Nearly Mended

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Nearly Mended Page 34

by Devon Ashley

  Today was the day. Detective O’Neill and her boss formed a joint taskforce with the station in Friggs’ general area to set a net and move in. Given the expanse of the estate, it was expected to take a lot of manpower and resources, so a lot was riding on the validity of Zander’s information. But when she showed me an aerial view of the place, with the huge dirt area up front and the arc-shaped entrance that extended out from the rest of the house, I knew it was the right house.

  So I was feeling confidant, but antsy waiting to hear from O’Neill about capturing Friggs.

  Hours passed. They moved in right at the break of dawn, hoping to catch most of them in their beds. What attempts I made to her cell phone went straight to voicemail. And I mean straight there. Like she intentionally swiped the decline call feature every time I called. “Something’s wrong,” I muttered, letting my head loll backwards, my fingers digging into the back of my shoulders.

  “You don’t know that. Maybe they get bad cell reception out there.”

  I huffed. As if Friggs would ever live in a place with bad cell reception. Bastard probably had his own cell tower put in. “No. Plenty of people were using their cell phones when I was there, and not a single one of them asked, can you hear me now?”

  For the third time today, I stuck my head into the hallway and bugged Officer Fisher. He was one of our regular babysitters and the oldest of the bunch. To be honest, this seemed more like a retirement gig for him. I bet he got all the jobs requiring supervision. Not that I expected him to go chasing after any suspects, but the man was always alert and a crack-shot after a lifetime of gun practice, so I felt pretty safe with him around despite his age. “Dan? Anything on your end?”

  He folded the newspaper down and shook his head at me. “Sorry. Nothing yet.”

  “And you don’t think it’s odd that four hours after they planned to storm the place, we still haven’t heard anything back yet?”

  He shrugged. “It’s supposed to be a large place, right? Most likely filled with numerous associates? It’ll take them time to sweep the entire area and declare it secured. Then you’ve possibly got a lot of people imprisoned there to deal with too.”

  So it was going to take a lot of time then. I got that. But all I cared about at this moment was Friggs. Did. They. Freakin’. Have. Friggs?!

  I closed and locked the door and collapsed on the bed. Nick scootched back and joined me, taking me into his arms. “Just think,” he tried to comfort, “tomorrow we could be free to go live by ourselves again. No more cops outside the door.”

  “No more god-awful takeout,” I added.

  “No more ordinary stand-up shower with a sucky ass shower head.”

  “No more cheap ass carpet that stains our feet black or gives us static shock or rug burn.” Seriously. We had to wear shoes to keep our feet and socks clean. And when we left, those nasty socks were staying behind.

  “No more lumpy, scratchy bed,” he countered, shifting uncomfortably.

  I whined. “I miss our bed. I know I never slept in it much, but I truly appreciate it now.” He kissed me on the cheek and I rolled into him, settling down on his chest. “So where are we going to live now?”

  “I don’t know,” he said on top of his exhalation. I’d love to stay here in Seattle and be close to the parents, but I just don’t know. Shithead’s going to be free pending the trial against Friggs once they catch him. I have no idea if they’ll want him to stay in the city or just keep tabs on him wherever he goes. I still can’t believe he’s going to get a complete walk.”

  “I’m trying not to think about it. If I can get Friggs, I’ll live with Zander in the free world.”

  “How can you say that?”

  “Easily,” I muttered. “You didn’t see this place, Nick. I wish I could get brainwashed all over again just to wipe it clean of my memory. Zander comes off as kindergarten play next to Friggs and his fucked up toys. Being a prisoner there…” I would definitely find a way to kill myself. “I’d never held on so tightly to Zander as I did that night. What happened to those other girls will stay with me forever.” And I prayed to God that they found a good number of people to rescue. I feared the ones I saw were already sold and taken to their new prisons, but maybe we could save the next group he was building up for auction.

