Nearly Mended

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Nearly Mended Page 26

by Devon Ashley

  “That’s right, kick away,” he said with amusement, slapping my calves away. “And if you’d like to scream loud enough for Zander to hear you, all the better for me.”

  I buried my head and screamed into the mold.

  Friggs kept right on laughing.

  Fifty-three minutes. That was how long he had to fuck with me. Literally.

  Without any more of a warning, he shoved himself inside me, moaning his fucking delight. I was completely numb inside, but I could still feel the pressure of him pushing against me, stretching my muscles as they accepted his girth. “God damn, I’ve missed this tight little pussy!”

  “What?” I choked on my question.

  He laughed evilly, unzipping the back of my dress. All that was really wrapped around me anymore was the foot of material that was supposed to cover my ass, and right now it was gathered in a heap around my hips. “Well, lookey here,” he taunted, his finger tracing a line I knew all too well, despite being on my backside. “Someone’s been a naughty girl lately. I didn’t think Zander had it in him to whip you senseless. I’ve got to say, he’s just earned back a little of my respect.”

  I saw on the screen that he began sliding in and out of me, but he did it slowly. After several grunts and moans of pleasure, he paused his assault to tell me, “There’s a reason why I’ve always had girls left in my care for several days, and it has nothing to do with recovery time. In fact, I played with you for days before even giving you each of your laser treatments.”

  I couldn’t even contemplate that disgusting confession right now.

  He snatched and gripped the table’s edge just before he slammed into me. To my dismay, I remained stuck in place for him while he pounded over and over again, no matter how hard I tried to resist. Remembering what Zander told me about pretending to still feel it, I faked an uncomfortable grunt with each invasion.

  I completely lost the ability to keep up with the minutes, so I had no idea how many had passed when he paused again, keeping himself inside me. Sighing loudly as if he were in heaven, he asked, “Do you remember this table?” He reached over to stroke the length of my body, paying particular interest to my sides. Thank God he couldn’t reach my breasts in this contraption.

  It took a moment for me to realize what he asked.

  “Probably not,” he replied, answering the question for me. “I have access to excellent drugs. I couldn’t risk you being conscious for it and telling Zander.” Apparently, he no longer cared if Zander found out, seeing as how he got what he wanted. Fucker. “But to hear you fucking moan this time around…” He moaned again, squeezing my outer thighs. I rolled my head forward, just in time to see him on television, rubbing himself into me in circles. “I told you you’d find it pleasing.”

  I snorted before I could stop myself.

  He yanked on my hair, snapping my neck back as far as it would go. My throat struggled and whined as my lungs found it difficult to move air. Choking on what was left, I managed to wheeze, “Can’t. Breathe.”

  “So?” he asked uncaringly. “If I had more time tonight, I’d teach you all about erotic asphyxiation.” After I choked for several more seconds, he loosened the slack enough to let me breathe, and I struggled to satisfy my lungs enough to ease the burn. “But I want you conscious for this.”

  He laid into me again. By the sound of his grunts and the intensity of the slapping of skin-on-skin, it was harder than the first time, so I adjusted my moans, even going so far as to let him believe he was hurting me a little. He kept a firm grip on my ponytail, forcing my eyes to stay level with the screen, keeping all the different angles of him raping me front and center. I closed my eyes, but it was hard to keep them that way. Given the angle I was kept at, my eyelids felt strained when they shut completely. Too much of my hour was forced down my throat, and he got off even more knowing I had to watch.

  Friggs paused several times to release me, to keep him from coming too soon. It let me soothe my burning lungs. It was terrifying how well-skilled he was at allowing himself to rise and fall with the moment without blowing his fucking load. It disgusted me, and scared me… Exactly how many times had he done this to develop that kind of self-control?

  And would he go the full fifty-three minutes he had, or stop early for some other nefarious thing he had planned for me?

