Virginia's Awakening [The Blood Red Rose Club 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Virginia's Awakening [The Blood Red Rose Club 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Clair de Lune

  The Blood Red Rose Club 3

  Virginia’s Awakening

  Virginia Laurens's husband takes a young mistress and throws his wife out of their home. She has no friends to turn to so, penniless and alone, secretly she spends her nights in The Blood Red Rose Club. Valkyrie has loved her since he first set eyes on her, but as she was married he kept his feelings to himself. One night he discovers her hiding and their feelings for each other overcome them.

  Valkyrie helps her to discover the woman that her husband successfully crushed. After a make-over and new clothes, she begins to gain confidence and even enjoy a taste of the BDSM lifestyle he lives. She has issues which Valkyrie realises she will have to resolve in her own time if they are to have a future. Can she break free of the conditioning at last and seize this chance at happiness? When danger threatens, will she survive, and what will it mean for their relationship?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, May-December

  Length: 32,246 words


  The Blood Red Rose Club 3

  Clair de Lune


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2014 by Clair de Lune

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-744-0

  First E-book Publication: May 2014

  Cover design by Christine Kirchoff

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Always and all ways

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  About the Author


  The Blood Red Rose Club 3


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Arriving home with the shopping, Virginia Daltrey found the door locked and bolted. The lights were on, so she rang the bell. That’s odd, why has Geoff bolted the door? He knows I’m out doing the shopping. And where the hell is he now? She rang the bell again, and her husband Geoff came and opened it for her.

  “Put the groceries in the kitchen, and then come into the lounge. There’s someone I want you to meet,” Geoff said in a cold voice.

  In the lounge, a very young and very pregnant girl sat in Virginia’s chair, by the fire.

  “This is Stacey. She’s going to be living here from now on. She’s having our baby.”

  “How do you know it’s yours?” The words were out of Virginia’s mouth before she could stop them. Geoff dealt her a backhander across the face, knocking her to her knees.

  What a fool I am. Why did I have to say that? I should have known there was some reason for his losing interest in me, but I was just so relieved he was leaving me alone. I was happy to get on with my life and be done with that side of our marriage, but of course, he had to be fucking someone. Heavens, she’s just a girl. She’s young enough to be his daughter. He never could get me pregnant, and now he thinks he’s given her a baby? It would be funny if it weren’t so bloody tragic. He’s just a fool and she certainly took him in. She thinks she’s landed on her feet. I wonder how long it will be before he starts to hit her? Well I won’t be here to see it. I won’t stay here and be their drudge. She doesn’t look as if she knows how to keep house, poor little cow. If his dinner isn’t cooked the way he likes it, and on the table when he gets in, she is going to see the other side of him. Maybe she’ll see sense then and leave him. She must have family and support in this area. Anyhow, that’s nothing to do with me. I have to think of my own situation now.

  “Evil bitch. Get your stuff and get out of the house now,” Geoff yelled. The girl, Stacey, said nothing, but a small, self-satisfied smile hovered about her mouth.

  “Where am I to go? This is my home.”

  “Wrong. It was your home. It’s your home no longer. I don’t care where you go, so long as you get out and never come back.”

  “If I go, I will never, ever come back. Stacey, you’re welcome to him. He never made me happy, and once he finds out the truth about you, you won’t last five minutes.”

  Geoff just snorted in derision and Stacey just sat in Virginia’s chair with the smug little smile plastered to her face.

  Miserably, Virginia went upstairs. Brave words, but now I’ve burned my boats. What am I going to do? Better straighten my spine, hold my head high and walk out the door. I’m not giving those two the satisfaction of seeing me upset. I can do this, and what’s more, I owe it to myself to salvage my pride and show him he means nothing to me. All these years and what do I have to show for it? I only have myself to blame. I should have left him, instead of moving up here with him. Well, it�
��s no use crying over spilt milk. Virginia sighed, but she stiffened her back and held her head up high. Then she got two suitcases out of the wardrobe. As she scrambled to pack what possessions she could into them, her mind worked over-time. Where can I go? I’ve no money, only a few pounds, left over from the shopping. It’s night. I’ve no friends and no family here. What am I going to do? She wouldn’t cry. She wouldn’t let him and that girl see she was upset. I’m fifty. I’ve been his wife for thirty years, and this is my reward? He’s never made me pregnant. How can he have given her a baby? I went and had all the tests. He never would. There was nothing at all wrong with me. It must have been him. Now she says he made her pregnant, and he believes her. There’s no fool like an old fool.