  He softly shushed me and rubbed circles on my scalp. It was so relaxing I actually fell asleep. We both did, finally waking up several hours later by someone banging on the door with their fist. I jumped up quicker than Nick, scared shitless it was someone other than a cop on the other side of that door. Not a single one had ever banged like that.

  Nick must’ve been thinking the same thing, because his hand reached out to keep me down as he climbed off the bed and moved cautiously for the door. I eyed the bulbous, ceramic lamp next to me, thinking it’d be a clumsy weapon but better than nothing. My heart went bam-bam-bam, matching the beat of the door again. Nick jerked back, then slowly took the last two steps to peek through the hole. His body continued to jerk back in inches, like he feared someone would kick it down in that exact moment.

  Finally getting a good look, his shoulders slumped. I released my tightened chest. “Who is it?” I whispered. He flashed me an annoyed grimace as he unlocked the door. My face transformed to match Nick’s perfectly.

  The one and only Detective Asshole Farrow. I hadn’t seen him since the first time I was forced to meet with the police and give them my tell-all that ultimately got me captured by Zander the first time. I thought O’Neill knew better than to let me see his ugly little face these days. “What do you want?” I snapped. “Where’s O’Neill?” Hell, I’d take any number of cops before this uncaring piece of shit.

  He ignored our soured expressions and my rude question and just said, “You’re needed at the station for identification.”

  My heart skipped inside my chest. Sucking in a deep breath, relief flooded my insides and actually put a smile on my face. “You found him?!”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Four little words was all it took to make me feel like I just got body slammed. Not enough to kill me, just enough to break every little piece and saturate my body with unrelenting pain. Trying to force the bobbling sounds to make actual words, I asked, “What do you mean you don’t think so? Who am I identifying then?”

  “We arrested several men this morning outside of what we believe were house staff. Fourteen, in fact. None of them fit the description you gave us. We’d like you to look through their photos to be sure. Also, there’s one we’re absolutely sure isn’t Friggs, and he says he has a message he’ll only give to you.”

  As if he was just simply telling me to grab my bag and get to school, he added, “Now let’s go.” He waved us forward with his hand, ordering us to follow as he stepped out and disappeared to the right. Nick and I just stared at each other.

  What the hell just happened? And what did this mean for us if they didn’t have Friggs?

  I flipped through all the digital photos they took of the men they arrested earlier using the handheld tablet O’Neill passed me. They were right. None of them were Friggs. Then they showed me a picture of the man who wanted to speak with me. I didn’t recognize him either, but it wasn’t like I knew any of his men. There were too many guests in the house that night to keep track of faces.

  I wished they’d leave me to wallow in despair but they just kept flooding me with information. How they knew by heat scanners there were a crap load of bodies in that house. How they secured the perimeter so they knew no one got through their net. But that didn’t mean anything to me. Even Zander had a secret exit to elude police. If Friggs did, he didn’t seem worried about taking too many with him.

  They rescued a total of twenty-two victims, both female and male, locked away in different areas of the house. Most were kept inside a large cell in the basement. A few of the favored were kept locked in private rooms on the third floor, which was the same level I was taken to. Which totally made me sick to my stomach
, because while I was being raped on a table, they were probably just right across the hall, knowing what was happening while it did. And probably grateful that for once, it wasn’t them.

  I felt sick, and I doubled over to inhale several deep breaths, trying to get my intestines to unclench. “Are they okay?” I asked, my voice sort of echoing between my open knees.

  “The ones kept downstairs were kept pretty drugged, probably to keep them easily controlled since they were kept as a mass. The ones upstairs, not so much.”

  “How could he not be there?” I asked drearily. “Are you telling me he stepped out just long enough and missed the raid?” What were the fucking odds?

  “I don’t know. We have detectives interviewing each guy. The few who are talking didn’t know where Friggs was when the raid began. The ones who probably did, are being tight-lipped.” I felt her hand land softly against the back of my shoulder. “We’ll find him, Megan. Someone’s going to talk once a deal is offered. They’re not that loyal, not if it gets them a reduced sentence.”