  But in the end, my question didn’t matter. I screwed up. Just like I eventually quit making the fake moans with Zander, I did the same with Friggs. But with Zander, I was never numb, so my body began moaning on its own accord. Since I was numb and didn’t feel a thing this monster was doing to me, I stopped making noise all together. It didn’t occur to me that it was the reason why he had gotten so aggressive with me, ramming me as hard as he could to get a reaction.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” he yelled, frustration taking over his sweaty, heat-flushed skin. Even his hair was damp from all the cardio.

  But I was beyond caring at that point. I think whatever Zander gave me affected more than just the general area where he injected me. My head felt foggy and dazed. And even though I couldn’t feel his constant jabs, the motion was wearing me down, almost making me sleepy.

  “He gave you something, didn’t he?” he accused. “When I left the room that bastard gave you something!”

  He jerked out of me, and I had been rubbed so hard and for so long that my muscles ached, feeling like it was collapsing in on itself in relief. He had intended to be rough and hurt me tonight. Even with the drug he had, and I knew I would be feeling this for days to come.

  Friggs bent over and began examining my skin, tracing along with his fingers. Panicking, I blurted something incredibly stupid in an effort to stop him. “Or maybe your dick isn’t actually big enough to arouse me.”

  He came to a dead stop. I don’t know what scared me more. The silence, or knowing what he was capable of doing after the silence. Slowly, he leaned over me, his head coming to hover over my shoulder. “Oh, Princess,” he said quietly, slowly, calculating. My lower lip became a chewing toy for my teeth. Why had I said something so stupid? It had gotten him to stop looking for my needle mark, but at what cost?

  “Zander once bragged that you were quite a mouthy little thing despite your position of servitude…” he paused to lick his lips, “…but what I’m guessing your little mouth doesn’t know, is that Zander still owes me payment for one more thing.”

  I inhaled the slowest breath ever, and his eyes twitched, probably catching the fear and realization in mine. He laughed wickedly at how very still I had become, the kind of laugh that made me know one hundred percent that I had just handed him my ass on a platter. Even my breath was afraid to come back out and face him. “Yeah,” he confirmed. “Whatever’s going on in that pretty little head of yours right now, it’ll be worse. And if he gave you something so you wouldn’t feel me fuck you tonight…” He pinched his lips and shook his head at me, his unstyled brown locks loose and shifting just slightly. With a very quiet voice, he added, “You have no idea all the things I’ll do to you to make up for it. This chair is just one of many toys I have at my disposal here.”

  Suddenly my lungs burst to life. But Friggs didn’t care that he’d just scared me shitless, because he was too determined to find the proof that would grant him an all access pass to my demise. And I wasn’t given long enough to even process the horror that awaited me, because now that he knew there was something to look for, he found that tiny little mark all too easily.

  “Oh, Princess. Your imagination can’t even fathom what this means for you now.” He leaned to the side and pulled open a drawer I never even noticed was there. He pulled out a syringe and tapped it, squirting a bit out. “Just as well. Zander’s completely failed at teaching you your place. It’ll be my honor to do it for him.” I watched as his hand came down hard on my right cheek. Just the movement was enough to make me scream, because the pierce itself was hardly discernable. His mouth took on a sinister curl. “Rest well, Natalie. Looks like you’re i
n for an extended stay now.”

  My body slowly awoke, but my eyes couldn’t be bothered to open. Maybe fear? Because I already remembered everything. Where I was. Why I ached so much between my legs now that the drugs had worn off. Friggs and the images of him ramming himself into me repeatedly, his physical grunts and groans of pleasure on this horrific repetitive track in my head that just wouldn’t shut the fuck up.

  I didn’t want to wake up. I didn’t want to face it.

  I didn’t want see him.

  But when I felt movement adjusting behind me and realized a hand was slowly creeping along on my hipbone, I screamed and kicked and shoved myself free. I opened my eyes in time to see myself fall to the floor. I landed hard, and awkwardly. Groaning, I rolled into the fetal position.

  “Natalie?” Zander cried worriedly. His upper half appeared rising over the bed. As I glanced about the room, I realized that I was in his bed. In his room. At his house. I shut my eyes and released a slow breath, a sense of relief spreading throughout my body, soothing me in ways I couldn’t explain.

