The Rape of the Nile

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The Rape of the Nile Page 35

by Brian Fagan

  Ottoman Empire and Egypt

  Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid (Smyth)


  Palmerston, Lord


  Paris Egyptian exhibit (1867)

  Paser and tomb robbers

  Passalacqua, Giuseppe

  “Patagonian Sampson,” Pawero

  Peace of Campo Formio (1797)

  Pendlebury, J.D.S.

  Penning, John Shae

  Percy, Lord Algernon

  Persians and Egypt

  Petrie, Flinders Abydos and

  Akhetaten and

  Amarna diplomatic tablets and

  antiquities destruction and

  antiquities’ regulation and


  Carter and

  criticism of Mariette by

  cross-dating by

  dating of objects/strata by

  Edwards and

  Egypt Exploration Fund and

  el-Kahun excavations

  el-Lahun tomb and

  excavation camps of

  excavations/accomplishments of

  fame/reputation of

  Fayyum expedition/pyramid at Hawara

  Gurab finds

  influence on other archaeologists

  Labyrinth and

  Maspero and

  Mycenae/Egyptian contacts and

  Naukratis excavations

  Newberry and

  Palestine and

  personality of

  picture of

  Predynastic Egypt and

  professor of Egyptology/University of London

  self-proclaimed skills of

  sequence dating by

  summary of work

  supervision of sites by

  survey work of

  Tell-el-Amarna excavation

  workmen/labor and

  writings/publications of

  Philae Island Aswan Dam and

  Belzoni and

  drawing of

  obelisk from

  safety of monuments at



  Pitt-Rivers, Augustus Henry

  Pliny the Elder

  Pococke, Bishop Richard

  Pompadour, Madame de

  Poole, Reginald Stuart


  Predynastic Egypt de Morgan and

  Petrie and

  Psusennes I, Pharaoh

  Ptah (god)

  Ptolemy cartouches

  Ptolemy II

  Ptolemy I Soter

  Ptolemy V

  Pyramids as “Joseph’s granaries,”

  Pliny the Elder on

  Pyramids and Temples of Giza(Petrie)

  Pyramids of Giza

  Qasr Qarun temple

  Quarterly Review

  Qurnese people

  Railroads and tourists


  Rameses II Abu Simbel and

  Battle of Kadesh frescoes/scenes

  father of

  New Kingdom temple

  Osiris-like figures of

  statue of

  temples of

  time of

  Rameses III

  Rameses IX

  Rameses VI


  Rasof Tigray

  Rasul family

  Re and creation

  Reeves, Nicholas

  Reisner, George


  Renan, Joseph-Ernest

  Renshawe, Lucy

  Rhind, Alexander Henry

  Ricci, Alessandro copying work/Seti I tomb

  expedition to Berenice

  Richelieu, Cardinal

  Rifaud, Jean Jacque/guidebook

  Roberts, David


  Rockefeller, John D.

  Rosellini, Ippolito

  Rosetta stone British keeping of

  discovery of

  hieroglyphs and

  Rose water/factory

  Rosignani, Giuseppe

  Roussel, Joseph

  Royal Archaeological Institute, England

  Sadler’s Wells Theatre

  Said Pasha

  Saint-Hilaire, Geoffroy

  Salah-el-Din (Saladin)

  Salt, Henry background

  Belzoni/Abu Simbel

  Belzoni/”the Young Memnon” and

  Belzoni/tomb of Seti I

  business agreements with Belzoni

  collecting by

  death of

  Drovetti and

  as Egyptian diplomat

  explorations of Ethiopia

  legal proceedings against Drovetti/agents

  negotiations with British Museum/Belzoni

  obelisk at Philae

  parting with Belzoni

  praise for Belzoni

  rivals’ national collections and

  Seti I sarcophagus and

  trip to Khafre’s pyramid

  wife of

  Wilkinson and

  zodiac of Dendera and

  Sanderson, John

  São Carlos Theatre


  Saturday Review

  Saulnier, Sébastien Louis

  Schliemann, Heinrich

  Scientific and Artistic Commission (of Napoleon)

  antiquities removal by

  backgrounds of members

  legacy of work

  surrender to British and

  work of

  Sekhmet (goddess)