  I swallowed down the bile trying to rise in my throat and sat back up. My insides still burned. The area behind my eyes ached. And God, I wanted to break down and just cry. Zander would walk and Friggs was missing. What the hell else could go wrong?

  My eyes focused on Nick as he entered. Not a single line on his face gave away whatever he was thinking. He passed me a much needed water bottle and stood beside me, taking over for O’Neill’s hand, gently trying to soothe me. I took a few sips, hoping to calm my stomach, but it only seemed to agitate the acid churning deep inside.

  “So who is this guy who wants to talk to me?”

  “You don’t need to,” Nick said quickly.

  I didn’t answer, just looked to O’Neill, begging with my eyes for her to answer my question. She began flipping through the photos on the tablet. “His name is Joseph Tanner. One of the ones who won’t speak a damn word. Though he says he has a message for you.”

  “From Friggs?” I deduced. Which terrified me, because it meant he knew the raid was coming. That they were coming because of me. He abandoned his entire operation at that house so we’d never know he was gone. And this Joseph guy willingly stayed behind to deliver his message. I hated to even think it, but I was quite certain I knew what he was going to say.

  I sighed and stood to my feet. I shook off the dizziness wanting to claim me, reaching out to the chair top for support, asking, “So where is he?”


  “It’s alright Nick. He’s not going to say anything I haven’t already figured out. Better to confirm it so I don’t worry myself insane always wondering about it.”

  I followed O’Neill to the room where Tanner was being kept. The man sitting chained to the floor through the glass was in his thirties, beefy, and almost looked to have Irish roots with pale skin and dark hair. He was still in the clothes they caught him in, but even in cotton pants and a t-shirt he looked like someone I never wanted to meet in a back alley. He didn’t seem like the kind to feel remorse for killing anyone standing in their way.

  “Do you recognize him now?” she asked, and I shook my head.

  She sighed and turned to me. “I’m sorry to ask you to do this. I tried sending in an undercover, but he knew right away she wasn’t you. So you might not know him, but he knows you.”

  My stomach cringed again. Friggs had that house filled with cameras. He certainly had a crap load of pictures to offer, including ones I hoped never saw the light of day. But I would imagine Friggs’ setup was just as advanced as Zander’s, so I doubted the police would ever to get to see me in my most shameful moment ever.

  “Lovely,” I muttered, making my way to the door. I gave Nick a quick squeeze to the hand so he knew I was okay. He forced the barest of smiles. Once again I had to practically use my body weight to open the heavy door. Joseph, whoever the hell he was, smiled once I came inside and made my way opposite him.

  “Ah…Princess,” he cooed. Already I wanted to kick him in the balls.

  “What do you want?” I asked calmly, ignoring his remark.

  “It’s a shame you’re wearing all that clothing. A body like that…” he shook his head as his eyes leered at my cloth-covered body. His lips curled in a nasty way. “I prefer you sunny side up and in that pretty little red dress.”

  My chest stopped moving. Joseph was Joey, the man who came in with Friggs and kept watch over Zander while Friggs got his goddamn hour with me.

  “What the fuck do you want?” I spat, my eyes tightening.

  “Well, if you’re being so accommodating…” His metal chair screeched loudly as he pushed its legs to move back from the table. “Come bend over the table for me this time.”

  Fury was licking its way through my body, melting away my insides as it spread. But I refused to let this asshole see me unnerved. I decided I didn’t need to know what Friggs had to say after all. My eyes on the door as I headed for it, I bit, “Enjoy prison, asshat.”

  “He’s coming for you, you know?” he blurted, realizing he was losing me.

  I paused before the door and looked back. “Wow,” I muttered sarcastically. “I had no idea. Thanks for the surprise information there, Joey.”

  “Said to enjoy yourself while you can. Because once he gets his hands on you, and he will, you’ll never be allowed to close your legs again. Said he’ll put you on permanent display for his guests.” He pretended to wince and grit his teeth. “Ouch.”