  My eyes shot open at the thought. The hell? When in my fucked up new reality did relief and Zander become synonymous?

  “How’d I get here?” I asked, trying to shake the nonsense from my head.

  He frowned and reached out for me. “Come back to bed.”

  I obeyed, reaching for him without my head contesting one bit. And it made me pause again that I wasn’t finding him as the monster I knew he was. He stole me. Forced me to give myself to him sexually. How in the hell could I ever be comfortable around him? Had I become so weak and pathetic that I didn’t care to fight anymore?

  I swallowed roughly as Zander spooned me again. I didn’t like the fact that his embrace wasn’t as off-putting as it once was, that the warmth of his arm wrapped around me seemed a welcoming act. But as disconcerting as that was, I had something far worse to worry about right now. “Zander,” I said timidly, “How am I here? Fr–” God, my lips didn’t want to let his name pass. To acknowledge him meant it wasn’t just a horrible dream. Sadly, I knew by all the cramping in my lower abdomen that it had been very real. “Friggs said he was keeping me.”

  He let out a long breath, the push of air warm against the back of my neck somewhat soothing.

  “It’s not over, is it?” I held my breath until he answered, “No. I’m sorry, but it’s far from over.”

  I couldn’t stand it. I had to twist my body and face him. He didn’t fight me. In fact, he didn’t look like he had any fight in him at all right now. He looked exhausted lying there on his side in the same shirt and pants he wore last night, though his shirt had been pulled free.

  “Tell me. Please. Not knowing is far worse.”

  His hand reached out and combed through the loose hair that was free of my ponytail, tucking strands behind my ear. “You’ll have to go back in two weeks and stay for the next two.”

  I’d never gasped so hard in my life, my lungs literally burning like I’d just stabbed them with a ten inch needle. I shot up in bed screaming, “TWO WEEKS?!! Are you fucking kidding me? I wouldn’t survive two days with him!” I jumped off the bed frantic, pacing back and forth twice before it dawned on me how very sore I was. I groaned and bent over, sliding down the wall, curling up so not a single muscle could contract. Zander got up and went to the door. But he didn’t leave. Instead he activated the rectangular cubby and pulled out a syringe. Knowing right away what he planned to do, I rebutted, “No. Stop.” My hand went out in front of me. “I don’t want that. I don’t want to sleep.”

  “It’ll help with the pain,” he insisted, still coming for me.

  “No!” I shouted, getting him to stop in his tracks for once. But this time, he didn’t seem irate that I raised my voice. Sighing, I softly explained, “Not everything needs that kind of pain killer. I’m just sore. I’ll be fine. So please, put it back.” I was close to begging, my eyes pleading for him to let me stay awake. I had to know what was going on, what was going to happen to me now. “You want to help me? Just give me ibuprofen.”

  I could sense the reluctance, but he capped the needle and put it back. “Thank you,” I whispered, trying to find a more comfortable position. He disappeared for a minute, returning with three brown pills and a glass of water. I thanked him again. “Just for future reference, perfect skin is overrated. I don’t want any more treatments.”

  Zander roughly combed his fingers through his hair, gritting his teeth, processing a heavy conversation inside his head. He’d never done this before. He was listening to me, letting me really speak. And not just to fuck with me like he did before. He obliged my request when normally he would stick me with the drug regardless, just to keep me in line and quiet. In as little as twenty-four hours, something had changed between us. He wasn’t looking at me like a possession for his entertainment anymore. He seemed genuinely worried about me.

  And I was going to take full advantage of it.

  “Where is he?” I asked, refusing to abandon his eyes no matter how many times he chose to avoid mine.

  His arms crossed in front of his chest, and though his eyes finally moved to look my way, his posture angled away. He shrugged. “Probably home, awaiting our decision.”

  “What decision?” My heart skipped a beat. He was keeping something from me. “That means there’s options.”

  Now he turned to face me. “Yes, but I know you. I’m all for the other but you’ll never allow it to happen.”