  She carried the heavy cases downstairs one at a time. The door to the lounge was closed. She took one last look around the house that she’d entered more than twenty years ago, so full of hopes and dreams for the fresh start Geoff had promised her. I should have known he’d never stop hitting me once he began. This house and his new job were to have been a new beginning. We’d been married for ten years, and that should have taught me enough about him to know he’d never change. What a blind fool I’ve been. It had been her home for so long. The hopes and dreams hadn’t lasted. Geoff had gone back to his old ways almost as soon as they moved in, and she no longer had the support of her family. He’d made excuses and she’d believed him. I was such a fool, but I wanted to believe him because I was scared and I’d nowhere to go. That was just what he’d intended. I can see that now. So why the hell couldn’t I see it then?

  Once again, she straightened her shoulders and picked up the cases. She struggled as she manhandled the heavy bags, opened the door, and left. Once outside, she put the cases into the boot of the car, and then she got into the driving seat. For a while, she sat numbly clutching the steering wheel. Well, it’s no use dwelling on that. I have to decide what I’m going to do, and where I’m going to go. It’s lucky I’m not working tonight, so I have some time to think and plan. Then an idea came to her. That’s it! I can go to the club and do an extra shift, and then I can sleep in the car in the car-park. No-one will know. Tomorrow is another day, and maybe by then I will have thought of a plan.

  She drove to the Blood Red Rose club, and parked in a secluded spot. It wouldn’t do for the CCTV cameras to pick her up sleeping in her car, because Valkyrie was very security-conscious. She sat in the car for a while, still numb with shock. Her marriage hadn’t been a happy one, but she’d had a home. What am I going to do now? I’m fifty and I look it. I have no home and no money. For a while, the tears she’d managed to hold back flowed down her cheeks. They were replaced by a cold rage. How dare he do this to me? He hasn’t managed to get me pregnant in twenty years, and now this young strumpet has convinced the old goat that the child’s his. There’s no fool like an old fool. That’s a very satisfying thought, but it doesn’t fix my problem. I’d better go and do some work, as I’m going to need every penny I can get.

  There was no problem about her working an extra shift.

  “Sorry, Mrs. Laurens, I must have got the dates mixed up.”

  “That’s all right, my dear. Just stay and work an extra shift. We can always do with an extra pair of hands. The club’s full tonight, so you will certainly be very busy. Are you okay? You look very pale, my dear.”

  “I’m fine really, Mrs. Laurens. Thank you for asking.”

  Virginia put her clothes in her locker and dabbed powder onto her pale cheeks. She added a pink lip-gloss, and then she donned the uniform she wore to prepare food. The Blood Red Rose served meals in their dining room, as well as the usual sandwiches and snacks at the bar. Many members liked to have a meal out, and special tables were kept for those Doms who preferred their subs and pets to kneel and be fed from their hands. At first Virginia had found the clientele and the lifestyle very odd, but gradually she’d got used it. She even envied some of the subs the care and attention lavished on them by their Doms. It must be wonderful to have a man who cares for your every need, even if he wants you to wear a collar and take a spanking or two. At least the subs look happy with their lot.

  She knew that there was a dungeon where other things took place, but she also knew it was monitored and on-camera the whole time. People who wanted to go there to sample “the delights” could be safe. She shuddered as she remembered some of the things she’d seen on the CCTV when she’d taken snacks and drinks to the security staff. She’d been amazed to see couples and groups having sex in public, but the girls were all young and pretty, so she guessed they didn’t mind being seen naked. She smiled when she thought about her own far-from-young body and promised herself she wouldn’t be seen naked in public. Then she shrugged. It’s not very likely Geoff will want to come here. He’d never been very complimentary about her body, but lately he’d taken to criticising her for her fading looks. Now she knew why. The flogging and caning hadn’t seemed so bad. Certainly, the men and women on the receiving end seemed to be enjoying it. Each to his or her own. It takes all sorts. There were many clichés to describe it, and it was nothing she’d ever contemplate, so she got on with her work. After all, Valkyrie’s club was all about “safe, sane, and consensual,” especially the latter.