  I kept my scornful disposition, but I was scared absolutely shitless right now. I’d seen and heard what those men did to the other girls. A fate worse than death.

  I stepped closer to the piece of trash, but only because his hands were handcuffed to the chain that secured him to the floor. “You seem to be one of his right hand men. Why didn’t you just let a lackey do this? This is a really stupid message to waste on a guy like you. Why stay behind and go to jail?”

  He flattened his lips and looked forward in a stone-cold manner. He was done with me. Because I asked the right question. Why waste a guy like Joey for something I already expected to be the case without telling me? I scanned down to the hands that were fisting in his lap. His knuckles were freshly cut, the dried blood not even dark red yet.

  And he was still in his sleepwear.

  “There wasn’t time for you to get away, was there? Which means in order for Friggs to tell you that, he didn’t have time to leave either.” My heart was jumping erratically, my mind shuffling the pieces, trying to put together the clues that were right in front of my eyes. Either he had a gun when officers stormed the house, or he was weaponless when arrested. That many officers, he never would’ve been able to throw in enough punches to bleed like that.

  I gasped. Because I got it.

  I flew out the door, not caring that its heavy weight almost separated my arm from my body as I squeezed through the opening. “Was he on the third floor when you arrested him?”

  O’Neill’s eyes were wide and confused. “I don’t know. Why? Do you think there’s a hidden room in that place or something? We scanned using the heat sensor when we cleared the house. There was nothing left.”

  “Friggs didn’t need a hidden room because you led him right out the goddamn front door!” I didn’t mean to be yelling at her directly, but I was so fucking pissed right now all I wanted to do was scream. I knew I should’ve gone!

  I pointed through the glass. “Joey beat the shit out of Friggs’ face and locked him in one of those private rooms on the third floor. You said you found a few victims up there, right? Were any of them male?”

  O’Neill’s mouth fell open in shock, then she turned and hightailed it back through the halls to her desk, the rest of us right on her heels. She snatched the tablet off her desk and began swiping. “We also took photos of all the victims to document their conditions at the time of rescue. There were only four males. I don’t know where each was found, but here,” she said, passing me the tablet.

  All four p
ictures took up the screen. I just about fucking died right there. The bottom left was Friggs, his face all swollen and colored in shades of reds, blues and purples. His bottom lip was busted, right in the exact same spot I’d gotten two weeks ago. Joey split it open again. No one there knew to look beneath the damage. They automatically assumed he was a victim.

  I wanted nothing more than to slam that tablet to the ground. O’Neill saw the way it cringed in my hand and removed it before I could. They had him. They fucking had him and they let him just walk away. He must’ve done a damn fine job keeping his head down so none of the victims recognized him, though I doubt very many were even lucid to begin with. And as freshly beaten as he was, he was probably one of the first to get shipped off to the hospital.

  O’Neill picked up the phone to call local police and the hospital, but I knew it was pointless. Friggs was already gone with the wind.

  Time stood still. I curled up against Nick on the sofa in an area off to the side of their desks. People moved all around. It all became a blur, like car lights turning into long colorful streaks in those artistic photographs. They were completely oblivious to me and my pain. They were too busy dealing with their half of the suspect pool who they brought back with them, too engrossed over how this was such a high profile case.

  Too bad they fucking let the leader just walk out the goddamn door!

  This wasn’t happening. I didn’t make a deal with Zander that would ultimately free him and take away my right to charge him with abduction and rape. I did not just set a fucking raid on Friggs’ house, completely steal back his current inventory of slaves and put his whole operation at risk AND NOT FUCKING GET HIM ARRESTED!!!

  And there was no way I’d be able to move forward without some type of witness protection. Would I have to say goodbye to my family, who could still be at risk just for being related? Would Nick and I be allowed to stay together, or did keeping us together make us a more obvious, easier package to find?


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