” he replied roughly before he sealed his lips to hers.

  Chapter 22

  Lacey’s arms tightened around Frost’s neck. The fear and adrenaline that had been coursing through her during their captivity reminded her of how precious life is and that there was never any guarantees that went with it, even for witches and aliens.

  Her eyelashes fluttered open as Frost pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. A tender smile curved her lips as she felt his fingers move to touch her hair. His fingers traced the way it was made into a witch’s hat.

  Lacey released the spell and her hair slowly unwound, returning to its normal, soft flowing locks. She loved the way Frost threaded his fingers through it to pull her forward so he could kiss her again. She opened for him, sweeping her tongue over his.

  A shiver raced through her when she felt his fingers working on the buttons of her vest. The soft material parted and the callouses on the tip of his fingers felt delicious as they caressed her heated skin. She moaned when his fingers moved down to her waist.


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