  My head fell back against the wall with a thud. Two weeks imprisoned by Friggs wasn’t the worst option? He had horrifying sex contraptions and men freely roaming his house who were keen on gang rape. What the hell could possibly be worse than that?

  “What’s the other option?” I asked weakly.

  “Giving him Nick.” My head shot forward. I swear to God I just popped the tendrils holding my eyeballs in. “Permanently.”

  “What?! No! Never!” I screamed. As if I needed to. He already said I’d prefer the other. Two weeks for me or indefinitely for Nick? Not even comparable. I’d never sell his life away like that. Not if I could do something about it.

  I groaned and keeled over. My scream pulled so deep inside me that my lower abdomen ached all over again.

  “I know,” he said softly, pacing the length of the bedroom. Firmly, he repeated, “I know.

  “I’d be willing to give him up to save you, but I know you’d never forgive me if I did. You have this unnatural ability to put everyone else’s good will above your own. I knew the moment he offered the second option you’d throw yourself at Friggs just to save him.”

  Believe me, it wasn’t something I wanted to do. Friggs was only given one hour and I could hardly walk, my lower abdomen feeling like I had been used as a kicking bag. My muscles still tingled – I wasn’t sure if that was because of what he did or the after-effects of the drug.

  Two weeks with Friggs was a death sentence. Worse than a death sentence. Especially if he ignored the other girls to focus in on me, which I feared was his intention. Me and my fucking mouth. What did I do to deserve this? I was just a normal sixteen year old girl going to school and planning out my future. I never hurt anyone. I never even stood out. Then some sick asshole stole me because I resembled someone he couldn’t have. Then another fucker wanted me. And now this other fucker wanted me. It was the worst domino effect ever. No one ever wanted you until that first one did.

  “I don’t understand why this is happening.” The back of my head just kept rolling back and forth against the wall. “Why me? I was just a girl he treated. I wasn’t even conscious when I was there.”

  “At this point I doubt it’s just you. He probably does this with all his patients. But most owners don’t care if they share. They probably feel their slaves are obligated to pay for their own doctor’s visits. I’m fucking pissed he asked this of me.”

  “He told me he raped me every time you left me with him.”

  His lips disappeared into his mouth, but he woul
dn’t look at me. “I’ve been wondering about that ever since he changed the payment plan.”

  “You knew before we went last night that he was going to do that to me, didn’t you?” I asked, my voice growing with intensity for each passing word.

  He nodded. “I learned yesterday morning. He was very specific about your hair, and for you to wear the dress he sent over.”

  I cringed. That fucking red dress. It made me wonder if he had a fetish. Or maybe he’d raped so many girls on that table that putting us all in slutty dresses made it more fun for him. He knew all too well its pathetic length would leave me exposed. Probably made for a more entertaining movie for him to watch later. I swallowed – or to show to his sick friends.

  I trembled. I could still hear the way he called me Princess. I began to wonder if he called all the girls he dressed up that name.

  “How does he get away with this? I mean, he’s admitted to keeping me longer for treatment just so he could rape me. He’s the one who’s done questionable things. Why do we owe him anything?”

  And why the hell did I just say we?

  “He’s a powerful man, Natalie. Not only is he a skilled doctor, but he’s responsible for eighty percent of the auctions on the west coast. People fear him, ergo, they respect him. And he has muscle to back him up. He’s like a fucking mob boss. Everything is in his control and his way is law. That’s why I had no choice but to go along with his payment change. If I hadn’t, he could’ve just taken you from me. Do you seriously think I’d be able to get you back if he did?”

  A horrible thought crossed my mind, and my lungs felt ten times heavier. “How do you know he won’t keep me once he’s got me there?”

  “I don’t,” he admitted with a whisper. “Which is why you cannot disrespect him when you’re there. He’s drawn to you because you’re bold. Make him believe you’re submissive like all the other girls. Do everything he says, never talk back, and let’s hope he grows bored with you and moves on to the next kitten to play with. It’s the only way he’ll give you back to me.”


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