  Once she started to prepare food, she forgot her troubles, or at least she was able to put them to the back of her mind as she concentrated on the job in hand. She liked working in the club. At first, she’d taken the job because it meant working nights. Geoff never worked nights, so she’d seen less of him. Eventually she found she got on well with Mrs. Laurens, who seemed to have a policy of hiring older women. Certainly most of Virginia’s colleagues were in their forties or older. The women prepared the food that was ordered and often delivered it to the dining room, the bar or the private rooms upstairs. Tonight, Virginia took the next order on the list. It was a nice, easy order. The Dom wanted a plate of smoked salmon and a bottle of chilled champagne delivered to one of the private bedrooms. Virginia prepared the food, changed her apron, and took the tray upstairs in the staff lift. She knocked on the door of the bedroom and heard,

  “Come in!”

  She opened the door, balancing the tray with the ice-bucket, bottles, and glasses etc. The naked, young blonde was tied to the bed, and the Dom, also naked, was flicking a suede flogger over her body. The girl writhed and moaned.

  “Please, please let me come.” She didn’t notice Virginia, or if she did she gave no sign. Her eyes were fixed on the man who tormented her. He smiled at Virginia.

  “Just put the tray down on the table, thank you,” he said in a pleasant voice.

  Virginia complied, and then she left the room, closing the door behind her. It was a beautiful, comfortable room with an en-suite bathroom, like all the private rooms. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a lovely room like that? Suddenly the solution came to her. Clean sheets were kept in cupboards in the rooms. Housekeeping changed the beds and cleaned the rooms in the late morning after the night’s activities. They wouldn’t notice an extra pair of sheets in the hamper, and she would have a night’s sleep in a warm bed instead of curling up on the uncomfortable seat of the car in the cold. Well, I’ll try and see how it goes. It will only be for a few nights until I get a place to stay.

  On her break, she went out to the car and filled a bag with what she needed for the night. She put it into her locker to be collected later. When the night’s work was over and the clients had all gone, Mrs. Laurens and her team tidied the kitchen ready for the cleaners, and then they went to the locker-room to get changed. No-one noticed that Virginia was still in the toilet when they all left. She listened to make sure that everyone had gone, and then she crept out of the cubicle.

  Chapter Two

  The locker-room was in darkness, but Virginia had a very small torch in her bag. She was relieved when it worked. She opened the door a sliver, and listened.

  “Night then, see you tomorrow. I’ll do the rounds then head to bed.” The deep tones of
Valkyrie resonated in the empty entrance hall. She heard him slide home the bolts and began to panic. Rounds? What does he mean? But of course he’s security conscious and so he’ll go and check the locks. She breathed a sigh of relief. Then she began to worry again as she heard him go into the men’s locker-room, next door to the one she was in. She crept out and into the hall. She remembered the leather curtains over the windows, and she managed to slip behind one just in time. Valkyrie was whistling a tune as he went into the ladies’ locker room, but Virginia held her breath. After he’d checked the rooms downstairs, he put on the security alarms, and then he turned out the lights and went up the stairs. Virginia began to be afraid. What if there were motion sensors? They would surely pick up Valkyrie’s movements, too, wouldn’t they? Tentatively, she crept out from behind the curtain. Slipping off her shoes, she carried them in her hand as she mounted the steps. She paused on every one, until she got almost to the top. She listened, but she heard nothing at first. Where is the dratted man? What’s he doing now? She almost jumped and squeaked as a door closed at the head of the stairs. She froze as a powerful torch beam illuminated the landing and Valkyrie continued to check the bedrooms. When at last he finished and went up the stairs to the next landing, on tiptoe Virginia entered the nearest bedroom and silently closed the door behind her. Damn it, I didn’t know he would be here. He has to live somewhere, I suppose, but I didn’t realise it was here at the club. I must find out more tomorrow. She stripped the sheets off the bed, and making as little noise as possible, she replaced them with clean ones from the cupboard. She placed the used ones in the hamper in the bathroom. Then she removed her make-up and cleaned her teeth. She needed the toilet again, and she decided she’d have to wait until the morning to flush it. With a little moue of distaste, she washed her hands and got into bed. She was tired and the bed was comfortable. In spite of knowing that she might be discovered, she fell instantly asleep.


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