  Senwosret II, Pharaoh

  Septimius Severus

  Sequence dating

  Serapeum at Memphis destruction of

  figure from

  Mariette and

  plates of

  rediscovery of

  Strabo’s visit to

  Serapis (Apis-Osiris) cult

  Serjeant, Thomas

  Seti I Denon’s sketches of

  exhibit of sarcophagus

  mummy of

  negotiations over sarcophagus

  tomb discovery

  tomb exhibit

  Seventy Years in Archaeology(Petrie)

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe

  Shepheard’s Hotel

  Sithathor, Princess

  Siwa Oasis

  Sixtus V, Pope


  Sloane, Hans

  Smith, John Thomas

  Smithsonian Institution

  Smyth, Charles Piazzi

  Soane, John

  Society for the Preservation of Monuments

  Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings

  Society of Antiquaries, London

  “Souls of Nekhen,”

  Sphinx burial in sand

  mutilation by Sheikh Muhammad

  Pliny the Elder’s description of

  as target practice

  Stanhope, Lady Hester Lucy

  Steamers and tourists


  Suefi, Ali Mohamed es

  Suez Canal

  Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de

  Tawfiq, khedive

  Temples of Luxor and Karnak

  Ten Years’ Digging in Egypt(Petrie)

  Thebes: Its Tombs and Their Tenants (Rhind)

  Theodosius I, Emperor

  Thompson, Gertrude Caton

  Thomson, Donald

  Thoth (god)

  Thousand Miles up the Nile, A (Edwards)

  Thutmose III

  Times, London

  Tomb robbing by ancient Egyptians

  Tourism growth of

  guidebooks for

  health reasons and

  transportation and

  Treaty of Alexandria (1801)

  Turner, William

  Tutankhamun’s death and priest Ay

  Tutankhamun’s tomb antiquities regulations and

  conservation of

  discovery of

  location of

  Tuthmosis, Pharaoh

  Tuthmosis I

  Tuthmosis IV<
br />
  Twain, Mark

  Untrodden Peaks(Edwards)

  Upper Egypt (Ta-shema),description of

  Upper/Lower Egypts, unification of

  Ussher, Bishop James

  Valentia, Lord

  Valerianus, Pierius

  Valley of the Kings Belzoni and

  Egyptian tomb-robbers

  first references to

  numbering of tombs

  as royal burial place

  Valsomaky, Dr.

  Vansleb, Father J.B.

  Venture, Jean-Michel de

  Victory Stela of pharaoh Merneptah

  Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundeville, Knight (d’Outremeuse),

  Von Humboldt, Alexander

  Von Sack, Baron Albert

  Voyage d’Egypte et de Nubie(Norden)

  Voyages dans la basse et la haute Egypte (Denon)

  Voyage to Abyssinia, A(Salt)

  Vulture goddess

  Vyse, Richard William Howard

  Wadi Bahariya cemetery

  Wadi Tumilat excavations

  Warburton, Bishop William

  Weigall, Arthur

  Who Was Who in Egyptology

  Wild, James

  Wilkinson, John Gardner accomplishments of

  Akhenaten and

  An Account of the Manners and

  Customs of the Ancient Egyptians


  Book of the Dead

  Egyptian chronology and

  Egyptian residence of

  first trip to Egypt

  Handbook for Travellers in Egypt

  hieroglyphs and

  illustration of

  second trip to Egypt

  Valley of the Kings/numbering of tombs

  Young and

  Wilson, Sir Erasmus

  Winlock, Herbert

  Wolseley, Sir Garnet

  Young, Thomas article in Encyclopaedia Britannica,

  Champollion and

  work on hieroglyphs

  “Young Memnon, the” statue Belzoni and

  at British Museum

  Zodiac of Dendera French taking of

  illustration of

  Zoega, Jörgen

  About the Author

  Brian Fagan was born in England and studied archaeology and anthropology at Pembroke College, Cambridge. After seven years working on ancient agricultural societies in East and southern Africa, he came to the United States, where he taught at the University of California for thirty-six years. He is now emeritus professor of anthropology.

  For more than three decades, Brian Fagan has focused on communicating archaeology to general audiences, and is now regarded as one of the leading archaeological writers in the world. His many books include seven college texts; The Rape of the Nile, first published in 1975; The Adventure of Archaeology; and The Long Summer, an account of the impact of climatic change on human society over the past 15,000 years. He lives in Santa Barbara, California, with his wife and daughter, four cats, and, at last count, seven rabbits. His other interests include bicycling, kayaking, sailing, and civilized dinner parties.




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